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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1»1$, KASSELS, The Store of Style, Quality and Low Prices I _t 2. ♦ .. ■ For Friday and Saturday We Offer Exceptionally Good Values in New Merchandise I i We are receiving daily new Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Sweaters, Skirts and Millinery I We arigue to make your selections as early as possible, as Merchandise is getting scarcer every day. We are also delayed in our shipments. However, we have plenty of new ' , Merchandise on hand, and therefore we will ask you to make your purchases asx early as possible. It will be for your own good. I FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ESPECIAL VALUES IN SILK WAISTS New Arrivals Daily in Our I /$3 Tub Silk Waists, Pink and White $3.50 Crepe de Chine Waists, White and MillinCl y Dupcllt CRCDt ■ i Special for Friday and Saturday Flesh, Special Price ■»> « m W*"! W 8 . . M KASSELS | MEN AND WOMEN OF DUTCH MEDICAL MISSION / rj ■ h ft W' 1 J / • . : C*'... • fg* mJ! J Mai l TH - i - fa I ' if 1 L oR-wi The men and women members of the Dutch medical mission at Monastir wear steel helmets while going about their duties. Ambulance men and wo- DR. SOULE CONSTRUES THE FIFTY-FIFTY ORDER ATLANTA, Ga, Feb. 7.—To clear the doubt between wholesalers and jobbers in handling orders with retailers in the matter of the “victory plan” of 50-50 quantity sales of flour, Dr. An drew M. Soule, federal food adminis trator for Georgia, has construed the effect of that order as follows: “Where wholesalers are in doubt on flour orders placed by retail merchants who have in stock an ample amount of the substitute cereals designated by the I’nited States food administration, and do not desire in making their purchase an equal weight of substitutes, or off sets, the wholesaler or jobber will be authorized to accept and fill the order solely for flour when the retailer ac companies that order with a statement or certificate that he has in stock and is oflering for sale at the time, a quan tity of the off set cereals designated to equal the amount of flour specified in his order and n hand at his place of business, if a.® at the time the order is made. “The however, will be ex pected to see to it thatt he flow of flour and substitute cereals through; his place of*business to the consumer | is kept on the even 50-50 basis requir-l ed by the food administration, during the current period of his order, and that the off-set cereals in stock at the time of such an order are not calcu lated in making any subsequent order for flour and other cereals. “Whole corn, taken in trade by the retail merchant, is not a substitute ce real while in that state, but when ground into meal by the retail mer chant.'is classed and stands as such substitute cereal.” MZ/ien Itching Stops L —? There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irri tation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any dniggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon vou will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. * A little zemo, the satisfy ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions and makee the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. men on the western front are doing the same thinm, and the Dutch were not so slow in seeing the advantage and protection offered by the metal hel- AMERICAN TRENCHES ONLYJHEET AWAY WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, IN FRANCE, February 7.—American troops in trenches on the French front at one plaxe are only sixty feet from I the German line. Inanother place a mile of ground separates the opposing positions. At this point, however, there is a number of ponds and neither side apparently desires to oc cupy the water-covereed ground. The American tranches are all in more or less marshy ground, making the use of "duck boards" necessary at all times, except when the trench water and mud are frozen. The ( trenches were shallow when the Americans moved in, but since then they have been deepened and improved. in every dugout the soldiers work almost constantly at the pumps, keep ing out the water which seeps in. But the watery conditions are unfavor able for trench rats, and few of them are seen. One unit spent more than a week in the line before seeing a rat, and he apparently was in a hurry to get some place where the ground was drier. In some places the artillery is on ground but little higher than the trenches, although a number of our Leteries manage to keep "dry feet”. most of the time. U. S. Paves Road. ATLANTA, Ga., February 7. —De- Kalb county having failed to pave its portion of the road from Atlanta to Camp Gordon, Uncle Sam has decided to go ahead and do it himself, in stead of waiting and worrying while the motor trucks bog up to the hub. The gvernment will spend SBO,OOO on a macamadized surface. Fulton county bifilt its portion of the road before the camp was finished. FARM WANTED - 1 am in the market for a good farm. Prefer a large one, and well im proved. If you have one for sale address H. C. WILLIAMS P. 0. Box 570, Atlanta, Ga. