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PAGE FOUR Opera House Today TIMCCIQ. Bci-lTcl. Masterpiece s "Romeo and Juliet” Shows—3, 4:30, 6, 7:30, 9. Prices—lo, 15 and 20c. , -- I - ■■ HUM ill I ■■■■■!■■ « ■II.I ■ I !!■!..■ I. ■«■■■■————■ I IIU I 111 II I——— """****""**"—‘ W " ————U. MX-n \ ~Local News Items Ji JL*JME>raB ’Nil Sterling silver Vanitys and Dorines 1 S. A. Daniels. Mr. Edgar Sanborn, who is attending the Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn, Ala. is home for the holidays. Fresh Apalachicola Oysters at Mor gan’s Market. 21-ts Drink Orange Crush, 5c in bottles. Mr. and Mrs. Heys McMath, of At lanta, are spending the hioldays with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Riley, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McMath. Engage your Christmas Turkeys at Bragg’s Market. 14 ts Delicious bulk Candies, in any quan tities, 60c pound. Murray’s Pharmacy, phone 87. 21-ts Will Green Turpin is spending a day or two in Atlanta on a business mission. Don’t fail ‘o see “Romeo and Juliette at the Opera House tonight. It’s the greatest ever —Theda Bara and an all star cast. Fresh Spareribs, Backbone and Country Sausage at Morgan’s Market. 21-ts Miss Helen Williams, who has been the guest of Mrs. Alice T. Ward for ; several weeks, left Monday for her j home in Montezuma, accompanied by | Mrs. Ward, who will spend Christmas i week with relatives. Give the Kids Orange Crush in! tXJttles. sc. ts Name on pencils in Xmas boxes phone Tyson, 342. ts. THE STANDARD - •irw^^^Hewn^ariizr’ v c*'v** * ■’* *•—••' w «*»xr~» T<r* TEW SPRING 1918 KI RTS NUM Kt IDY. IN TiM E FOR CHRISTMAS RIFTS. Absolutely new styles just received by express from the best maker in; New York; nothing but all wool ma terials used in these prices, $3. 98 to SIO.OO. MW SPRING WAISTS OF COTTON 1 SILK. ‘ New Cotton Voil Waists, Spring 1918 styles, just received by express from New York; over twenty styles; the best that SI.OO will buy. NEW GEORGETTE AND CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS AT $3.50. Nexv 1918 styles just received by express from New' York this week; the very newest styles—in time for Christ mas gifts, at $3.50. At 7 l-2c Men’s Hemstitched Hand kersbiefs, large sizes. At sc, Ladies’ Fine Lawn Embroid ered Handkerchiefs. At $1.69 White Bed Spreads, full size; value $2.25. At 45c yd., 64-inch Table Damask, J beautiful patterns. At 50c, choice of twenty-five styles Men's Neckwear, value 75c. At 35c, choice of fifteen patterns lien’s Neckwear, value 50c. At sl, choice of fifty patterns Men’s Fine Madras Shirts. At 85c, Men's fine bleached ribbed Underwear, value sl. At 98c, Ladies’ fin j bleached ribbed Vests and Pants, value $1.25. ( At 60c, Ladies' bleached ribned Vests and Pants, value 75c. At $1.60, .liases' fine White Canvas Shoes with guaranteed soles. At $3, Misses Fine Patent Leather ' Boots, all guaranteed. t At 15c, Misses’ Seamless Stockings,; double heels and toes. At 15c, Ladies' Seamless Stockings, ’ double heels and toes. At $1.25 Bleached Sheets, size 81 x «M, inches, value $1.50. At sl, Wright’s Health Underwear, shirts and drawers, value $1.50. iHE STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ; C«tUa Ate. Americus, tla. i New shipment of Bracelet Watches just received. Bell, the Jeweler. ; Mrs. Emmett Bolton will be at home : I to the members of her Sunday school . I class on Thursday afternoon at three o’clock, at her residence on Barlow • street. ' ______ To every boy who buys his knee! pants suit of us this and next week, { v e shall make a Christmas present of • ■ a beautiful 50c pocket knife. Ansley’s.) Our Toyland and stock of Books and ! fancy Articles are now open to your inspection. Call now and make nu i : early selection. Hightower Book ! ' Store. 30-ts j Charles Underwood, Jr., has gone i . to Macon and Atlanta for a short visit ! • to relatives. Don't miss Vivian Martin in “The i i Trouble Buster,’' at the Alcazar to-1 morrow. 26-111 Felonbet's Notes on the Sunday; School Lessons for 19198. Hightower's Book Store. 