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DAILY CITY EDITION KIRTIETH TEAR SEABOARD DEPOT 15 DESTROYED 51 FIRE JATUROAY EIRE OF MYSTERIOUS ORIGIN RE- SULTS IN BIG LOSS EARLY SAT URDAY MORNING. The Seab ar : Air Line railway de po lu re was totally destroyed by lire early Saturday mornin. Tne origin of the fire is mysterious, in that shortlv before the alarm was turned n a •switch engine was at the scene ant moved several cars. The night watch man there r Iso passed near the depot a short before, and saw no evi dence oi anything wrong. When ihe firemen at rived the building was io Hames and it was seen that it would be imp ossible to save anything. L. W. Slappey, a fireman, was stand ing near a chimney fell, and sustained slight injuries when several bricks struck him. * A feature of interest in connection with the fire was two explosions, on of much violence, which occurred as ter the firemen arrived. Henry P. Everett, the Seaboard agent here, says wre was no gasoline or other inflam-” mabl oils stored in the building, wh'c? was a one-stroy structure erected many years ago. It is the concensus of opinion that the fire was. of incen diary origin. Late yesterday afternoon it develop ed the explosions referred to above weer caused by two cplinders of oxy gen gas consigned to the Americus Lighting Company, which exploded with great force. This gas is that us ed in acetylene welding and mutting machines and is perfectly harmless, except under unusual conditions suj a-, were created during the fire. The loss is estimated as between fit ty and seventy-five thousand dollars CRISIS OVER AERO PROBE IS MED WASHINffTON, D. C., May 18. - wer eclaiming victory to day in the senate row over the Cham berlain investigation resolution. iV crisis apparently has been averted and* whatever form the/ controversy takes next week it is unlikely to pre sent an issue of confidence or want of confidence in the administration. Out of the jockeying of the last few duj -, one sac stood dear oday, ac cording to members of the senate mil itary affairs committee; a congress ional investigation into the aircraft pror-?.m, ordnance production and the quartermaster’s corps is assured. PRESIDENT LEADS NEW YORK PARADE NEW YORK, May 18. President Wilson afoot led New York’s Red Cross 1 d' ’own Fifth avenue this after noon. /itWan escort of secret service men the president walked veil in advance of the procession, while Governor Whitman, Mayor Hy lan and Mrs. Wilson rode in automo i ties -behind the chief executive. Immense crowds cheered the presi dent ever ystep of the way. He was >• far ahead of the parade when he i each id the reviewing stand it was some time before the main column arrived. The president'first planned to re view’ the parade from the reviewing stand, but changed his plans sudden ly, leading the parade until it ar rived opposite the stand, where he stood for an hour, returning later in an automobile to the starting point of the parade, which was still march ing All To Get Commissions. WASHINGTON, May 18.—all of the successful candidate . the fourth of ficers’ training ca* J will be eligible for commissions. Secretary of War Baker has annoi* ~ed. Previously on ly fifty per cent, were eligible. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEk "LI VEST LITTLE DAILY IN GEORGIA." * ONWARD, THRIFT STAMP SOLDIERS! v \ u / / ////>></ ~~~ £i. 11 JmU -liel- j ~ - WE CAN Join THitSARMY\ 77T\ \ v/y \Vz \\ Buy WAR JAVIJKsX, Ua aV V c/tampj: \ ■ & i-W'S-w. \ ■ 111 HillllllMManrbT'-' > -'--" ;r " r *—-■ ' i‘‘i'‘TijaTTflWlWW—WM—'liVWaK— H«i~i h» ——lullin' ■■ ■ n.<. ■■■',■.. .Ilium ir - ■ This cartoon was drawn by Lieutenant Watkins, who is stationed at Souther Field. Lieutenant Watkins is quite gifted with the pen, and has done considerable drawing, mostly for his own gratification. The Times- Recorder expects to print bis drawing form time to time. TWO LENGNED 8E MOBIT WLDOSTA TEGROES WHO KILLED FARMER AND ATTACKED HIS WIFE ARE I CAPTURED AND STRUNG TO LIMBS BY CITIZENS’ POSSE. VALDOSTA, Ga., May 18.—Will Head, a negro implicated in the shoot ing of Hampton Smith and Mrs. Smith, in Brooks county, a day or two ago, was swung to a limb at the forks of the road at Troupeville last night by a mob of Brooks county citizens. Will Thompson, another negro connected with the assassination of the Smiths, was hanged to a tree near- Camp Ground church, in the vicinity of the shooting; Hays Turner, an other negro believed to be implicated in the plot, is in jail at Quitman, and Sidney Johnson, still another negr said to be surrounded by’ a sheriff’s pcsse of two hundred men in Knight’s swamp, east of this city. This swamp is si dense with brambles and um growth it is impossible to penetrate into it. Will Head confessed his share in the shooting before he was hanged. Mrs. Smith’s conditions is reported somewhat better today. WILL REORGANIZE DETECTIVE FORCE ATLANTA. Ga., May 18—Dissasit faction with Atlanta’s city detective department, which has been accumu lating for a year or more, has come to a l ead as the result of recent disclo sures of the mis-handling of confiscat ed blind tiger whisky, and both the city council and the board of police commu’sioners are now determined to make a complete re-organization/ The trouble with the detective de partment, as asserted by members of tne board, is that it’s a bush league organization trying to cope with big league crooks, t is fairly well known that Atlanta has an organized syndi cate ci automobile thieves, and an or ganized syndicate o fblind tigers. The detective department, composed of men with practically’ no experience ca»nct seem to get any hold on the situation A probe committe of the city coun cil has recently developed the fact that detectives have been giving away quantities of confiscated blind tiger whiskey to their friends. British Casualties. LONDON. May 18.