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PAGE FOUR Hi Standard THE WORLD IS STILL WAITING *0“ THE MAN WHO WILL MAKE HIS LIVING BY GIVING SOMETHING FOB NOTHING. Good reliable merchandise cannot be produced for nothing, and the per son who exeptcs to find it for nothing is going to be disappointed. IT CAN’T BE DONE. But it is possible to provide our customers dependable merchandise for as little as inferior qualities cost in some stores—and we are doing this very thing. Look over this list and then come anj see for yourself. At 35c. White Mercerized Skirt ings, 36 inches wide; values up to 50c. At 35c. Choice of fifty patterns Gal atea, plain end fancy fast colors- At 19c. White Lawns, highly mer cerized, sheer and pretty, value 25c. At 25c. Choice of about fifty pat terns Dress Ginghams, fast colors. At 22 l-2c. Genuine Flaxon White Lawns, fine, smooth weave, sheer and pretty. At 49c. Yard wide Silk Shirtings, twelve patterns; value 75c to 85c. At sc. One thousand Ladies’ Hem stitched Handkerchiefs of fine or gandy. At 4 l-2c. Choice of about six thou sand yards Laces; values up to 25c. At SI.OO. The famous J. C. C. and Miller Corsets of coutil and batiste; all sizes. At 90c. Men’s White Madras Shirts and Collars attached; sizes 14 to 17. At 39c. Men's, Checked Nainsook Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, ath letic style. At 39c. Men’s Check Nainsook Un ion Suits, elastic seams back; all sizes. At $2.25. Fifty Katonah Velvet Bugs. Beautiful patterns. At 98c. Over five hundred Child ren’s Ready-Made Gingham Dresses; all sizes. At 2f c. Remnants of “Hops” Bleach ing; yard wide; none better made. , STANDARD DRY ‘ GOODS CO. "ext to Da*'k c e Comme \ Forsyth St Americus, Ga. No Store Ever Ottered Greater Special Values Than Those Assembled for Thursday Shoppers RE AD ABOUT THEM ANDCOME TJncy Parasols Silk Sale Silk Dress Sale Cotton and Linen Middy Blouse Sale That sold from $2 EOto $8.50 Big lot of $2.00 quality Fane. Special lot of good Silk Dresses DFCSSSaIC on sale at Silks on sa eat that sold from $18.50t0 $25. Special lot of Muslin, Voile and soiled-take your choice of HALF-PRICE BE4B. _ ta ke yourchoice of the lot Linen Dresses thatso'd up to *e lot for Thursday Only. Sal? (HI Silk for mSO-take your choice of 4 8 C 95c Wash Skirt Petticoats $11.95 $4.95 Men’s Natural Color Genuine Sale $4 50 to SBSO Palm Beach Sulls on Sale Big lot of these skirts, worth up bl Damasl< - Extraordinary Values in Our Sarnie Kool Cloth °^ to l«e e Thu^y e “ to $2.00 same slightly soiled, $125 „ ize<li Dress fiflfl( | S Depar |nie n t ,n a " “ lors > special $6.48 95c ° n Sa ' e ’ 89c yd. Great line Voile Silks and Cot - 79cyd Thesesuits areworth sll, today. Corset Sale 75c W ash skirting Shoe Sale ot Interest Special lot of $1.50 to $3.00 In desirable weaves, stripes and at AII $e 0 ° Men ’ s Oxfords in all l ‘ a,here and st V le on sale at $ 4 95 Corsets, to close at white, on sale, special, at Large assort of Ladies’ $6 Oxfords and Pumps on sale at $4.95 95c 50c yd. * 39c yd. All $9.00 Ladies’Pumps at $7.45 Large Assortment of Men’s dark colored Palm Beach Suits at 59.95 All Men’s Straw Hats One-Half Price. For ONE DAY ONLY. PRICES QUOTED ABOVE ARE SPECIALS FOR ONE DAY ONLY, THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE GREAT RUSH~ Churchwell’s Department Store AMERICUS, GEORGIA Local News Items New line Pickard’s hand painted China at S. A. Daniels. adv Mr. and Mrs. Locan Williamson and Logan Williamson, Jr., and Taylor Felder, of Atlanta, will arrive tonight and b< 4he guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T ThK \on College street. h -. Don’t fah <j see William S. Hart in “The Preacher and The Bandit,” Opero House tonight. First show 8:15. Prices 10c, 15c and 20c. 26-lt Pinkston’s wonderful Shoe Sale con tinued. New lots to be put out Thurs day. Your choice $2.00. 26-lt George Holston has charge of our Vulcanizing Department. Bring us your work. G. A. &W. G. Turpin. 6-8-ts. Elsie Ferguson in “The Song of Songs,” will be shown at the Alcazar Thursday. See it sure. Open 1 P. M. 26-lt ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cannon, 409 West Lamar street, announce the ar rival of a son, born to them Tuesday morning. Both mother and son are getting along nicely. If you want a taxicab today phone 100. R. A. Shy. 31-ts William S. Hart, your favorite, is here totnight in “The Preacher and The Bandit ” Opera House. First show, 8:15. 26-lt New lots ol Shoes will ba added Thursday, and just as good values will continue to °e sold at $2. Pinkston’s. 26-1 i WANTED—Position by lady who has had several years’ clerical experience. Address, Lock Box 156. 23-ts. Which would you have Uncle Sam hand you: War Savings Stamps or a government tax receipt? It is up tJ you choose. Elsie Ferguson in “The Song of Songs.” will be shown at the Alcazar Thursday. See it sure. Open IP. M. 20-1: AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Glasses fitted, broken lenses dupli cated. Bell, the Optometrist. I Friday, June 28th, is War Savings . Stamp Day. How many have you pur chased? Central Baptist church, First Methodist church and courthouse will be meeting places at 2 o’clock. Pinkston’s Two Dollar Shoe Sale i will continue Thursday with new lots put out for selection. 