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PAGE EIGHT Gruen Bracelet Watches I Bell, The Jeweler Special Line of Goods for Soldiers and Sailors ! Bell, The Jeweler ; . = 1 r : j Sheaffer’s fountain Pen Guaranteed not to lezk ' Bell, The Jeweler Christmas Shopping Is now in order and we especially invite you to call and look over our lines before buying. WE HAVE Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Combs and Brushes All kinds of Pyrolin Ivory, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumery’ and Powder Sets, Toilet Ar- ticles. Traveling Sets, Kern’s Candies, Razors, Pocke- Books. Christmas Packages of Cigars and Tobacco, Briar and Meerschaum Pipes, and a Thousand and one other things suitable for each and every member of the family, and last but not least, THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Don’t wait. Give us a call and call early. ALLEN’S DRUG AND SEED STORE £ ThanYourMo™ Worth ST'AX’Jy: S H Th« Original Economy Fatria LLL' J S BMnabß'itil wSd*. toU.rl, farh*rd «.•»». „<•->. .kirt*. etc. 4 <• -ama.i 7JI KioaUito porter*!. pmnMßl ixUh. r«»r»s l w»d hr o« tor isrobuitl *od f.-i et>k»r Too s* •A aJ-'. f'SS; ®1 wiU <!*l DRESSED UP aii Ibeuioei! !« •«*' prO. Far by nUjH, ' LESHER. WHITMAN & CO.. Inc.. 881 Bro»dw»», New York City •< i fiJlB 3 P. S. Act on tbb edvice.-!f your dealer doe» not* juM cut cut . thia ad. paate it to a poatal card, put your name and addreaa on it with the a * O name otTcur dealer and med it to ua Wa will tend him aampkt at once 4 3 and adrire him ot your reqoeat. - U I k I illh MB "iililM.MWMMMiatUiTiili ■■ W iftr ■«> ■»' M— PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS WE ASK the consideration of the people who are interested in the most sensible and practi cal Christmas gifts that it is possible to give man, woman, boy, girl or child Our Choice FOOTWEAR The*e are shoes for ccmfort, .shoes for service. In Slippers, we’ve a host of good styles for ladies, for men, and for n the very little feet. There is footwear Jor the dance and for all the holiday dress functions. Come in and see how mnny good things can be easily selected from our line of choice footwear that will be just the thing for Christmas. PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW AS GOOD QUALITY WILL ALLOW I Tillman & Brown I , Fitters of Feet '“GOOD NIGHT, NURSE,” FOR WHISKEY, SAYS BILLY SUNDAY ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 15—William! D. Upshaw, the famous Georgia editor, f platform and lecturer and prohibition advocate, agrees with Billy Sunday ' that the whole American people areJ soon get a whack at the liquor traf-! fie, and when they do —"good night, I i nurse,” as Billy says. Editor Upshaw, who is a candidate . for tho United States Senate, went to ! the home of the late Sam Jones in | Cartersvill as the guest of Billy Sun-; ; day, and on returning to Atlanta he : took a train for Washington to attend the great convention of the Anti-Sa-1 ] loon League of America, with which j ! he has long bee t connected as a na tional lecturer The ’eague . naled its force; ] national prohibition in Washingtoni this keek, and the House committee on constitutional amendments report-; ed favorable on the Senate bill to amend the constitution by forever ■ ! prohibiting the manufacture and im-l • por’ation of whiskey in the United] ; States. The bdl will come to a vote 1 ! in the House next week ana there is I every indication that it will pass. I "Those- of us who have been fight | ing for national prohibition for so. many years are getting ready to sing] the doxology," declared Editor Up ] shaw before he left, and his confl-] I denee is borne out by the initial suc ] cess of the prohibition amendment in i ti e House committee. I NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Our gin will cease operation De cember 24th, and will not gin any more during the current season. Our cus tomers will please take notice and be governed accordingly. 14-St AMERICUS OIL CO. MARKETS Latest Prices I Local Cotton Market, Middling ....29 1-4 Loral Cotton Seed. Ver Ton •• $75.00, New York Cotton. NEW YORK, Dec. 15.—0 n tjie call today, cotton futures xyere as follows: 1 January, 28.93; March, 28.48; May, ' 9“ 99 I . - < -~0. At the close option 8 were as fol -1 ws: January, 28.75; March, 28.40; ] May. 28.18; July, 27.93. Chicago Grain Market. CHICAGO, Dec., 15. —At the opening today, receipts and shipments were posted as follows: Wheat: Receipts, 19,000; ship ments, 40,000. Com: Receipts, 223,000jshlpments, 89,000. Oats: Receipts, 217,000; shipments, 148,000. i On the cal! grain options were as follows: Com: December, 124 3-4; May, 118 7-8 Oats: December, 74 1-8 to 74; May, 71 to 70 7-8. Ribs: January, 23,30; May, 23.60. At the close options were steady, as follaw: Corn: December, 125; January, 121 1-2; May, 119 3-8 to 119 1-4. Oats: December, 75 1-8 to 75. Ribs: January, 23.35; May, 23.73 1-2. — i » • i Dudley’s! Headquarters <«> w ® lor & t Victrolas *, • Graionotas • Bicycles I Kodaks g , 0 The Largest Stock &, in Sou'h'Aest Georgia (> 0 1 • Phone © • 123 a ii Dudley’s! THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. JIM WOODARD HEARS BILLY . SUNDAY FOR FIRST TIME - ATLANTA, Ga. Dec. 15.