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PAGE SIX II 111 111 IS g-- 3^ 1 — Hl MH* A i ifii®' J?& '<& tW H >aZ ffl iMaMir -"K -- —"A i iiiin i ’■" l " I Mot Vaster I J TlnW Vour Ho*"’ Wffl Pipe<l T— -«««£« -TW.-S«» w °t u <i M' oma ~dT'>'- wi,h ”°S w- I Wrftßa W s"°“ !°“ s hot *■<>'«■ day „‘ w oter - a " „ik« tea I W x^r^r pip “ ! I W -• ®i»UD « m >i» « w ® \ WB • H ° flfic . Lighting ana P tbefeuce t. i I|| Notice the 3 done \ utT'S Couple o< >w. V Hffi Ruudlorevc.y n There s •* j- ,|| • jrj |?jy | b®® um®» fflWf VrAX£*” Tho Ruud goes In collar or tSt** basement and supplies £> automatically every hot water faucet in the house. gx/jSTX*-.- B RAGG’S MEAT MARKET 123 FORSYTH ST. PHONE 181 The Market that appreciates good patronage, tries hardest to render satisfactory service. Our fresh meats, fish, oysters and, in fact, what we carry is second to none anywhere. TRY US. PHONE 181. BRAGG’S MEAT MARKET • rid ’NG hood’ ® 2 PLA-SHUS. ® : /?So • : /4PIZ»7 \ j i t N< @®g j) • •I • • | \w r 1 ’ • 2i J ■- ; best for f | h W BOYS AND GIRLS | |' ; They Are • Comfort ® PLUS SW • | Noiseless Wear * We have them m all leathers—pat- § • [ ent aad tan—also button and lace. © 21 Call and see them. ® J/ W. J. JOSEY ® JI Americus, Ga. ® •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gets Japanese Decoration. TOKIO, Oct. 31.—Miss Julia N. Cros by, of Yokolioma, has been invested with the order of the order of the Blue Ribbon by the Japanese Emperor. Miss Crosby is S 4 year s old, and for forty-six years has been engaged in the work of the Woman’s Union Mis sionary Society. The honor is con ferred in recognition of her labors in the education of’Japanse girls, as well as her works of charity. Miss Crosby is the oldest daughter of the late Prof. Henry William Crosby, of New 'York. then you’ll appreciate the subtle flavor of & FEHR’S* jWw’XCyMO;., __ /fl' v , v fa A Distinciivc Bevor.-5 e Delightfully good as well as remarkably beneficial. At hotels, restaurants, drug / ■ i stores, grocery Stores four,- ! , tains, and wherever bever- I ages are sold. ’ Order it by the case from your dealer Ulfl® Central Consumers Co. Incorporated « ft LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY <■ AWV'V ■j. ,a:la: ? IMERKTS GROCERY CO. Wohlesale Distributors. Phone 53. 406 Cotton Ave. Americus. Ga. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. PHILIPPINE PAPER MONEY IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE DEMAND MANILA, Oct. 31. —Philippine paper I money is quoted below par by the t vast army of Chinese merchants who . control 90 per cent of the retail busi- [ nes§ of the Islands. Silver coins, in-' eluding the peso, the bullion in which I is now worth $1.50, are being quoted , by Chinese merchants at a ten per ! cent advance. Meanwhile the gov ernment is considering measures to cope with the situation whch is re tarded as a serious menace to the commercal prosperity of retail busi ness here. The average Chinese re tailer today refuses to make sales I unless the purchaser has with him the exact change necessary. If he, presents a two peso bill for payment— the two peso bill being the smallest paper currency in use, he is told that he must accept a ten per cent dis count on it or go without the goods. At the same time, the Chinese are paying a peso for ninety centavos in silver coin. The chief factor in causing the pres ent is declared to be in creasing business. Philippine trade has gone ahead so rapidly in recent months that the circulation of money in the Islands has not kept pace with it. Then came recent advances in the price of silver increasing the value of the pesa to fifteen centavos above par. Prohibited by law from exporting silver pesos, the Chinese are said to be hoarding them. There ig a suspicion also that they are ex porting the buTion obtained from melting them down, although there is a law on the local statute books forbidding melting of coins. This hoarding has withdrawn many silver pesos from circulation. Their work has been done by the smaller coins, fifty, tewnty, ten and five cen tavo pieces, and the burden of trade has been too great for them to carry. The refusal of Chnese store-keepers to give change is regarded as indica tion that they are hoarding the small er coins also. Several month ago the insular gov ernment saw the danger to the peso in the increasing price of silver and authorized the Philippins Nationtl Bank, the government institution to contract for the pr’nting of 4,000,000 peso bills. It is the intention also to the insular legislature for the authori ty to issue up to $4,000,000 in Wills. TERRIBLYSWOLLEN Suffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.—Mrs. Kate Lee Able, of this place, writes: “My husband is an engineer, and once while lifting, he in jured himself with a piece of heavy ma chinery, across the abdomen. He was so sore he could not bear to press on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with all their medicine, his bowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink it two or three days in succession. .He did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suffered so. He was swol len terribly. He told me his suffering could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- Draught. I made him take a big dose, and when it began to act he fainted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford’s Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day’s work. Try it! NC-131 When you are weak, nervous, dejected, and lack energy and ambition, try Ziron, the new iron tonic, with dab «&»&£> O hypophosphites and other tonic ingredients, which will put iron into your blood and help to develop fresh energy $ if J for your nerves and muscles. If you haven’t tried it, do so today. Why wait? It may be just what you need W ■t ’W" Ziron contains no alcohol, but just the ingredients known for centuries