Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR _ l m iiiiiiirr - —WWiITTIF"'* 1,1 * u nn>iir"r!W - {xaW72 | Local News Items ij i ■■ mi ■■nimi— —gMim-Tini 'r wwn wr/Mra bt Sterling silver Vanitys and Dorlnes •1 S. A. Daniels. Miss Alice Olver has returned from a vifdt of several weeks to friends in Bainbridge, where she was delightful ly entertained. — Drink Grange Crush, 5c in bottles. Soldier, Sailor, Scout, Cow Boy and Indian Chief Play Suits —Ansley’s. D. D. Hall, of Leesburg, was in the «ity Saturday on business. Engage your Christmas Turkeys at' Bragg’s Market. 14-If Men’s colored border chepe de chine 1531 k Handkerchiefs —Ansley’s. — Frank White has returned home af-' ter a viUt of some time to relatives at Sumter. Backl.'ones and Spareribs at Bragg’c Men’s Neckwear, swellest ever, 35c to $2.00 —Ansley’s. E. A. Herrin ha 3 returned from Fort • Valley, where he went on a business mission. Give the Kids Orange Crush m bottles. Sc. i* Biggest Blanket stock, and the best ever shown here —Ansley’s. J W. Barwick has returned to Les lie after a visit to friends in Americus. I Our Toyland and stock of Bovks and ! Fancy Articles are now open to your fasjM'ctlon. Call now and make an ®uiy selection. Hightower Book Store. 30-ts Ante Robes, every grade—Ansley’s., Pinkney Powell, school commis sioner of Lee county, was a business visitor here yesterday. See beautiful Pauline Frederick, in “Double Crossed,” at the Alcazar Monday; 10c and 15c. For her—get Table Linens—Ans ley's. THE STANDARD xr *•*>■- «'w«r* i | At $8.50, worth SIO.OO Granite Art Squares, size 9x12 feet; six patetrns. At 25c. Children’s Bleached Under- , wests; sizes 2 to 6. i At 65e, worth 75 c. Children’s Union Suits; sizes *6 to 14. At 15c, worth 20c. Misses' Heavy Ribbed Stockings; ail sizes. At SLOO, worth $1.25. Silk Crepe del Chine, black and colors; 36 inches; Wide. .M 50c, worth 75c. Striped Pongee, '<ray, blue, lavender and white, yard wide. At SI.OO. Chioce of over one thous. and fine Madras Shirts for men. At 55c, worth 75c. Men’s Heavyj Fteeced Underwear; all sizes. At $2.76, worth $3.50. Men’s guar-. »nte«! Work Shoes, soft and flexible. At 12 1-2, worth 15c. Smooth finish-' «d Sea Island. At 65e, worth 75. Highly Mercerized j Table Damask, 70 inches wide. At 25c, or $2.75 dozen. Choice of Ave hundred Crepe de Chine handker- 1 efciefs. At se. Choice of over one thousand ladies’ Emboridered Handkerchiefs. ■At 15c, worth 20c. Yard-wide Lin <»e; fine finish. At 25c. Bleached Turkish Towels; size 22x44 inches. At 35c. Bleached Turkish Towels; fcncy borders; size 18x36 inches At 19c. Hemstitched Guest Towels; an linen buck. At 35c. Infants’ Soft Sole Shoes and Slippers; black, white and colors. At $1 00. Misses’ solid leather Shoes; sizes 5 to 8; flexible soles. At $1.98. Alex Smith Velvet Rugs, size 30x60 inches. lEXNOX SOAP 7 BARS FOR 25c. Proctor & Gamble famous Lennox , Scan full size bars; sold only with other purchases of $1 or more; 7 bars fcr 25c. COATS’ SPOOL COTTOS B FOR 25c, J. & P. Coats’ Spool Cotton, black sad white; all numbers; sold only with other purchases of SI.OO or more; 8; spools for 25c. ’HE STANDARD DRY SOODS CO. Phene sW>< Ave. Americus, Ho. f Fine line of Kazors. Bell, The Jew i e ler. 7 .1 C. G. Cheek, of Leslie, waa a vi - | itor in Americus yesterday. / 1 Fine Counterpanes—at Ansley’s. Second Hand Maxwell Auto in good i condition; for sale very cheap. App y Chappell Machinery Company. Rev. J. M. Murray, of Ellaville, I?, a holiday shopper in Americus 1 ! Friday. Read Ansley’s ad, last page. j 1 _ FOR SALE—One pair mules. Eu gene Daniel. 