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IHIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. New Series = IL New Series "Four-Ninety” Touring I/CHEVROLET/ "Four-Ninety” Roadster Price S«85.00 Delivered J ' Price 5670.00 Delivered Zj 1 _ /t W carry at all A times a complete , stock of Chevro- ‘ let parts, accesso ries, and tires of f I xw^WSr/ i£±— allkinds. Telephone J^‘ Us Show You What We Have Oppos](e Ca(nmCTcial m Emory Rylander Warehouse : SOCIAL ITEMS : DINNER FOB VISITORS. Miss Willie Belle White entertain ed last night at a dinner for her guests, Misses Ruby and Evelyn Min- f niek and Carrie Bartley. The house. was beautifully decorated with ferns j and cut flowers, green and pink pi'i- / ? dominating in decorations, and re freshments. A delicious dinner was served, followed by cake and punch. PINKSTON COMPANY tNew arrivals in Coats came in with the weather ® 1 We worked in conjunction with PP'M 1 c: the Weather Man and today's ex- I \ i W P ress brought a large new shipment I S c °ld weather coats. t Coats •1 I J-J tF unusua l and great attractiveness. Models H <7 with stunning large collars, or snug close fitting collars— // / \ some with fur, plush or self materials Large novelty » / pockets and wide belts. Especial values at $25.00 The pretty lace trimmed camisole of Crepe de Chene illustrated gives a hint of the attractive- ® ness of the new models now being shown. J J *( ml Night Robes Camisoles /h Jt\//r Teddies Vests / 1 ■ Wash Satin, Silk and Georgette \\ / White and Colors . fusiTM*’ t xk PLUMS BPAMP w - ■ Pinkston Company ■Those present were Missea Ruby and Evelyn Minnick, of Plains, Miss Carrie Bartley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Messrs. A R. Royal, Ed Argo. W. J. Bass, Vid Royal. / *• * * Matrons’ fdbty.two club. Mrs. Zack Childers will entefiain the Matrons’ Forty-Two Club on Fri day afternoon at three o'clock. / H ENDRIC K S-N ASWORTHY. Miss Annie Mae Nasworthy and Mr. D. E. Hendricks were married on Sat urday last at the home of the bride at Rebecca, Ga., Mr. Hendricks was formerly in the employ of the Windsor Pharmacy and is well-known in Amer icus, where he has many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks are now in Macon, where the groom is stationed at Camp Wheeler. * » * The Woman’s Club, the Music Study Club and the U. D. C ’s wish to rent a piano to be .placed in Carnegie Library, where their meetings are THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEM. held. The piano must be in good con dition and will receive the best of care. Anyone desiring to rent a piano may communicate with Mrs. H. B. Mash burn, Mrs. Frank Sheffield, or Miss Elizabeth Cobb. !* * * NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Homer Bankston entertain ‘ed the Neighborhood Club this after noon in a 'delightful manner at her home on Furlow street. * * * DATE OF PARTY CHANGED. j The Red Cross Bridge Club will ; meet with Mrs. Tracy Cunningham on Saturday afternoon at her home on Lee street. * * * BED CROSS DANCE. / The dance at the Armory last nightl ' was one of the mose delightful of the season and a large crowd was in attndance. / The hall was decorated with large/ branches of bright autumn; leaves and on the tables where sand- ( wiches were sold white and yellow j chrysanthemums were used with; charming effect. A number of out-1 of-town guests were present from: Marshallville, Plains Cordele., Much praise is due Mrs. C. O. Niles i for her efficient management of the, dance and its splendid success. Forty i dollars were cleared and will be de voted to buying materials for the local work of the Red Cross. A donation from Mr. Clarence Niles brought the amount to fifty dollars. * * * WOMAN’S LITERARY CLUB. 1 The Woman’s Literary Club met ‘this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E L. Carswell, on Lee street, when the followin'' program was given: • Youthful Experiences—Mrs. C, J.. Clark, The Child's Story—Mrs. Paul Ellis. 1 The. Youthful Reporter.—Mrs. E. L. I .Carswell. ? I His Own Story. -Mrs. W. I). Bagley. l 1 Early Years of Charles Dickens. — 1 , Miss Emma May Borum. EOBOET YBUR RBEUMATISM Not Necessary to Have Your Troubles With Yon Any Longer. Don't suffer when you can get “Neu trone Prescription 99.” Rheumatism one of the most com mon ailments, ig one of the hardest to cure. Any remedy to be effective must purify the blood and kidney®, common sense teaches you this. That i 8 why “N'eutrone Prescr,’p tion 99" is so successful, it is a com bination of blood purifying agents prepared from the prescription of a specialist. It relieves those sore, inflamed joints and muscles. “It puts out the lire." It does all these things, re stores your health, makes you happy and free from j ain. Go to your druggist’s today and get t Site or £I.OO bottle, then say, good bye Rheumatism. Mail orders filled >n SI.OO size. For sale ny pio veil’s Pharmacy, Alcazar THEATREIk MATINEE 5 & 10c NIGH! 10 & 15c THURSDAY Paramount Picture Pre sents Jack Pickford and Louise Huff in “THE VARMINT” 5 Acts. Don’t miss this FRIDAY Blue Ribbon Feature Mary Anderson in “SUNLIGHT’S LAST HAID” 5 Acts, and Chapter 10 •‘THE GRAY GHOST" SATURDAY Triangle Plays Bessie Barriscale in “WOODEN SHOES” Hve Acts, and “A LOVE CBAJE ’ Triangle Comedy -**■**" - uM/h y S 'I V \ ■kJiiP w'qh wwWt 5/ *.Wr/ i T * Pictures of ' J homfefolks carry warmth and com fort to the heart of a soldier. Make your appoint ment now for your Xmas work. The Mkinsw Studio | i — - - i Americus. Ga., and leading druggists everywhere. adt Buy Your Maxwell Now Just received a shipment of the 1918 models, which are beautifully designed and built for service. THE MAXWfII IS THE W THAT YOH CIS AtfORI) We invite you to call and inspect them or let us demonstrate one to you. CHAPPELL MACHINERY CO. Phone k'.’Jl. ’‘The Home of The Maxwell Car.” Lamnr Street. Agents for Engines, Farm Machinery, Auto mobile Accessories. Tires and Tubes> WE WANT T 0... Express a pleasant “thank you” for your continued patronage, confidence and encourgement. We are striving to make this store a real conven ience and an institution to this whole community, and if our service pleases you it will be a gracious courtesy to have you mention it to others who may not know us so well. MURRAY’S _ « TELEPHONE PHARMACY ore No. 87 Bicycles For Girls Bicycles For Boys Bicycles For Men Williams-Niles Co. . Hardware Phone 706 PAGE FIVE