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PAGE FOUR Local News Items Ttae to select the Graduating Gift front S. A. Daniels, the Jeweler. Dr. L. <*. Grubbs is in Atlanta for the week-end. If you want a taxicab today phone *IOO. R. A. Shy. 31-ts For a taxi-cab ’iphone 161. Eddie B. Meltoct, driver for E. L. Carswell. Rugs and Art Squares made from ‘Ol’, carpets. Here for a shcrt while. Itone 392, S. A. Evans. 30-6 t BATTLES IN AIR ON FRENCH FRONT WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, in Lorraine, May 31.—One American air squadron established a record of ten flights in one hour yesterday morning. Lieut. Eddie Rickenbacher. of Colum bus, 0., and Lieut. Jimmy Meissner, of Brooklyn, figured prominently in two battles, the former saving Meissner’s life twice. American flyers dropped at least four enemy planes, while one of our planes was destroyed and its pilot captured. SHIPPING INTERESTS DISCUSS NEW RATES ATLANTA. GA., May 31.--Shipping interest representing the Southern states are here today to hold a con ference in regard to -the general in crease of 25 per-cent in freight rates ordered by Director General McAdoo. , The states represented are Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Geor- , gia,, Florida, Alaormn, Tennessee, ; Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana. It will be decided by the conference . whether or not to make an effort to , oppose the increase. * The conference is attended by traf- ( tie managers of com uerciai bodies and j shippers organizations, as well as by < large manufacturers and merchants. , The Standard SPEClAL— Patterns of Voiles and Fine Batiste, full lengths: some are worth double cur price; per pattern ' ' ' ?!■ SPECIAL —Silk Shirtings, ten pat terns, beautiful colorings, 26 inches i wide, at yard 69c. SPECIAL—Tub Silks, 27 inches wide i in wide range of colors, suitable for , waists, dresses, etc., yard 35c. SPECIAL—Cannon Middy Twill, ab-' eoiutely the best made, limited stock, at yard 25c SPECIAL —Matting «.rt Squares, size Ss/JtU feet, twenty pattern, each $5.98. SPEClAL—Genuine Panama Hats, tor ladies and men, soft and guaran teed. non-breakable. all sizes at $1 SPECIAL— iPaIm Beach Skirts, x guaranteed fast colors, new styles. The material used in these skirts would cost over $2; each $1.35. SPECIAL —Mens Blue Chambray Shirts. light colors, all sizes 14 to 17, each 7-sc. SPECIAL —Men's fast dye blue striped Overalls, all sizes; value „ver $2. at pair $1:50. SPECIAL— Miss Gingham and Cham bray Dresses, drummers’ samples; values $1.25 to $1.75, at 98c. SPBClAL—Armour's Big Hammer Laundry Soap, sold only with other good’s. 7 large bare for 25c. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ~7ext to Bark c* Commerce. Forsyth St Americus, Ga Colored Glasses to look at the aeroplanes. Bell the Jeweler. Choice Beef Roast for Saturday and Sunday, at Bragg’s Market 31-11 i LURED TO HOTEL TO BE ROBBED I NEW YORK— May 31.—A chair that crushed out the second floor win dow of the Hoted Glenoble at 56th Street and Seventh Avenue, just after 8 o’clock last night, the uproad of a ' tight and the cries for help sent po licemen on duty outside Carnegie Hall where a meeting was in progress, run ning into the hotel. The first policemen to rush into the hotel lobby met a hatless man hurry ing out. They tripped him up in his flight, turned him over to following policemen and rushed up the first flight of stairs. A woman’s voice from the landing above screamed: “There’s one up here!” Rushing upstairs the officers found a panting man hiding behind a door. Then they turned their atten tion to the room from which the chair had been thrown, instead of the noise of fighting there came from it now 1 only the groans of an injured man. I The door was locked. A policeman smashed the panel and stepped in side. Lying dazed and bleeding on the floor was a man who later said he was M E. Fitzpatrick of No. 138 West 49th Street, a steamship stew- I ard until rheumatism forced him to i give up work. He then came East from San Francisco for treatment. His story of the battle is the only i one the police so far have to work on. < He is being held until the case is 1 cleared up on a technical charge of felonious assault. The other two are 1 held charged with felonious assault < and attempted burglary. The man caught in the lobby say s he is John i Wait, thirty-six, a