—British casual ties compiled from official lists during the past week totalled 9,881 AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING MAY 19, 1918 POISON PEN BUSY HERE; DETECTIVES ARE INVESTIGATING ANONYMOUS LETTERS SENT THROUGH THE MAIL HERE ARE REPORTED AND SECRET SER VICE MEN AT WORK. There is a “poison pen” busy in Americus, and as a result a number of people have received anonymous letters of a scurrilous nature. The letters have bemi turned over to the United States secret service de partment, and it is understood that officers are now in the city making an investigation. * Several people have received letters of an improper character, and as they are nearly all identical in nature and writing, it is thought that the same person is writing them. I cstmaster Davenport was fit st advised of the matter, and then it was brought to the attention of detectives. UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO SELL VEHICLE CARRYING WHISKY ATLANTA, Ga., May 18.—Is it con titutional for an arresting officer in Gcotgia to confiscate and sell a ve hicle in which liquor is found? in the case of Atwell versus Gunn, f om the city court of Macon, it 4s Claimed that the act of the legisla tive providing for such confiscation and rale is unconstitutional because it violates certain property rights laid down n the organic law of the state, but in setting up the <i<?ntention the plaintiff failed to raise constitutional grounds <>f such a nature as to entitle them to the consideration of the court of appeals, and hence the case has been decided without an opinion as to the constitutionality of seizure and sale in blind tiger cases. •The contention was made in this case that the owner of the automobile was not in it when it was seized, and that the man then driving it had the car in' his possesion without t knowledge or consent of he owner. Relief for the owner is provided by the law in such cases as this. American Communique. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, in France, May 18.—The American offi cial communique issued at 9 o’clock tonight, said fighting today was lim ited to ifconnaissances. intermittent artillery fir<“ and increased aerial ac tivity north of Toul in Lorraine is re ported ®fi»l ARMY HOLDS MHES RANKS THIRD IN ARFA HELD AGAINST THE ENEMY—FORMER LY THE BELGIANS CLAIMED THIS DISTINCTION. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 18.— The Ameiican army now’ ranks third in mileage of front line trenches held on the western, front. General I'eisbing’s army now holds more of the line than the Belgians, who unti? recently ranked nZxt to the British, the French being the first. This information was given mem bers of the Senate military affairs committee at their weekly confereu e with the war council today. Mutual Ariillerying. LONDON, May 18.—Ther? was con siderable mutual artblerying be tween Givenchy and Roboeq last night General Haig reported today. Routine Warfare Only. WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES, in France, May 17.—(Delayed.)—Sum- mer weather shimmers across the bat tlefiields, vvhile guns thunder lazily as if about to sleep. Occasionally they wake and with a sudden jump blaze furiously for a few minutes, then nod again. Air fighting has been very heavy durin gthe past few’ days, but the infantry is doing little outsi routine warfare. Occasional raids break the otherwise complete immo bility Only One Ship Torpedoed. PARIS. May 18.—There was only one case of torpedoing in waters where American warships are operating dur ing February compared with 34 in October, and in April there were none.’ declared Admiral Wilson in an interview pm lished in the Matin. RESUME FIGHT ON PALESTINE FRONT WASHINGTON, D. C., May 18.— An Allied offensive on a wide front in Palestine against the already des perate Turks is suggested in official cables from Rome to the Italian em bassy beie. Kiekeniiacher Escaped by Miracle. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES, in Lorraine, May 18.—Lieutenant Ld lie Rickenbacher, of Columbus Ohio, collided with a German airplane in n id-air yesterday, sending the enemy machine crashing to the ground. He was sired by a miracle. ENTENTE MILITARY CB-OPERATION Will BE GIVEN ORIENT « H 11. ■ PRIMARY PURPOSE TO PROVIDE SAFEGUARDING OF MANCHU RIA AND POSSIBLE ACTION IN THE ORIENT. PARIS, May B.—Japan and China have been informed by the allied gov ernments that th&y have arranged for Entente military co-operation to meet the dangers threatening peace of the far east from German penetra tion. Defensive Measure. WASHINGTON, D. C., May I.* The Entente military co-operation arranged to meet threats to the peace of the far east by German penetra tion, as reported from Paris, is under stood here as a purely defensive measure in which participation for the presort will be confined to Japan and Ch ma. its primary purpose is the safe guarding of Manchuria with possibil ities of its extension to Siberia. 500 Arrested hi Ireland. LONDON, May 18.