26-4 t. Miss Freedonia Fraser, of Macon,! and Miss Sara Myers, of Tifton, ar-. rived this afternoon on a visit to Miss ' Lucy Simmons, at her home on Rees ! park. A magnifiicent picture is that at the i Opera House tonight. Theda Bara in ! I “Romeo and Juliette.’’ | Jas. A. Dean has returned to Macon. | after a holiday visit to friends in Americus. For comfort, use ase a Hot Water' Bottles covered with Navajo covers.! They’re fine for presents. See them | a Murray’s Pharmacy, phone 87. 21-ts To every boy who buys his knee pants suit of us this and next week, we shall make a Christmas present of a beautiful 50c pocket knife. Ansley’s. Mrs. C. E. Rlttenberry, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. C. W. Clark at her home on Prince street. | XMAS SUGGESTIONS: Bud vases, i dainty Jardinieres, Hand-Painted Vases and Violet Dishes. Found at PLANTERS SEED COMPANY. 13-ts Don't miss Vivian Martin in “The | Trouble Buster,” at the Alcazar to-| morrow. 26-11 : | ! i Mr. Dave Carter, after a pleasant ’ i visit to Mr. ami Mrs. Will Carter here, returned today to his home at For syth, Ga. ’ N If interested, make your arrange ! ments to enter the Americus Busl | ness College soon as new class is now ' being organized. 16-ts. i To every boy who buys his knee \ pants suit of us this and next week, j we shall make a Christmas present of j a beautiful 50c pocket knife. Ansley's. 1 D . HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? 1 y, : When you are weak nervous, dejected, and lack energy and ambition, try Ziron, the new iron tonic, with $; JL ML w hypophosphites and other tonic ingredients, which will put iron into your blood and help to develop fresh energy for your nerves and muscles. If you haven’t tried it, do so today. Why wait? It may be just what you need. ® TF Ziron contains no alcohol, but just the ingredients known for centuries to be of value as a general, building, recon- I structive tonic for weak, pale people. Druggists sell Ziron, or can get it for you. Accept no substitutes. Get I Into jO ®O O New 4 £ Your JLI Hl Will -J™ 1 ' t | H [dlWlll Tome TO& 1 ■**» MRS - MARY SARTIN, of R. F. D. 1, Sardis, Miss., writes. “I had been suffering some time with a worn- $ ht IC BC wCfl ’ out ta £” ecl fee,in E; no! s ’ ck * n bed- bu t sometimes felt 1 would have to go to bed. My stomach didn’t feel good, • Wvmld be bloated, and a good deal of gas. I began to have headaches almost all the time. I was afraid I would have fever, 1 feit so tired out. I heard of Ziron, and decided to try it, as 1 knew I needed a tonic. 1 found it good. £ zci I I rested better and felt stronger, my food seemed to digest much be’iter and I improved all around.” Try Ziron today. l 1 1 ..'J112L—.....i I Ask Your Druggist About Our Money-Back Guarantee | If your druggist cannot supply you we will jend \ou a bottle by pared post prepaid. Chattanooga Drug and Chemical Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. i Like Oranges Try Orange Crush, ki in bottles. I t What would be appreciated more i than a pretty bowl of Goldfiish for i ! your Xmas gifts We have a nice As sortment. Phone 502. PLANTERS SEED COMPANY. 13-ts The many friends of E. L. Forrester, ,I cf Leesburg, Ga., will congratulate him ; upon having successfully passed the ! examination for admittance to the bar I i conducted by Judge Z. A. Littlejohn on J ! Dec. 12th. Mr. Forrester has been no-1 tided of his passing and is now a full- [ ■ fledged lawyer, and probably the i I youngest practitioner in the state. ; Give the Kids Orange Crush in I bott'es. 5c If l One third off on all Fancy Goods i for balance of week. Hightower’s i Books Store. 26-lt Theda. Bara, is here, tonight, in I “Romeo and Juliette,” Shakespeare's I masterpiece, i Don't miss Vivian Martin in “The I Trouble Buster,” at the Alcazar to | morrow. 26-lt i ' To our many customers, which we ; j ' ave the honor of dealing with almost | laiiy, and to all of those that we have | not had the pleasure of serving as i frequent as others, we want to re ! spectfully solicit more of your pat ; ronage in the future and cordially invite you to try a bottle of Drews’ Salve whenever you or your little ones are effected with croup, head or crest | colds, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsi litis or pneumonia. We, your drug gist, take pleasure i n recommending Drews’ and stand behind it with our guarantee. BRNK MESSINGER IS ROBBED JI ELEVATOR NEW YORK, Dec. 26.