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MONDAY, JULY 16, 1917 + — “ ♦ £ Society News ® : MBS. DAISY 0. GNOSSPELIUS, Editor 11 * Office Phone 99 * - 99 Residence Phone 376 490 : ♦ 1 ! ___ 11 + 4- GO TO IT. 4* ♦ 4-4- + + -4-4--4--4-4-4-4--f4 If there’s something you would do Go to it. That’s the way to put it through, Go to it. Jump right in with all your might, Do it now and do it right, That’s the way to win your fight— Go to it. Would you win a lady fair? Go to it. Vict’ry comes to those who dare, Go to it. Faint heart ne'er won lady yet, Don’t just “set an’ set an’ set,” Go and play your one best bet. Go to it. “Shilly-shally” doesn’t pay, Go to it. When the sun shines then make hay, Go to it. Standing back will ne’er make good, Shut your mouth and just “saw wood.” Strike your gait like good men should. Go to it. —James Wells. * * * MEETING OE CITY UNION HELD TONIGHT. There will be a meeting of the City Union held tonight at Central Baptist church at 8 o’clock. * * * MISS ETHEL GUERRY HELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINED. MisS Ethel Guerry, who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. D. McDonald, in Atlanta, is receiving a number of charming social attentions. The fol lowing ik clipped from the Sunday American: Mrs. C- D. McDonald entertained Friday for her niece, Miss Ethel Guerry, of Americus. The guests were Misses Nina Harvey, Lillie McKinley, Margaret Peek, Mattie Pitchford, Nannie Pitchford, Julia Pitchford, Mrs.' J. G. McWilliams, Mrs. DuPree, M. L. Morris, Lumpkin Schel dert, Clifford Peek, Thomas Lewis, O. R. DuPree and Clifford Rigsby. Os These Three Sales One Should Interest You After inventory, we find various small items of this and that, broken lots, etc. that would pay us better to have them out of the house. New and fresh merchandise only is the rule at Pinkston’s. So tomorrow and next day profit by these— NETTLETON STRAW OXFORDS HATS About 75 pair, black and Divided into two lots, tan, worth today $8.00; You know the quality of l choice Pinkston’s Straws, SI.OO $4-65 1-2 Price Women’s Novelty Pumps 80 pair of 5 styles,beautiful shoes, but badly broken sizes, choice $3.65 Pinkston Company GARDEN PARTY FOR SOLDIER BOYS. On Saturday afternoon at “Pine bloom,” the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Arkwright, in Druid Hills, Atlanta, the Woman’s Club of Atlanta gave a lovely garden party for the of ficers and their wives from Fort Mc- Pherson. and the student officers from the training camp. Hundreds of guests were present and refreshments were served at immense square tables, literally covered with flowers and from flower decorated booths placed about the grounds delic ious nectar was served by Atlanta's prettiest girls. Bands of music, hidden in the grove and stationed on the ter race furnished beautiful music and the occasion was most delightful «-/wh at. * * * DAY OF RED CROSS TOl RNAMENT CHANGED. The bridge and forty-two tourna ment announced by the local chapter of the American Red Cross to be held on Thursday afternoon, will be held instead on Wednesday afternoon, at the Windsor hotel. Those desiring to make reservations for individual places or for whole tables may telephone Mrs. Charles U. Rodgers at the hotel, Mrs. S. H. McKee or Mrs. I. J. Kalmon. * * * PARTY TUESDAY FOR VISITORS. Miss Mary Alice Lingo will entertain on Tuesday afternoon at her home on Brannon avenue in compliment to two charming young visitors, Miss Ethel Ryals of Maoon, who is Miss Lingo’s house g\iest, and Miss Eulalee Sawyer of Atlanta, the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. T. E- Brooks. * * * TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED QUIETLY SUNDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Morgan celebrated the twenty-fiftty anniversary of their k wedding on yesterday at their home on Furlow street. The day was quietly spent, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan entertain ing a few relatives at dinner. Those seated, besides the host and hostess, were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wil son and family of Pinehurst, Miss Vir ginia Walton of Atlanta, Miss Hattie Pope Morgan, Enugene Morgan, Sand ers Morgan, Mary Elizabeth Morgan and Miss Marie Perkins. TAKES JOY RIDE WITH OTHER PEOPLE’S FLIVVERS ATLANTA, Ga., July 16. —Israel Cot ton, an Atlanta negro whose color is diametrically opposite the fleecy sta ple, plucks Flivvers along the streets like blackberries along a branch, ac cording to a couple of Atlanta detec tives who have been trailing him sev eral weeks and landed him behind the bars with a mass of evidence on which they expect to secure his admission in to the Ancient Order of the Convict Stripe. Israel walks along with an innocent air, and when he strikes a Flivver that isn’t bound and gagged, so to speak, he steps into the driver’s seat and drives it off. After riding as long as the gas holds out, he stops the Flivver at the curb and leaves it, and goes about his business of finding another one. But it’s a long lane that knows no turning, and Israel took about six or seven rides too many. ! Local News Items ........ Rev. George M. left Monday afternoon for Macon on business. Misses Kathline Black and Helen Harris, of Thomaston, Ga., who have been the guests of Mrs. R. E. Cato, at her home on Reese Park, returned home this afternoon. Big dance at Magnolia Springs Tues day night. Extra tine orchestra. Every body invited 16-2 t R. T. Matthews, of Smithville, was in the city this afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Clark, of Atlanta, who has been visiting relatives in Americus and j her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Stewart, at Flintside, returned home this afternoon, accompanied by her little grandson, C. J. O’Hagan, Jr. Charming Ethel Clayton in “A Man’s Woman” is the feature at the Alcazar tomorrow. Be sure to see it. 16-lt Mrs. W. W. Chase, who has been spending a day or two in Macon, re turned to Americus this afternoon, and is the guest of her afther, Neil Ray and family, near Americus. R. M. Vorus returned this afternoon from a business trip to Eufaula, Ala. W. D. Ivey, who has been visiting his family on College street for a few days, returned to Covington, Ga.. this after noon. Mrs. T. O. Marshall, who has been visiting relatives in Quitman, Ga., re turned home this afternoon. W. A. Dodson returned from Lees burg this afternoon, where he has bees in attendance at the city court. T. A. Collins and S. C- Collins, of El laville. were in the city today. G. M. Green spent Sunday in Daw sen, returning home today. Mr. Mrs. J. E. Turner and little daughter left Sunday afternoon for Tennille, Ga., where they go to spend some time with relatives. PREPARING 10 GIVE EDITORS BIG HE THOMASVILLE, Ga., July 16.—Bos ton, like Thomasville, is preparing to do its best for the entertainment of the members of the Georgia Press Associa tion who will spend a short time in that town on Wednesday, leaving Thomasville in time to attend the barbecue to be tendered them there. The citizens of Boston will come over iri their cars Wednesday morning in time to hear the address of Gen. Leonard A. Wood an dafterward will return home carrying the press boys along with them. The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Boston will serve the barbecue and it goes without saying that it will be complete in all its details. From the time of the arrival of the members of the association in Thomas ville to their departure from Boston for Brunswick the program is a full one and with the several side issues to be introduced for their entertainment no body will have time for a dull moment. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEFL mis IST OBSERVE SET (HILLS GOVERNING ALL EXEMPTIONS Full information regarding exemp tions and all information necessary for persons registered is contained in a pamphlet which has just been issued by the office of the provost marshal general in the war department. The exact procedure to be gone through with in each application for exemption or in appealing a decision from one board to another is given. Certain instructions are stressed by the pamphlet as being more import-1 ant than otherwise. They are: Find out which board has your card and where the office of that board is; if you intend tq make a claim on indus trial grounds, including agriculture, elarn what district board to 1 apply to; inspect the list and inform yourself of your red ink serial number, and, final ly. go to your local board and find out the order in which you stand for call. The call for examination will be posted at the office of the local board and will be announced in the papers. A notice will be mailed to the registered person, but the posting of the list at the office of the board will be deemed sufficient notice to you to present j yourself. The mailing of the notice is for convenience, but if the letter mis carries, that cannot be made an ex cuse. Physical Examination, You must report for physical ex amination on the day named in your call. (a) If you are found physically j disqualified the board will give you a certificate which will explain to you what your further duties are. (b) If yoff are found physically qualified and file a claim for exemption within seven days after your call you will be given ten days after filing you? claim of exemption to file proof in support of your claim of exemption. (c) If you are found physically qualified and