Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO ♦ Local News Items ♦ ♦ ♦ Call and see our new goods. S. A.' Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAfee, of ( ** Macon, are visiting relatives in Ameri- 1 cus. ’ Mrs. M. M. Eldridge and Miss Eliza beth Eldridge left today for a stay of ■ several weeks at Waynesville, N. C. All the worry taken away if you ; have McPheeters make your photo- : graphs, 125 Forsyth St. 18-t .lames Holliday left on yesterday for ( a visit to friends in Greenville, S. C. i Misses Ruth McArthur and Cordelia Gatewood hae gone to Cecilton, Md, where they are the guests of Sir. and ( Mrs. Griffith Eldridge. Don't let any engagement keep you from seeing Charlie Chaplin at the . Opera House Friday, July 20th. 18-lt < t Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moran have re- ? burned from a brief visit to Selma, Ala. ‘ Mrs. Claude Schneider left today for Hendersonville, N. C. Mrs. Schneider ( was accompanied as far as Griffin by ; Miss Fannie Griffin, who has been her guest. 1 McPheeters makes them best; any . size from postcard to life-size; rain or shine. 125 Forsyth St. 18-t3 Mrs. J. D. Stewart left on yesterday 1 for Pelham to be the guest of Mrs. 1 Judson L. Hand. E. F. Jackson, of Augusta, who has < been spending a day or two in the city, 1 with T. F. Gatewood. Jr., left yester day for Montgomery, Ala., where he will spend a few days before return ing to his office in Augusta. The Athens Business College is now organizing a school to be taught here. For full information send a postal to T. K. Mac Cary, care Cawood House. 5-ts. Mrs. Tom Patten and children, who have been visiting relatives in Pavo, Ga.. returned home yesterday. theltandard PHONE 226 ALEXANDER SMITH VELVET RI GS sl.9* Rugs made by this well known mak >e" are considered standard. These come in beautiful Oriental patterns, size 30 x 60, actual value $2.50, our price $1.98. MISSES SERVICEABLE STOCKINGS l&C. Misses 1 xl ribbed stockings, double knee and double soles, guaranteed fast black, sizes 5 to 9 1-2, no extra charge for the large sizes, pair 15c. BOYS WASH SUITS AT 60C. Just a small lot to close at this be low cost price, made of Hydregade Galatea and colored linens, sizes 3 to 6 years, some of them are worth $1.50, choice 60c. NAINSOOK TEDDIES AT 50C. Ladies Teddy Bears of soft finished nainsook, trimmed with Swiss embroid ery and lace, 50c. FRENCH ORGANDY AT 50C. Beautiful sheer finish French org andy, 46 inches wide K every yard guar anteed perfect at yd. 50c. MEN’S PATENT OXFORDS AT $2.75. Os patent Colt skin in button or lace, flexible soles, sizes 6 to 10. Our low price has been $3.50, now reduced to pair $2.75. WOMEN’S SEAMLESS STOCKINGS AT 15C. Women’s seamless stockings, lisle finish, black, white and tan, full reg ular length, double heels and toes, pair 15c. FAMOUS SALEM SHEETS AT sl. Size for large double beds, quality extra good, free from dressing, broad hems, this sheet is a bargain no mat ter where you find it, and our advice is to buy and buy now. BOY’S PALM BEACH TROUSERS 2»C. Well made several desirable pat terns, they are the grade that most stores are selling at 50c, our price pair 29c. THEMM DRY GOODS CO. Phone 226. Cotten Ave. *<uerlcns, Ga. Sheuffer’s noD-leakable fountain pen. Bell, the Jeweler. Mrs. W. A. Joyner and little daugh- I ter Elizabeth, who have been visiting relatives in Dublin, Ga., returned home Tuesday. / Miss Mary Chatfield, who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Murray, and attending the house party at Myrtle Springs during the week, has returned to her home in Thomaston, Ga. y “A Tale of Two Cities” has another date arranged for the Opera House, Tuesday, July 24th, when it will cer tainly come. 18-lt Miss Lizzie McLendon left yesterday for Augusta, where she goes on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. R. Kennedy. Mrs. M. Lazarus and little son, Mil ton Lazarus, who have been the guests of Mrs. A. Cohen and family for some time, have returned to their home In Nashville. Tenn., accompanied by Mrs. Cohen and little son, Jerome. SPECIAL REDUCTION on all color ed trimmed and untrimmed hats. Misses Hay and Tillman. 15-lt Mrs. S. H. Edge and Mrs. S. C. Shep pard left today for Blue Ridge, Ga., to attend the Baptist assembly. Miss Virginia Henderson, of Hepzi bah, Ga., is visiting Miss Arbie Har rison at heq home on Church street. Charlie Chaplin will come to the Opera House Friday in his latest pic ture "Easy Street.” A 6 Reel Show, prices 5, 10 and 15 cts. 18-lt Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphree and children and Miss Elanor Murphree, of Troy, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Abern athy and John D. Abernathy, Jr., of Blakely, and Mrs. W. H. Purcell, of Columbia. Ala., were the guests on jesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wal ker. coming in their cars. C. D. Terrell and family are moving to their new home near Flintside on the Hugenin plantation. I Now open for business. Bring the | baby in for its