—Uncle Jim j Woodward, Atlanta’s famous-exmayor, ] has heard Billy Sunday preach at the ‘Tabernacle and likes him fine. It was characteristic of Uncle Jim tc pick the coldest night of the Sun day revival, with snow and ice on the | I ground, to attend a meeting, and the , smallness of the audience made his | presence more conspicioug than if the I Tabernacle had been filled. “He certainly tears up the ground,” '“was Uncle Jim's laconic comment on the famous evangelist, after hearing the great sermon on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Tho ex-mayor and the noted evange list have many points in common. Both are celebrated for the freedom with which they express their minds. < Both are celebrated for their fighting | ' qualities. Bo h are celebrated for j their rugged honesty and sincerity. ] Both are celebrated for their gift of j striking the popular fancy. MOVIE STUDIO MAY BE OPENED IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga. Dec. 15.—The Sa vannah Board of Trade has been mak ing a special effort to attract motion picture companies to Savannah to I make exterior scenes. In addition to this it ha-s been in touch with several person who have made special trips ] to Savannah with a view to erecting t: motion icture studio here which could be rented to companies for ■film ing interior scenes. This studio, the promoters say, would have all the : equipment a modern studio has and ] give the same service. As an illus tration of what a studio would mean to Savannah it was mentioned that Los Angqles has one that brings fifty million dol’ars a year to that city from outside sources. TO RAISE HOGS ON A LARGE SCALE NEAR ISLE OF HOPE SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 15.—Another valuable addition to the raising and improving of live stock in Chatham ] county will be made in the near future by W. W. De R§nne who is negotiat- ] mg the purchase of some fine cattle ; and hogs which he will place on -Ms i big farm near Isle of Hope. Mr. De Renne hopes to have the stock early j withan the coming year. Both the ■ cattle and hogs will be used strictly > for breeding fine stock which will be i disposed of to others who wish to ] improve their herds. Mr. De Renne has 650 acres at Isle ■ of Hope on which the cattel will be I placed. Already he is preparing the ] farm to range the animals and is planting large forage crops. BIG SALE g< I; next * ■£ TUESBAY : - I Dec. 18 | 10 A. M. I. I 1 I I will sell to the highest | bidder at my place, one I mile east ol DeSoto: 5 Mules I 3 Horses 62 Hogs 2 Wagons I Mower 1 Cultivator 1 Superior Drill Corn Hay Cotton Seed 1 Piano Form Machinery Implements | IL A. Chadsey I M/ / f I I / 1/ / /zChflHKt fit 11 \ Il' -'I : x Copyright Hart Schcfiner SiMarx You will need dress clothes for the holidays BETTER that over. There’ll be a good many affairs that call for evening dress. Now’s the time to get ready. Remember this in buying clothes: if they aren’t ex- actly right in design—they are all wrong. Hart Schaffner & Marx dress clothes are right every way; in style, price, fabric and fit: that’s why we sell them and why you ought to buy them. We’re ready when you are. W. D. BAILEY CO. ■imtaaaMßaißWiiw TIERE is~your LIST ~ : LOOK IT OVER = SHOP EARLY AT ANSLEYS USEFUL GIFTS FOR ALL FOR ALL FOR HER FOR HER BLANKETS FURS SHIRTWAIST COMFORTS COAT M DDY AUTO ROBES COAT SUIT TIE BATH RUGS DRESS PURSE BATH TOWELS SKIRT SHOPPING BAG LINEN TOWELS. SWEATER KNITTING BAG GUEST TOWELS UNDERWEAR UMBRELLA NAPKINS BATHROBE WARDROBE TRUNK TABLE DAMASK SILK HOSE for BABY DRAWN WORK KID GLOVES J UNCH SETS SB K CLOVES NIGHTENGALE COUNTERPANES NECKWEAR BABY BLANKET BED SHEETS FANCY ELASTIC CARRIAGE ROBE PILLOW CASES KNIT SKTPT EMBROIDERED SACK Open Till 10 P. M. Open Till 10 P. M. Open Till 10 P. M. W A MTWTTP f HAIN 1J I\J, r\ V>nir>i o consigting of In . t . a)s . Colored Hand Linens. Crepe de Chines of every color and design, the famous *ast colored LISSUES, and dice Fancy Christmas of 3 Handkerchiefs each. 15c to SI.OO per Box. . i'o T hnr ansley” value for him OVERCOAT AND SERVICE SUIT CLOTHES A? ' D - 1 HAT OR SHOES CANT TINT V GLOVESORTIES CAIN OiN C I carters CHIEFS • ! BE HAD mufflers AR arm BAND? 5 COWBOY SUITS SUSPENDERS INniAN £ HIE f SUITS Practical Gifts HEADQUARTERS A Gift From Here for Everybody FOR XMAS SHOPPERS |_ Is Wlsely Glven STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILT. CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1917.