11-lw ■ —— W. H. Clarke, of Webster county. ' v. as here Friday. Blankets. Blankets, Blankets—An- ! sley’s. i XMAS SUGGESTIONS: Bud vases, I i dainty Jardinieres, Hand-Painted ; Vases and Violet Dishes. Found at | PLANTERS SEED COMPANY. 13-ts | I Mr. and Mrs. Armstead Dodson and Mrs. J. H. Williams, of Plains, were i shoppers in Americus Friday. Dainty guest Towels at Ansley’s. i Second-Hand Maxwell Into in good .indition; for sale very cheap*. Apply Chappell .Machinery Company. Mrs. 0. J. McTyier, of Plains, was a | , i itor in the city Friday. She will I ’eave for Memphis, Tenn., o n a visit in | I a day or two. Beautiful Bath Rugs at Ansley’s. Turkeys for sale at thirty cents pound. Mrs. J. E. D. Shipp. 16-2 t H. J. Webb, of Sumter, was in the 1 city Friday. Fur Sets and Collars—Ansley’s. / Mrs. J. W. Stallings returned this Tnorning from the Plains hospital after an operation. She is reported as do ing nicely./ ' ntiTi-. *l. ini'* ’ Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me some of that Symphony Lawn Sta tionery I saw at the Rexall Store. Marjorie. Murray’s Pharmacy. Phone 87c. T. A. Collin ß returned today from a I trip to South Carolina. Mr Collins ' there was so much snow he left his I car in Atlanta, and will go back for ■ it later. Swellest line ladies’ Handkerchiefs lof everv description.—Ansley’s. I ‘ ■ Mrs. John A. Aycock and son, Ray- I moiid and daughter, Miss Pauline, and I Miss Mae Lacey, of Andersonville, I were shopping in the city Saturday. Like Oranges Try Orange Cr,;sh. I c, in bottles. j Rev. C. A. Phillips, of Plains, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Rich Indian Blankets —Ansley’s. . I Dickson H. Tharin, of Atlanta, was i a visitor in Americus Saturday. j Give the Kids Orange Crush Ju bottles. 5c ( B. D. Fudge, a popular travod’ng. I salesman, of Bainbridge, was a visitor j in Americus Saturday. Swell Shirt Waists. SI.OO to SIO.OO. —Ansley’s. A’liff Clay of Atalnta. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Clay, on Taylor street, for a day or two. I Second-Hand Maxwell Ante in good condition; for sale very cheap. Apply (happel! Machinery Company. Mrs. N. B. Stewart, Miss Mattie L. | B Cobb and Miss Lucy Parrow Tay- 1 lor will arrive today from Athens and, b< the guests of Capt and Mrs. Tno. ' A. Cobb, until after Christmas. Superb line Bath Robes —Ansley's. Silk Hosiery for gifts.—Ansleys /jesse .1. Bull, Jr., of Oglethorpe, was a visitor in Americus Saturday. | — Today and tomorrow Chitterlings, i Souse Meat, Backbone, Spareribs. Pig I Dashlets, Apalachicola Oysters, Trout ' Fish, at Bragg’s Market 14-2 t J. Lee Johnson, of Huntington. was a visitor in Americus Saturday. I "" See beautiful Pauline Frederick, in “Double Crossed,” at the Alcazar • Monday; ’Pc and 15c. Op-nIP.M. Al The Open IP.M. ALCAZAR THEATRE MONDAY BEAUTIFUL PAULINE FREDERICK IN 5 Acts ’’Double Crossed” 5 Acts . - . IM . !1 ” Action? Yes! Thrills? Yes! Suspense? Yes! r\ClmiSSlOll 1V ‘ <LUJ IOC In this gripping story of politics, love and intrigue. _ . .... ...... ~S - , • . - aaaci’ . • f ’?arexrE**£’£t.. ??- u-li ■■■ -n-mr. jir.-....;-., D. P. Murray, one of Schley county’s 1 proseprous farmers was in the city , Saturday. If interested, make your arrange i ments to enter the Americus Busi ness College soon as new class is now I being organized. . 16-ts. 1 H. E. Hawkins, of Preston, was in Americus Saturday, enroute to Macon. i ' ! What would be appreciated more ! than a pretty bowl of Goldfllsh for your Xma s gifts We have a nice is- i sortment. Phone 502. PLANTERS ‘ SEED COMPANY. 