picture, and we will | demonstrate to your great pleasure. I McPheeters’ Studio, 125 Forsyth St. 18-3 t • ' L. A. Morgan, who has been spend ing the past two days at Thomasville, Ga., attending the state convention of the Georgia Weekly Press association, will return home G. G. Riley, of Atlanta, is in the city. “A Tale of Two Cities,” William t Farnum featured, has been booked for ( July 24th. Over 700 people were dis-j appointed when it did not arrive on schedule time ass advertised a week or ten days ago. 19-11 | A. Whaley, of Coolidge, Ga., is in the city, registered at the Windsor. , I C. J. Fitzgerald, district deputy of the Woodman of the World, with head quarters in Vienna, Ga., is in the city. Mr. Fitzgerald is here in the interest of the order and will be in the city sev eral days. E. L. Kiker, of Cordele, is in the city, loooking after business. W E. Taylor, of Church well Broth ers. leaves today by auto on a vacation of a week of ten days, his first visit being to Union Springs, Ala. rMs. J. D. Stewart left Tuesday for Pelham, where she will visit Mrs. J. L. Hand. L< A. Morgan is attending the State Press association now in session at Thomasville, Ga. rMs. T. O. Marshall has returned here from a visit to relatives in Quit man. / The condition of Mrs. Walter May nard, who has been so seriously ill for several weeks, is critical in the ex treme as this paper goes to press. Miss Maydine Leach has returned to her home In Jackson, after spending ten days in Americus, the charming guest of the Misses McMath’s house party. / / Mrs. R. L. McMath, who fell and fractured her! arm several days ago at Myrtle Springs, is doing nicely. / / Miss Mervin Eason returned this af ternoon from Atlanta, after spending a de!ightf« vacation there with rela tives. i Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDowdell, on Brannon avenue, announce the birth! of a daughter. Miss Leah Childers, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Shep-i pard, near Americus, returned home 1 this afternoon. Mrs. Claude Schneider left this af ternoon for Hendersonville, N. C., to spend the remainder of the summer. Miss Lilia Echols, of LaCrosse, was a visitor in the city today. Mrs. L. C. Coombs, of Eufaula, Ala., who has been quite ill for some time, passed through Americus Tuesday af ternoon enroute to Plains, where she goes to be a patient at the Wise san itarium. R. E. White, of Sumter,' was in Amer icun today. K. M. McDonald, of Sumter, was in the city today. Famous Hymn Credited to Saint. A famous hymn, ‘‘The Day Is Past and Over,” is believed to be a trans lation from the Greek and written by St. Anatolus. | Legal Advertisements Petition to Amend Charter. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To The Superior Court of Said Coun ty: The petition of the Stackhouse Land Company, a corporation of said county, which was chartered on the 22nd day of April, 1911, respectfully Shows the following facts, to-wit: I. That it has and maintains its office in said county, at Flintside, Georgia, where it has so maintained same for the transaction of its business since the date of its charter. 11. That at the time of being incorpor ated it had a subscribed capital stock of $250,000.00, of which amount $160,- 000.00 has actually been paid in. 111. Petitioner would show, that having sold the largest part of its real estate holdings; and all of its personal prop erty owned and used in connection with its farming operations, and hav ing discontinued its farming operations it is in position to continue its general corporation business on a much small er capital stock. IV. Petitioner would show that it owes no debt< and has no outstanding obli gations which could be affected in any way by a reduction of its capital stock V. That on the 2nd day of July, 1917, at a meeting of its stockholders, its Board ofl Directors was instructed to take the necessary steps to reduce the capital stock from $250,000.00 to $16,- 000.00, and on same date at a Directors’ ' meeting, proper resolutions were I adopted authorizing such reduction. 1 copy of which resolution at the above stockholders’ and Directors’ meeting .hereto attached marked exhibit “A." Petitioner, through its said officers find it to be to its decided advantage, in a r.ore economic and successful opera tion of its business, to so reduce its capital stock. ' Wherefore, petitioner prays that its I charter be thus amended, by reducing its capital stock from $250,000.00 to sl6 000.00, the full amount of which capital will be actually paid in when so reduced; and that proper order o’ ibis court be granted as by law' in such cases made and provided. W. W. DYKES, Petitioner’s Attorney. i Filed in office this 3rd day of July, .1917. S. R. HEYS. Deputy Clerk, Sumter Superior Court. GEORGIA, Sumter County. I. S. R. Heys. Deputy Clerk of the Superior court, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy loi the petition of the Stackhouse Land Company for amendment of its charter, as appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court, this 3rd day of July 1917. 