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FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918. SUMTER COUNTY GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS We, the grand jury, sworn and im paneled for the May term of Sumter Superior court, respectfully submit the following presentments: The body was organized by electing Prof. J. E. Mathis, foreman; C. C. Sheppard, secretary; z>. C. Crockett, assistant secretary, and J. L. Peek, bajliff. We have endeavored to investigate, with a spirit of fairness, all matters brougth to the attention of this grand jury during its session. Having the material welfare, as well as the moral interests of the county in view, we have tride to discharge our duties in a manner that would be to the best interest of our citizens. We are pleased to state in our opinion, there has been a general im provement in prohibition conditions, judging from the decrease in the viola tions of the prohibition laws, the only cases brought to our attention being in the nature of one or two illicit stills operated by negroes. As there is a manifest violation of the Sunday selling law, evidence of which in proper shape has not been brought to this grand jury to return indictments, we urge upon the proper authorities that diligence which will vindicate this great moral. We note from the minutes of many grand juries that have served our county previously, where recommenda tions have been made relating to the protection of the valuable records and documents in the offices in the clerk and ordinary. We find that the rec ords go back to 1837, and we realize that if these records were destroyed zy fire, as has been true in many of our sister counties, it would cost the property owners thousands of dollars in litigation as well as the irregularl ties, and inconvenience it would cause on account of the loss of the records. We, therefore, respectfully request hi s Honor, Judge Z. A. Littlejohn, to in stall and equip these offices with the necessary fire proof cabinets, etc., to insure the protection of the records in case of fire. We do not understand why no attention has been given these several recommendations, and why such action from the grand juries have been passed by unnoticed. We feel that this is a case where the “barn should be locked before the horse is stolen.” We desire to recommend, and urge the county commissioners to take tm mediate steps to check automobile speeders on highways leading from the city of Americus to the aviation camp. There has been considerable com plaint made in regard to speeding and reckless driving on thifl particular highway, especially by taxicabs, and unless some steps are taken at once to regulate the speed of automobilists, serious are likely to follow. We would suggest that the county commissioners cooperate with the fed eral authorities at Souther Field, and adopt a regulation speed for automo bilists on this public road, so much frequented sjnce the location of the camp. We desire to commend and approve When in Leslie, Ga. Call on J. W. MICK FOR COLD DRINKS, ICE AND COAL, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT JARS AND FRUIT JAR RUBBERS Fresh Fish on Fridays and Saturdays Water Ground Meal We pay good prices for shelled corn. Don’t forget the place— J.W. Barwick The Ice Man Phone 66 Leslie, Ga. AiSS BESSIE WINDSOR, insurance. Bonds. Office. Forsyth St. Phone 289 f the county commissioners and city authorities for their cooperation with the fedearl government in connection with the splendid work now in pro gress in our county in the way of health and saniitation. The govern ment, in order to make that part of the county in proximity to the aviation camp the most healthy and sanitary possible, is spending consider able money in improving conditions along this line, the most important work in this connection being the drainage of Muckalee creek near Am ericus. Dr. R. L. Dessausure and Mr. Tedeman have this work in charge, and expect to give us one of the clean est and healthhiest cities and com munities in the United States We feel we are very fortunate in having the government to do this work of improv ing the health and san tation of our community. We understand there is a law piotr.biting any ,• ne from expetor a.’iig cn the sidewalks,* it tends to spread disease, as well as being othr wise Gojeciionable. Lirtr the recent Georgia State Health law, the county commissioners were to secure th eser vices of a physician, whose duty it was to improve the health and sanitation of the county, and to pre vent the spread of contagious and in fectious diseases, but we understand the county commissioners have been unable to secure a physician for this special work since the resignation of Dr. McWhorter, who had charge of the work for the county. We trust the county commissioners will be able to secure a physician soon, to copoerate with Dr. DeSaussure in this important work. We recommend the reappointment of the following Notary Public, and Ex Officio Justice of Peace: E. 9. Ferguson, for 756th district, G. M. J. F Nicholson, for 759th district, G. M. We recommend that owing to the high cost of provisions, the sheriff’s pay for feeding prisoners be increased tc sixty cents per day Since certain recommendations in regard to the courthouse property has ben passed unnoticed, we recommend his honor, the judge, have the old di lapidated and unsightly awnings about the court house removed and replaced with new ones whereever necessary. We recommend and advise that these general presentments be published, in The Americus