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PAGE EIGHT CIRCULATION MANAGERS ARE MEETING IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga, October 9. —News- paper circulation managers from all over the United States and many parts of Conada are in Atlanta to attend the nineteenth annual convention of the International Circulation Man- ■ agers’ Association, which is here fo r ' CAMEO’S New line of Cameo Brooches, Rings, Stick Pins, and Lavallieres. Thos. L. Bell JEWELERS and OPTICIANS Now is Seed Time And Allen’s Drug and Seed Store is the be£ and cheapest place to buy them. Plant now I urnips, Rutabagas, Lettuce, Radish, Mustard, Beets and Cab bage. For field seeds plant Rape, Rye and Barley for grazing, and Fulghum Oats for a good crop next spring. Be& and larged line of Drugs and Medicines m the city. We want your business and will endeavor to merit it Very truly yours, ALLEN’S DRUG AND SEED STORE ■IB— • « «— f==\ , .... -lsp • •HP—'. The shoes that make so many trips to and from school sturdy and comfort able qualities and be good looking shoes as \a ell. These days when good shoes for children cost more than they ever did be fore, our splendid shoes for children, at reason able prices, will be greatly appreciated. 0.. r kind of shoes for child ren are always much cheap er in the end than theother kind. rt'i. FIT THE LITTLE FEET WITH EASE Tillman & Brown FITTERS OF FEET three days of business and frolic. The circulation managers of the At lanta newspapers have arranged a very interesting and enjoyable pro gram for their entertainment, includ ing trips to all the points of local in terest and to Camp Gordon, the great cantonment thirteen miles north of Atlanta, where more than 40,000 troops of the new national army will be trained. SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS HERE OBER 13TH After the bumping rattle of the 'careening after the final I flare of the band; after the machine gun clatter of thousands of blue seat planks when “fearin’ down” in the big top begins—what of the perform ers? How do they shed their spang les, don street clothes and get to bed 7 How do the circus performers ever get any rest, anyway, when the last we see of them is a sort of impres sionistic picture of pink and white clad figures swept into an inferno of flaring forces, straining teams, shoutin’ drivers and darkness? Os course, we know that they man age it all some way, for does not the circus come to town with the dawn and th e performers with it, just as they will be with Sells-Floto Circus when it rolls into Americus next Sat urady. As a matter of fact, there is an oasis in the confusion on leaves on the circus grounds after the show. The oasis is the dressing-room tent. There the performers have ample time to change, lock their trunks and hop a car for the railroad sidings, where a long row of flickering torch es marks the vestibules of the sleep ers. Perhaps that quiet couple hang ing on straps in the street car next to you gave you a big thrill in the “big top” not an hour ago. Perhaps that neighborly looking family across the aisle smiled up at you and your friends from the backs of the leap ing horses earlier in the evening, for some of the performers will get away from the “lot” before others. Over wher the torches gleam their guidances to the Pullmans, little groups of chatting folks are as sembling. There is friendly raillery; there is friendly gossip—but just friendly gossip; there is very little shop talk. Families stroll by ex changing pleasantries and go on into their sleepers, for the circus children must have their rest. Little parties may form and hurry for a foray on some luncheon, but in the main, the groups by the vestibules linger only to converse before entering their, staterooms and berths. It is all very like a family pausing on a veranda to say a few more words after aris ing from porch swings and wicker chairs. But for the torches, the pass ing of the strings of ring horses, the shouts of men in the distance where other lights flare, the rumble of wagons ascending runways, the creak of brakes and blocks, it might be just such a summer night’s gathering. And it is a family gathering in a larger and broader sense. The peo- i pie with the circus take a pride in re ferring to themselves as “one big family.” And it is not strange that they should do so. They are a peo ple apart. Their loyalty is to Sells- Floto; their work is for the glory of Sells-Floto. In short, they live by the circus and for the circus. Natural ly, they are drawn close together, and during the season, more than friends to each other. They are the Sells-Floto family. From H. B. Gentry, president and general man ager, down to the littlest tot J.ey of the tribe of Sells-Fluto. GOTTBII MARKET Local Cotton Market. Good middling 27c Cotton Seed Quotation. Per Ton $75.00 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Receipts and Shipments. Rects Shpts Wheat 73,000 14,000 Corn 12,000 32,000 Oats 386,000 432,000 Chicago Grain Quotations. CORN— Opening December 119 5-8 to 119 1-4 May 115 OATS— Opening December 59 1-4 to 59 1-8 May 61 1-4 to 61 1-8 RIBS— Opening January 24.97 1-2 to 95.00 CORN— Closing December ,118 5-8 to 118 1-2 May 114 3-8 to 114 1-4 OATS— Closing December 59 to 58 7-8 May 60 7-8 to 60 7-8 RIBS Closing October 28.00 New York Cotton Futures. Coton futures opened in New oYrl: today, quoted: January, 26.98-90 : March. 27.03-27.00; May, 27.10-14; Octo ber, 27.19; December 26.90-27-10. Steady. At the close, futures were quoted; October, 27.48; December, 26.65; Jan uary, 26.48; March. 26.42; May, 26.53. Steady. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF Bicycles AND Talking Machines SEE US BEFORE BUYING Will Dudley PHONE 123 Physician’s Eczemaßemedy Dr. Holmes, the well-known skin special ist, writes: “I am convinced that the D. D. D. Pre scription is as much a specific for Eczema as quinine for malaria. 