9. R. HEYS, Deputy Clerk, S. C. Citation. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: Mil ton Morgan having in proper form, ap • plied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Nathan i Morgan, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Nathan Morgan to be and appear at mj- office within the lime allowed by law, and show cause if any they can why permanent admln- Hstration should not be granted to Mi lon Morgan on Nathan Morgan’s es tate. I Witness my hand and official signa ' ture, this 2nd day of July, 1917. 10HN A. COBB. Ordinary. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. To Be Discharged From Guardianship Mrs. Lizzie Furlow Rogers, as guard ian of Louise Rogers, and Tim Furlow Rogers, has applied to me for a dis charge from her guardianship of said Louise Rogers and Tim Furlow Rog ers. This is therefore to notify all per sons concerned to file their objections if any they have, on or before the first Monday in August, 1917 why said ap plication for discharge should not be granted. Witness my official signature, this the 11th day of July, 1917 JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary of Summer County, Georgia. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA —Sumter County. There will be sold at public out cry before the Court House door in city of Americus. Georgia, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August, next, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land, namely: City lot number 1020 under the old numbering in Americus, Sumter Coun ty, Georgia, Jackson street, being 58 1-2 feet w'ide and running back in a uniform width a distance of 210 feet, bounded on the North by lot of Sallie Lester, on the East by M. M. Redick, on the South by M. W. Redick and on the West by Jackson street being same property conveyed to Ab Jackson by Richard Davis by a warranty deed dat ed February 11, 1902, and recorded in Book E-E. page 451, records of deeds Sumter County, Georgia. Said sale is to be made under the power of attorney contained in deed of Ab Jackson made to Calvert Mortgage Co. on Feburary 10, 1916. and recorded in Book M-M folio 385 of the record of deeds Sumter County, Georgia. Said deed was given by Ab Jackson to se cure sixty notes all dated Feburary 10, 1916, and falling due one each month for sixty months thereafter commenc ing on the 10th day of March, 1916, and one on the 10th day of each month thereafter until all become due. Only the first thirteen ,of these monthly notes to mature have been paid and there is still due the Calvert Mortgage Company the sum of $192.47 principal and interest on said notes and $8.25 for taxes due and paid by them on said lot for Ab Jackson. Said Calvert Mort gage Company have elected to declare ' all of the unpaid notes due under the terms of the contract as set out in said deed, in pursuance of the fact that l Ab Jackson has failed to pay all of said notes and has caused a default thereon and has also failed to pay the ' taxes on said porperty. Said sale to be had forth epurpose of paying said in debtedness in’ accordance with the fol lowing provision of said deed: “In the event that party of first part fails to pay any of said notes at matur ity, or to pay any taxes due on said property, or in case of any default on said notes hereby secured, or in case t any of the premises be destroyed by fire, then the whole debt hereby secur ed shall, at the option of the payee, be come due and payable to the party of the second part, its successors or as- I signs, or any of the agents of the same, or the sheriff of the county where any ' of said property is situated are hereby authorized to proceed to sell at the ’ i ’ Court House door, in the County in ( which any of said real estate is located, to the highest bidder for cash, all of said property, to pay the indebtedness hereby secured.” CALVERT MORTGAGE CO. Administaror's Sale. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Pusuant to an order granted by the Hon. John A. Cobb. Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday in June, 1917, will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Amer icus, State and County, on the first Tuesday in August. 1917, the 7th day. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, three shares of stock of the South western Railway Co., represented by certificate No. M. A. 178; sold as the property of the estate of Mrs. L. E. Hooks, late of said County deceased, for the purpose of distribution. This 30the day of June, 1917. THUS, B. HOOKS, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. L E. Hooks. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August. 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, th* following described property, to wit: Lot of land No. 212 in the 27th dis trict of Sumter county. Georgia, con taining 202 and one-half acres, more or less. Levied upon and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Leila C. Arthur to satisfy a certain City Court fl fa in fav or of the Chickamauga Trust Company vs. Mrs. Leila C. Arthur. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law, this 10th day of July, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on. the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: One belt feed lathe made by Creaves & Klusman of Cincinnati, Ohio. Said property levied upon and will be sold as the property of W. H. Sawyer & Sons Company to satisfy a certain fl fa issued from the City Court of Americus i i favor of the Albany Mill Supply Company vs. W. H. Sawyer & Sons Company. Tenant in possession notified in terra of the law, this 10th day of July, 1917' LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: One certain house and lot in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, the same being Number 110, located on the south side of Church street in said city and having a frontage of 6t feet more or less on said street, bounded on the north by said Church street, on the south and east by property of Bar low Council and on the west by prop erty of Miss Sara Wheeler, the said lot being of uniform width of 60 feet and running from said Church street 90 feet, more or less. Levied upon and will be sold aa| the property of R. G. Christian to satisfy a City Court fi fa and special lien on said property in favor of Levy-Morton Company. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law’, this 10th day of July, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA —Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit : One roll top desk; one office table. Levied upon and will be sold as the property of Americus Printing Com pany to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1916 in favor of Sumter county. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law’, this 11th day of July, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of [sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: Lot No. 110 Church street, Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, said lot bounded on north by Church street, on the east by lot of Barlow’ Council, on the south by lot of Barlow Council and on the west by lot of Miss Sara Wheel er; said lot is 60 W’eet wide on Church street and of a uniform width running back south 90 feet,,being same proper, ty conveyed, to Robert G. Christian by Mrs. Mamie F. Tower by warranty deed dated Feburary 23, 1915, and re corded in book OO page 260 record of deeds, Sumter county. Georgia. Levied upon and will be sold as the property of Robert G. Christian to sat isfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1916. in favor of Sumter county. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law, this 10th day of July, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY' Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the City of Americus, said state and county, on, the first Tuesday in August. 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: Ten acres of land, off the West end of tract number four, of the Jno. F. Kelley subdivision, and being a part of I lot of land No. 202, in the Fifteenth [district of Sumter County, Ga., as shown by plat surveyed by Crook and Lanati. and recorded in book NN. page 339. in Clerk’s office Sumter County, Ga., said land bounded as follows, on the West by public road leading from Cobb. Ga., to the Clay plantation, on the South by land of J. E. D. Shipp, on the North by land of A. P. Brown, on the East by other lands of Mrs. Anna W. Brown. Levied upon, and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Anna W. Brown to satisfy two certain tax fl fas for state and cminty taxes for the years 1915 and 1916, tn favor of Sumter County. This 11th day of July, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: One house and lot in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, known as Number 1119 Magnolia street and more particularly described by deed from W. T. McMath to Eugene Cummings in deed record Book NN, page No. 507, which is as follow’s: Fac ing 43 feet, more or less, on Davenport street and running back in a south easterly direction to a certain closet, thence east for a distance of 50 feet, more ‘or less, thence northwest to Magnolia street, said tract being part of tract now’ occupied by Henry Light sey. Levied upon and will be sold as the property of Eugene Cummings to sat isfy a certain fi fa issued from the City Court of Americus in favor of Nat E. Harris, Governor vs. Eugene Cummings principal and Willie Green and A. J. Hamil, securities. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law’, this 11th day of July. 1917. LU’CIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA —Sumter County. Will be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Americus, said state and county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit : That parcel of land recently in the city of Americus, now in Sumter coun ty, Georgia, lying on the hill beyond Muckalee creek, bounded north by- Spring street or Lumpkin road, east by Livingston lands, south by Living ston lands and west by Wade and Liz zie Clark property Lines agreed upon by purchaser and parties adjoining, contain three-quarters of an acre, more or less, being the property conveyed by Americus Produce Company to J. W. Wheatley & Company recorded De cember 14, 1901, Book EE, page No. 357. Levied upon and will be sold as the property' of H. D. Frazier to satisfy three tax fi fas for state and county taxes for the years 1914. 