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PAGE FOUR TO-DAY opera house TO-DAY "Mother Goose and Charlie Chaplin” Special Prices: Children sc, Adults 15c, Balcony 10c. OPENS 3:00 (TCIOtK. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE • Local News Items A Mne White Ivory Goods just received. S. A Daniel. Miss Marie Louise Jackson, of At- Janta, ®ho came down Sunday to at tend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Ctrace Hancock Cameron, has returned home- yion't forget the Roney Estate sells tomorrow, Wednesday, at auction. 10-8 Wall, of the Gulg Refining Ounpanv. wasa visitor in the city Monday afternoon. ’ , Orar-Xe Crush ti'ts the spot, sc. 18-ts I j. L Duncan, of Ellaville, was in th t lily Monday. Mead Marie Corelli’s new novel. “Thr New Diana.’* in the October Jl»arxj Magazine. Hightower’s Book Store. 5L S. Oliver, of Plains, Ga., was in fi»e city Monday. Ceroe out to the land sale tomorrow. Yon may not regret it. Your prese nce win be appreciated just as much if yon do not wish to buy 10-8 I W. W. Hooks, of Cobb, spent Mon day in the city. ' i Good? You bet; Orange Crush, sc. I THE STANDARD New merchandise is here in gener «ua quantities, and there is sound in trinsic worth in every article. Now is a fine time to start preparing for wfeMter's c-oming. MHGDAY AND TUESDAY BARGAINS. Ait 98c, worth $1.25: Taffeta Silk Mattk, white and colors, 36-in. At 7Kc, worth 98c: Yard wide Silk Skiiiis.£s. beautiful patterns. At 35c, worth 50c: Tub Silk, pretty designs for waists and shirts. At 98c, worth $1.25: Men’s Heavy Overalls, jumpers to match. At 38c yard, worth 50c: Five pret ty patterns mercerized Table Damask. At 65c, worth $1.00: Ladies’ Sam ple Waists, in perfect condition; all ntaes. At 98c. worth $1.50: Sample Dresses star irihOdren over fifty patterns. At $1.75, worth $2:50: Boys’ All- Wool Trousers; sizes up to 20. At 12 l-2c, worth 15c: Fine smooth Sea Island; quantity limited. At 98c, worth $1.50: Children’s Black and Tan Shoes. At 15c Yard, worth 20c: Over two ttou'isand yards Heavy Canton Flan- Pels. At 49c, worth 75c: Ladies’ full bleached Undervests and Pants. At S*&c., worth $1.50: Misses’ and CkUdren’s fine Kid Gloves; all sizes. At Sc Dozen, worth 10c: Pure White Fearl Buttons, four pojpular sizes. At 5c ar six for 25c: Good laundry Soap. At $3.98, worth $5.00: Ladies' All- Wool Serge Skirts; ney fall Styles. At 49c, worth 65c: Boys’ Fleeced laned Shirts and Drawers. At 75c. worth $1.00: Men's Elastic Canton Flannel Drawers; extra sizes. A> 9Sc, worth $1.25: Good size Cot- StaMlanhets, white and gray. At's3l(b Dozen, wortli 12 l-2c Each: Mercs»±tz«d Table Napkins. At 22 t -2c: Fine Lonsdale Nainsook, •thirty-six inches wide, worth 29c. At $1.69, worth $2.50: Full size Bed Spreads Marseilles patterns. At $1.60, worth $1.25: New styles R. v.* G. Corsets of batiste and coutil. At 35c, worth 50c: Ladies’ White Silk Dose, full seamless. At. 25c, worth 39c: Eadies’ colored and black Silk Hose, seamless. THE STANHARH DRY MODS CO. Phone 226. ve. *mericus, Sa, Ice. Hot Bottles. Bell, The Jeweler. Mrs. J. R. Rodgers and son, Ralph, arrived this morning from Tampa, Fla., for a visit of some length to the former’s mother, Mrs. Nancy Ansley, on Church street. Americus and Sumter county people especially invited to attend Dodge County Fair, Eastman, October 15th to 20th. Comprehensive agricultural exhibits. Big Midway. Fast harness races. cod At Kassel’s: Ladies* and Men’s Rib- Jsed Underwear, tine quality, 79c. 9-2 i Mrs. J. R. Pinkston, who has been ‘visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pinkston on Taylor street, returned to her home in Albany Tuesday See Enid Bennett, in “The Mother In stinct,” and “The House of Scandal.’’ at The Alcazar tomorow. 9-lt Horses from the Southern circuit, trotters and pacers, will be seen in the race s at the Dodge County Fair, East man. Ga., each afternoon, October 15th to 19th. eod Mr. and Mrs. H. Muskowitz, of Fort v alley, were visitors in Americus yes terday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B g. Kassel. A mammoth crow’d saw “Mother Goose” and Charlie Chaplin at the Opera House this afternoon. By all mean s see it tonight; it’s great. 9-lt See Enid Bennett, in “The Mother In stinct,” and “The House of Scandal,” at The Alcazar tomorow. 