Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, JULY 10, 1917 Insure your Crops against hail and your property against Fire and Tornado or wind storm. c * J. A. Davenport Agent Save Your Shoes There’s months of wear and lots of good service in many a pair cf shoes thrown away Don’t do it. Bring your old shoes to us and let us fix them for you at a fraction of what a new pair will cost. We call for and dtlivei your shoes. REX SHOE SHOP E. Breetlove, Prop. 101 Lee St. Artesian Cornel Soaps Perfumes Talcum Powders and Toilet Articles A full line of The Beit Phone 406 Prompt Service J.l. GIDDINGS Druggiit Forsyth St. & Cotton Ave. ATTENTION WHEAT GROWERS! I wish to announce to wheat grow ers of Sumter and surrounding coun ties, that I will have my modern flour mill ready for making flour, beginninS Monday, June 4th, located 7 miles east of Americus, at Brown’s Mill. • I have installed an up-to-date roller mill, operated by experienced miller, and can safely guarantee satisfaction, C will appreciate your patronage. J. C. Brown Proprietor LOOK INVESTORS! 125 acres nice level land, 2 miles of R. R. station, rent 5 bales cotton Price $25 an acre. Big investment. 600 acres, 450 acres in cultivation, nice pebbly gray soil, on fine graded road, big bargain at $25 acre. 500 acres, 6 miles of Americus, on good road, near church and school, 350 acres in cultivation, nice home and gcod land-running water. 1100 acres, railroad and station on land, 500 acres open, only sls acre. 500 acres, cut over land, with R. R. through property, $6 acre. Land is the only indestructible in vestment. Come to see me if you want to buy or sell. P. B. Williford Office West Side Main Entrance Windsor Hotel. IK OF CHARGES AGAINST MILIEU MACON, Jtly 16. —It was reported in Macon Saturday that charges bad been, or would be, preferred against Hon. Wallace MRler, assistant United States district attorney, because of an article which he wrote recently defend ing the course of Senator Hardwick The article appeared as an advertise ment in The Macon News and the Au gusta ChVonicle. It. is said that the charges are to the effect that he was taking an active part in politics, which is against the rules and regulations of the depart ment of Justice. Mr. Miller when seen Saturday morn ing stated that he had not been in formed of any charges being preferred against him. and that in event they were he would endeavor to success fully defend himself. Mr. Miller’s article was signed as a citizen and not as assistant United States district attorney. SENATOR AIt’GURRY DIES FROMIHIS INJURIES ATLANTA, Ga., July 16— A. A. Mc- Curry of Hartwell, member of the up per house of the Georgia Legislature, died here yesterday as the result of injuries sustained when he was struck by an automobile early last week. Senator McCurry had been in a critical condition since the accident and at tending physicians held out slight hope for his recovery. He is survived by his wife, six children, five brothers and five sisters. The body has been re moved to Hartwell for funeral and in- I tcrment. Senator McCurry was 46 years old. NOTICE. Effective Monday, July 16th, Trains Nos. 5 and 6 between Americus, Ga., nd Columbus, Ga., will be discontinued ! except on Sundays. Trains Nos. 21 ! and 22, mixed will leave Columbus at 19:15 a. m., arriving at Americus 12:30 ; p. m. and leave Americus at 3:10 p. m , : arrivin' at Columbus at 7:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. GEORGE ANDERSON, Agent Central of Georgia Ry Co. 13-3 t Considerate Statesman. “Os course yqu have your own ideas about what the government ought to do in a crisis.” "Yes. But I’m not saying anything. . Maybe the govern ment will have to act so promptly there won’t be time to listen to all the speeches I could make on the sub ject.”—Washington Star. Cattle relish the sweet odor of wet Buckeye Hulls BUCKEYE HULLS, after being wetted down for ten or twelve hours, acquire a taste or odor similar to the succulent ensilage odor that cattle like so well. Simply feed TRADE MARK RUCKEYF V HULLS \ lintless properly and your stock will like them better than any other roughage. Once they are accustomed to them, they will not be satisfied with anything else. There is every reason why your cattle should relish Buckeye Hulls. They are all roughage; no lint that is worthless as forage; no dirt, trash or dust. Other Advantages Buckeye Hulls cost much less per They take less space in the bam. ton than old style hulls. They are sacked —easy to han- Buckeye Hulls allow better as- die. similation of other food. They mix well, when wet, with Every pound goes farther, other forage. Mr. L. R. Farmer, Louisville, Ca., says: that he has used no other hulls but Buckeye for the past year and gets good results. Cows have not been both ered with cough since using Buckeye Hulls. To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet the hulls thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. Uis easy to do this by wetting them down night and morning for the next feeding. If at any time this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only half as much by bulk as of old style hulls. