Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1918. J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Law Planter’s Bank Building Amei icus, Ga. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND On both City and Farm Property at 6% Interest. No Waiting. DAN CHAPPELL, Attorney-at .Law. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. Interior Decorating. Get My Estimates. JOE FITZGERALD. 109 E. Lamar St. C .P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316. Office Phone 318 Allison Building. \ MISS BESSIE WINDSOR, Insurance. x Bonds. /Office, Forsyth St. Phene 280 ft M. B. COUNCIL LODGE F. and A. M. meets every First and Third Friday nights. r- Visiting brothers are invited to attend. DR. J. R. STATHAM, W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in Itlng Sovereigns invited to meet with Fraternal Hall, Lamar street All vis ora welcome. C. J. WILLIAMS, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. F. and A. M. ft AMERICUS LODGE F. & A. M., meets A jfi* every second and fourth Friday night at 7 o’clock. E. E. SCHNEIDER, W. M. 8. L. HAMMOND, Secy. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 14, P. 0. S. of A. Meets every first and third Monday nights in P. 0. S. of A. Hall, No. 213 Lamar street. All members in good standing invited to attend. Beneficiary certificates from $250.00 to $2,000.00 issued to members of this camp. T. E. CASTLEBERRY, President. O. D. REESEfI Recd'g. Secy. C.ofGaßy "The Right Way” Trains Arrive. From Chicago, via Columbus ...*12:05 a m From Columbus ...111:45 a m From Columbus ! 7:15 p m From Columbus 1'10:00 a in From Atlanta and Macon..* 5:19 a m From Macon * 2:11 p m From Macon * 7:80 p m •From Albany * 6:87 a m From Montgomery and Albany * 2:11 P ® From Montgomery and Albany *10:45 p m From Jacksonville, via Albany •• ,M:4O a m Trains Depart.l For Chicago, via Columbus • 8:40 a m For Columbus I 7:00 a m For Columbus * 8:00 p m For Macon and Atlanta .. .♦ 6:87 a m For Macon and Atlanta... .♦ 2:11 p m For Macon and Atlanta *10:45 p m For Montgomery and Albany * 5:19 a m Fbr Montgomery and Albany * 2:11 p n For Albany • 7:80 p m For Jacksonville, via Albany *12:05 am •Daily. JExcept Sunday. HSunday only. adv. GFO. ANDERSON, Agent Seaboard Air line me Progressive Railway ot me Seatb Leave Amertcua fur Qerdele. Ro chelle, Abbeville, Helena, Lyona, Col- Unit, SAv*nn&h. 9 Columbia, Rlciixxtoßw,. Portsmouth and points East and South 12:81 p m. UM a. a. Leave Americus for Cordele, Abbo ville, Helena and Intermediate points 5:15 p. ’ Leave Americus for Richland, Co umbus, Atlanta, Birmingham, Hurts boro, Montgomery and points West and Northwest 8:08 P> *• Seaboard Buffet Parlor Sleeping Car on Trains 13 and 14 arriving Americus from Savannah 10:40 o, m., and leav ing Americus for Savannah 1:20 a. m. Bleeping car leaving for Savannah at 1:20 a. m . Will be open for passeng irs at 10:40 p. m. For further information apply to H p. Everett, Local Agent, Americus, Ga.; C. W. Small, Div. Pass. Agent, Savrnnah, Ga.; C. P. Ryan, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. BRITISH M. P. FINED FOR FOOD HOARDING LONDON, Feb. B.—William John Mc- Geeagh Mac Caw, member of the house of commons for West Down, was fined $2,000 and $175 costs today for food hoarding. Mr. McCaw was tried in the Oxted, Surrey, police court. According to the attorney for the food committee of the Godstone division of Surrey, this member of parliament had in his lar der at Rooksnest: 24 pounds of tapioca. 154 pounds of rice. 53 pounds of semolina. 100 pounds of biscuits. 53 pounds of tea, 34 pounds of golden syrup. 21 pounds of hone£. The case of Mr Mac Caw was one of several hundred pending, while many more have already been disposed of. Last week Admiral Sir Richard Poore was fined $450 for having in "his possession a quarter of a ton ot food, while others who were fined in cluded a railway worker, a wealthy widow and the proprietors of several hotels, the last being charged with ex ceeding the official ration. Baron Rhondda, the food controller, is pressing the magistrates to inflict imprisonment upon the guilty in cases of systematic hoarding. . DEATH OF H. T. BRADELY AT SANITARIUM IN ATLANTA The remains of H. T. Bradley who died Tuesday evening at the Davis- Foster sanitarium in Atlanta, were brought here and interred in Plains ecmetery Wednesday evening at 3 o’clock. Rev. J. W. Tinsley officiated at the obsequies, being assisted by Rev O B. Chester, of Dawson, and the pallbearers wede R. S. Oliver, Mil lard eJnnings, S. P. Wise., Frank Tim merman, Emmette Harper, Leonard Jennings, L. H. Montgomery and L. A, Thomas. The funeral was held from the residence of J. A. McDonald, at Plains. Deceased was forty-eight years old and had been ill only a few days. He is survived by his wife, who was for merly Miss McDonald, of Plains, and by three sisters. He formerly resided in this county, but during the past five years had lived in Atlanta. Virtue rlzes Awarded. Paris, Feb. B.