railroad conductor i out of work and hailing from Reading i Pa. The man from behind the door says he is Frank Wilson, forty, a esn-j : vasser, of No. 50 Market Street, San i Francisco, also out of work. i Neither of them has any explana tion of the disturbance. Fitzpatrick about. He wore a diamond pin and had ?36 in his pockets. Fritzpatrick told the police there was a third assailant —a man who bore a different name every time he' met him —and the man who lured him’ * to the hotel. This man seems to have completely disappeared. i Strand Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 3 rd AND 4th ■<=»«Bg a * r „ X. >■' rtk J JwriT "VvEALL KNEW HIS MAJESTY’S WEAKNESS FOR SOFT WHITE HANmF -ANP WE SHUDDERED" (SCENE f=«OWI THE KAISER,THE BEAST OF BERLIN) “THE KAISER’’ The Beast ol Berlin BLOOD CURDLING YELLS OF JOY greet the tremendous scene in “THE KAISER—The beast of Berlin” photo drama, when the heroic young lieutenant smashes the Kaiser on the jaw. You’ll scream your head off. You’ll scream along with thousands of your fellow citizens to kill “The Kaiser The Beast of Berlin” OPEN 9 A. M. UNTIL 10:30 P. M.-ADM. CHILDREN 25C-ADULTS 50C AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. I! A Drop On a i Touchy Corn Instant relief! Then corn or callus lifts off with fingers. 1 Just think! You can lift of any corn or callus \ 7 without one twings of I / pain. V J A Cincinnati man dis- I covered this ether com j pouni and named it freez | one. Any druggist will J sell a tiny r buttle of freez s one for very Ht f ’e cost. You apply a few drops di-' -■'A rectly upon a tender corn if or callus. Instant!/ the I soreness disappears, then shortly you will find the A I corn or callus so loose (Jr that you can lift it right jjA off- Freezone is wonderful. v i It dries instantly. It ) doesn’t eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the skin. Hard corns, soft corns, or corns be tween the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no! pain before or afterwards. No sore ness or smarting. Women should keep a tiny bottle on the dresser and never | let a corn ache twice. MEXICAN GIRL LOSES MEMORY IN ATLANTA • ATLANTA, GA,. May 31 —A pretty Mexican girl who claims to*be a sis ter-in-law of Pancho Villa, the noto-| riou s revolutionist and bandit chief: who led General Pershing on his fa- 1 mous pursuit across the Rio Grande, is being held by the police authorities ; of Atlanta, pending an investigation of her strange behaviour on the streets' which physicians believe was caused by asphasia, the medical term for loss of memory. She gives her name as Anita Cas tellaour, and her age as sixteen years,' and states that she has been going to school at Rocky Mount, N. C. She, had a railroad ticket in her pocket; from there to San Antonio, Tex., when a Travelers Aid worker picked her up up in the Terminal station, wandering around aimlessly and completely at a loss to give any information con cerning herself. She was taken to a rescue home for girls and stayed there three days, then left and went down town and was found by a policeman on Peachtree street saluting every soldier she met and seeming to be entirely in igno rance of her identity or whereabouts. When taken to police station she re turned to memory in an intermittent sort of way. and during these inter vals gave the information stated above. UNCUTTABLE WIRE IS THEIR AMBITION ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 26. American wire plants are now hard at work in an effort to duplicate and improve upon the “uncuttable” barb ed wire barring the way into the Ger man trenches since the halting of their drive on the western front. This announcement was made to-day by leading hardware manufacturers who are here to attend the great war conference of the industry which open s to-morrow at the Traymore. Yankee ingenuity has already cre ated wire cutters that will snip the latest Teutonic protecting devices like so much cheese, was the cheerful report of officers meeting in prelimi nary conferences to-night to the opening sessions of the Hardware Manufacturers’ Association for War Service. INCREASING COSTS! The purchasing power of your dollar today is just about half of what it formerly was; the value of your property has also increased from to 150%. Have you increased your insur ance protection to cover exist ing conditions? For your