Times-Recorder, and that the fee agreed upon be paid for this. Also that the usual stenograh ers’ fee be allowed for transscribing these presentments. We desire to thank his Hon, Judge Z. \. Littlejohn and Solicit r Gen eral, John Allen Fort, for courtesies and services rendered us; also to our Sheriff, Mr. Lucius Harvey, for the assistance rendered us during our de liberations. Respectfully submitted. J. E. MATHIS, Foreman, C. C. SHEPPARD, Secretary, A. C CROCKETT. Asst. Scy. We beg now to submit report of the committees appointed to examine the various offices spiff departments pf the county: Report of Committee On Clerk Superior Court GEORGIA, Sumter Count, We, the committee to investigate the books of the clerk of Superior court of Sumter county, beg leave to make the following report: We have investigat ed the books and so far as we are able to tell, find them to be correctly kept, and we especially commend the pres ent encumbent for the neat manner in which they are handled and main tained. We feel that Sumter county is fortunate in having secured such men as clerks as it now has. Respectfully submitted, T. M. FURLOW, Chairman. X. A PRESSLEY, C J. SHERLOCK. Roads and Bridges. It is rather difficult for the public to realize the enormous amount of work required to keep the large mileage of public roads and bridges of our county in good shape. We have There J? ..atsrrsi in this sectton of the country 'ban other diseases put together, and for years It w; ? sup posed :o be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to eure with local treatment .pronounced ft incurable. Catarrh is a >ocal disease, greatly inlluenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall’s Ca’"rrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio Sold by Druggists. 7Sc. Hail's Family r’.Jis for constipation. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. SELF DEFENSE DEFEAT BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLE WITH ANURIC. Many people in this section, as else where, have suffered from rheumatism and kidney trouble and have, found Anuric to be the most successful remedy to overcome these painful and danger ous ailments. The lucky people are those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded Nature’s warning signal in time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce’s called '’Anuric.” You should promptly heed these warnings, some of which are dizzy spells, backache, irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheuma tism, sciatica or lumbago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as Bright’s disease, diabetes or stone in the bladder. To overcome these distressing condi tions you should take plenty of exercise in th3 open air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meal take Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets (double strength). You will, in a short time, find that vo« are one of the firm indorsers of An-n-ric, as are many of your neighbors. Seal Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for a trial package Large pkg. 60c. Sylacauga, Ala. —« I have used the Anuric Tablets for the kidneys and they surely did give good results. I have also used the \Pleas ant Pellets’ for the liver and they have done me a great deal of good. I can recommend Doctor Pierce’s medicine as mighty fine.” G. A. Ragsdale. Athens, Ga.—"l had been complaining with my back for 10 years and had tried a treat many remedies. Os course, I was iot completely down but it was very pain ul through my spine. I tried Anuric nd found complete relief. Now I can lift » lbs. and over, where before I could u » p w ken I stooped to tie my aoe.”—J7W. Anderson, 347 Augusta Ave. many miles of graded roads already, in fine condition, and most of the sec ond and third class roads in fair shape, and these ar© being repaired as rapidly as possible. The bridges are in good condition. We commend the county commissioners for continu mg the permanent class of work be ing done on our roads, and eespecially in their efforts to straighten roads, and in eliminating had courses and and dangerous places. We deplore anff condemn the custom of the farm ers in allowing their plow hands in filling up the road ditches and drag ging their plows out into the roads, thereby causing the water to break over and in many instances washing the roads badly. There are some individual just com plaints, but upon the whole, we find much to commend in the efforts of our commissioners to give us good roads. JOHN T. TAYLOR, Chairman. ROSS DEAN, W. R. HUMBER. R< port of Committee On J. P. Books; Your committee has inspected the Justice of the Peace books of the coun ty, and find them correctly kept and in good condition. Wo also find the business falling off, as some of the J. P’s. have not had a. case since last inspected. H. L. MIZE, Chairman. J. W MURRAY Report of Tax Collector. J. B. Small, T. C.. In acccufit State of Georgit Tor 19’7 To Digest, i(HI,'. n » » mills ... . $1054 !•»” j To digest, p 'o.’ -• 4<’.o oq : T digest, poll .. 2.76* 0( T o Nat. on night, gen. . I “55 7q To Nat. v.i Digrtt, pr.if . . 4 1 > To Nat. on Digest, poll, ... 