—As Charles Si hatton. a messenger for the State Bank, entered the loft building at No. 3 Washington Place yesterday noon, carrying a bag containing $5,000 in cash, two men followed him, as the door of the elevator opened they push ! cd into the car with him. i As the car neared the fourth floor, ■ tin? men suddenly drew revolvers from their overcoats and covered Stratton and the operator, making ti.e latter stop the elevator when it reached the floor. Here one of the men opened the door, while the other ! grabbed the. money bag from Scrat- : i tron and threw it into the corridor, j Then the men shut the door and .’ forced the operator to raise the car J until it was half way to the fifth - 1 floor. ; There it was halted, and the hold : -up men tied the bank messenger and - >ne operator with ropes they produced -!,fiom beneath thetr coats. Having v, trussed the pair firmly, the robbers I.' ran the car to the fifth uoor, stopped it, got out, slammed the door after e them and ran down the stairs of the :, building. f! Scrattorn wriggled out of his fasten i. lings and ran the elevator to ths 1 F.r. t IN.. -rttWKDER ground floor. Then he raced into the street and caught sight of his as sailants, one running north, the other south. The messenger followed- the nearest man to Eighth street, shout ing for help. Neither man had the money' bag. Patrolman O’ Connor of the Traffic Squad hear Scrattron’s cries and took up the chase. The fugiitve darted into a building at No. 10 East Eighth street. A search revealed him hid | ir.g in a washroom on the top floor. ■ Lying in the room, O'Connor said, was I a revolver. Schrattron identified the | man as one of the pair who held him j up, and the prisoner was taken to I Police Headquarters. Detectives searched the building at No. 3 Washington Place, but were unable to find the money bag. "They beleved, then, three men were involv ed in the hold-up, the third a con federate stationed on the fourth floor to receive the bag as it was tossed. The man who was arrested de scribed himself as Joseph Salvatore, twenty-four, of No. 35 Watts street. Scattron had spent the morning col lecting and distributing money for iiriir~iimx T ~nTm«m«»MrmiTrmnnr'TrTirnniTirrMßnrnrTTTrwwriiiiiiiMTW''’Mi , iDM>r'inrTnirirfii i iMiirnr~rT?.T-jrM..-nwiminr ’ j Sunshine Pours Into Our Lives Over the Wires A n® “With all the children married and living in different llilik places the Bell Tele phone is essential to our happiness. We can call any of them, day or night, and hear them as well as if they were right here. “Very often one of the girls calls me by Long Distance and we have a pleasant visit of five minutes or more. You’d be surprised to know how little it costs as compared with the joy and satisfaction. “When any of the grandchildren are sick and 1 am called at night, I simply reach for my extension telephone and talk without moving from my bed. Often I can give advice and direction that saves lots of worry.’’ Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. O. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE | ! AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY GQ P. E- Westbrook,fManager . - ’ -- - - - - , | ' | ! State Bank, at Grand and Norfolk j ■ streets, which has employed him 12 i • years. At the Washington Place s building he was to have paid out the ! • .weekly (payroll, s’,ooo, of the Gotham i Feather Company. The Movies Make a Difference. These are some of the differences between “Romeo and Juliette in the original form, and the story as made into a magnificent picture play pro duction by William Fox: in stage so three hours to present, has 24 scenes, action takes place in eleven different places, re quires a small stage for presentation, . has twenty-one character and about 2o supernumeraries. In screen so 70 minutes to present, has 413 scenes, action takes place in 68 different places, requires an entire moving picture studio, a re plica of fourteenth century Verona, and a large country estate for pre sentation, has 21 characters, 