—-One of the func tions of the French Academy—more accurately the Academy of Language and Literature —is its right to award a large number of money prizes for literary merit and for “virtue.” Since 11’14 all the literary prizes have been reserved to men serving with the col ors. The “virtue" prizes are awarded to humble people “who have lived pare and useful lives,” sacrificing the pursuit of all selfish aims to the ser vice of their families or their coun try. ————— , Relief from Eczema - Don’t worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using a little zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at SI.OO. Zemo generally removes pimples, black heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It Is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. Don’t forget that FIRE INSURANCE ILw Jh covers property damage by water used MnHftftftH in extinguishing the fire —and Firemen ///are exceedingly liberal in their use of water - 'lnsure now through us and be sa fe’ iiif/irHilll Herbert Hawkins WANTED Several white men to work in syrup and feed plant. Phone 493 or apply at Plant, Hill street and S. A. L. R. R. J. RALSTON CARGILL. THE AMERICUS TIME3-RECORDER. BRITISH TANK CAPTURES BIG GERMAN GOB 'ft Wra ioFl 1 V '!•rr Op w| ■ |4li ; - I V | ffl » x Im After a British tank during the Cam brai offensive had driven the crew from one of the great German naval guns used on the defense, the men CRISP SAYS LOCAL CONTRACT GOES TO J. W. M’CREARY CO. WASHINGTON, Feb. B.—Senator Smith and Representatives Charles R. Crisp, who have been working to have the contract for the construction of the aviation buildings at Americus award ed to the McCreary Company, of At lanta have been successful, according to Mr. Crisp. The Hardaway «om pany( of Columbus, had been recom mended, but Mr. Crisp and Senator Smith fought for the McCreary com pany. Mr. Crisp said today he was now satiefied the latter would get the contract. It will call for expenditure of between two and a half and three million dollars. I High Heels Put Corns on Toes i Who caret? Corns or calluses lift off without any pain. Because style decrees Y~ that women crowd and \ / buckle up their tender \/ toes in high-heeled foot- wear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the 5 .corn grow hard. This sui cidal habit may cause lockjaw, and women are I 111 ' if warned to stop it. j Jlj BL A few drops of freezone ' ■'!’ applied directly upon a » ji .sore corn or tender cal ! lus, gives quick relief, and t JSk .soon the corn or callus, root and all, lifts off Qy; .withotit pain. Ask the 1 drug store man for a tiny . bottle of f?eezone, which costs but a few cents, but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one’s feet. Freezone dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surround ing skin. Women! Keep a tiny bottle of i freezone handy on the dresser and never let a corn ache twice. • ■ rushed forth, and hitching it to their tank towed it to their lines. The pho tograph shows the gun passing through a lane of ritish soldiers. SAYS TOBKEY NO LONGER A FACTOR Berne, Switzerland, Feb. 9. —Ke- mal Midhat Bey, grandson of the for mer Turkish Grand Vizier, Midhat Pa sha, is in Switzerland organizing a society known as the “Turkish League of Peace and Liberty,” the objects of which are stated as “To persuade the Turkish govern ment to make a separate peace; to unite and reconcile the various na tionalities which make up the Ottoman Empire, and to modernize Turkey.” in a statement to the press, Kermal says: “Turkey has reached the end of its tether. The capture of Jerusa lem has probably proved the finishing blow. My latest reports fro mConstan tinople emphasize the tremendous im pression made by the iapture of Je rusalem. But the ‘stop the war' move ment in Constantinople derives its prln ci pal impetus from the economic mis eries of the people rather than from any dismay at the dwindling nf Turk ith power and prestige. The terrible conditions of the poorer classes can not easily be exaggerated. “The disorganization of the army is another factor. The number of Turk ish deserters in Asia Minor is now ov er 200,000. The Turk deserts “ot be cause he is afraid, but because his eyes have been opened to the real or igin of the war and the futility of continuing it. The aim of our organi zation is not merely to get Turkey away from alliance with the Germans, but to get Turkey into the war on the side of the Entente.” 