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PAGE SIX huSRuSIh BECOMES (.LIKE PICTURE) Fluffy, Soft, Silky, Long Using Flerolinl POMADE HAIR DRESSING. Pleasantly perfumed, icky or Rummy Herolin stimulates and nourishes the roots of the hair causing nappy, coarse, stubborn, kinky or short hair to grow soft, long, silky, easy to manage, so you can do it up in any style. Removes DAN DRUFF and Stops ITCHING SCALP, Don't befooled. Be sure you get Herolin. Sold by Drug Stores or SEND 28 CENTS (stamps or coin) forabigbox HEROLIN MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, Georgia 'AGENTS WANTED Don’t Throw Away Your old Automobile Tires and Tubes. Bring them to us for repairs. Our Steam Vulcanizing Plant is at your service. Every job we turn out is completed by an expert workman. Time will demonstrate the wisdom of bringing your vulcanizing to us. G. A. & W. G. TURPIN F. G. OLVER LOCKSMITH. Sewing machines and Supplies; Key and Lock Kitting, Umbrellaj Repair*! a?<l Covejed. Phoae 429, Lee TUEIT. MAR WELL J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Lau) Planter’s Bank Building Ametieus, Ga. TEfffIIBLYSWOLLEN Suffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.—Mrs. Kate Lee Able, of this place, writes: “My husband is an engineer, and once while lifting, he in jured himself with a piece of heavy ma chinery, across the abdomen. He was so sore he could not bear to press on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with al! their medicine, his bowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink it two or three days in succession, die did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suffered so. He was swol len terribly. He told me his suffering could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- Draught. 1 made him take a big dose, and when it began to act be fainted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford’s Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day’s work. Try it! NC-131 CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladle*! Ask your for /a\ Chl-cheA-ter s Diamond Fills in Red and Gold boxes, sealed with Bias Rit>bon. Take no other. Bnv of yonr DmcglKt. Ask forCIfI.CtIEH.TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, f r 25 years known as Best, Safer*, Always Reliable CLD BY DRUGGISTS I , ■ — Seaboard Air Line The Progressive Ballway of the South Leave Americus for Abbeville, Hel ena, Collins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, Portsmouth and points East and South 12:31 p m 1:20 a in Leave Americus for Helena and in termediate points 5:15 p ni Leave Amecrius for Columbus, Montgomery and points West and Northwest 3:08 p m H. P. EVERETT, Agent, Americus, Ga. nt usswira liras WILL BE AT Americus, Windsor Hotel, Fri day, Feb. 15,1918, One Day Only. SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE. Hours:. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.—Marvel ous Cures.—Wonderful Results in Chronic Disease Cases. The Associated Doctors, licensed by the State of Georgia for the treat ment of all Nervous, Blood, Skin and Chronic Diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this visit, consultation, examination and advice free, making no charge what ever, excepting remedies. All that is asked in return for their valuable ser vices is that every person treated will state the results obtained, to their friends and thus prove to the sick and afflicted in every city and locality that a treatment has at last been discov ered, which is reasonably sure and cer tain to restore perfect and robust health, with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes Sufferers from diseases of the stimach, Mood, skin, liver or spleen, heart, lungs, kidney or bladder, rheu matism, sciatica, lumbago., tape-worm, leg ulcers, bed-wetting, appendicitis, goitre, piles or fistula, nervous break down, dizzy spots before eyes, not sick in zer—but hardly able to get about, and those affected with deep-seated, long-standing disease, that has baffled the tamily doctor, should not fall to call and learn how a real specialist cures without operation. Deafness has 'often been cured in sixty days. No matter , what your disease may be, no matter what others have told you or no matter what experience you 1 we had with other physicians, it wilt be to your advantage to see them on j this visit. Have it forever settled in I your mind. Do not put Off this duty, ■ which you owe yourself, your relatives j and friends. If your case is incurable the Associated Doctors will tell you so. and teach you how to take care of, yourself at home; they are too' well ' known in this locality to need further mention. Remember the t’me and place. Marr’ed women should be accom-j pauied by their husbands and child-1 ren by parents. Remember the free offer is for this 1 visit only. Central laboratories lovated in Ex-1 change Rank building, Albany, Ga., i where marked success has been J achieved, 11-4t&w | GO HELP ENGLAND | SAYS THIS GERMAN: NEW YORK, N. Y, Feb. 15.