9-lt Mrs. A. Cohen, of New Decatur, Ala., who has been visiting her rela tive, Mrs. B. S. Kassel, for a few days, returned home yesterday. When in the market for Garden Seed Phone 502. They have it, if you plant it. 9-2 t Biggest and best Fair in South Geor gia—Dodge County Fair, Eastman, Ga. Biggest exhibits and premiums in ev ery department. Biggest midway and best free acts. Best races on fast half mile track, in which high class horses will participate. eod Christine Miller’s proof that the Ed ison machine perfectly re-creatcs her voice is obsolutely no proof thart simi lar named p. ,-arations to Drew’s salve for coughs, colds, croup, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis and pneumonia ar e of similar merit. We, your druggits, want everybody who really needs a good and reliable, hon est and efficient remedy to try Drew’s salve, just one time, on our guaran tee. We do not hesitate to guarantee it. because we know’ it will make good, adv. WW W W W W MF W W W W W MF W Mi BATTERY ATTENTION! Visit the home of PREST-O-LITE Service in Ameri cus you will see BATTERY SERVICE of a new kind,with ample facilities, and an experienced man, who is willing to handle Hie Battery problems of car owners and dealers in Americus and surrounding territory. BATTERIES REPAIRED AND RECHARGED No matter what make of car you drive, or what make of battery you use, we are in a position to give you efficient service. A service battery will be furnished you while your battery is left with us for repairs or recharging. Distilled water and your battery tested free of charge. Your Battery business will be appreciated. CHAPPELL MACHINERY CO. Phone 234 Lamar Street Ladle*’ Rainc.mts; ail colors; $3.9S , at Kassel’s. 9-2 t Don't fail to see Charlie Chaplin in J “The Chicken Chaser.” and “Mother ,‘(loose.” at the Opera House tonight. 9-lt Miss Katie Sue Reese and Miss Edna I Monahan motored to Oglethorpe Mon av afternoon. Dodge County Fair, Eastman, Ga., largest event of its kind in South Georgia. Good horse races every as -1 ternoon. Trotters and pacers. Lots of attractions. eod Like Oranges? Try Orange Crush sc. 1.-ts I Sam Perry left Monday night for At lanta. wher he went on business for a tew days. Why not take your wife or best girl out to the auction sale tomorrow. We will entertain you. ATLANTIC LAND CO. 10-8 I 1 Now for Onion Sets. If you wish to now. Phone 502. Planters’ Seed Co. 9-2 t The many friends of T. Furlow Gate wood will regret to learn that he is quite ill at his home on Lee street. Mr Gatewood has been confined to his room for the past three days with , fever, and his friends hope to soon see him out again. For a few days Bragg’s Furniture : Store will sell first class golden oak ; dressers and washstands for several dollars less than they can be bought for elsewhere. Phone 181. 5-eod-7t I Miss Emmie Kate Andrews will start her private kindergarten Monday, Oc - ober 15th. For particulars Phone 720; J residence, Church street. 5-6 t I I I Walter Payne, of Tampa, Fla., is in the city, the guest of his sister, Miss ' Edna Lee Payne, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clark, on Jackson street ! Free band concert on the street and grounds at the auction sale of the Roney Estate tomorrow, Wednesday, .10:00 a. m. sharp. Ladies are espe cially invited. Lunch served on the 1 grounds. __ 10-8 1 Arrange to spend a day or two at the big Eastman Ga.. Fair this coming week. Just a nice auto trip there and back. eod | Just received a new shipment of I Sdk Sweaters. Kassel's price. $5.00: all kinds. 9-2 t | I Dr. R. E. Cato. Dr. F. L. Cato. R es. Tel. 96. Res. Tel 55 Office Telephone 531. DBS. R. E. &F. L. CATO. Physicians and Surgeons. Office Houre 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Hereafter when absent from our of , flee or homes, calls left at Hooks' Pharmacy, Telephone 75, will re ceive prompt attention. (THE riMbS-RECORDER, I For Aye, Rape and Oats, for chick • ens, phone 502. Planttrs' Seed Co. 9-2 t “Mother Goose”, and Charlie Chap- 1 lin, rain or shine, at the Opera House tonight; only tonight. 