13-ts ■ i ; Mrs. W. T. Arrington, of Waycross, !i' visiting Mrs. W. P. Bridges In Ella vill for a few days. They were in Americus shopping yesterday. For Sale: Easy terms, for less than ; cost, my home on Mayo street, facing ■east; large lot;, all modern conven j iences; electric lights; hot and cold water. E. L. Gammage. su-th F. E. Campbell left Saturday for Monticello, Ga„ where he will spend I the week-end with relatives. | a>M.«» rM>. , - j| _, -■ t-| ~~j -i rrun umr rrt ~in -- - - h -- —.---- r tfi Hi Christmas Shopping | demands that you I see our line of Holiday Gifts before making your final selection Xmas Stationery Hair Brushes Xmas Toilet Waters Toilet Sets Xmas Candies Collar Boxes Xmas Cigars Bill Books Xmas Extracts Xmas Cigarettes i Military Brushes Safety Razors Icy Hot Bottles i I And many other items too numerous to mention Call and look them over Our prices are correct Howell - Prather I £? Drug Co. ter • i lour Patronage Appreciated .» KT-.naMMMHawnaKMnManMMMaMKKM THE auMLKTCUS Geo. D. Wheatley left Saturday af-' ternoon for Atlanta, where he goes to : spend the week-end with relatives and l triends. The mnay friends of Mr. W. C. I Moody will regret to learn of his ill- , ness, but he is rapidly improving and , will soon be at his post of duty again. ■ T. M. Earsterlin was a business visitor in Americus Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barber, of Sum ter, were shopping in Americus Sat urday , i i To our many customers, which we I ' ave the honor of dealing with almost: daily, and to all of those that we have' not had the pleasure of serving as I frequent as others, we want to re l spectfully solicit more of your pat ronage in the future and cordially invite you to try a bottle of Drews’ Salve whenever you or your little ones ! are effected with croup, head or crest colds, gore throat, bronchitis, tonsi- I litis or pneumonia. We, your drug- gist, take pleasure in recommending I Drews’ and stand behind it with our i guarantee. Miss Ellen Westbrook left Saturday afternoon for Sylvester, where she . goes to spend the Christmas holidays : i with relatives. \) .-T— | 1/ Rev. O. B. Chester, of Dawson, ar -1 rived Saturday afternoon and will . spend a day or two in the city. I I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pickett ,of ’Greensboro, Ga., was a visitor in the, city Saturday, returning home from a' visit to friends in Webster county. Miss Emma Lee, of Willacoochee,' Ca., arrived Saturday and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stack- ( house, on Lee street. 1 I —' 1 j Mrs. L. Y. Arnold, left Saturday 1 i afternoon for Macon in response to a , ! message announcing the srious illness , of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Heys. Notice! We will wind up the city ginning; for this season by December 24th. > Will be glad if our customers will j bring in their cotton by that time. If. i convenient bring your cotton in on j 1 other days besides Saturday as we | ginn all the week. I FARMERS COTTON OIL CO. 16-10 t 1 I ‘ "j 1 Sparks Grocery Company i s PHONES 43 & 279 'i 3 « ! I j Henry Clay Flour Jello and Gelatine [ 1 a Gardner’s Famous Fruit Prunes anc Peaches Cakes and Pound Cakes Ml P ' ckles and Olives ! Fruit Cake Material Small Fender Peas Nuts and Raisins Asparagus I ips ,1 Crystalized Pineapples “ Ush ™ m , S J a " d , Cand T n M“”eMet? g , Apples and Oranges Coffees and Teas i; Cranberries and Celery Hams and Bacon l! ! 1 ( i! HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING GOOD TO I I j EAT TO BE HAD IN THE MARKETS f ■v*wmarr W wvwww Wa , Mnrww ; rr m— ■hi Mm M i it - - - j WANTADVERTISrINTS I I I Advertising Under This Heading One Cent a Word i -.