1915 and 1916, in favor of Sumter county. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law, this 10th day of July. 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY’ Sheriff. Sparks Grocery Company PHONES 43 & 279 Always a full line of good things to eat from the Markets of the world. ' i ■wwwwwwvwwwwvwvwwwwwwwwwwwvwwvwwwwwvwwwwv* Want Advertisements ; Figure your ow» want ad. Minimum charge is 2Se. For Insertions less than two weeks, one een* ver word. For insertions between two an* four weeks, three-fourths of a eent per word. For insertions of more than four weeks, one-haif eent per word. WAN TED—Miscellaneous FARM LOANS Can give good terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts I WILL ABSENT from town until August Ist. J. M. Weeks. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Ring Americus Taxi Cab Co. Phone 825. Residence Phone 646. L. L. Compton. 1 to 1 ATENTION: it you are not bring ing your junk to us, you are losing money every day. We pay highest cash prices for rubber, bones, meta! and all kinds of junk. Try us and be convinced. Phone 271-J. Americu’ Junk Company, Re"r Harrold Bros. 20-17 WANTED—WeII furnished room by couple without children. Address “H” care of this office. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Ring Americus Taxi Cab Co. Phone 825. Residence Phone 628. B. C. Vaughn. Ito 1 CHOICE FARM LOANS at 5i% We give lowest rates, easiest terms anc cuickest service. Save money by see. ing us. G. R. Ellis or 3. C. Webb. WEDNESDAY, JULY IS, 1911 AN ORDINANCE. On Ordinance requiring water serv- J| ices to all buildings, structures or 1 premises in the City of Americus, to H be controlled by meter. Section 1: Be it ordained by the Mayor & City Council of Americus, and it is hereby ordained by’ the au- ■ thority of the same. That on and af ter October Ist, 1917, all buildings, structures or premises supplied with ’H water by the City Water Works, in the City? of Americus, shall be con trolled by meter. Section 2: Said meter shall be of design, type and size to be approved by the Superintendent of water works of the city and shall be supplied at the cost of the person, partnership or corporation ow-ning or in possession, charge or control of the building, structure or premises, who shall also •'nstall same under the supervision of the superintendent of the water works department, of the City of Americus, in such manner and at such place as he may designate After installation such meter shall be under the control of the water department; and if the same becomes deranged by frost, hot water or the negligence of such person, partneiship or corporation, the ex pense of any replacement of the re pairs to such meter, shall be borne by such person, partnership or corpora tion, otherwise by the City Water De partment. Section 3: If any person, firm or corporation shall refuse to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, then, and in that event, the supply of water to such service shall be cut off. Section 4: That any ordinance or parts of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. AN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and City Council of Americus, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to turn on an alarm from any fire alarm box in the City of Americus, except in case of actual or threatened fire. .Any violation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less thAn $25.00 or thirty days labor on the streets. Be it further ordained that a A reward of $5.00 shall be paid by the Mayor and City Council for informa tion which will lead to arrest and con viction of any person violating the ordinance. MONEY TO LEND at 6% interest on desirable residences in Americus, Ga. H. 0. Jones. 18-ts ‘‘OR SALT FOR SALE—A bargain in a used piano. R. S. Broadhurst. FOR SALE CHEAP —Five passenger touring car in good condition. Tires O. K. Address “N.” this office. 18-3 t FOR SALE: F. A. Pruitt place, four miles north of Parrott, Georgia, con tains 1,038 acres. About 700 acres open land, plenty of running water, fine place for stock, well located, on two good public roads. Price $10,500. We can make extremely easy terms on this place. Apply The Georgia Loan and Trust Co., Macon, Ga., or W. L. Thomas, Plains, Georgia. 31-ts FOR REN 7 FOR RENT—Mrs. Stewart’s Bunga low on Hancock avenue. John A. Cobb. 17-41 FOR RENT—Small five room bung alow. City water and phone. All the land wanted for gardening Phone 94 L. A. Morgan. 10-ts FOR RENT—Three room apartmen ir bur home on Barlow street; mod ern conveniences. C. A. Chambliss. 1-ts