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THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918. Kimball House ATLANTA, GA. 400 ROOMS MODERATE PRICES CENTRALLY LOCATED Entirely Remodeled and Redecorated UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1.1 DINKLER C. L. DHTKLEII Prop, and Mgr. Asst. Mgr. MISS BESSIE WINDSOR, In sn rance. Bonds. Office, Forsyth St. Phone 2MI Seacard Air line tie Progressive Railway ot tbs Souu Leave Americus for Abbeville, Hel ena, Collins, Savannah, Columbia Richmond, Portsmouth and points ifiast and South 12181 * m 1:20 a m Leave Americus for Helena and in terumdiate points p in Leave Ameer’’s Cor Columbus. Montgomery and points West and Northwest 8:0s p m fl. P. EVERETT, Agent, Axarrji’n*, Ja. c ,r. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316. Office Phone 313 Allison Building. ' HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. « J Inter tor Decorating. a Get My Estimates. * JOE FITZGERALD. ’ 108 E. Lamar Si. * «mm »>» » a » a . ( [LOANS LONG AND SHORT LARGE AND SMALL R. E. WHITE. Atty, at Law «<«<c*3t«ac<<a« c««ce.wa: J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Law Planter’s Bank Building Ameiictts, Ga. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND On both City and Farm Property at 6% Interest. No Walting. DAN CHAPPELL, Attorney-at -Law. M. H. WHEELER, Dental Surgeon. Bell Bldg., Opposite Post Office Office Phone 785; Res. Phone 36 ® fa. B. COUNCIL LODGE F. and A. M. Sb. jjflgfrK. <7’ meets every First and Third Friday nights. . s>--- Visiting brothers are invited to attend. DR. J- R. STATHAM, W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night m tting Sovereigns invited to meet with Fraternal Hall. Lamr atreet All vis ors welcome. C. J- WILLIAMS, C. k,. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. F. and A. M. C. AMERICUS LODGE F. & A. M., meets r, eTer y second and fourth Friday night at 7 o’clock. E E. SCHNEIDER, W. M. 8 L. HAMMOND, Secy. ImeroT Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE and RETAIL John Nita A Co, Proprietors. Freeh Spanish Mackerel, Freak Stater and Salt Water Trout. Red Snap pers. Red Bass. Sheep-head and el! kinds of Bottom Fish. Shrimps, Crab» und Oysters and Fish Rolls. QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 77« it* i rib 'ft'*'*' CHANNEL PORTS HUN OBJECTIVE I _ I NEW YORK, April 11. —Capture of; the channel ports of Boulogne and Calais apparently forms the objective! of von Hindenburg’e restless series of I new attack against the British front j that centers on Armentieres. This is the same area i nwhich the' Germans attempted to break through to the channel a san alternative pro gram early in the war wheu thev failed to caf f :e Paris. Having failed now to capture Amiens, second only to, Taris in importance, tba kaiser re turn to the scene of his former de feat for a resumption of the disastrous adbenture. ’ A spirit of nervous aetvity Is begin ning to reveal itelf among the Ger mans such as they have not exhibited) before Von Hindenburg seems to realize that he cannot permit his ar-1 intes to remain at rest. There is evi - dence of trepidation at the meagre! value of the German accomplihment , during the present drive compared with the colossal casualties. Hasty as saults in unrelated sectors of the front are replacing the former German perseverance in the face of a single ob jective. Within a few day von Hin denburg has halted his Amiens opera tions to attack the French fifty miles southeast along the Ailette river, and I has curtailed his efforts there to as sail the British front nearly one hun dred mile further north. The old Hindenburg spirit of dogged pursuit along a well-mapped out course is no longer apparent. Har-i ried indecision has taken its place. Von Hindenburg’s acitvities, in fact, are suggesting more and more the idea that the new west front lias barred him in, and he is rushing about his cage vainly seeking some way of breaking the bars and gaining liberty of action. In this situation it is General Foch’s apparent purpose to let von Hinden burg wear himself out. Since the Ger man general staff believes there is still a chance of capturing Calais and Boulogne, it is admirable strategy for the Allie to encourage the kaiser to add to his reputation as the extermi nator of human man-power. The chanrfel ports are unquestiona -Ily safe. The more Germans are kill ed before von Hindenburg recognizes that fact, the easier will be the task o» America and the Allies when they eventually develop their joint major offensive BIG QUANTITIES OF EXCESS FLOUR FOUND ATLANTA, Ga., April 11.