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PAGE EIGHT BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL BY PLANTING North Carolina Cotton Seed Ten to Fifteen Days Earlier Than Native Seed MYATT’S EARLY PROLIFIC CLEVELAND BIG BOLL KING SIMPKINS PROLIFIC Also a Number of Other Varieties. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. PLANTERS SEED CO. Americus, Ga. PLANT YOUR GARDENS NOW! Conserve the Food Supply And Live Better By Raising Plenty of Vegetables. Plant Early and Plow Often. - Fresh Seeds &£ just received at Allens Drug and Seed Store yffaaaaMMMMW—— ■——— ■ w——Mgg Help to provide for our soldiers who are fighting to save your children from Autocracy and Poverty. Buy United States Government War-Savings ; Stamps and Thrift Stamps, which pay 4 per | cent compounded quarterly. A $5.00 stamp will ; cost only $4.12 if purchased in January, $4.13 if ; purchased in February. A “Thrift Card” is ; furnished to all purchasers of 25-cent stamps. Produce more and do not waste. The Bank of Commerce lags x NOTICE I I Only a few Thermax Grills I I left from our December Sale. I I We will sell them as long as | I they last for the low price of i I $5.25 I I Americus Lighting Co. I ■HE AMERICUS nEMECORDER HELLO, GIRLS! HERE’S 1 CHANCE FOR YOU TO SAY HELLMN FRANCE Young women! Can you speak and read French as well as English? Can you understand French as spoken over a telephone ana make yourself under stood in the same language by the person at the other end of the wire? For those who can there is an op portunity just now for the most patri otic and most thrilling sort of service “over there” with Gen. Pershing and the American Expeditionary force French are wanted at once by the signal corps to handle the switch boards which link American head quarters in France not only with the American section of the front but with the French general telephone system as well, t is obvious, therefore, that only those who are very fluent with their French can be used. t is a good job as well as a patriotic one. Os course, experienced operators are preferred, but a girl without any experience may be taught quickly to manipulate a switchboard —and will be taught. The pay is S6O a month for operators, $72 for supervisors and $1.25 for chief operators. All will wear uniforms and will be maintained at lhe expense of the army. Applications should be made to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Room No. 826, Mills Building Annex, Washington, D. C. Ladies! Why Keep Corns? Lift a com or callus right* off without one bit of pain. ■ ■ -! ?Yes! You truly can lift off every hard corn, soft corn oi* corn between the toes, as well as hardened calluses on bottom of feet without one bit of pain. A genius in Cincinnati discovered freezone. It is an ether compound and tiny bottles or this magic A. _ fluid can now be hr ? at any drug store for a few ll II cents - "k. Apply seevral drops of tbi s freezone upon a ten a, 1 der, aching corn or callus. ! instantly, all soreness dis- jjrt appears and shortly you A#' will find the corn or cal ! lus so shriveled and loose I . that you lift it off with the fingers. You feel no pain while applying freezone or afterwards. Just think! No more corns or cal luses to torture you, and they go with out causing one twinge of pain or soreness Keep a tiny bottle on the dresser and never let a corn or callus ache twice adv Notice to Customers. W’e, the following barbeyshops of Americus, agree to the following scale of prices, to be effective on and after Monday, February 18: Hair Cut 35 cents. Massage 35 cents Shampoo 35 cents Hair Singe 35 cents (Signed) JOHNSON’S BARBER SHOP. MANRY’S BARBER SHOP. WINDSOR BARBER SHOP. OPERA HOUSE Friday, Feb. 15 William Farnum in ‘The Conqueror’ A Masterpiece of Photo Play Art Embodies every feature of Love Interest Vigor Action Suspense Humor Pathos Atmosphere to make it a truly great picture Prices: Children 10c, Balcony 15c, Adults 20c. Shows 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 LAST CALL , \ Our 25 per cent discount sale will close in a few days. We have a few very choice patterns in Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Suits left, and it will be to your interest to come at once and make your selection, as the prices on wool clothing will be almost, if not quite, double next Fall. W. D. Bailey Company AMERICAN SHIP IN COLLISION AT NIGHT AN ATLANTIC PORT, Feb. 15.—An American passenger ship bound for Cuba, which left yesterday, returned to port today with a large hole above the starboard waterline amidships. She was in collision after midnight with an unknown steamer in a dense fog. The fate of the other vessel is a mystery. MEXICO OIL FIELDS SUBJECT TO DISPUTE Laredo, Texas, Jan. 15. —Efforts ot General Luis Cabellero to induce Gen eral Manuel Pelaez, whose forces con trol the Tampico oil fields, to submit to the federal government, have met with emphatnc refusal, according to private advices received here from SPECIAL LACE SALE AT ANSLEYS MONDAY, FEB. 18 8 O’CLOCK A. M. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Many sorts of Lace will be thrown on center tables for ONE DAY if weather is good, but will be contin ued if weather interferes. These Laces . will include real Torchons and other fine sorts. Values up to thirty-five cents yard. We group them in . TWO LOTS £ CENTS 1 M CENTS O YARD 1U YARD NEW SPRING NEW SPRING GOODSNOW GOODS NOW I READY LACE SALE READY I j H the affected district. Cabellaro is said to have failed in his attempt to per suade the oil producers to buy off Pelaez. If the government persists in its attempt to carry out the announced program of securing complete control of the oid fields, Cabellero’s threat to invade the region may become his only recourse. Caballero is reported to be receiving a few men and con siderable supplies by sea from Vera Cruz and other gulf ports. MANY ENROLL FOR BUILDING OF SHIPS About seventy-five Americus men enrolled today in the U. S. Public Ser vice Reserve, tendering their services to the government in the shipbuilding field. The registration office is in the of fice of the U. S. Food administrator above the Times-Recorder office. The government needs men for the shipbuilding work, and will accept vol unteers for any branch of work. FRIDAT, FEBRUARY 15, IMS. To Build Mine Sweepers. SVANNAH, Ga., eb. 15.—With the contract signed for construction of 36 steel mine sweepers for the French government, the Foundation Co., which has located here, has already started work at the Brampton plantation. The vessels are to be delivered six months from now. Building Big Drydock. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Feb. 15.—With a contract for a 10,000 ton drydock giv en to Messrs. Terry and Brittain, of the Terry Shipbui IdingCorporation, and the landing of the Foundation Company, Savannah is back again in the game for bigger things. Her Board of Trade is workin gconstantly and before long something else big in the industrial line is expected. Negro Killed by Farmer. FITZGERALD, Feb 14—Noah Crumb ley, a white farmer living near Ro chelle, shot an<] killed a negro intrud ed a negro intruder at his home last Friday night, according to information reaching Fitzgerald yesterday.