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Till’RSl) AY. APRIL 11, 1918. SOCIETY SH THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN HUll WESLEYAN ARTISTS IN CONCERT. Miss Pearl Seller and Miss Sallie R. Wilson, instructors in music at Wesleyan, will appear tonight at Car negie auditorium under the auspices of the Music Study Club. These two artists’ ability is vouched for by the positions they hold at Wesleyan Col lege and the public is assured an evening of pleasure and entertainment. The proceeds will be devoted entirely to the local Red Cross work room and it is hoped that Americus may show the proper appreciation of the unsel- Ish patriotism of these two busy teach ers by giving them a recorde attend ance. The following program will be given: “Music of Allied Nations,” benefit or the Red Cross Society, by Pearl Seiler, pianist and Sally R. Wilson, soprano “The Sweet Uttle Girl That I Love” —Old English. "My Lovely Celia” —Old English. "Pastoral” (Old English)—Miss Wilson. Etude in bE Major—Rubinstien. “The (Glinka) —Bolakiren. Ballade in bA Major (Chopin)— Miss Seiler. In quelle trine arbide (wouon les count) Puccini —Miss Wilson. Ou bel di vedrome CMadame Butter fly)—Puccini—Miss Wilson. March Wind—Mac Dowell. To a Wild Rose —Mac Dowell. Prelude in A Minor —Debussy. Esparina (Chabrier) —Chevillord— Miss Seiler. Boute Hymn of the Republic—W. Stefle. I Come With a Song—La Forge. "The Sea”—Mac Dowell The Years in The Spring —Mrs. Beach. At Dawning—Cadman. Somewhere in France (May Hort man) —Miss Wilson. • • • RED CROSS NEWS A box of 7,350 eight by four com presses was shipped yesterday by the local chapter to headquarters. Very good Indeed when one considers that the room was closed for lack of ma terials for several weeks. Hereafter club was held with Mrs. S. H. McKee ation camp and it is hoped that more irterest may be manifested and a splendid showing made by the local workers. • • • CALLED MEETING. A called metting of the Matrons’ club was held with Mrs. S. H. cKee this afternoon at her home on Rees Park . Labor’s Right to Strike. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 11.— The senate by a vote of thirty-four to twenty-five refused to approve labor’s right t 0 strike during war time, but that vote was rejected today in the conference report on the Ball bill penalizing the destruction of war ma terial and interference with produce tion. %* i I Oht MMifc . .Jit e ■’ wl ''V Ife. ®lt( llgW >WI I | Hwp ™W - w Uj|F J '’ 'jj BK«jC««« <«.<«*.< s ~ s > Cheer your soldier * 5 w with the best news j from home—your $ photograph. | * S —Make the 5 appointment today. x Ire M’kiisw Stuoio 1 J R MBS. OLIVE STOTT GABRIEL I „ ' W =1 w sib » J j Hi. < c * i -* > k ** A ' ’ J &>' ’ „ r fh:v/ / i / • •"" j I k : '' r w- 'J X X- - XX .4 MRS. OLIVE. STOTT GABRIEL i Mrs Olive Stott Gabriel, of the New ■ York University School of Law, has been named chairman of the Employ- • men Committee of the Mayor’s Com-' irittee on National Defense in New York City. She has been chosen for the place because it wns believed she' could do much toward finding positions . for women where the men occupying • them formerly had gone to the war.; Mrs. Gabriel has been a successful lawyer sine© her graduation from the school in 1903. I i AGGIE GIRLS WILL i ENTERTAIN TONIGHT Tonight at the Third District Agri cultural and Mechanical college hers the students will present a laughable comedy for the enjoyment of friends of the institution. A large crowd is! expected to attend. Eleven young ladies will participate in the presentation of the skit which j is entitled "The Whole Truth.” Only I laughs are contained in the story of' the play, which has been composed as ] an antidote for the blues. Those who ' haven’t laughed for years will roar during the presentation of the play, and not a grouch will leave the hall at its conclusion. The play will be presented in the auditorium of the college, and will begin promptly at 8 o’clock, an invita tion being extended to the general public to be present. In order to de fray the expense of the presentation and the purchase of necessary cos tumes, a small admission will be col lected at th e door. INCREASE ON MILEAGE ALLOWED RAILROADS ATLANTA, Ga., April 11.—An in crease of one-quarter of a cent per mile on party and mileage railroad rates has been granted by the Georgia railroad commission to all roads doing interstate business in Georgia who neither sell or honor mileage books. Some few exceptions will be made in the lists of the roads affected when the order is finally drawn up and signed, and this could not be done this week owing to the necessity of going over the rate figures of each railroad interested. Some charge charge two, some three and some four cents per mile for passenger service. The party and mileage book rates have heretofore been two cents per mile and mileage books have been sold with 1,000 and 2,000 miles represente 1 in their coupons The new order will eliminate the 2,000-mile books and raise the price of the 1,000-mile books to $22.50. This order is effective on ■ May Ist. (HARTER GRANTED $150,000 CORPORATION IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH. Ga., April 11.