file no claim for exemp tion, or if you do not appear for phys ical examination, your name will be posted to the district board as one who wets called for military service and was not exempted or discharged. On the eighth day after call, or within two days thereafter, copies of the list of persons so posted to the district boards will be given to the press with a re quest for publication, will be iposted in a place at the office of the local board accessible to the public view, and no tice will be mailed to you at the ad dress on your registration card. Therefore watch the notices posted in the office of the board about ten days after the day you were called and make arrangements for the prompt re ceipt of mail. There are seven days to file cliams of exemption or discharge, except for industrial or agricultural reasons. (a) No claim or discharge on ac count of the industry in which you are engaged can be decided by a local board. (b) Whether you file a claim of ex emption or not, you must present your self for physical examination on the day named in the notice. From the day notice that you are called is mailed and posted you have seven days in which you may file a claim of exemption or discharge. Exemption Grounds. The following are the only grounds for exemption 1. That you are an officer, legisla tive, executive, or judicial of the Unit ed States, a state or territory, or the District of Columbia. 2. That you are a regular or duly ordained minister of religion. 3. That you were on May 18, 1917, a student preparing for the ministry in any recognized theological or divinity school. 4. That you are in the military or naval service of the United States. 5. That you are a subject of Ger many, whether you have taken out papers or not. 6. That you are a resident alien who has not taken out first papers. In addition to claims for exemption claims for discharge may be made on any of the following grounds, which are the only grounds for discharge by a local board. 1. That you are a county or muni cipal officer. 2. That you are a custom house clerk. 3. That you are employed by the United States in the transportation of 4. That you are an artificer or j workmen employed in an armory, arsenal or navy yard of the United States. That you are employed in the service of the United States (certain conditions). j 6. That you are a licensed pilot , regularly employed in the pursuit of .your vocation. J 7. That you are a mariner actually employed in the sea service of any citizen or merchant within the United States. ( 8. That you are a married man with a wife or child dependent on , you for support. 9. That you have a widowed mother dependent on your labor for j support. * 10. That you have aged or infirm ( parents dependent upon your labor , for support. ; 11. That you are the father of a J motherless child under 16 dependent upon your labor for support. 12. That you are a broth-w of an oiphan child, or children, _uder 16 J dependent on your labor for support. 13. That you are a member of any . well-organized religious sect or or ganization organized and existent May IS, 1917, and whose then existing creed or principles forbade its mem bers to participate in war in any form and whose religious convictions ( are against war or participation therein in accordance with the creed ( or principles of said religious organ- ; ization. These are the only grounds for ex- f emption or' discharge by a local , board. Another person can file a claim in your behalf, but must use different ( forms in filing the claim. f • — , j Legal Advertisement? j nrr" M murr firrm. Petition to Amend Charter, GEORGIA, Sumter County. To The Superior Court of Said Coutt- * ty: The petition of the Stackhouse Land Company, a corporation eff said county, which was chartered on the 22nd day of April, 1911, respectfully : shows the following facts, to-wit: I. ( That it has and maintains its office in said county, at Flintside, Georgia, 1 where it has so maintained same for ’ the transaction of its business since the date of its charter. 