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TWrRSTHV. FJ-RFTCITY 7. IMS. SOCIETY Bi| THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN fHHH irewra LITERARY CLUB The Woman's Literary <| i met Chis afternoon with Mrs. G Wil liams on College street. Thk jollow ing program was given: Pip and His Adventures—Mrs. Ralph Stewart. The Village of Cooling—Mrs. George Rogers. The Marchioness—Mrs. W. A. Rein sert A Midnight Visit—Mbs Lily Poole. Poor Jo—Miss Clara Ledbetter. Dickens’ Delineations of Childhood —Mrs. H. O. Jones. • * • fJUMTER CLUB DANCE. The Sumter club will give its Feb ruary dance this evening at the ar- mPa acKtcKicnr IY our Portrait ! For Your Boy ■ in Camp : —Make the appointment today. The HfI’KiNSTRr Studio I The February Shoe Sale Starts Tomorrow | \ s ‘ M*l I I 1 '• A: / ' J i-K ' Ti / f i A 'B is / u 1 \ 1/ A 1 • f/\ WrrMf* I s[/ A ‘'A Z aL> Fit* theArcl) > "\ / There are three lots of Boots, divided as follows. All blacks, no colors. SB.OO, $9.00, $lO $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 FOR $5.85 FOR $3.65 Choicest of the Stock. All Kid or All This Season’s Shoes and Patent Vamp. Laced Only. Beautiful Models. . $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 FOR $2.50 Broken Lots but Excellent Values. Buy for Next Season Usual Sale Rules: Nd Exchanges, No Refunds, No C. O. D., No Phone Orders PINKSTON CO. mory, Muecke’s orchestra furnish ing the music. Out of town visitors are expected from Marshallville, Fort Valley and Columbus. Dancing will begin promptly at nine o’clock. SpSS MARSHALL ENTERTAINS /Miss Louise Marshall was the /harming hostess at two of the sea son’s loveliest parties today when she entertained about sixty of her friends/ Hyacinths and pink carnations decor ated the rooms and dainty hand-made ’kerchiefs were given as prizes. For ty-two was played in the morning and those invited were Mrs. Eugene Cato, Miss Mattie McMath. Miss Mitch Payne, Miss Mary Littlejohn, Miss Louise Hamilton, Miss Caroline Wor thy, Mrs. Lee Hansford, Mrs. George Oliver. Mrs. W. M. Humber, Mrs. Sam -Heys, Mrs. Charles Hudson, Mrs. Bradley Hogg, Miss Amzle Daniel, Mrs. R. P. Stackhouse, Mrs. Cloyd Buchanan, Miss LaVerne Thomas. Miss Melva Clarke, Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. A. C. Crockett, Mrs. Joe Bryan. Mrs. W. S. Ivey, Mrs. W. S. Roach, Mrs. Marvin Everette, Mrs. James Walker, Mrs. W. T. Lane, Mrs. H. B. Mashburn. Bridge was played in the afternoon d the guests were Mrs G. C. Webb, rs. Cliff Williams, Miss Annie Ivey. . rs. Macon Dudley, Mrs. W. C. Gray, .•a. Eugene Hill, Mrs. Will Cobb, ’ i iss Georgia Bena Dodson, Mrs. J. D. Hooks. Mrs. C. U. Rogers, Mrs. Ste phen Pace, Mrs. Emory Ry-lander, Miss Elizabeth Cobb, Mrs. Walter Ry lander, Mrs. L. F Grubbs, Mrs. John Council, Mrs. E. J. Eldridge, Mrs. Fur low Gatewood, Miss athleen Denham, Miss Mary Elza Sheppard, Misses Lula and Docia Mathis, Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr., Miss Maude Sherlock, Miss Mary EUa Davenport, Mrs. Dudley Gatewood, Mrs. Taylor Lewis, Mrs. T. O Marshall, Miss Annie Bailey. ♦ » » BELGIAN ARISTS CONCERT. An exhaustive account of the Bel gian Artists has already appeared in CONDUCTED -by- Mrs. B B. AlleD Of’ce Phone 99 Res. Phone 466 CLOTHING SALE 11 1-3 OFF I 1 w WITHIN the next ten days we will commence the remodel- J ing of our store, and before commencing this work we are J ! going to offer every suit, overcoat, odd pants and sweater at 1-3 J I off. Included in this sale are over 100 suits of the Celebrated J ! Style-Plus $21.00 Suits to go at $14.00. Style-Plus Suits have J I never before been sold at a cut price. 8 I $40.00 Suits for . . $26.67 « ' $35.00 Suits for . . $23.35 « I $30.00 Suits for . . $20.00 « I $25.00 Suits for . . $16.67 « J $21.00 Style-Plus Suits $14.00 • I 1 hese are values that cannot be equaled, and it is to your interest • I to come early before sizes are broken. • J RYLANDER SHOE COMPANY i « fz - h if?