1 have been pre tcrlbing the D. D. L>. remedy for years." This soothing combination of oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and other healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescription is now a favorite remedy of skin special ists for all skin diseases. It penetrates the pores, gives instant relief from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. Druggists are glad to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid. 25c, 50c and SI.OO. Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the first bottle relieves you. D. D. D. Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. Hooks’ Pharmacy. Famine in Grits. SAVANNAH, Ga.. October 9. —Be- cause of a car shortage which pre vents corn movements Savannahians are nearly facing a pearl grits famine, Although there is plenty of new corn near here it is not in demand because ii will not keep unless kiln dried. The normal consumption of grits in Savannah is 3,G00 sacks a week. Valuable Farm Land For Sale By Receiver. As receiver of the Bank of South western Georgia, I have an offer of *3,500.00 cash, for the following de scribed property of the Bank of South western Georgia, to-wit: The whole of land lot Number Sixty- One (61) containing:'two hundred two and one-half 202 1-2) more or less, and seventy-five (75) acres off the west side of land lot number sixty-two (62) in the Fifteenth (15th) District of Sumter county, Georgia, and the whole of land loi Number Twenty-Five (25), in the Fifteenth (15th) district of Lee county, Georgia, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, lying and being in one body and aggregating lour hundred and eighty (480) acres more or less, being that property con veyed in two deeds from Johnson & Harrold to the Bank of Southwestern Georgia, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Sumter county, Georgia, cne in deed record "AA”, page 425. : nd the other in deed record “AA”. page 431, and unless I, as re eiver of the Bank of Southwest ern Georgia, have a better offer or b’d for the same before October lath, 1917, s,aid offer will be accepted and sub mitted to t'.ie court for confirmation, as porvided for in the decree of the court in the case of the State of Geor gia against the Bank of Southwestern Georgia. This, the 3rd day of October, 1917 L. G. COUNCIL. As Receiver of the Bank of Southwest ern Georgia. KTW I The new discovery that causes new hair to I ■ sprout al! over your head —makesail your nappy. I B coarse.kinkyhair.soft.silky.long,fluffy, straight I Bso you can do it up any style. Ungthens your B hair sto 15 inches. STOPS DASDR.LFF AND B ITCHING SCALP AT ONCE. HEROLIN is de fl lightfully perfumed and not Sticky or gummy. B SEND ZS CENTS I.Ump. or ooi»> tor oW b " x B HEROLIN MEDICINE CO, AlUnla. Gowola [AGENTS Men like this buy their fflJ clothes here N jb Business men who want the be& H sf ; W. < IWsWsT style and quality they can find and J®. W.. . who haven’t any time to waste, buy S |KgF their clothes of us. We fit them 1 perfectly in Hart Schaffner & Marx M - ready-made clothes; no waiting; no try-ons. And they get fine all-wool Wk. quality and dignified style; they ; WI save $lO or sls. ■ "'Ww • ■ W. D. Bailey Co. jjJF FRENCHMEN ARE REQUIRED TO DECLARE THEIR PROPERTY PARIS, Oct. 9.—The obligatory de claration by the French citzens of property, real or personal, belonging to them and situated in countries at war with France, decreed recently is explained officially to be “neces sary to determine what measures should be taken concerning the inter ests of French citizens in the enemy’s . territory and to negotiate with the Speaking of Silks SOME folks think that when they have Quoted the price on a So Called Silk and named their list of colors, which is ju£ two or three, they have Done Something. THE HOUSE OF ANSLEY does not splutter and splash in advertisements of cheap silks at so-called cut prices. SUCH “STUFF” is HIGH AT ANY PRICE REAL SILKS ARE CHEAP AT ANY PRICE within reason and that is the way OURS ARE PRICED. Strictly High Grade Silks Otir Specialty AND WE HAVE CHEAPER ONES ALSO. < “ Money-Bak Taffetas” Are Guaranteed for iu)o Seasons Wear, ana Here are Some Colors Black, Navy, Plum, Gray, Wisteria, Myrtle Green, Soft Reseda Green, Nut Brown SKINNER SATINS are GUARANTEED for TWO SEASON’S WEAR. These satins are SKINNERS new soft Charmeuse finish and much better than any Charmeuse ever was. Here are A FEW COLORS we are now showing over our counters: Black, White, Ivory, Cream, Navy, Copen,Light Silver Grey, Light Grey, Med ium Grey, Dark Grey, Taup, African Brown, Nut Browa, Tan, Castor, Rus set, Old Gold, Violet, Wisteria, Burgundy, Cardinal, Pompeian, Red, Myrtle Green, Soft Reseda Green, Emerald Green, Leaf Green and Yellow. All Silks Quoted Are Yard Wide And Suitable for Street Wear, Etc. Paris Cables Say “Satins Lead” NEW NEW READY-TO- FERN Wa ‘ StS WEAR SWEATERS ™ry G X PE ™ A ’ S EXPRESS STRICTLY DEPENDABLE SILKS RECEIVED ; allies as to concerted measures.’’ • This information will also be re- J quired in peace negotiations, it is ! pointed out, to enable the govern ment to defend both public and private ' interests and safeguard an important : part of the national wealth. I Similar measures weiie long ago taken by Germany, but with a more 1 radical purpose in view—the actual i confiscation of the property of French subjects, according to the view held ; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917. . here. Retaliation has been advocate.! ; and even recommended by parlia ( mentary ommittees. The decree does ! not intimate that the government in tended to go that far. The main ob i ject is to arrive at an approximate j estimate of the value of the pledges ’of this kind held by Germany, Aus tria, Turkey and Bulgaria. j The decree applies to property held I by Germans in occupied French terri : tory.