—A charter has been granted the Chatham County Traction company, whose prin cipal offices are to be at Savannah and whoe proposed trolley line is to run to Port Wentworth, near Savan nah, where there are shipping indus tries. The capital stoc kof the com pany i? $150,000. IHI) -by- Mrs. H, B. Alles Of’ce Phone 99 Res. Phone 466 THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Leslie A series of religious services will begin at the Leslie Baptist church Sunday, th© pastor, Rev. C. S. Durden, will be assisted by Dr. W. L. Cutts, ot Blue Ridge, Ga. Miss Medwin Harris, of Warwick is spending the week in Leslie the guest of Mrs. L. M. Hawins. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ranew and Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Durden spent the week end in Manchester with Mr. and Mrs. J L. Amason. Miss Ella Wilson, who is attend ing school at Andrew College, spent the week-end in Leslie with home folks. Miss Annie Clare Ranew visited her friend, Mrs. George Reid Doster, at Rochelle last week. Mrs. Kenneth Wood returned to Leslie Saturday from Plains hospital. Missionary Day for Home and For- , •> i ■nan ■■■mlM.l. ..,i .■■■■nr Alcazar | theatreA j THURSDAY g Darling Marquerite Clark in “Bab’s Matinee Idol” Mutiuee, 6 and lie. Night, 11 and 17c. I Frances Nelson and Arthur Ashley in “What Happened at 22” I and H Final Chapter of i ?: ‘ Who Is Number One” Uatinec. 6 and lie. Night, 11 and 17c. g SATURDAY 1 Jack Curtis k in fr “Little Red Decides” j < and ‘A Coward’s Courage” R Matinee, 6 and lie. Night, 11 and 17c. HAVE YOU BOUGHT A LIBERTY BOND? ATTENTION! Officers and Men from “Souther Field." Every day shows new additions to our line of Military Goods. We can out fit you complete in Uniforms, Leather Puttees, Caps, Shirts and by the way HALT! Long enough to see those New Sum mer-weight Poplin Shirts, regulation color, you’ll want them right away now. Just ask us to show you. RYLANDER SHOE CO. The Classy Store on the Corner WATCH OUR WINDOWS eign Mission will be observed In the Leslie Baptist Sunday school on next Sunday. Merrs. John Simms and Jodie Suggs, Mrs. Sallie ade. Misses Mary Carter and Elizabeth Ferguson made up a party going from here to Sassesr Sun day to visit Miss Stella Wade. Mrs. G. J. Parker went to Americus ! Monday. Mr. H. L. Speer returned from' Plains hospital Sunday after spending I two weeks there for medical atten tion. Tom Wilkerson, Jr., of LaGrange, spent Saturday and Sunday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chrisp Wilker- i son. Rev. C. T. Rix filled the pulpit at > the Baptist church Sunday evening. Mrs. G. V. Harris, of Warwick, came last weey to visit at the home of her son, Dr. L- M. Hawkins, Before returning home she will visit relatives and friends in Atlanta for several, days. Mrs. J. M. Green visited relatives' at Tifton last week. Miss Romel Green left Friday for ( Rochelle where she spent several days i with her sister, Mrs. G .R. Doster. Mr. V. Wall, of Albany, spent Sun-, day in Leslie visiting Dr. and Mrs. L., M. Hawkins. Mrs. Conroy Wimberly, o£ Macon,' spent the week-end at Leslie with' relatives and friends. I Mr Clyde Harp and children and Mrs. Lee went Howkinsville Satur-, day where they visited relatives. Mrs. J. D. Cocke and son, Dennis, went to Plains Sunday. Dr. L. M. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ranew left for Atlanta Sunday night where Mrs. Ranew was carried to a hospital. James Kaylor, who is attending school at Mercer was in Leslie Satur- | day. Miss Rowena Long, of Americus, I visited the Leslie school last Thurs-1 day. i Soldiers and Sailors Get Comfort. 1 hat makes them fit for the hard work i in camp and trenches, at sea or on marches, by using Alien’s Foot-Ease the antiseptic powder to shake into the shoes. It takes the friction from the shoes and freshens the feet. Al lan's Foot-Ease has been the standard remedy for 2"> years for relief of cal louses, tired, aching, sweating, swol len feet, and make 3 tight shoes feel easy. The Plattsburg Manual advises the use of Foot-Ease each morning. Try it today. adv POSITIVELY THE biggest value loud BALTIMORE LINEN IN POUND PAPER Lunu LimCW Lb sPaper...sPaper... . ............ cts. Portfolio 40 cts. Extra Envelopes per pkg. 15 cts. “ “ 2 pkgs, for 25 cts- MURRAY’S PHARMACY "tthe Best in Drug Store Merchandise; the Finest in Drug Store Service’- J t ' t 71.., ■— * ~ ... . . . 2ZZZ FOR THE BENEFIT of Hie RED CROSS WORK ROOMS Ths Music Study Club will give a Concert THURSDAY EVENING at the LIBRARY at 8:30 o’clock Miss Wilson and Miss Seiler of Wesleyan College will be the artists appearing A Special Admission of 25c to Aviation Camp, Agri cultural and the High S chool* "f Allother Adults 50c, Children 25c. Tickets can be secured from Mrs. H. B. Mashburn. ■■■■■■■MMMMWMi ■■■■■■■■WMMMWwiMMwrr num n— wr r ■ PAGE FIVE