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PAGE SIX fS* “U.m-m-m! < % That IS Coffee” rr 23 5 • It’s got t^le ar| d the smack that make you say, “Set’em up again.” i For it’s always fair weather when ; i Jrfu, • : good folks get together over a cup of ■ I steaming, staving-good Luzianne. You don’t buy a pig in a poke when you ? corrtt . i buy Luzianne Coffee. No, Ma’am. It clearly states that if it doesn’t meet your idea of a better coffee, you re _. . . f, . entitled to your money back and get The Luzianne Guarantee: . If, after using the contents ls - a can of azianne and re- of a can, you are not satisfied adjust your ideas of what good coffee ee/witZrefJnd yourToney? be. Ask for profit-sharing Catalog. The Reily-Taylor Company, New Orleans As Age Advances the Liver Requires occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE «« LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. ■lwu.* Genuine rJir \\_< ItmA beare ,-t 4r signature Colorless or Pale Faces on Wh $ iMuch MorTlWYonr Money’s Worth l 11 ’ /Z SZW LS Honey Octh 52/M in. wide, 8 1/2 to 9 oxs. to the yd., for hard w«ar nits, coato, skirts, etc. V* \ Exquisite patterns, permanent finish, guaranteed by us for durability and fast colors. You vk LESHER, WHITMAN & CO.. Inc.. 881 Broadway. New York City nsalßa P. s. Act on thi» advice.—ls your dealer doee not keep them, just cut out H rfHtlfi “fl Ml*'. (hi, a d, paa te it to a postal card, put your name and address on it with the H name of your dealer and mail it to us. We will send him samples at once Q ” and advise him of your request. likmm^Wsg? I 'fWirwT|i||W<ertmrTOv™g°»r»BHmiMlMCTSlßll|W«wroiaii»iui»r-riu»«a»wsi!lfJ»»llWlMlgirJr.;j;»i,iL.'i;llAl';]aJ Apply the slogan to your interests and h ave us INSURE your car against FIRE NOW. It’s a kind of insurance need of which is imperative. Call 186 NOW. r - ■! H e rbert Hawkins To Our Farmer f riends Beg to announce that the “NEW GIN” of the FARMERS COTTON OIL CO., is now ready. Colton is so high you will want ail that is yours. Therefore, we have equipped our plant with the very latest improved machinery there is to be had in the United States, for making the very best sample and cleaning the seed thoroughly. We also have the very best men we possibly can get to serve you. We are in the market for Cottun Seed, Peanuts and Velvet Beans, always Offering the best prices the market affords. Our mill has been established and under the same management ever since the mill was built, and having met the demands of the times, we request that you continue giving us your liberal patronage as long as our service merits it. Re member the “NEW GIN” and brings us your cotton. farmers’ Cotton Oil Company G. W. RILEY, Manager, IMPEACHMENT ID BE GIVEN CREEK JUDGES ATHENS, Oct. 9.—A high court of impeachment to try former prime min isters, ministers, and army chiefs of the former King Constantine is ex pected to be in operation at an early day. It will be a notable series of I trials of those who have taken chief part in the affairs of the Balkans during the war. The presentation to parliament of a white book showing that former ministers had negotiated for the sur render of the Greek fort Rupel to the Bulgarians, is a perliminary to this high court, as the charge before the will be that Greek interests were sac rificed by the former ministries to one of the enemies in the war. It is very rare that a high court to ministries is thus constituted. Pro vision for it is made by the consti tution, which provides the court shall be made up of twelve judges drawn from the supreme appellate courts, together with members of the chamber cf deputies. A demand for the court is first formulated bji written pe tition from a certain number of mem bers of parliament, and it remains for parliament to order the impeach ment trials. The petition is ready to be presented, a s there is a strong sentiment in parliament in favor of dealing rigoriously with the old min istries, and there appears to be lit tle dbuot the court will be ordered and the trials under way at an early day. If the United States adopted the same vigorous calling up standard as Germany, this country could raise an army of 17,000,000 men. | State of Ohio, City of Toledo, i Lucas County, ss. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he lis senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in ! ternaliy and acts through the Blood on ! the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation, THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. GREECE READY TO POT 00T 11 ARMY LACK OF EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN REMEDIED BY THE ALLIES—NO PRO-GERMAN PARTY IN GREECE ANY MORE. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 9. Greece is nearly ready to put a large and effective army in the field to co operate with the Allies, according to dispatches from the Athens foreign of fice to the Greek' legation here. Lack of equipment is being remedied rapidly with the Allies’ aid. Minister Roussos today gave a sum mary of the situation in his country as described by the legation’s dis patches: "The situation in Greece is becom ing more satisfactory every day. The people aret horoughly confident of the efficiency of their government and they are willing to allow the present min istry to continue in the work of the country so that Greece may throw her full strength into the war. ‘‘There is now no pro-German party in Greece. In fact, such a party never existed, save in the possession of King Constantine aided by certain members of his court. But he knew the real feelings of the Greek people, who were attached by sympathy and tradition with the western principles of Europe, and never dared to openly expound his German connections. He did his test, on the contrary, to conceal them. “The Greek people had a real affec tion for their king and had confidence in his word. Finally certain acts of the king’s entourage created suspicion in the minds of the people, and they backed M. Venizelos in his Saloniki movement which brought Greece frankly and loyally into the war. Today the real stae of affairs as regards the court ha s been exposed. The abdi cation of King Constantine without bloodshed or an uprising of the people indicates the absence of any organized pro-German feeling.” MEXICAN BANK TO OPEN WITH KEDKED CAPITAL MEXICO CITY, Oct. 9, —President Carranba has issued a decree pro viding that if the funds for the fed eral bank of emission, the capitaliza tion of which was to have been 50, 000,00(i pesos, are not raised by an exterior loan prior to April 1918, the bank will be opened then with a capi tal of 5,000,000 peso raised by inter ior subscription. Many private indi viduals and government officers and employes already have agreed to do nate from one to two days pay each month for the raising of this fund. Each of those who contributed will become a shareholder in the bank. LONDON, Oct. 9.—A1l the cold stor age warehouses in the London dis trict are helled to capacity with food stuffs, and have announced to dealers and shippers that they cannot accept an}' further custom. This is having a marked effect on the markets, forc ing down prices and bringing incop ing supplies on the counters. A large shipment of Tasmanian apples arrived the other day at a time when there was a glut of homegrown fruit and when the lifting of the em bargo on French fruit had brought a heavy shipment of pears from the other side cf the English Channel Ordinarily the Australian fruit would have been put into cold storage, but no space was to be found there, and the apples l:al to be sold for what they would let h, some good varieties of cooking apples selling as low as 62 cent ■ a case. C«fGa.Ry "The Right Way” Trains Arrive. From Chicago, via Columbus * 12:15 a m From Columbus *12:30 p in From Columbus ! 7:15 p m From Atlanta and Macon..' 1 5:29 a in From Macon 2:11 p m From Macon ....* 7:35 p m From Albany * i>:4o a ni From Montgomery and Albany 2:11 p ni From Mcntgomerj and Albany 10:39 p in From Jacksonville, via Albany • • * 3:10 a in Trains Depart. For Chicago, via Columbus * 3:10 a in For Columbus I 7:00 a tn For Columbus * 3:00 p in For Macon and Atlanta... 0:40 a in For Macon and Atlanta... .* 2:11 pin For Macon and Atlanta *10:39 p m For Montgomery and Albany * 5:29 a ni For Montgomery and Albany .. • • 2:11 p ni For Albany * 7:35 p ni For Jacksonville, via Albany *12:15.a m ’Daily. ! Except Sunday. adv. GEO. ANDERSON, Agent. BLISS ANO PERSHING HEGEIVE PROMOTIONS WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 9. President Wilson has signed commis sions as generals for Major General Tasker H. Bliss, army chief of staff, and Major General John J. Pershing, commanding the American forces in France. Though both officers have equal rank, General Bliss takes prece dence by virtue of his position as the directing head of the entire army or ganization. Congress