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. Dept, j The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. j Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rock Memphis Augusta Charlotte Jackson Macon Selma Says Phosphates Make Beau tiful Women and Strong, Healthy, Vigorous, Robust Men, Physicians all over the world are pre- I scribing phosphates to build up run , down anemic conditions and those who have treated their patients with Argro-Fhosphate are changing thin, anemic wom en wdth toneless tissues, flabby flesh, into the most beautiful rosy cheeked and plump round formed wo i women imaginable I j Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Jacobson said in a recent interview that 90 per cent, of aremia comes from nervous breakdown which can only be corrected by sup plying the necessary phosphates to the nervous system that is lacking in the food you eat, and stihca (umupeTia supplied by taking one or two 5-grain Argo-Phosphate tablets after each meal and at bed time. It will in many cases make a pale scrawny face the picture of health in a few days. I have seqn women that I expected would have to bc.kept under treatment for months re stored to perfect health in one or two weeks time. | SPECNAL NOTICE. The Argo-Phos j pl'.ate recommended by Dr. F. H. Jacob son contains phosphates such as are , prescribed by leading physicians throughout the world, and it will be found the most effective form for treating patients with Nervous Dys pepsia, Stomach troubles, Brain Fag, and Nervous Prostration. It will re new youthful vim and vigor, and build up the whole body. Argo Phosphate is dispensed by Hook’s Pharmacy. | Sample mailed by the Argo Labor atories, Atlanta, Ga., for sl. advt. i i AMER'GUS SHOWS I ALCAZAR THEATRE. ! Tuesday j World Picture—Brady Made—Ethel Clayton in “Man’s Woman.” —5 Acts .l Wednesday Triangle Plays, Wm. S- Hart in “The Desert Man.”—s Acts. "His Parlor Zoo.” —Triangle Comedy. Thursday Paramount Picture, Marguerite Clark in “The Valentine Girl.”—s Acts. Friday Charlotte Walker in The Fourth Sin “Sloth.”—Five Acts. Chapter 8 “Mystery of the Double Cross.” Saturday Triangle Plays, ‘ Bessie Love in “Cheerful Givers.” —5 Acts. “Petticoat Perils” —Triangle Comedy. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Conserve Life By Conserving Food Andrew M. Soule, President Georgia State College of Agriculture. During the coming year, and per haps for several years, the United States will be called upon to supply the food requirements of her allies as well as her own civilian popula tion. Above all it is imperative that the armies have sufficient supplies, even though the folks at home suffer hunger. Only by each person doing his share can the war be brought to a successful conclusion. The soldier boys do their part in fighting a ruth less foe; your part is to produce and conserve the food supplies. Your duty is: 1. To grow staple fruit, garden and farm crops. Let new and untried crops alone. 2. To organize community farm la bor so as to utilize farm machinery to the best advantage. A traction en gine in a community should be kept busy. Business men should club to gether to furnish machinery to farm ers who cannot afford to purchase at present. 3. To assist the Demonstration and Canning Club Agents in their work. Every family should can or evaporate sufficient vegetables and fruits for their own needs. In addition a hand some profit may be derived from the surplus. 4. Each community should take stock of its resources and require ments. Strive to make your commun ity independent. Organize a local de fense league. Chicken Makes Remarkable Record What is believed to he a World’s Record has been made by a Barred Plymouth Rock pullet hatched January Ist. This pullet began laying April 25th, 3 months and 25 days after hatching. Another pullet began lay ing at 4 months of age. These birds were bred, hatched and fed to lay at the Poultry Division of the Georgia State College of Agriculture. Future Prosperity and Diversification of Crops Georgia stands second in the pro duction of cotton. She can hold her place in the total value of farm crops if her people profit by the opportune lties she offers. Though her planters may suffer temporary loss by diversi fication they will more than balance the account in the increased produc tion of dairy products, beef and pork, poultry, peanuts, velvet beans, pota toes, fruits, vegetables and cereals. Evaporated Fruits and Vegetables Miss Lois Dowdle, Assistant State Su pervisor Home Economics. The can shortage this year threat ens to be acute, large manufacturers claiming a shortage of 100,000,000. Un der ordinary circumstances it would be possible for a family to can snf cient fruits and vegetables for their own use, thus liberating the supply from the packers for shipment to the allies. Home canning now seems to be out of the question and the prob lem is how to best preserve foods for winter use. The solution is the home evaporator. All kinds of vegetables, in cluding potatoes, beans, corn, peas, pumpkin and the more delicate root crops may be dried, in which condi tion this material will keep indefinite ly. Evaporated vegetables and fruits, when properly prepared, are more pal atable and nutritious than canned goods. In addition there is the lower cost of preparation and the ease of storing over winter. A home evapora tor may be made by any one who knows how to handld carpenter tools and at a very low first cost. Plans for construction and directions for evaporation may be had from your Canning Club Agent. Make it a point to see her at once. Fearful Destruction of Property J. B. Berry, Professor of Forestry, Ga. State College of Agriculture. Every year there is a loss to the state of between one and two millions of dollars as a result of forest fires, three-quarters of which are the re sult of carelessness and could be easily prevented. Over half the fires were started with the object of im proving grazing conditions, and yet the best information available proves conclusively that annual surface fires decrease the grazing capacity of the range, since the valuable grasses are totally destroyed and only the mote worthless grasses and weeds develop. About thirty per cent of the fires orig inated in the clearing of farm land, running