26-lt Bring your kodak rolls to Dudley’s , for quick service. Get them in at 8 a. mj delivered at 6 p. m., same day. 26-lt Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morgan and fam ily, of Dothan, Ala., have arrived and will spend several days with Mrs. E. P. Morgan.,at her home on College street. Mr. Morgan is an old Amer icus boy, and his many friends will be glad to see him again. SQUTHERFIiLO FLYERS TO HELP IN OS. DRIVE WILL FLY OVER EVERY PORTION I OF COUNTY AND DISTRIBUTE LITERATUR EURGING PEOPLE TO BUY STAMPS. Friday, June 28th having been desig nated by our government as National War Savings Day, for the sale of War Savings Stamps, the local committee of which Hollis Fort is chairman, has completed arrangements with Major Wash and Captain Farrow, of Souther Field, to fly ovei‘ every portion of the county and distribute literature, ask ing every one to attend the meetings in their district and purchase these stamps; they have a map showing ev ery school house, town and city of the county, and will drop bundles of ad Alcazar Theatre I °”| -—===== THURSDAY ========= ADOLPH ZUKOR Presents Beautiful ELSIE FERGUSON IN Ic v f s * The Song of Songs ” Miss Ferguson is conceded to be one of the best dressed women in N. Y., and in this picture she wears more than a score of different costumes, which should ap peal particularly to the feminine portion of the audience. Prices He and 17c vertising matter over each of these, and their flight will be Thursday even ing the day before these meetings. Remember the closing hours of all places and classes of business, is 12 o’clock noon until 6 o’clock p. m. (ex cept restaiurants and whose hour of closing has been changed from 12 noon to 5 p. m., in order that they may prepare for sup per and evening meals.) This rule will be strictly enforced in this coun. ty, and those failing to observe sam will be forwarded to state headquar ters and published ir leading newspa pers of our state I What are War Savings Stamps? They are “Little Baby Bonds”; thley have the government and its entire re sources behind them and they pay you 4% interest, compounded quar terly. They cost you $4.17 for a $ stamp during the month of June, and they automatically increase in value a cent a month thereafter untitl January Ist, 1923 .when the government wil redeem the same at any postoffice o at the treasury in Washington. If holder find it necessary to realize cash on it before maturity, he may at any time after January 2,1919, upon giving ten days’ notice in writing to any money order postoffice, receive for each stamp the amount paid therefor, plus 1 cent for each calendar month . after the purchase of each stamp. You’l can have them registered and you are 1 also protected in case of loss. This [ is the safest security yet offered you, ; and the most convenient of any offer . ed, because the denominations are so small they can be reached by every l one. Every person should do his or her ■ part in this great fight, nad this should | be the war spirit of every true-blue American —this spirit will win the war The day of talking patriotism is pass ed —the time has come to practice it Remember your government has set Friday as date for purchase of these stamps, and every true American will be summoned to enlist in the grea “army-that-stays-at-hmme” and sign ( hig pledge card to invest a definite ( amount in theses tamps. To The People of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: , I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Solicitor- ! General of the Southwestern circuit in the coming state primary. I prom- > lee. if elected, to perform the duties of the office, to the best of my ability, and in strict accord with the obligations I imposed by law upon the holder of this responsible position. : I will greatly appreciate the support of the people of this circuit in the com Ing primary. G. Y. HARRELL. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1918, SOUTH AMERICANS MAY TRAIN HERE WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 25. The senate late yesterday adopted an amendment to the army bill provid ing , that South and Central American countries, or any other nations now fighting Germany, may train troops in the United States. The amendment also provides for the enlistment of a Slavonic Legion as part of the United Statse army. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that the Americus Compress Company has pe titioned the Railroad Commission of Georgia fbr such authority to increase its compression rates to the follow ing: Standard or ordinary compression, 12 l-2c per hundred lbs. High density compression, 20c per hundred lbs. This application has been assigned for hearing before the Railroad Com mission of Georgia at its offices in the State Capitol, Atlanta, beginning at 10:00 o’clock A. M., July 9th, 1918, at which time all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. This notice is published in accord ance with the requirements of the Railroad Commission of Georgia. AMERICUS COMPRESS COMPANY, By F. P. Harrold, President.