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Newspaper Page Text
CHURCH WELL’S | CHURCHWELL’S 1g Lamar Street Americus, Ga. DELIVERED FREE | Lamar Street :•: Americus, Ga. The Best Time of All to Start Christmas Shopping Is Now n Early Begun, Well Done. We’re Ready! 1 ~ IKTM7M? — THIS BIG STOREj IvSJVZ ® SHOP |ls filled with interesting, and usedtd gifts ’ especially desirables » m FAR IY for gift purposes ’ and the priccsar W £ /SvpC- sufficiently varied to meet everyone’s iW I i . “ BWL-—11 - B 1 CHRISTMAS OF PRACTICAL GIVING Odd Lot of Womens Misses and do useful, practical Holiday cw<w s iKwi a „jc»«<>n LX ain favor with the one who SWEATERS > one who gives. The purely J* ’pretty” things ’round which 39? L| ■mbrance clings not for long, ... ~, „ . LX ing caste, for these are days K Ig Willi those Who give for and cuffs. Some of them are sake. slishtly soiled ’ all sizes in 1110 lou in one style and another. Values >r shoppers is a collection of >® to $1.50. at 3%. X ngs whose additional good TQr Js tressed in a word usefulness JU I» l 1 NEWS OF IMPORTANCE TO EVERY WOMAN - A Reminder L TAILORED SUITS AT AMAZING REDUCTIONS v ‘ F “ 1 1 Savings That Almost Stagger Belief EXTRAORDINARY SALE JANUARY PRICES NOW in Americus wintcd'caatc ' W I® 4j most remarkable Suit Bargains that are offered anywhere II 1 fill vvAlm \ HI 11 ? ?L l h s ear^v t* me A n , Tailored Suits are now at your disposal. r i r , Ji V ! i e , n °t wa| t until the season is gone, or nearly gone, but hold * or Eadies and Misses. r J i,'i Resale now the Borsom, IK,//Prow Extraorfcrv/ Umtsnal in style-preferred Xl i < ei AQQ l' or actual $18.50. S2O, materials and colors—you have j. . <PI T’.t/O $22.50 Stunning Suits rever beheld a more notable col- 1 • \ A beautiful assortment to choose from, and no one who needs lection. Wonderful Garments for £ \ a Suit should overlook this sal ? real value up to $22.50 —all vJ V ’ e an “ 1 a^ue - , P good materials. The best colors of the season and black. Sizes $25 00 TO $?7 50 COATS SELECT USEFUL THINGS f > U for women and misses. | rr' THINGS FORGIVING. J Cl 0 bor actual $25 to S3O Something Appreciated */•«<) Exquisite Suit’ ( SUITS j-i'-j-fc? ’ .. Snappy New Suits—a vast assortment of new designs from $>6.00 TO $22.50 COATS DRESSES if if /;W* d ich to make-your selection. The materials are the newest Velours, , -f (W COATS * /%■ 11 Lid Broadcloths, Serges, Poplins, Gabardines, etc. The colors are tlie WAIQTQ F tsfl best, the workmanship the finest. Vin 5 tmcov T I LADIES’ AND MISSFS MILLINERY Ho $8.95 for $14.00 Ladies CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS PRETTILY BOXED SPORT COATS U^ATh" VE ROBES and Misses Suits ... A superlative collection gathered with taste and discretion, Q /IQ HOSIERY : W- Perfect Garments, splendid at the Tliriftiest of Prices. SWEATERS O materials, last season styles, in WOMEN’S OUTING GOWNS $1.25. $5.00 Values. addadci Clearance only VV 95 of pretty novelty stripe Outing, ex tra good weight Far and away ahead of any- CHILDREN’S ijO y • • «po.yo material, finished with stitch ing or braid. thing shown elsewhere. j “We Can Save You Money.” I ?'Jms Do¥oo PHICFsIn SILK AND SEME ORESSES~~r SMOKING " WlimATHltiESsssoW $18.50 to $22.50 SILK AND SERGE DRESSES. Great Pre-Christmas Clearing C^^e Cl Cret3e ' ,le ~ Chlne and ' Choice styles in Bath Robes in bright and X! A fine lot of Dresses in the smart new models in good va- of All Trimmer Hats n vr a i n rp n \ c ° m k natlons ' Weli made and ,ow P"<> A rietv. Are in black and best colors and sizes for women and Reduced to Half Price Oil IK IWAISTS 3 '" * ni ‘ S£eS> There are no exceptions—no $2.50 to $6.00. Women’s Outing and Crepe Kimonas $1.50 <2? 1 4 QQ favorites held back. We are Fashion’s newest styles; open r i r. • i • Ol± 70 clearing out all this seasons and necks lace trimmed an.l Kimonas of select quality material, a vane- apjj $72 50 TO 50 Sil K AND DRPQQPQ Trimmed Hats at Half the reg- embroidered and frill effects. tv of fl « ures and de ® ,Kn ®k beSt C ° lors ’ Only SZZ.SU IO $27.50 bILk AND SERGE DRESSES u * ar T ?" c T e |- Tr , n x- EXCEPTIONAL VALUES sl-50 • Elegant Dresses—very smartest effects. Crepe de Chine; also MILLINEPA MAKES Wool, Serge, Serge and Satin, Serge and Georgette Combinations, QITTS .... ■— ————■ M black and best colors of the season, in sizes for misses and women. scr^ c 1’ O KM IMJI? 1* I" Si 19 75 but ask your immediate in- 'G’ KX. 4-J K"'B w W 90 spection. - ._J Wf