to be of value as a general bui'dinu recon a iron structive tonic for weak, pale peo( ie. Druggists sell Ziron, or can get it for you. Accept no substitutes. Get f into jFI WgpaO J | Your L. \\\v J: K J ron • | 1 VUI WMB Ihl 11 \d Tonic * MRS. MARY SARTIN, of R. F. D. 1, Sardis, Miss., writes. “I had been suffering some time with a worn- •’ i y.. IfC J/K-l A out fagged feeling; not sick in bed, but sometimes felt 1 would have to go to bed. My stomach didn’t feel pood 'W v would be bloated, and a good deal of gas. I began to have headaches almost all the time. I was afraid I would $1 liave fever, 1 felt so tired out. I heard of Ziron, and decided to try it, as I knew I needed a tonic. I found it good "2? zg i I rested better and felt stronger, my food seemed to digest much betterand I improved all around.” Try Ziron today |f Ask Your Druggist, About Our Money-Back Guarantee.! If your druggist cannot supply you we will send vou a bottle by parcel post prepaid. Chattanooga Drug and Chemical Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. CHINESE LABOR QUESTION IS RAISED IN PHILIPPINES MANILA, Oct. 31. —Whether Chinese labor shall be imported to the Phil ippines to till the thousands of acres of farm land which now lie idle is the roost important question which is ex pected to be fought out in the pres ent session of the Philippine con gress. Chinese immigration is now bmited by the exclusion acts of the United States, and any attempt to import Chinese in large numbers must have the consent of the administra tion at Washington before becoming effective. The annual Farmer.-’ Congress of the Philippines recently voted to tfa iVor Asiatic immigration. This means importaton of Chnese, snee they are the only laborers avalable. Combat ting thi s movemen ton the part of the farmers, representatives of organ ized labor are preparing to make a strong fight in the insular legisla ture against letting down the bars to i the Chinese. Norwegian Ships Sunk. | CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Oct. 31. — i Norway’s mercantile fleet increased i during September by 12,000 tons but jvessels lost represented 34,000 tons. (The total Norwegian fleet now com- I prises 3,265 vessels aggregating 2,126- 000 tons. AMERICUS Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE and RETAIL John Nita & Co., Proprietors. Fresh Spanish Mackerel, Fresh ♦Vater and Salt W’ater Trout, Red Snap pers, Red Bass, Sheep-head and all kinds of Bottom Fish. Shrimps, Crabs and Oyxters. QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 778 216 West Forsyth Street g Southern Railway System • a HIGH CLASS PASSENGER SERVICE TO ALL POINTS • © TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA: • 12:01 A. M.—For Greensboro, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia Nev • • York. • ® 6:20 A. M.—For Chattanooga, Cincinnati Chicago. • 6:25 A. M.—For Birmingham, Memphis Kansas City, Denver, and all points West. • 6 ; 30 M. For Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points. • 7:20 A. M.—For Columbus, Ga., and Ft. Valley, Ga. • 7:jo_A. M. For Macon and local points o Brunswick, Ga. ® 11:35 A. M. For Charlottte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. a 12:20 Noon —For Macon, Ga. • & 1:10 P. M.—For Anniston, Birmingham, Ala. 2:00 P •M.—For Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New York. J. 3:00 P. M. —For Chattanooga, local stations. 4:45 P. M.—For local stations to Toccoa Ga. 4:55 P.M. - For Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati. ga • r' 19 P-M-—For Columbus, Ga. 5:20 P. M.—For Brmingham, Memphis. @ 5:20 P. M.—For Ft. Valley, Ga. 5:30 P. M.—For Macon. Ga. J • 10:05 P. M. —For Macon, Brunswick, Jacksonville. O ® ‘0:40 P. M. —For Charlottte, Asheville, N.C. • ® i I .20 F. M. For Macon, Jacksonville, nd Florida points. • ® ! I :30 P. M.—For Birmingham, Meridian, N ew O r ] ea r.s, Shreveport. • Through Equipment and highest grade Dining 'Cars and Pullmaan Service ® WHEN PLANNING A TRIP TO ANY POINT ADDRESS @ JS. Bloodworth, T. P. A., Macon, Ga., or R. L. Baylor, D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. ® •••©@®•••©•••••••©••••••••• Fuel Economy >» »> > >»>>»>>>»>»»»»»>»»»>»>»»»»>>»»» Do you remember thScoid days of last winter and the promise you made to yourself at that time to equip youi home, office or store with better heating facilifies? YOU ALSO REMEMBER the amount of money it cost you for fuel last year. This Is How We Can Help You We guarantee to give you uniform heat day and night at a saving of half your fuel by using Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heater —or — Cole’s Air Tight Wood Heater Don’t use open grates and fire places; we can con nect the proper size Heater for the space you want to heat to them. It will not puff, soot or cause you any annoyance. You will be more than satisfied. We bought our stock of all sizes last year and will give you the benefit of the old price. FUEL or all kinds is going to be high Help our Govern ment by conserving tho fuel supply; it is vital you do this, and by so doing you help yourself save. Avoid the rush. Pre pare now. DON’T DELAY! COLE’S DOWN DRAFT MALLEABLE RANGES THE GREATEST of all labor and fuel savers also in stock. Favor Us by inspecting our line of COLE’S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST RANGES AND HEATERS. Avoid imitation Hot Blast Stoves. Look for the name COLE’S and accept no substitute. DEMONSTRATION in CHARGE OF EXPERT TUESDAY, 30th, and WEDNESDAY, 31st, AT OUR STORE. All are invited. No obligation to buy S» *” . ■ , . Allison Furniture Co. S xS Advances the Liver Requires trt;i It Ittrv occasional slight stimulation. CARTER’S LITTLE f 1 T V LE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. pills. Genuine W bear* ** signature X Colorless or Pale Faces Carter’s Iron Pills WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1917.