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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1917. EAST SIDE STORE HOFFMAN BROS. ™ cotton avenue Across Street from Buchanan’s Hardware Store Greatest Reduction Sale QI This Year Will Commence FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th And Continue lor H Days Dwino tn niir Parlv biivincr for cash through our New York buyer, we are able to offer everything in Ladies’ Ready to Wear, Owing to °^ e ™™y and Dry Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES during this sale. It Will Pay You to Visit Our Store During This Sale. Come and Be Convinced Come Hoffman Bros. Come 107 Cotton Avenue. Across the Street from Buchanan’s Fiardware Store. Americus, Georgia BRAGG’S MARKET For choice cuts of Beef or Poik in Steaks, Roasts and Stews. Good Sausage Meats, Liver, Steak, Brains, Vienna Sausage, Sliced Hams and Bacon. Butter, Eggs, Fish and Oysters. BRAGG’S MEAT MARKET 123 W. FORSYTH ST. PHONE 181 Not how cheap, but how good we can make your Photograph, Portraits, Commercial Work, Kodak Fin ishing. Films developed free. Prints 3c to 5c each. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Send us your films; we pay return postage. L. A. McPheeters For Sy k 2s street Br - r - r - r when you jump out of bed these cold mornings! You shiv er —br-r- r-r. What's the use? One of our little gas heaters will make you perfectly comfortable. Turn it on, instant heat —turn it off, expense ceases. $6.00 and $7.00 wrrrn IWIIIIII IM Bl TXriHiTT I Americus Lighting Company gin our auto insurance you obtain Safe Protection of excellent character —the kind of in- protection that covers all the essentials and is backed by a strong, sound company. Herbert Hawkins BREAD CARDS ISSUED TOJWLE DE PARIS PARIS, NOv. 15.—Bread cards have been issued to the housewives of Paris, though the regime has not been instituted. The ration which was fixed at a pound per day per head by the preceding Minister of Provisions, will probably not be a half pound per head. Bulgaria, whose principal re sources are agricultural allows a pound a day Bread rations to civil ians in belligenrent and neutral coun tries to date are as follows: Bulgaria, 16 ounces; Denmark, 10 German, 9 ounces; Austria 9 ounces; Sweden, 8 1-2 ounces; Holland, 8 ounces; England, (restaurants) 7 1-2 ounces; Turkey, 5 ounces. Bread is made in German containing 94 per cena of wheat, in Austria the flour is 90 per cent, while 84 per cent is used in France. Coal Prices in Savannah. SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 15. —Coal prices have been fixed in Savannah. The ton used shall be 2240 pounds; the city will weigh the coal, and the prices are: Bitumnous, $9; Anthracite sl2; Steam, $7. Fuel Administrator Dixon says dealers found charging more than the retail price given above will bo AVIATION STUDENTS ARE MAKING GOOD PROGRESS ATLANTA. Ga., Nov. 15.—The avia do students at the government’s fly ing school in Atlanta are making very satisfactory progress, according to signal corpsehETA OSHRDL HRD L Major George O. Squ'ers, chief of the signal corps of the United States army who completed an inspection of tho embyro flyers yesterday. Some two hundred or more select- SEED wwwvwvwvvwwvrwwwwwwwwwrwwww Things You Should Plant Now Radishes Onion Sets Potato Onion Cabbage ■ Lettuce Beets Turnips Mustard Rape Pho ie 542 PIASTERS SEED CO. AMERICUS, GA. KINKY i' ft® /SX Ha,r //W\ Grows L.niJ, SoEf, | Silky, by usiv* aFI I EXELENTO I. I QUININE POMADE / I which is a Hair Grow-\ W JsS ! cr and which feeds \ 'W SJJfW the scalp and roots of \ w | the hair end makes » kinky, nappy hair ;■>/ I I grow loiiK, soft and I ; silky. It cleans dandruff and stops fall- B ; ins hair at once. Guamtecd todoas we I : say or money back. Price 25c by mail ■ I on receipt of stamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE g I t ® Write for Particulars f ( EXELENTO MEDICINE CO., ATLANTA. GA. fl ■hm J a ■BMMMMMMBNBMMRWM EVI I IUuUIAA* THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. & How they hurry down to breakfast I ■> when the aroma of I I this coffee steals in their bed room J doors! I I MAXWELL! | HOUSE | COFFEE is nothing more in- S viting than the odor of good coffee. Askfor Maxwell House and you’ll get it. At grocers, ■ always in sealed tins. CHEEK-NEAL COFFEE CO. Nashville, Houston, Jacksonville. Richmond ed young men are learning the theory of aeronautics, gas engine construction raachie gun operation, wireless teleg raphy and other things that an aviatd, has to know. After completing ther course in the theoretical side they will take the finishing touches at a flying school where flying is done un der actual war conditions. While n the cty General Squers al so inspected the flying corps at Camp Gordon, the cantonment near here, where more than 40,000 troops of the national army are being trained. ORANGE CRUSH The immediate popular ity attained by Orange Crush is the finest testi monial to the merit of this new drink which is flavor ed with the fine juice of crushed California Or anges. People like it be cause it is GOOD PURE HEALTHFUL 5C The Bettie AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J T. IH’T If, lacsjcr Sugar Shortage. SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 15.—The ' sugar shortage will be relieved soon in other parts of the country, accord ing to President B. A. Oxnard, of the Savannah Refining Corporation, who is back again in the city after an ab sence of several weeks. The loss or | the Louisiana crop by freeze will b«. j made up by the new Cuba crop which i is ten times as large, he said. The re finery at Part Wentworth will open up again as soon as the new Cuban crop comes in. In case Louisiana pro- | duct is available the Savannah re -, finehy will open soon. The Cuban crop is due around the first of the year. There is no shortage of an alarming nature here. • I $965 The Grant Six Is The Best Seller This popular priced car is one of the most numerous on the streets of Americus. It is one of the most attractive of all automobiles, and while built on substantial lines it has a classic finish and a light, smooth running quality that makes it the ideal car. i / WxWjwBMHHfIMjHHMM/f nJ $965 Our garage is now open, day or night, for all automobile trade. A force of experienced mechanics will give you prompt, expert attention. We also carry all automobile accessories. i J. D. HOOKS MOTOR CO. Lamar Street A number of young men from this community have already feeea assigned to duty in our army, and some are now in service ‘'some where” in foreign countries. It is quite likely that many more will go. The occasion may arise for someone in this community to remit funds to relatives of friends who are in service in foreign fields. We are enable, through our bank corresponts who have brute* banks in foreign countries, to effect payment of such remittances by a safe and direct method, and we offer our facilities for each purposes to the people of the surrounding community. The Bank of Commerce PAGE THREE