beyond control because start ed at the wrong season of the year, or because no preventative precautions were takn either in the breaking of a fire line or in arranging for a force of fire’ fighters. If these fires could have been eliminated the people of the state would be over a million dol lars richer in standing timber, lumber, cross-ties, fences, mills and farm buildings. Never use fire with the ob ject of improving the range, never bum over brushland during the dry seaaon ; always provide fire lines and "watchers” when necessary to use fire NOwlm r Ji For, in the old days, tires not only cost motorists more per (toMm?IW\ t!re ’ k* ll were al »° *° * ar inferior to the present product, that I tke final. cost—-the cost per mile—was from 50 to 100 or more J&- —produced by the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, kmHL ——produced by the most experienced tire manufacturer in the —have so far eclipsed every other make of tire that jdjjjrFjjitoMjlQ filllliif' --United States Tires are famous for their mileage-giving The proof?—the consistent and persistent tremen- VaSMOraBN dous sales increases of United States Tires. United States Tires Wjms Complete stock of United States Tires carried by CHAPPELL MACHINERY CO., G. A. &W. G. TURPIN, AMERICUS AUTO CO. Regain Your Normal Weight \ ou can add one-fourth to one-half pound a day by drinking a glass of this delicious digestant with each meal Shivar Ale *■ PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Gives a hearty appetite, vigorous digestion, rich blood, clear complex, ion and firm flesh. Your money back on first dozen if not delighted. At all grocers and druggists. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele. biated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shcl. ton, S. C If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone GLOVER GROCERY CO. Wholesale Distributors for Americus PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE The most important asset of A firm? The business ability, oi special technical skill of th« individual members. Why not insure against the lost of this asset? Insurance upon partners or offi cers of corporations is furnished at lowest net cost by the Union Central Life Insurance Com pany. Write for facts and comparativt figures. LEE M. HANSFORD, Agent Americus, Ga. UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. *Th«- Great Annual Dividend Payer. EMMETT S. HOKSLKY, Civil Engineer. DAWSON, CJA. LAND SURVEYING A SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR REFERENCE. MISS BESSIE WINDSOR, Insurance, Bonds. Office Forsyth St Phone 281 G. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316. Office Phone 818 Allison Eldjj- LOOK AT YOUR TONGUE! IS IT BROAD, WHITE, FLABBY? —YOUR BLOOD NEEDS ZIRON! When Your Tongue Is White and Flabby, It Is a Sign That You Are Anemic and That Your Blood Needs Ziron Iron Tonic, For the Benefit of Your Weakened System. Look at your tongue in the mirror! It ought to be pointed, pink, dean and firm. If it is broad, white, coated, flabby, it is probably a sign that you ara anemic, that your blood lacks red corpuscles, that you are not in good health, that your system needs iron to bring it up to proper condition. When your blood needs iron, take Ziron, the new' Iron Tonic, which con tains also the hypophosphites of lime and soda and other valuable tonic ingre dients prescribed by the best physicians for this form of trouble. When you feel tired and miserable, lack ambition, suffer from indigestion, rheumatic pains, gastric catarrh, depression of spirits and a general feeling of being “under the weather”, why not try Ziron to help you back to health? Ziron, the new compound of Iron, contains no habit-forming drugs. It Is a safe, reliable tonic remedy—good for men, women and children. Mr. R. L. Poston, of Lillie, La., writes: “Some w'eeks ago I was suffering with something like dumb chills. I just ached all over, my skill would fee! clammy. I ached worse from my knees down. I didn’t rest well nights, and my appetite wasn’t good. I wap afraid I would get down in bed and so much to do in the Spring of the year. I began to look around for something to help me and decided to try Ziron...l had not taken one third of a bottle until I felt much Tetter. I grew stronger, began to get, hungry and did not have any more of the chills. I think Ziron is a splendid tonic.” SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s and give it a fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If, after using up one bottle, you find it has not benefited you, take the empty bottle back to the druggist and he will refund wffiat you paid him for it. We repay him, so there is no reason why he should not repay you. This offer only applies to the first trial bottle. (ZA3) ist and Shoulders ll wear a scientifically constructed 9 n uncoo fine.l bust so stretches the B he contour of the figure is spoiled, gg put the bust back where it be- 3 longs, prevent the full bust from tS having the appearance of flab- S biness, eliminate the danger of §§ dragging muscles and confine the & flesh of the shoulder giving a B : upper body. d most serviceable garments imagi- 9 ials and styles: Cross Back, Hook ■ , etc. Boned with " YValohn," the f§ ng washing without removal. Bo »u Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- B im, prepaid, samples to show you. ■ HOGS! HOGS!! HOGS!!! Mr. Farmer:—l will buy your fat hogs and haul them in. It you are not feeding any for the market, get busy and see how quick you can fatten a few. They are ready mon ey and will make money for the farmer that feeds them properly. JAMIES G. COWAN P. O. Box 288, Americus, Ga. Or leave message at Rylanders PAGE THREE