727.00 ZIRON IN TONIC FOR YOUR BLOOD! -DO YOU NEED IT? 11 1: of Iron in the Blood Means Lack of Appetite, Loss c* 7: Pale Cheeks, and a General Debili- tated Condition of the Entire System. ZIRON WUI Put Iron Into Your Blood. Be physically fit! Guard your health as the most prized possession you have. When you find yourself losing your grip, becoming irritable, nervous, weak, anemic,* take inventory. See what is wrong! Your blood probably does not contain sufficient iron. The red corpuscles may have become diminished, and consequently, your entire system suffers from insufficient and impoverished blood supply, and the accumulation of I-oiscncus waste matter. -j If yon find this to be the case, you will want a remedy that will supply iron, which will increase the number of red corpuscles. Try FIRON, the new Iron Tonic, which contains no alcohol, no habit-forming drugs, and is rec mmerded as a safe, reliable, tonic remedy for men, women and children, Mrs?. Lizzie Pennington, of Adamsville, Ala., writes: “About two weeks ago I was in bed with an awful bad cold, and I was awful weak. I had taken ■ungative medicine, but wanted to try something with iron to see if I couldn’t i •ct back my strength. lly son thought Ziron would help me, so 1 ccmmcnced •. My r.tries generally run down in the Spring all need something to siild •,- f- . .When I got some better and was up and around, we commenced !<e Zirca ~;.d it surely helped me to gain my strength and throw off the 01d.,.1 have ns'.d about a half bottle of Ziron but feel so much better ,'jd that I may not have to take any more for awhile.” SFEOiAL OFFER: Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s : ;.i give ’■ a fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If. after using np cne bottle, you find it has not benefited you, take the empty bottle back io the druggist and he will refund what you paid him for it. We repay him. so there is no reason why he should not repay you. This offer only applies to the first trial bottle. (ZA*l> ii yvui uruggist cannot supply y> u we will send you a bottle by parve : j>v» , prepaid Chail&nocga *' r ug X r x i.! Co Ctattanooga. Teno To Nat. on Digest, interest . 100.00 To Nat. on Digest, interest . 100.35 I ? 45,892.02 Credit — Nov 9ths 3,765.95 ■ Dec. 3rd 4,851.14 | June 7th 23,580.19 ‘Feb. 4th 4,568.95 ; March 4th 2,348.00 Apr. 10th 1,713.19 May 7th ... 1,828.47 May 7th 799.48 In on Gen Tax 240.14 Error Gen Tax 1,216.50 Errors, poll 890.00 Insolvent poll 130.00 $45,892.02 J. B. CLARK, T. B. WOOLRIDGE, G. W. MONTGOMERY. Sheriff’s Books. Your committee appointed to look into the sheriff’s books, begs to say, that after examining as closely as possible, we find, the books accurately and sys tematically kept, and so far as possi I ble, correctly kept also. Your Committee, J. J. WILSON, W. A. REMBERT, J. W HARRIS, JR. Treasurer’s Office. We, the committee appointed to ex amine the books of the county treasur er, find them to be in a most excel lent condition. G. W. WALTERS, W. M. HUMBER, J. B. CLARK. County Farm. Your committee to investigate coun ty farms, find Mr. Collum in charge; two tennan’t house; 2 colored in mates, about 100 acres in grain; one and one half acres in potatoes; one and one half acres in garden, grain laud turned ready for crop of hay; all necesary assortment of implements, such as binders, hay rakes, harrows, hay eight acres in corn. We regard the farm as a valuable asset to the county. Respectufully submitted, S. A. RODGERS, Chairman. J. W. MURRAY, T. J. FRAZIER. Tax Receiver’s Office. We, the committee appointed to ex amine the Tax Receiver’s books, find they are neatly and correctlp kept, as far as we had time to investigate Respectufully submitted, J. B. CLARK, Chairman. T. B. WOOLRIDGE, G W. MONTGOMERY. County Schools. We, the committee appointed to in spect the books and records of the (Continued on Page 6.) ; - Relief from Eczema , Don’t worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using a little zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at SI.OO. Zemo generally removes pimples, black* heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither stic'ry nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable.. The E. W. Rose Co-, Cleveland. O. PROMPT SERVICE, COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND PAINLESS METHODS In order to take care of an increasing prac tice, and to be able to serve the public more efficiently, I have engaged the services of Dr. E. E. Parsons, a dentist of many years experience, who will be with me in the future. OR. N. S. EVANS, OFNTIST Established 16 Years JACKSON ST. Near Kress AMERICUS, GA. No Better Equipped Offices in the South The Place Where You Get Results jgßMßßfcwMiiTMi i~T~ The Crystal Case Barlow Block—llo Jackson Street Open to the Public JUNE 10 th. Fitted up in the greatest skill and highest art, specially for this business. Every branch of the service thoroughly up to the minute. CALL ON OPENING DAY •k ——— FOY HOTEL INDIAN SPRINGS, GA. GOOD MEALS HOME COOKING Write for Particulars SHER WOOD THAXTON, Proprietor The R. W. Laundry J. L. JONES, PROP. R. W. stands for Regular Wash. My wash woman gave me so much trouble, that I decided to do my own washing, and while I was at it 1 knew that I would find several more families that their regular weekly wash was a problem to them and for their special benefit, I am’going to put in a Laundry in the old Light Plant Building near the Central Depot and take regular washing, until I go broke, 'and if you want a regular wash woman give me your busi ness, so that I can stay in business. I am figuring on being ready by the 15th. of June, sooner if possible. My prices are going to be reasonable as you will see after you give me a trial, quality and servic“ considered. J. L JONES One Saxon “Six” Sedan for Sale Cheap. Need the money—J. L. JONES VWfflnfflWTll Protect your car against this danger by carrying our— AUTO FIRE INSURANCE Moderate Cost M® HERBERT HAWKINS PAGE THREE