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PAGE SIX LEE COUNTY NEWS; LEESBURG. Mr. T. B. Hooks and son, J. D., were visitors here last Thursday. Mr. Davis Mcßride, a native of Lee county, but for the past five years a citizen of Mariana, Fla., was visit ing relatives here last week. Mr. Mc- Bride left last Wednesday with the Florida troops to the call of the colors. Mrs. M. A. Jackson and children re turned home Monday after a pleasant stay in Arabi. Prof. H M. Shaver, of Atlanta, is a visitor here. He leaves next week for Camp (lordon. Mr. A. D. Sandifer has returned home from a business trip to Ocilla. A delightful barbecue was enjoyed by the younger set at Mossy Dell last Friday. Quite a large crowd of young people were present and a fine time was reported by all. Senator Yeoman left Monday night | for Atlanta to attend this session of the Senate. He was accompanied by his family. Lee county’s handsome new court house will be formally turned ov«r to the county commissioners next Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Feeney, of Wadley, are spending a few days with Mrs. Feeney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dismuke, of Graves Station, were visitors here Wednesday. Miss Blanch Pryor was a charming; visitor from Smithville Wednesday. | Mrs. S. J. Hargrove, of Bronwood? visited friends and relatives here Wed-’ nesday. Messrs J. A. Hill. J. B. Edwards, | Josey Wells, H. S. Lunsford and others, motored down from Smithville to hear, Lieut. Holton lecture last Tuesday. i Miss Miller is the new assistant to Miss McGowan at the Central depot. Mrs. O. L. Thompson was among the visitors in Albany Saturday. A letter from Mr. Emmett Ward oU the Radio department, announces hisi safe arrival in France. Mr. Lester Coxwell, who has been j I stationed at Fort Sam Houston since j last December, is at home on a 15i days furlough. Mr. Cecil Pace and Miss Martha Pace, of Montgomery, Ala., were vis itors here Wednesday. I Mr. W. H. Saunders and son, Guerry, have returned homo after a stay of several days with Mr. Saunder’s par- ’ - —" - ■ I CHICHESTER S PILLS V THE DIAMOND BRAND. A ladle*! Ask year Druggist for /a\ <T<( (ESA C’hl-chee-ter a Diamond Brand//X\ Pills in Red and (io Id metallicXV/ —i?g'Sj boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. tA Take do other. Buy of jour v r/ nr DrDggfcL Ask'or<Hl.CllEH-TERB I Jc DIAMOND BL IND PILLS, for \XP M years V >wn as Zest. Safest, Always Reliabl i A —r'M 8Y DKUG6' STS AMERICUS Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE aid RETAIL Jobs Alta A Co„ Proprietor!, fresh Spanish Mackerel, Freeh * ater and Salt Water Trout, Red Snap pers. Red Bass, Sheep-head and all kinds of Bottom Fish. Shrimpa, Crabs .nd Oysters and Fish Rolls. QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 778 ♦IS West Mr**’ •ir r -t x * ■ w w r '■ ~ w wwwwwvk wwwwwwww <« VHHH —nM—»■»■■———■—«——MM——■—eii The Crystal Case Barlow Block —110 Jackson Street * -<& Special Dinner Every Day YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT PRICE Fitted up ‘in the greatest skill and highest art, specially for this business. Every branch of the service up to the minute. OPEN ALL NIGHT f - 'mo ii nw i n i ; 11— . in— n th , ents at Flovilla. Miss Thelam Paul is a charming visitor here this week. Mr. Elijah Forrester, who recently. enlisted in the military service, has j been transferred from Fort Oglethorpe ( to Camp Joseph E. Johnson, at Jack-' sonville, Fla. Hon. J. D. Clifton left Tuesday night to assume his legislature duties in At lanta. Solicitor-General John Allen Fort/ of Americus, was shaking hands with his numerous friends here Monday. | Mr. Reese Horton, of Americus, was among the