127 minor performers, and about 2, 500 supernu ! meraries. "Romeo and Juliette will be shown at the Opera House tonght. ip . - T | Sparks Grocery Company ■ PHONES 43 & 279 j < ; j I | jl Henry Clay Flour Jello and Gelatine I Gardner’s Famous Fruit Prunes ana Peaches ; Cakes and Pound Cakes Dill Pickles and Olives I Fruit Cake Material Small render Peas i Nuts and Raisins Asparagus Tips I Crystalized Pineapples Mushrooms I and Candies ! pl,m Pad<l " 1 8 » ' . . . n Mince Meat Apples and Oranges Cof(ees and Teas Cranberries and Celery Hams and Bacon —...Ji | ( _. ... i HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING GOOD TO | EAT TO BE HAD IN THE MARKETS L 1, , __ Ji I WANTADVERTISENTS | Advertising Under This Heading One Cent a Word J FOR RENI POR RENT —5-room house; Brannon avenue. N. S. Evans. 23-ts FOR RENT—Cottage on Hampton street, screened and modern conven iences. See-Will Dudley. 2-ts FOR RENT—2SO acres near Kidd's old mill, 6 miles from Plains. Two setlements on place, three wells, also running water. Cheap rent to a re liable party; or will sell for ten dol lars per acre. Apply to Mrs. Jennie T. Morrell, Plains. Telephone. 3-ts. FOR RENT Nine room house on South Lee street. J. W. L. Daniel. 29-ts Where do you get the best shave? At the Windsor Barber Shop. 23 i . FOR PAINT, Roofing Cement, Root Paint, Creosote for preserving your shingles, phone Shiver, 117. 23-ts R. A. SHY'S TAXI service; nice cars; careful drivers. City calls, 25c; after 12 o’clock at night, 50c; funerals and weddings, $5.00 a car. Day Phone 161; Night, 328 and 267. 26-lm BRICK, LIME, Cement Plaster am Sand. Phone 117. Shiver. 28-tj i - - - —■! '«s ■ •'' ■■■■' WANTED—Miscel’aneous WANTED—Position as stenogra pher by young lady with experience. Address L„ care Times-Recorder of fice. 26-3 t WANTED—A young man or boy to act as sales clerk in garage. 209 For syth street. Leslie Auto Co. 26-ts WANTED Competent job press man; steady employment. Braid & Hubton, Inc., Savannah, Ga. 23-3 t WANTED —Bookbinder to forward and run cutting machine; steady em ployment. Braid & Hutton, Inc., Sa vannah, Ga. 23-3 t AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Ring Aniericu s Taxi Cab Co. Phone 825. Residence Phone 628. B. C. Vaughn Sltf ' Y TO LEND at 6 W < interest os <• residences* in Americus, Ga ■. (■ lonrs 18-ts Where do you get the best hair-cut? At the Windsor Barber Shop. 23 AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer feus Taxi Cab Company, phone 825; residence phone 646. L. L. Compton. 2-ts. - r WANTED - Position by young man experienced sales, or will consider anything honorable; references if re quired. Address. “Newcomer," this office 26-3 t WANTED —Position by young lady, experienced salesman, or will consider “E. J. H.”, care this office. 26-3 t FARM AND CITY LOANS, 5 1-2 per cent, interest. Terms quick ser vice. W. W. Dykes. 9-25-ts WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 26,4917 i IF YOU HAVE any trouble with your roof, either store or residence, phone Shiver, 117. 23-ts LOCAL MONEY to loan on gcod terms. W. T. Lane. 26-ts BARGAIN in good cleaned V.-C Brick. Phone 117. Shiver. 28-ts TOR SALT ELEGANT PIANO—WiII sell at big bargain. A handsome Xmas present. Call at Giddings’ Drug Store today. Phone 406 20-4 t NO. 1 AND NO 2 SHINGLES made from yellow pine, unbled timber. Phone 117. Shiver. 28-ts IF YOUR GRATE does not throw out the heat, phone Shiver, 117. 23-ts FOR SALE —Red Cedar Shinglea. (he forty-year sort; any quantity; car lots a specialty Phone. 117. Shiver. The Windsor Barber Shop is the meanest, most sanitary shop in Ameri cus. LOST and FOUND STRAYED OR STOLEN—Monday night, dark bay mare, weighing about 800 pourflls; 12 years old; reward of fered. Wilkes Bros., Americus. 26-ts LOST—Bunch of keys between post office and Cotton avenue. Finder please leave at Times-Recorder office. LOST —Sunday school pin between Central Baptist church and my resi dence. Return to Mrs. Emory Mathis. ' ; 24-2 t LOST—GoId bar pin, engraved “M. E C.” If found, return to Miss Melva Clark. 21-3 t Wanted 10,000 bushels ear corn delivered. I 100 tons velvet beans in hull. Warehouse, Arles, Ga. Arles Plantation