—With the announcement barely made that all excess flour in Georgia must be report ed by inventory to the Federal Food Administrator, Dr. A. M. Soule —a dup licate being sent by the dealer or hold er of the flour to the county food ad ministrator—enough excess flour in Georgia already has been reported to supply the state more than sixty days if properly distributed. No merchant or dealer should have on hand, unreported, more than nor mal supply for thirty days. The ex cess should be inventoried at once, in duplicate; one copy to be sent by him to Dr. Soule and the other to the county food administrator. The same thing must be done by heads of in dividual families, boarding houses, public eating places and hotels. These inventories must be filed by April 18. Reports of f amilies. The head of each household, there fore, should report the excess amount oi flour on hand in the pantr yat this time and the number of members In the family. Six pounds per person for 30 days means that a family of five people is legitimately entitled to use 30 pounds of flour in month. If there is on hand 50 pounds, by accu mulation. or otherwise, that family, by its report, in effect releases 30 pounds of flour to be exported by the govern ment at once of what would be ap portioned to Georgia this month. Th? same system applies to boarding houses. Wholesale and Retail Reports. All wholesale and retail dealers, and all others handling flour, are re quired to make report, by or before April 18. of the total amount of ex ' cess flour on hand, enroute or under shipment or otherwise under its or his control. This will be computed with the normal 30 day's supplj to which such business enterprise is en titled an o n that computation will be shown the amount of excess flour which, through these channels—either actually in stock or moving in such way as to become in stock within the current period—may be reported to Washington for release to army ex nert abroad THE AMERICUS HMES-RECORDEM. MRS. LOCRETIfi 0. CIRFIELO I I ■ .... • ' 7 g .-> . • t ? * V if & | .-a; . | i w. -A ’ 'b '/ll' W. i Mrs. LUCRETIA, R. GAPFIEI.O. Mrs. Lucretia Rudolph Garfield, widow of the twentieth president of the United States, died recently at her home in South Pasadena, Cal., aged 85. Among two of Mrs. Garfield’s child ren are Dr. Harry A. Garfield, fuel ad ministrator, and James R- Gitfleld, secretary of the interior in Pesident Roosevelt’s cabinet. HD EDOSS ME HILL DE DEDSD HERE Mr. L. 0. Armstrong, of the Bureau of Economics, Department of Public Instruction, who is spending a few weeks in Florida, is giving his stir ring lecture on ’’Canada at War” to leading chapters in the state under the auspices of the American Ded Cross. He will be heard here tomor row. in this lecture, Mr. Armstrong is showing Americans his country from a new viewpoint. He lias lectured in times past all over the United States on various aspects of Canada In times ■Gs peace, but it only recently that he has been prevailed upon to prepare a talk on conditions as they now exist for our nearest ally. This lecture should be of particular interest in America as we are just entering upon a period through which Canada has already passed, that of preparation for war. Mr. Armstrong’s lectures are illustrated with b.andpainted slides and motion pictures, many of which are the official pictures of the govern ment of the allied nations. Bravery and Canadian have cornel to be synonimaus words among the al- , lied armies on both the east and the west fronts. Every colony of the British empire has responded nobly to the call to fight for liberty, but the Canadians are indeed giving their all, their money, their resources and their men. In recognition of their splendid service, their heroic deeds' and their indcmitabla fighting have | been recorded for future generations I in a series of official films which show ■ how the Canadians prepared them-j selves for the strenuous life in the field. It is particularly fitting that Mr.) Armstrong, who is a native of Canada, should present these pictures and this story of Canada at War to the United States which is now Canada's ally- Ho has already traveled the breadth of Canada and the United States in the interest of this work, giving his services to the government through; the Bureau of Commercial Economics I and doing everything in this power to help his country in her hour of need though he was unable to go into the service again on account of being over age. A man of pleasing personality. Mr. Armstrong i s a forceful and en tertaining speaker, and, while deliver ing many strong messages to his hear- ; ers, intersperses his talk with clever | and amusing stories. This lecture ig especially well il lustrated both with colored steropticon slides and with motion pitcures which show some of the grandeur of the Ca nadian rookies and the scenic bcau ties of the country. Every picture of the men embarking for war brings forth rounds and rounds