own protection take advantage of our “SERVICE” Just cal] TWO ONE. JOS. PERKINS & CO. 24 Planters Bank Bldg. Phone 21 INSURANCE: Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Burglary, Surety Bonds, Etc. w TAKE AN OUTING In the pine mountains where cool breezes blow you can swim in the finest pools in America and drink the purest and most health-giving water. These are at Warm Springs, Ga. Twelve hundred feet above the sea. Modern hotel; moderate rates and easily accessible by train or good auto roads from every direction. For full infor mation write CHAS L. DAVIS, Proprietor. NOTICE TO PUBLIC On account of time con sumed in pasturizing milk, no delivery will be made until tomorrow afternoon. Apply at office and get coupon books— Americus Milk Depot WANT :: ONE CENT A WORD :: ADVERTISEMENTS Figure your own «nnl Hlnlmn-a '■barge Is 25c. Fur insertions leas ’ban two weeks, one <eut per word, for Insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a cent per word. For Insertions of more than four weeks, one-half cent per word. LOST and FOUND LOST—Between Rylander’s garage : and Preston, one small leather hand grip, contoining child’s clothes Please ■ I notify T. M Furlow, Americus, Ga., or ‘ Mrs. Stewart Furlow Lumpkin, Ga. 31d3t-wlt FOUND —Watch on Lee street, Sun day; owner can get same by identify- 1 ing and payinug for ad. F. L. Allison. 27-ts : • LOST—Bunch of keys in the city. Return to Times-Recorder. 14-ts LOST—Bunch of keys on keyring. Return to The Times-Recorder office. bOR SALE FOR SALE—Gladiolus blooms. Mrs. D. R. Aandrews. 30-6 t FOR SALE —One large ice box at a bargain. Can be seen at my store at the camp. B. G. Young 29-3 t FOR SALE —Corn in the ear. J. T. Bolton, Route C, Americus, Ga. 271 w FOR SALE —Horse and new buggy and harness. See H. A Cbadsey. 23-ts FOR SALE—While here will sell ■ ray home on Lee street cheap. For particulars, phone Vernon Shipley, 548. 29-3 t ’ i FOR SALE—Plenty No. 1 and No. I , : ne Shingles W W McNeil’. 28-ts Bed cedar shingibs, the forty-year sort; also No. 1 and 2 pine shingles made from unbled timber. Phone 117, i ■’hivar 4-7tf, WANTED—Miscellaneous f 1 ~ | WANIfED —Good, reliable boy to carry papers. Apply to Robert Slap-’ pey, Jr . Agent Atlanta Journal. 31-2 t BRICK. LIME. Cement plaster and i Hand. Phone 117. Shiver 28-ts j ’ — I I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. 8. " Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St..l < ■firectly in front of postofflee. «-lt AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer : icns Taxi Cab Company. Phone 825; j I ’■evidence Phone 646. L. L Cotnpf- c «-« . < FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1913. WANTED—Good miller, single man preferred. Address E. J. S'alter, Am ericus, Ga., Route B. d6t-w-lt " ■■ I. ... ... WANTED—If posible, furnished house by couple just moved here to reside permanently. Would consider room for housekeeping with bath. Ad dress P. O. Box 3 26-ts WANTED —An army of men, women and boys to bring shoes to our hop for repairs. Our motto: Prompt, pro gressive, Service. Singleton & Son. 210 N. JaCKSon St 22-lm WE buy quarts, one-half gallon and gallon jugs. Buchanan Grocery Co. 20-lm WANTED—Experienced alterer and sales lady. Apply to Kassel’s store 16-ts. FARM AND CITY LOANS—S 1-2% interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. 4-20tf MONEY TO LEND at 6% interest on desirable residences in Americus, Ga. IL O. Jones 18-ts FOR RENI FOR RENT—Apartments for three months; bed room, living room, kitch en and bath; very desirable location; no children Address ‘‘J,” care Times- Recorder. 30-3 t FOR RENT—Nice housekeeping rooms to couple; immediate posses sion. Phone 606. 30-3 t FOR RENT—One furnished room. Phone 432. 22-ts FOR RENT—One small five-room cottage 804, south end Forrest street. G. M. Bragg. 9-tr F. and A. M. AMERICUS LODGB JxE*. & A. M > meets t ereT 7 second and J -‘ fourth Friday night at 8 o'clock. 8 E. SCHNEIDER. W. M. 8 U HAMMOND, Secy. L - - . , . ■■ Jfc M. B. COUNCIL <7 LODGE F. and A. M ? ■ meets Ovary First and Third Friday nights. Visiting brothers are mvtted to attend. DR J. R. STATHAM, W M NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 208, WOODMEM OF THE WOULD. Meet* every Wednesday night tn :<ung Sovereigns invited to moot with Fraternal Hall, Larm street All ris ers weiert-e. C. J. CLAifi'E. C C NAT LeMASTER, Clerk.