—That' Hindenburg would undertake a great) genera] offensive this spring in an I endeavor to crush the British, French 1 and American armies and end the war! was forecast in a public lecture by Major von Olberg of the German Gen- j eral Staff before the German Colonial Society at erlin last month. Accord ing to an account of his address printed in German papers which have; reached here Major von Olberg said that as 1917 was the “year of re-) venge,” 1918 will be the “year of de ' cision.” Germans are to turn their eyes and; hearts to the west front from Flan-1 dors to Venetia, ignoring the peace, negotiations in the East, the outcome of which is “imljtarily without im portance.’ “Today,” said Olberg, “our back is free and we have the reserves which we lacked in 1914, when we had to defend East Prussia against the Rus sians, The gerat offensive can now 1 start, and then God help Albion!” Olberg, who was speaking officially as head of one of the departments of the War Press Office, did not say explicitly, however, that the prin cipal blow will be delivered against the British forces, declaring that Hin denbarg can be trusted to select the proper place for the offensive. WHOOPINGMH, COLDS, CROUP Controlled by Cheney’s Expectorant. If your children suffer from croup or whooping cough, are run down in health and weight, just get a 25c bottle cf Cheney’s Expectorant from any drug store and take as directed on label, am! croup or whooping cough will leave them, they will breathe easily again and will gain weight and be comforta ble once more. Cheney’s Expectorant is an invaluable remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness and asthma. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. ENGLAND PLANS TO PAY OFF WAR DEBT LONDON, Feb. 15. —The Empire Resources Development Committee has been trying to devise ways and means of paying off the vast legacy of debt that will be bequeathed by the war. It has not been long at it, but according to H. Wilson-Fox, M. P., a prominent member of the com mittee, it is making highly satisfac tory progress in the solution of the problem. If a grant .of 200,000,000 acres could be negotiated, the committee believ ed, the nation’s food supply would be assured and within a qaurter of a century the sale of farms in this area would pay off a large portion of the Empire’s debt. “Looking into the future,” said the lecturer, “we can visualize the state a- - an owner of vast herds of cattle overseas raised on lands which are today not unitilized; as a proprietor of forests and valuable plantations of tropical shrubs and trees grown on acres which are still virgin, and the harnesser of tropical waterfalls fed by the eternal snows of India and Africa; as an organizer of great com mercial air services, and as the reaper on an immense scale of the manifold harvest of the seas.” To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELSS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it I'3 Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. Ellaville The first quarterly meeting of the Ellaville charge was held here Satur- I and Sunday and proved a most en- I joyable occasion. Rev. O. B. Chester, 1 the presiding elder,, preached three • eloquent sermons to large and atten tive congregations. He complimented the pastor. Rev. J. E Sapley, and the stewards and 'officers on the work J that had been accomplished for the charge. Red Cross work in our city is mak ing fine progress under the leader ! ship of Chairman J. N. Cheney. A u.n ■ :if'i uent for the org ■;.:*?on of : the Schley County Chapter has been *secured and steps have been taken to (organize the while county. A box of ' supplies is being made ready to be I sent to headquarters. s. c H. Smith received, the mem ! bers of the Missionary Society Mon afternoon. Mrs. S. L. Denton pre sided most graciously. Mrs. T. A. I Colins wag elected a delegate to the annual meeting in Savannah in March. After an interesting business session ; current events were presented by Mrs. ;J. I?. Sampley, the following ladies : taking part: Mrs. Roger Williams, ' Mrs. C. R. McCrory, Mrs. H. J. Wil ! liams, Mrs. T. A Collins. Under