- these columns. Tribute has been paid to their wonderful talent, their pa triotism and self-sacrifice. Perhaps it would be well to stress the fact that the proceeds of the concert will go to feed hungry little children. The horrors of this-war are so great that our minds have grown callous; we cannot imagine the dreadful things Europe. WUlls Abbot says of the flight from Antwerp: "I doubt if the world has ever seen so pathetic, so heart-breaking, so terrible a proces sion. It seemed as though no wheel ed vehicle had been left in Antwerp. I saw men pushing their wives and children in wheelbarrows piled high . with bedding. I saw sturdy young peasants carrying their aged parents in their arms. I saw mothers, so weak and ill that they could scarcely totter forward, with week-old babies in their arms. I saw white-haired men and women grasping the stirrup leathers of the troopers, who, them eelves exhausted from days of fight- lILCAZAn| Atheatrer I THURSDAY I OPEN IP. M. 11 & 17c H Artcraft Picture DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in I ‘ REACHING FOR THE MOON” ■5 acts. A whirlwind of ac- R tion riot of fun. FRIDAY I Blue Ribbon Feature' |g Erie Williams and Grace Darmond in S •‘THE BALANCE” Five Acts, and Chapter 6 I ■ “WHO IS NUMBER ‘ONE’?” Matinee, G and lie. H Night, 11 and 17c. SATURDAY I Triangle Picture g£ Beautiful Belle Bennett in || ■ “FUEL OF Lift” Five Acts, and “AN INNOCENT VAMPIRE” Triangle Komedy p . Matinee, 6 and 11c. Night, 11 and 17c. a LORD BALTIMORE LINEN Now in Combination Packages 24 Sheets—24 Envelopes You know the Quality MURRAY’SPHARMACY Phone 87 Opp. Postoffice “The Best in Drug Store Merchandise; the Finest In Drug Store Service’ - ing, slept in their saddles as they rode.” "I saw springless farm wagons fill ed with wounded soldiers, With white, piteous faces, and through the straw beneath them the blood ! leaving a crimson trail along the road; I saw white-faced nuns urging forward groups of war-orphaned children who had been confided to their care.” Think of it! And think for a mo ment of our own happy, rosy-cheek ed children, the very core of our hearts —what if the fight of the help less Belgian children were theirs? We cannot disregard the opportunity to help—even one of the least of these. Generous Americans will not disregard It. » ♦ * RED CROSS BRIDGE CLUB. There will be no meeting of the Red Cross Bridge Club until Friday, Feb. 14th, when Mrs. Stephen Pace will entertain the club. Little Mary’s Suggestion. Her father took Mary out for a walk one day in the country. They passed a pasture where some bulls were in closed. The bulls were bellowing, and Mary's father attempted an imitation of It, to the great amusement of Mary, who finally said, after many encores had been rendered for her benefit, “Daddy, wouldn't it be a good Joke If we were to hide behind a tree, and when people came, by you would undo your voice and frighten them.” Puzzling English Pronunciation. We may puzzle our brains over the tongue-twisting names which France and Russia have given to some of their towns, but England furnishes a few quite as dazzling as that of Prze mysl. Hurstmonceaux, for instance, Is pronounced Her-so; Kirkcudbright, Klr-coo-bree. Daventry, Dantry; Le ominister, Lemster, and Evesham, E-sham. '*• a Optimistic Thought, The Jealous feed on Jealousy, yet never grow fat QTRANIXI | oThgatrel/ I Program Week Feb. 4 J THURSDAY Bluebird Picture Franklyn Farnum in “The Winged Mystery” Be sure to come Matinee, (J and 11c. Night, 11 and 17c. FRIDAY Wonderful Wm. S. Hart in “The Aryan” Matinee 11 and 17c Night, 11 and 17c. SATURDAY See Wm. Russell in “Sea Master” And the Fourth Chapter “Mystery Ship” Matinee, 6 and 11c. Night, 11 and 17c. Colds Cause Headache and Grip LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets remove te cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine.” E. W. GROVE’S signature on box. 30c. adv • gfJyw aRt n ■ unnsturs! discharges; 8 ™ san P»'nless,non-ruiso»oag al JHBwW W W a .'.J will not strictnra Believes in 1 to 5 days. SOLD ’OK' tiGISTH. Parcel Post if desired- . rice fl, or 8 botnet $2.75s ‘ Prepared by • DIE EVANS CHRMICAL CO.. CINCINNATI. QU PAGE FIVE