9-lt T. A. Collins, of Ellaville, was in the city Tuesday. Lots of Americus people are ar ranging to visit the Eastman Fair next w eek. Be one of them and enjoy a fine day’s sport and outing with a trip through the country in your car. eod Cabbage Plants, the frost-proof kind, at Planters Seed Co. Deaths Mrs. Helen Askew Williams. The many friends of Mrs. Helena A.skew Williams regret to hear of her death, which occurred at her home in the Seventeenth district yesterday af ternoon. Mrs. Williams was forty seven years of age and was born in Webster county. Before her marriage she was Miss Helena Askew. She is survived by her husband, Mr. John D. Williams three sons, Quincy Willimas, who is a meber of the hospital corps, stationed at Quantico, Va., Clarence and Robert Wiliams, of this county; six daughters, Misses Annie Lee, Lena Marie, Laura Edna, Emmie Kate and Mary Williams ; three brothers, Daniel Askew’, of Bronwood, Tex., J. J. As kew, of Richland, Ga., and Dr. P. H. Askew, of Nashville, Ga.; two sisters. Mrs. J. F. Jenkins and Mrs. J. M, Brown, of Hartsfield, Ga. The funeral services will be held at the late residence of the deceased, with interment in the family cemetery in the Sevententh district tomorrow morning at ten o’clock. Rev. Tom Ev erette, of Dawson, will officiate. ( all meeting of m. b. COUNCIL LODGE, F. & A. >l. A call communication of M. B. Council Lodge, No. 95, F. & A. M , will be held at seven-thirty o’clock to night for the purpose of conferring the Master’s Degree. Members of both Americus lodges are urged to be pres ent, and visiting brethren are re spectfully invited to attend. TOO LITE TO GLASSIFY FOR RENT —-Desirable unfurnished apartment. Phone 647. 9-6 t FOR SALE —Fulghum oats, $2.00 per bushel; appler oats, $1.75 per pushel; South Georgia rye Oats, $3.50 per bushel; Abruzzi rye, $4.00 per bushel. C. C. Hawkins. 9-ts I 1 WE Hightower's Book Store DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND THE Big Auction Farm Sale I HE RONEY ESTATE —1035 Acres Sub-divided Wednesday, October 10th, 10 A. M. Sharp Now is the time to put that good resolution you have often made into effed (to own a small farm close to Americus Ga? We will absolutely close out these choice tracts of land to the highest bidder. This is a wonderful opportum ity, and you will get a bargain by investing at this sale, as this property is sure to advance rapidly. WIES. | Administrators. ATLANTIC LAND CO. J ' • ’ SIIESHMIACEKSm irawies WTien Itching Stops There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irri tation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or SI bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. GET IT AT I WINDSOR PHARMACY ; Viclrolss . and Records With a Vic trola in your ' i f ■ A horn e yo u r have at your b command one of the world’s best artists and greatest bands. ! Call and see us at once. < Agents for Nunnally’s and Whitman’s Candies, Ice Cream Cut and Pot Flowers for all occasions. We appreciate your trade and always delighted to serve you. WINDSOR PHARMACY •* X ' I * ’ I I . .1 » • ‘ 1 - • • I < . < I • . AMERICUr Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE and DETAIL John Nita & Co., Proprietors. Fresh Spanish Mackerel, Fresh •Vater and Salt Water Trout, Red Snap •p'ers, Red Bass, Sheep-head and all kinds of Bottom Fish. Shrimps, Crabs and Oysters. QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 778 216 West Forsyth Street jsw. FILE THIS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. We are the last word on fine sta tionery. We fill all business paper re quirements but we have the dainty kind for the ladies, too. Envelopes, cards, pen s and ink of standard col ors. Paper weights and ornamental plotters. It’s a distinct pleasure to look over our stock and we are only too eager to extend to you a cordial invitatin to erne. So don’t be bash ful. By all means, let u s Set better acquainted. tl Hr tese clothes e old friends e always learned Trade Mark Once you get acquainted with the style, the reliable quality of all wool fabrics and the good tailoring in * StylspSus dF i*7 Clothes TRAPt MARK "The same price che nation over." you will always like them. Still sl7 for Fall. You will wonder how the makers have been able to continue such quality so long at the old price. All models and fabrics. The New Styleplus s2l Grade also the greatest value at this price —baa been added. fl Every Styleplus garment is guaranteed to give satisfaction and to be the full measure of value at either price Suits and Overcoats. A Ry lander Shoe Company m vnl bjjQj The Secret to Successful Baking is in I SUPREME PATENT FLOUR It combines the dainty and delicious with the rich, substantial and satisfying Sold by all grocers. Guaranteed by Nashville Roller Mills (The Red Mill) Nashville, Tenn, Ml - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 191".