of applause and some of the pictures show women ord girls marching in the ranks with their husbands, brothers or sweet hearts wh 0 ire on their way to the fmni Those .vho have traveled ’n Canada enjoy seeing the beauties again in the pictures, and to those w’-o have never been there the pict ures are of even more interest, being ?s they arc,, the faithful reproduction c. lite in our northern ally limOEITS ~| To The People of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Solicitor t.eneral o' the Southwestern circuit ai the coming state primary. I prom ise, if elected, to perform the duties of the office, to the best of my ability, and iu strict accord with the obligations inqosed by law upon the holder of this responsible position. 1 will greatly appreciate the support of the people of this circuit in the com ing primary. G. Y. HARRELL. To the Voters of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my < andidacy for election to the office of solicitor-1 general of the Southwestern judicial: circuit, subject to the Democratic pri-, mary, to be held on the second Wed-; nesday in September. I will appreciate your support, and, if elected. 1 promise to discharge the! duties of this office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. | Respectfully. ZACK CHILDERS. I To The Voters of The Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor General for the remainder of the unexpired term of the late Hon. J, R. Williams, the take place in the Septem ber primaries. I have been filling by appointment the first part of said term and am row asking to be permitted to j serve the remaining two years there of. If elected I shall give to the office I the same conscientious and painstak-! ing attention that I have heretofore given it, and I shall sincerely appre- I mate the endorsement and support of the people of tills circuit. Respect fully JOHN A. FORT. To the voter of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I beg leave to announce my candi dacy for office of Solicitor General, in' ! September primary. If elected I shall perform, with cour I age and fidelity the duties fixed by law upon the holder of this office. ?dy conception is that there can be I such policy of its administration, as . that the office will stand as a menace j to wrong-doing, and as well, a posi tive aid and encouragement to con structive good and peace to the coun ties of the circuit. Every effort will be made to make! practical realization of this concep tion. Opportunity for extended service i« : the strongest, reason for this decision Will sincerely appreciate and try ■ hard to jm-Eify any confidence an in- | forest shown in my race. ( Respectfully, JUI’.E FELTON. ; 13 m treating ■■Ay ,i,y e unm.tural OHenaryes. i • i uitot.uus ; r n? 'ki 1,1<! w,il nus s’Geture | - • ’ ' ‘ 'noP’l fielietas In Ito 5 [ -rfV ■ > )‘c-1!! utsinsl-Price Jl,or3bot“r.s, Preparea by ■' -N8 CO..C!NCib ■'All O. ?|. ifiiah §llOO Delivered; For Saxon Six Touring tar See the Leslie Auto Co., at 2G9 Forsyth Sr., Americus, Ga., and let them show you the many high priced features that are to be found in the Saxon Six and that a lot of cars that are double the price use §IOOO Delivered; For Saxon Six Club Roadster ;■; z Art Panel H x SOcValne ‘ i x X 10c J i | r I Mary Pickford -jiWrt* l *- 11 is adored the world over for her ability, character, and youthful charm. Misa Pickford has again honored the I makers of Pompeian toilet preparations by posing ax- g dusivaly for the 1918 Pompeian Beauty Art PamL Above is pictured only the head. The kmg pand shows the full length figure in beautiful colors. Size of panel, 28 x inches. Art Store value 50c. Thb I panel and a sample of Pompeian BEAUTY Powder sent for only 10c. See coupon below. oompeiar| j adds a pearly clearness to the skin. Pompeian BEAUTY Powder has a fairy eoftncee and smooth* d ness, yet it dfags and beantifiea tmuenatty Its delighting fragrance lingers and fcseinetes. White, Brunette, and Flesh (the popular shade). In I beautiful purple and geld boxes. 50c at the stores, g Guaranteed by the makers of Pompeian NIGHT ? S Cream; Pompeian DAY Cream (vanishing, and an ’1 ideal powder foundation); Pompeian MASSAGE pj . Cream, and Pompeian HAIR Massage, etc. \ \ "■■HBeaneegisßseuaeswßßeexaar lUC !* (Stump* uccoptod, dHDt proforrti) J and thb coupon s the pompejan mfg. co. U 2100 Superior Av... Cleveland. O. J , ! firing you a 19 13 M Mary Pickford Art W j Panel end samp’e of 5 N » me -——— ; J i, ; Pompeian D EAUTY a I*!.’ P vder. (F)eßh color ■ Addre** g ir::t unless Whre or 2! B C. UiuneUoisatludfor.) „ 3 j': '-ity f’lta. j L, Tear off CS’jn<l£ SOW Vwheoiorw:.-.-ua,.., 'Vrcuor.-.utfcltel. Ii - ‘ * V. nt» , efeerfy VOSKUCi: i'BSaW REAO THE T.-R. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE SEVEN