revived the rank of gen eral for the period of war, largely in order to avoid embarrassment to Gen eral Pershing in dealing with officers of higher rank, commanding the allied armies. The new grade carries a sal ary of SIO,OOO a year, an increase of $2,000 ever the pay of a major gen eral. The grade of lieutenant general also was revived by congress, the rank to be given to commanders of an army corps, but it is stated authoritatively at the war department that there is no intention of creating any lieutenant generals or army corps in the United States at this time, as the divisional training system will be continued. The name'of Major General Sibert is mentioned as the most likely candidate for the first lieutenant general when an army corps is organized in France. ■' ' r ' w ■' Belgium May .Join Loan Group. PEKIGN, Oct. 9. — The French min ister, is especially anxious to have Belgium replace Germany as the fifth member cf the group which floated the $50,000,000 Chinese reorganiza tion loan which is secured upon tjie salt monoply. THAT INCOMPARABLE FLAVOR Which the balmy Cali fornia sun kisses into the golden oranges which have brought fame to that state—this delicious fla vor is taken from crushed ripened oranges and pre served in all its delicacy ini ORANGE CRUSH The new bottled drink which everybody likes so well —at all drink dispen saries. 5c AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J T. WAKREN, Manager SeaM Air Line [he Progressive Railway ol the Soetl) Leave Americus fur Cordele. Ro chelle, Abbeville, Helena, Lyons, Col lins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, Portsmouth and points East and South | 12:31 p m. 2:39 a m Leave Americus for cordele, Abbe ville, Helena and intermediate points 5:11 p. m. Leave Americus for Richland, At aita, Birmingham, Hurtsboro, Mont- and points West and Northwest 3:08 p. m. Leave Americus for Richland. Col umbus, Dawson, Albany and interme liate points 10:00 a m Seaboard Buffet Parlor Sleeping Car on Trains 13 and 14 arriving Americus from Savannah 11:25 p. m., and leav ing Americus for Savannah 2:30 a. m. Sleeping car leaving for Savannah at >:3O a. m„ will be open for passengers at 11:40 p. m. For further Information apply to H. p, Everett, Local Agent, Americus, ia.; C. W, Small, Ply. Pass. Agc’t, Savannah. Ga.; C- M, G. P. A. • ■farfoLk. Tab To the Public We desire to inform you that we do all kinds of Hemstitching at moderate prices, and guarantee our work to be of the highest quality. We kindly solicit your patronage. Q INGER SEWING CO. I 126 North Jackson Street '■ AMERICUS, Ga. NOTICE TO WHEAT RAISERS! I have installed a Motor Truck service tor the purpose of conveying wheat to my mill fiom Amer icus, and also returning the flour after it is ground. The truck will be daily at Morgan Stephen’s stables (Turpin’s old stable’s) where all farmers can leave their wheat for me and receive the flour back after it is ground. Your patronage solicited. BROWN’S MILL By J. C. BROWN J. A. DAVENPORT .... INSURES SYSTEM GINS, COTTON, COUNTRY PROPERTY, DWELLINGS, 'HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATE CLASS, AUTOMO BILES. Bring Your Cotton to Dudley’s Bonded Warehouse Americus, Ga„ Lowest Storage and Insurance Rates. Money advanced on cotton at rate of Six Per Cent, per annum. We also have storage room for other farm porducts. We are in position to assure our cus tomers the highest market price for cotton. Give us a trial. Ware house convenient to both gins. Dudley Bortded Warehouse N. JI. Dudley, President J, F. E'inch. Warehouseman. ■wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWwwwwww' CARRY YOUR COTTON TO E. C. Parker & Co. ALSO Agents for the OWENSBORO WAGON CO. A Fine Line in All Sizes BRAGG’S MEAT MARKET 123 FORSYTH ST. PHONE 181 In offering their services to the trade, promises to render service unequalled by any in Americus, in both prompt delivery and quality of fresh meats, fish, oys ters, etc. Ask what we have. Our sausage meats are fine. Prices unreasonable like all the re£. BRAGG’S MEAT MARKET Auto Tires Have advanced 10 per cent. Why not let us examine your tires and repair all cuts and bruises. Our VULCANIZING methods are the most modern and effective. All work done by STEAM and every job absolutely GUARANTEED, when you have tire troubles, call our service car. AMERICUS STEAM VULCANIZING CO. J, W. LOTT, Manage- Rear Americus Auto Co. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917.