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. mets. While working under shell fire a helmet is a vital necessity. Photo copyright by Underwood & Under wood. ITALY APPEALS FOR SOMETHING TO EAT i | Washington, Jan. 7. —The following authoritative statement on the food j situation in Italy was obtained from | official Italian quarters here: I “Ever since Italy went into the war I (that is to say, after two and one-half i years), the Italian government has ' regulated the importation and expor tation of cereals in the kingdom. For ’ the las two years an inventory has : ( been taken of all grains, and they ' < have been further requisitioned by the government, which has fixed min-, imum prTc6s~ suppressing every pri vate commercial handling of these grains. , “This rigorous control prevents all speculation and hoarding of all the grain produced in the interior, and spe cial government provisions impose a heavy fine on every one disobeying these decrees. The requisitioning is carried out by the military authori ties with the strictest observance of the law. “According tp the decree of January 2, even the smallest quantities of grain in the country are now taken over by the government, so that equal ; distribution may be made. Whoever stores more than twenty-two pounds of flour must deciare the quantity to the authorities, who can then dis pose of it according to the greatest necessity of the moment. “Since .January 6 all the bakeries ' and pastry shops which used to make small quantities of sweets out of chestnuts, corn or other nuts have not manufactured or sold sweets of any kind, but only chocolate in tablets, water ices and fruit preserves, or biscuits not inferior to fifteen grams in weight. "One of the most recent decrees orders all the mills to grind only the quantity of grain and cereals authoriz ed by the Prefects. “AU these provisions will show America what rigorous measures have , been adopted by the Italian govern ■ went before presenting their urgent need of importing foreign grains. “It may be relied upon that Italy only asks for the minimum necessary for individual existence. One can say that every little crumb is saved today in Italy. Unless it is desired to physically exhause a nation which 1 even in normal times has based its INN'S fimilTlON IS m HE IS NOW JUL SAVANNAH, Ga., February 7. Henry Pickney's flirtation, or rather attempted flirtation, failed to pan out well, and as a result Picknfey's name is on the docket of the police station. He will be prosecuted in recorder’s court by Mrs. L. a McConnell, of No. ’304 West President street, who was the object of his unwelcome atten tions. Mr. Pickney was said to have invit ed Mrs. McConnell to "go along with him.’’ She declined to accept and in stead summoned a policeman, who, in turn, extended Mr. Pickney a cordial invitation to “go with him" to police station, The invitation was reluctant ly accepted, according to the police. sustenance on bread, Italy must have her requests satisfied "It cannot be too frequently re peated that all Italians adapt them selves generally to the more modest forms of food. Italy is content with asking America for only such small quantities of food as will just keep diers.” Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they eannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a focal disease, greatly fa* fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take aa internal remedy. Hall'e Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. AU Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pilfe for constipation. ORANGE CRUSH A splendid answer to the demand for a pure, wholesome, convenient orange flavored drink. Flavored with the juice of crushed California oranges and bottled in our sanitary bottling plant. 5C The Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J. T. IlitEN, Manager For Seventy-Three Years The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey, has stood for all that is best in life insurance. More than nine thousand satisfied Georgia policy holders—many of them your friends and neigh bors—will gladly testify to its merits. This Is the Company: That furnishes insurance at absolute cost, with a most liberal policy contract giving cash, loans and other values from the FIRST year. That has the unique practice of extending to old members every improvement, advantage or con venience which may be offered to the new in surer —bringing the old policies up to date, in so far as possible. That writes a very large proportion o its busi ness from year to year on its old customers. That treats every member as a partner, and on that account has attained a nation-wide reputa tion as °A Policyholders Company.” That helps to “keep money at home,” which is demonstrated by the fact that the amount loaned on Georgia farms and other payments to Georgia citizens has exceeded the total premiums collect ed in the state for several years. That has increased its dividend scale three times and also declared four Special Dividends within the past eight years, thus indicating economical management. W.H.COBB. ' DISTRICT AGENT. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA Make It a Real Gift For the Whole Family No Other Gift Can Be More Wel come than the handsome MAXWELL • It’s so complete that your wife or daughter can drive it easily. Electric Starter and Lights. A Real Family Car. Chappell Machinery Co. Phone 234 Lamar St Maxwell $745 F. O. B. Detroit PAGE THREE