—Five hundred persons have been arrested in various parts of Ireland according to the news paper Evening News today. Latest i , I reports show no disturbances result ed, nor was there any resistance t< the arrests. Sinn Feiners, apparent ly, were dumfounded, bein gtaken com pletely by surprise.' GERMANS BOMB U. S. HOSPITAL WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, in i Picardy, May 18.—.A German aeroplane diepjed a dozen bombs about an American field hospital today, with the result that all the physicians and pa tients able to walk sought refuge in an American trench. . BLUE DEVILS WILL PARADE IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga., May Jx The fam ous 100 ‘‘Blue Devils” of the French Alpine Chasseurs, who have been cre ating such a sensation in New Yor’. since their unheralded arrival a few days ago to aid in the Red Cross drive will be in Atlanta on Wednesday of next week, according to announcement yesterday by the local Red Cross chap ter. All of these men have been', in service on the western front and most of them have been wounded. In New York they were the central figures in a great parade in the closing days j‘ the third Liberty Loan, and strong ef forts have been made to secure them in cities throughout the country. They are to make a tour of the principle cities of the south. Hindenburg Would Send Out Fleet. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 18.— Von Hindenburg is trying to impose his will on the rest of the German war lords and force them to send out the high seas fleet so that bis land operations may be a success, accord ing to th? navy department’s latest in formation He has already succeeded in compelling mobilization of the bulk of the fleet under steam at Kiel, and the navy department’s information tends to indicate he has the whip band and will wring or more less de perate action from the navy, unless the Allied navies strike first. 4,000 Pounds Tobacco Seizer. WASHINGTON, May B.—About four thousand pounds of seized tobacco will be sold Monday at the old tobacco exchange in Richmond, Va., the alien preporerty custodian has announced. Wheat Under Convoy to Switzerland. WASHINGTON, May 18.- Nearly one million bushels of American wheat under heavy convoy are en route to Switzerland, it has been learned here. SUNDAY ' ONE MEAL </< WHEATLESS USt NO BREAD. CtUUKEK-S. 11. |T|||| IJ j . rASTW <m BREAKFAST FOCUS WJll llU®S"'' OOHTAINIHU WHEAT — - ■ BOD LOSE EIVES ’ IN AN EXPLOSIDN in mm, PA. MANY OTHERS WERE INJURED WHEN GIGANTIC BLAST OCCUR RED—AN INVESTIGATION IS NOW UNDER WAY. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 18.—More than five hundred war workers weie killed or injured this afternoon when a terrific blast of T. N. T. wrecked the plant of the Aetna Chemical Co., at Oakdale, near here. The casualty figures give one hun dred and thirty as identified dead, with a hundred and seventy’ yet unrecogniz ed and more than four hundred injur ed. Beyond the fact that a large quantity of T. N. T. blew up nothing was known of the explosion or its cause Officials said an inquiry would be launched immediately The main building and surrounding structures were completely wrecked and their debris rapidly consumed by fire. A second explosion occurred at 1:53 p. m., the entire building occupied by the T. N. T. department being utter ly destroyed. All workers are believ ed to have been out of the building at the time, but there are reports of further loss of life and injury. Workmen returning from Oakdale late this afternoon said the number of injured will exceed the above fig ures, which are based on the semi official statement that only two hun dred and fifty men were in the T. N. T plant, and that few were in other departments injured by the first blast. A canvass of the hospitals here shows a' steady Stream of injured still reaching those institution IRISH-GERMAN PLOT UNCOVERED BADGE NUMBER OF PERSONS AR RESTED N DUBLIN AND OTHER PART!? OF COUNTRY O.N POLIT ICAL CHARGES. LONDON. May 18 ; —Prof. Edward De Valero, president of the Sinn Fein; Arthur Griffith, founder of the Sinn Fein; Countess Markieviez, Dr. Dil lon and William Cosgrave, Sinn Fein members of parliament for Kilkenny, have been arrested, according to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Dublin. ‘ ’ RED CROSS POSTER ATTRACTS CROWD ATLANTA, Ga., May 18. —One q£ the most effective and striking Red Cross posters yet displayed in Atlanta in preparation for the drive which starts next Monday is also at the same time the simpllest of them all. It consists of a huge red cross painted in the windows of the Fourth National Bank, which occupies the first floor of the First National Bank building at Five Points in the center of the business district. The thousands of civilians and sol diers thronging past the windows ev ery day never fail to stop and take a look at the crosses, which are as wide and as high as the outside dimensions of the windows. There is nothing else to the poster and nothing else on it, simply a huge red cross painte crimson paint on the inside of the plate glass windows. American Casualties. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 18. Thirty-nine casualties were reported by General Pershing today, includ ing three killed in action, three died of wounds, four died of disease, five severely wounded, nine wounded slightly, one wounded, but the severity of his wounds yet unknown, twelve missing in action and two prisoners previously reported as missing. NUMBER 118.