-iiTr"r—--■-i-.'ll ini imriMKHTniHITJi ISii KJR RENI FOR RENT-—New bungalow; 6 rooms; all modern conveniences; Glessner street. Phone 705, or write I‘. O. Box 284. 12-ts FOR RENT—2SO acres near Kidd's old mil!, 6 miles from Plains. Two setlementg on place, three wells, also running water. Cheap rent to a re liable party; or will sell for ten dol lars per acre. Apply to Mrs. Jennie >T. Morrell, Plains. Telephone. 3-ts. FOR RENT Nine room house on South Lee street. J. W. L. Daniel. 29-ts FOR PAINT, Rooting Cement, Root Paint, Creosote for preserving your shingles, phone Shiver, 117. 23-ts <’OZ? SALT FOR RENT—Cottage on Hampton street, screened and modern conven iences. See Will Dudley. 2-ts FOR SALE—One 8-rooin residence, two barns on premises. Corner LaFa/- ette and Park avenue. Will sell cheap. W. F. Jones. IF YOUR GRATE does not throw oul the heat, phone Shiver, 117. 23-ts FOR SALE —Red Cedar Shingles, (the forty-year sort; any quantity; car lots a specialty Phone. 117. Shiver NO. 1 AND NO 2 SHINGLES made j from yellow pine, unbled timber ' i Phone 117. Shiver. 28-U i “ ”" WAN TED—Miaeellaneous WANTED TO BUY—I9I7 Ford tour ing car for spot cash; must be in good | condition. Phone 293 for Sunday, or j write, care box 227. J. M. Free. 16-ltj WANTED—First class cook. Apply ‘ 218 aTylor street, or phone 244. 14tf ; _____ I WANT TO BUY a second-hand 100-1 gallon syrup kettle. W. B. Heys. 9-ts AUTOMOBILE IJVERY Ring Amcricug Taxi Cab Co. Phone 825. Residence Phone 628. B- C. Vaughn j Sltf _ I .MONEY TO LEND at 6% interest or j l eslrabie residences in Americus, Ga h O. Jones. 18-ts FARM AND CITY LOANS, 5 1-2 per cent, interest. Terms easy; quick ser vice. W. W. Dykes. 9-25-ts AUTOMOBILE fIVERY-Ring Amer icus Taxi Cab Company, phone 825; [ residence phone 646 L. L. Compton. ?-tf. SUNDAY, DECEMBER ll€, 1917. j Coming Dec. 19th WEDNESDAY £Ray Stewart in “The Devil Dodger” 5 acts, and Fatty Arbuckle in “Fatty in Coney Island”. 2 acts Admission 10 and 15c. OPEN 1 P. M. ._. --r—• ... . 7-- .a—— IF YOU HAVE any trouble with your roof, either store or residence, phone , Shiver, 117. 23-ts > WANTED—To rent hand-driven pea ; I huller.—E. L. Thurman. 12-3 t i i i LOCAL MONEY to loan on good ( terms. W. T. Lane. 26-ts . I BRICK, LIME, Cement Plaster aatl i Sand. Phone 117. Shiver. 28-U I I WANT 10 DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert ‘ service and reasonable charges. R. S. . Broad! urst, Jeweler. Jio Lamar St. directly in front of postofflee. 6-lt t — — ■ IF YOU WANT quick reliable AUTO f MOBILE service call J. M. WEEKS, Phone 111. Country trips solicited, j prices reasonable. 29- ts i. BARGAIN in good cleaned V.-C Brick. Phone 117 Shiver. 28-ts , THE WINDSOR BARBER SHOP un der new management and thoroughly | enovated throughout, invites your patJ ronage, with an assurance of prompt, I courteous and efficient service. Ken more & Faust. Managers. 16-ts I —— I ' i -•- "« IT - STRANTK Theatre*-F Program Week of Dec. 17 Monday, Dec. 17 Gladys Hulette in LAST OF THE CARNABYS I A Great Picture and Pathe Weekly Tuesday, Dec. 18 | -“GIRL WHO COULDN’T GROW UP” Also a Comedy. Wednesday, Dec. 19 I CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in ‘‘MARRIAGE A LA CARTE” Thursday. Dec? 20 Bluebird Feature Rupert Julian and Ruth Clifford in • “MOTHER O’MINE” You must see this picture Friday. Dec. 21 Sophia Markova in “PAINTED MADONNA” Saturday, Dec. 22 “CHARITY” and Helen Holmes in “RAILROAD RAIDER” Admission: Matinees 5 and 10c Night 10 and 15c