'i** nfrerfrCqijfl G. The distinctive yellow label on each bot- tie of Chero-Cola is like U. S. on the w f soldier’s collar: It stands for the best: £ H “There's None So Good” g| ■ • Ch«ro~Cpla < Is served only in sterilized . V,/ Bl bottles—the sanitary way / v ■ NK> ( C7 mA i v\ IL ■ WHOLESOME-REFRESHING JjO With No Bad After Effect Ky J kWf a Px’jß |\u. fjHB. ! *»\ a WKraO •’»■ T WH HrtlWa ■ Ip* 5 * i i . A SjF?® • '«. A hW i ivO? % 18BrWrw IS J i \ GIVES HER JEWELRY TO HELP WAR FUNDS London, Feb. B.—The Duchess of Marlborough has given a $25,000 col lar composed of fifteen rows of the I Vanderbilt pearls, connected by a I large diamond, to a “Children’s Jew el Fund,” for child welfare, of which she is treasurer. The work was in-' i augurated by prominent society wo i men to care for needy mothers and ; babies, thu s lowering the infant death rate and improving the conditions of living. The Duchess has received gifts of three diamond tiaras, diamond pen dants, diamond brooches and other valuable jewelry toward the establish ment of 5,000 more centers for the distribution of aid. Articles of jew elry will be received at a central de pot, portions being sold through a jewel dealer and the remainder dispos ed of at auction. Women throughout the country are asked to send at least one piece of jewelry, as anything from a wedding ring to a tiara is acceptable. LOOK AT YOUR TONGUE! * 10 IT BROAD, WHITE, FLABBY? -YOOR BLOOD NEEDS ZIRON! a, iWhen Your Tongue Is White and Flabby, It Is a Sign That You Are Anemic and That Your Blood Needs Ziron Iron Tonic, For the Benefit of Your Weakened System. Look at your tongue in the mirror! • It ought to be pointed, pink, clean and firm. If it is broad, white, coated, flabby, it is probably a sign that you are anemic, that your blood lacks red corpuscles, that you are not in good health, that your system needs iron to bring it up to proper condition. q When your blood needs Iren, take Ziron, the new Iron Tonic, which con tains also the hypophosphites of lime and soda and other valuable tonic ingre dients prescribed by the best physicians for this form of trouble. ® When you feel tired and miserable, lack ambition, suffer from indigestion, rheumatic pains, gastric catarrh, depression of spirits and a general feeling of being “under the weather”, why not try Ziron to help you back to health? Ziron, the new compound of Iron, contains no habit-forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonic remedy—good for men, women and childrep. Mr. R. L. Poston, of Lillie, La., writes:^ “Some weeks ago I was suffering with something like dumb chills. I just ached all over, my skin would feel clammy. I ached worse from my knees down. I didn’t rest well nights, and my appetite wasn’t good. I was afraid I would get down in bed and so much to do in the Spring of the year. I began to look around for something to help me and decided to try Ziron...l had not taken one third of a hottie until I felt much tetter. I grew stronger, began to get hungry and did not have any more of the chills. I think Ziron is a splon Id tonic.” ® SPECIAL OFFER: P.uV a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s and give it a fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If, after using up one bottle, you find it has not benefited you, take the empty bottle back to the druggist and he will refund what you paid him for it. We repay him, so there is no reason why he should not repay you. This offer only applies 10 the first trial bottle. , * (ZA3) If your druggist cannot supply you we win send you a bottle by parcel post,’prepaid. Chattanooga Drug & C.eur t.l Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. BECOMES (LIKE PICTURE} Fluffy, Soft, Silky, Long! Using lerolinl POMADE HAIR DRESSING. Pleasantly perfumed,not stickyorgummy ■ Herolin stimulates and nourishes the ■ roots of the hair causing nappy, coarse, R stubborn, kinky or short hair to grow 3 soft, long, silky, easy to manage, so you ■ can do it up in any style. Removes DAN- ■ DRUFF and Stops ITCHING SCALP. ■ Don't befooled. Re sure you get Herolin. ■ Sold by Drug Stores or SEND 2S CENTS (stamps or coin) lor a big box R HEROLIN MEDICINE CO.,>, Corgia B AGENTS WANTED 3 LOANS LONG Alp SHORT LARGE AND SMALL 8 R. E, WHITE, Atty, at Law £ PAGE SEVEN