11. That at the time of being incorpor- 1 a ted it had a subscribed capital stock of $250,000.00, of which amount $l6O,- 1 COO.OO has actually been paid in. 111. Petitioner would show, that having 1 sold the largest part of its real estate 1 holdings) and all of its personal prop erty owned and used in connection with its farming operations, and hav- 1 ing discontinued its farming operations it is in position to continue its general. ’ corporation business on a much small- 1 er capital stock. IV. Petitioner would show that it owes 1 no and has no outstanding obli- 1 gations which could be affected in any way by a reduction of its capital stock 1 V. That on the 2nd day of July, 1917, at a meeting of its stockholders, its Board of( Directors was instructed to 1 take the necessary steps to reduce the capital stock from $250,000.00 to $16,- 000.00, and on same date at a Directors’ ' meeting, proper resolutions were adopted authorizing such reduction, copy of which resolution at the above 1 stockholders’ and Directors’ meeting hereto attached marked exhibit “A.” Petitioner, through its said officers lind it to be to its decided advantage, in a more economic and successful opera tion of its business, to so reduce its capital stock. Wherefore, petitioner prays that its charter be thus amended, by reducing' its capital stock from $250,000.00 to $16,000.00, the full amount of which capital will be actually paid in when so reduced; and that proper order of this court be granted as by law in such cases made and provided. W. W. DYKES, Petitioner’s Attorney. Filed in office this 3rd day of July, 1917. S. R. HEYS. Deputy Clerk, Sumter Superior Court. GEORGIA, Sumter County. I, S. R. Heys. Deputy Clerk of the Superior court, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the petition of the Stackhouse Land Company for amendment of its charter, as appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature andtho seal of said court, this 3rd day of July 1917. 9- R. HEYS, Deputy Clerk, S. C. Citation. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: Mil • ton Morgan having in proper form, ap plied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Nathan Morgan, late of said county, this is to ci’e all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Nathan Morgan to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause ■ if any they can why permanent admin istration should not be granted to Ml • ton Morgan on Nathan Morgan’s es tate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 2nd day of July, 1917. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. Admhiistaror’g Sale. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Pusuant to an order granted by the Hon. John A. Cobb. Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday in June* 1917, will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Amer icus, State and County, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, the 7th day. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, three shares of stock of the South western Railway Co., represented by certificate No. M. A. 178; sold as the property of the estate of Mrs. L. E. Hooks, late of said County deceased, for the purpose of distribution. This 30the day of June, 1917. THOS, B. HOOKS, Administrator of the Estete of Mrs. L. E. Hooks. Sheriff’s Salt*. GEORGIA—-Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: One certain house and lot. in the city of Americas, Sumter county, Georgia, the same being Number 110, located on >. the south side of Church street in said city and having a frontage of 60 feet more or less on said street, bounded on the north by said Church street, on the south and east by property of Bar- * : low Council and on the west by prop- ’’ erty of Miss Sara Wheeler, the said p lot being of uniform width of 60 feet 8 and running from said Church street 90 a feet, more or less. ® Levied upon and will be sold as( the e property of R. G. Christian to satisfy c a City Court fi fa and special lien on 1 said property in favor of Levy-Morton 3 Company. 0 Tenant in possession notified in 0 terms of the law, this 10th day of a July, 1917. c LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. v t Sheriff’s Sale. s GEORGIA —Sumter County. t 1 Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: \ *' One belt feed lathe made by Creaves P & Klusman of Cincinnati, Ohio. Said b property levied upon and will be sold as the property of W. 11. Sawyer & ® Sons Company to satisfy a certain fi fa a issued from the City Court of Americus t ii favor of the Albany Mill Supply t Company vs. W. H. Sawyer & Sons s Company. v Tenant in possession notified In term t of the law, this 10th day of July, 1917 t , LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. c PUBLIC SALE. 1 GEORGIA —Sumter County. c There will be sold at public out cry't bes ire the Court House door in city c of Americus. Georgia, during the legal ,c hours of sale on the first Tuesday in £ August, next, to the highest bidder for i cash, the following described namely: ‘ j • City lot number 1020 under the old, i numbering in Americus, Sumter Coun- 1 ty, Georgia, Jackson street, being 58 s 1-2 feet wide and running back in a < uniform width a distance of 210 feet, £ bounded on the North by lot of Sallie j' Lister, on the East by M. M. Redick Jl on the South by M. W. Redick and on, I the West by Jackson street being same j I property conveyed to Ab