the auspices of the Woman’s 1 Club an oyster supper was given last I Friday evening at the Ellaville High school, for the benegit of the Domestic i Science. More than a hundred people were present who thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The Montezuma basketball team : played Ellaville Friday afternoon, the former being badly defeated. Ellaville j prides itself in having one of the best ( teams in this section. j Much sickness is prevalent in our: ■ vicinity, due to measles, mumps and ! j pneumonia. Some of the schools have - ' had to suspend until the epidemic ' becomes somewhat abated. Mis Irma Murray spent Sunday in Oglethorpe with her mother. Mrs. W. L. English and little Miss Martha Williams English, were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Jordan Saturday. ] Mr. John Royal attended the funeral of his nephew in Taylor county Sun i day. Mrs. T. A. Collins spent Monday in Americus. Mrs. Carrie Hill and Miss Nina Me Mahan spent Sunday in Oglethorpe the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Strange visited their daughter, Miss Sara Strange, at Andrew College Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Holloway, Miss Georgia B. Holloway and Mrs. W. K. Dennis, of Montezuma, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. Granberry, of Waverly Hall, ' is the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. C. Rainey, on Broad street. Miss Caldwell, of Americus was the guest the past week of Dr. and Mrs. j Brigdes. Miss Leila Williamson, who is 1 teaching school at Shiloh, spent the j week-end with homefolks in the city. Miss Lula Baisden, of Atlanta, was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday Mrs. T. V. Bridges has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in Americus. Mrs. C. H. Wall, of Wall’s Crossing, visited her daughter, Mrs. Willie Jor- $985, chassis only, f. o. b. Detroit. Electric lights. Electric generator. Worm drive. 10- foot loading space. 2400 pounds. 'in M 111 II -I II 111 I- TT ,!■ 1; —ft . L r -1J More brains than metal are used in building this r • 'F ' 7 f ' II : ' 1 •• , Brains are hard to find . 1 come high, but they are the cheapest in the long rvn. In a tzliJL \V 1k h l z • t A ; XJO -.1 w-/ Cl business in excess c f il-.cre are many grefet minds. ~ - r to - , . - ■ - ■■ 1 ... ’ . ... ■ ■ '• ■ . ■ ■ ;in . ■ the truefc). These-great minds have ways to buiid oett-ei y. a of similar capacity in the worl That’s o reason why the A well has a verdict of close to 100% perfect from its service record based on the 660 Maxwell trucks now in use. Chappell Machinery Co. dan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Slappey, of La- Crosse visited Ellaivlle the past week. Mr. P. G. Moss, formerly railroad agent here, but now located at Chip ley. was shaking hands with his many friends in our city Sunday. Mr. Roy Carter, of Camp Wheeler, spent, Sunday with parents here. Mr. Henry Smith Monroe, who has charge of the school at Doyle, is the geust of bis mother here this week. His school has been suspended on ac count of an epidemic of measles. Miss Newell Jones spent the week end with, her parents* near here. Dr. Prather, of Americus, made a professional visit to this city Sun day. Heal Skin Diseases I It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. A little zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or SI.OO for extra large bottle, and promptly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses ana soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. -*■ Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, dis appearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. • • The E.W. Rose Co., Cleveland, tt Advances the Liver Requires occasional sl *g ht stimulation. CARTER’S LITTLE I'TTtt LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. I pilus. Genuine \\ Xan* bear* ~~ *r signature Colorless or Pale Faces Carta’, Iron RH, if li" I I I IMF —the home drink Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place in the home. A family beverage—a guest offering—a table drink that goes perfectly with all food. As a suggestion for Sunday supper—Sweet red or green peppers stuffed with cream cheese and chopped nuts or olives, served on lettuce leaves. French dressing. Cold meat. Toasted crackers. Bevo for everyone. A beverage that tastes like no other soft drink. Pure, wholesome and nutritious. Bevo—the all-year-’round soft drink. A Sold in bottles only bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch—St, Louis 24 B FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918. 3