Jackson by,® Richard Davis by a warranty deed dat-jt ed February 11, 1902, and recorded in I Book E-E, page 451, records of deeds l Sumter County, Georgia. | c Said sale is to be made under power of attorney contained in deed of t Ab Jackson made to Calvert Mortgage ' Co. on Feburary 10, 1916, and recorded in Book M-M folio 385 of the record of I deeds Sumter County, Georgia. Said t deed was given by Ab Jackson to se- £ cure sixty notes all dated Feburary 10, i 1916, and falling due one each, month for sixty months thereafter commenc ing on the 10th day of March, 1916, and one on the 10th day of each month thereafter until all become due. Only , the first thirteen of these monthly , notes to mature have been paid and) there is still due the Calvert Mortgage) Company the sum of $192.47 principal 1 and interest on said notes and $8.25 j for taxes due and paid by them on said j lot for Ab Jackson. Said Calvert Mort gage Company have elected to declare: all of the unpaid notes due under the terms of the contract as set out in' ! said deed, in pursuance of the fact that t;Ab Jackson has failed to pay all of >! said notes and has caused a default I ( thereon and has also failed to pay the i taxes on said porperty. Said sale to be : had forth epurpose of paying said In **—•’■ - ■ ■ 11 w I IB r WTWBBBBMBUB————TU Alc a Z ad| THEATREIV I Monday 5 & 10c I Louise Huff and House Peters, in % “A LONESOME CHAP” Five acts ? Tuesday 5 & 10c B Ethel Clayton, in € “MAN’S WOMAN” ; Five acts f|| Wednesday Matinee 5 & 10c; Night 10 & 15c B Wm. S. Hart, in “THE DESERT MAN” Five acts, and “HIS PARLOR ZOO” 9 Triangle comedy debtedness in* accordance with the fol lowing provision of said deed: * t\ "In the event that party of first part fails to pay any of said notes at matur ity, or to pay any taxes due on said property, or in case of any default on said notes hereby secured, or in case any of the premises be destroyed by fire, then the whole debt hereby secur ed shall, at the option of the payee, be come due and payable to the party of the second part, its successors or as signs, or any of the agents of the same, or the sheriff of tl'ie county where any of said property is situated are hereby authorized to proceed to sell at the Court House door, in the County in which any of said real estate is located, to the highest bidder for cash, all of said property, to pay the indebtedness hereby secured.” CALVERT MORTGAGE CO. AX ORDINANCE. On Ordinance requiring water serv ices to all buildings, structures or premises in the City of Americus, to be controlled by meter. Section 1: Be it ordained by the Mayor & City Council of Americus, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same. That on and af ter October Ist, 1917, all buildings, structures or premises supplied with water by the City Water Works, in the Cityf of Americus, shall be con trolled by meter. Section 2: Said meter shall be of design, type and size to be approved by tho Superintendent of water works o' the city and shall be supplied at 'the cost of the person, partnership or ' corporation owning or in possession, ! charge or control of the building, ’structure or premises, who shall also install same under the supervision of | the superintendent of the water works I department, of the City of Americus, in such manner and at such place as he may designate After installation such meter shall be under the control of the water department; and if the same becomes deranged by frost, hot i water or the negligence of such person, ! partnership or corporation, the ex pense o£ any replacement of the re i pairs to such meter, shall be borne by such person, partnership or corpora tion, otherwise by the City Water De partment. Section 3: If any person, firm or | corporation shall refuse to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, then, and in that event, the supply of water to such service shall be cut off. Section 4: That any ordinance or parts of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. ! AN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and City Council of Americus, and it is hereby ordained; by authority of the I same, that from and after the passage ! I of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful ! for any person to turn on an alarm 1 ' from any fire alarm box in tho City of j Americus, except in case of actual or threatened Are. ! j Any violation of this ordinance shall ' | be punished by a fine of not less than 1 $25.00 or thirty days labor on the 1 streets. Be it further ordained that a t rew r ard of $5.00 shall be paid by the Mayor and City Council for informa ; tion which will lead to arrest and con viction of any person violating the ’ ordinance. ~f jsh --... •; v% . -vO i: i PAGE FIVE