visitors here Monday. Miss Katherine Harris, of Ameri cus, is the guest of her grandparents, l Mr .and Mrs. H. A. Harris. The following white men from Lee county have answered their country’s call and left Wednesday morning fori Camp Gordon: Mr. Chas Tissure, Austin Holland and John S. English? These young men will give a good ac count of themselves when they reach “over there.” Mrs. E. E. Morgan visited relatives in Sumter last week. Lorraine and Ivey Crutchfield have returned after a pleasant visit to rela tives in Cochran. Mr. E. T. Stalker visited his family in j Americus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Leßoy, ac-j companied by their son, Homer, and i daughter, Geneva and Miss Eunice J ! Fowler, of Athens, were guests for ' a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs? ' W. H. Sorrells. War Savings Stamps is a plan i whereby you lend your savings to your j government at 4% Interest, compound er quarterly Can you make a safer investment? ; .wOc i .1 ' ‘ s Y '^^ L 2 f d J® cuprly the very help nature jfs i requires. They rectify morbid ,7 L skin conditions —then from the a ft source of skin health, springs J I A loveliness of natural beauty. q I I Don’t confuse Marinello Prep- i| • a aration. with ordinary cosmetics. U I ffl Tliev’re different. They correct faults 1 I M —end foster natural “Rose Real” M •I Beauty. For sale by Mrs. Garner's Hair dressing parlors. TAKE an outing I In the pine mountains where cool breezes blow you can swim in the finest pools in America and drink the purest and most health-giving water. These are at Warm Springs, Ga. Twelve hundred feet above the sea. Modern hotel; moderate rates and easily accessible by train or good auto roads from every direction. For full infor mation write CHAS L. DAVIS, Proprietor. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. ff- ■ ~ When Itching Stops it -v There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irri tation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. wA little zemo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Kase Co., Cleveland, O. SMITHVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Goneke visited Americus Thursday. ' ..Miss Sallie Johnson, of Americus, is the guest of Mrs. C. G| Goneke. | Mr. H. H. Hale visited Americus Tuesday. Messrs. R. T. Mathews and J. H. , Forbes spent Thursday in Leesburg. Mr. C. R. Hale visited Americus I Tuesday. Mr. B. R. Jones spent Thursday in ( Leesburg. j Mr. R. S. Williams spent Thursday in Leesburg. Mr. Floyd Webb ,of Atlanta, is the guest of fsiends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Goneke and Misses Genie Goneke and Sallie John son spent Saturday in Albany. Mrs. W. A. Cowart visited Dawson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Phillips spent ■ Friday in Dawson. . Mr. W. H. Lunsford spent Friday in ! Leesburg. Mr. Roy Scarborough.of Adams, was i a Sunday visitor. Mrs. F. P. Love, of Eufaula, Ala., ■ i after a visit to her parents, Mr. and i J • • . _ « .1815 1 » W ’T I *5 Ato U. " i -iS-i&A .^p M^saaß*aS»sßß^ ,! * ;. ■ ■ \ 'J. ' gag -A ’ 1 '.X . ft? ■ JF * Il Tmf W X L 'x [s * • W*- fi' X i S H tti • r /i \jvcr there ; ijlU 111 A Our dtiiers and sailors have been kept supplied * \\\u with “Sweet Caps" since the <ft be war. W i™ v i i \\\\i At the request of t' e ( nd-.- ■• 4 -'ops - we-1 ’X\l| Caps" exclusively arc srt ‘’•< r t crc ‘ y the ■• r. 4 I . vml Montreal Gazette tobacco fund. ! ! . :.iv. Vu /■:•<■.?: | , “Sweet Caps are to be found in every officers’ ' j mess in both our Army ::iid Navy. A re they good f p; . M CbkDacUhe knewa S j ... , . . <( ; \yXX Sweet Caps’ are made the good old-fashioned natural way. / ? - VN\N 15 cigarettes '■ /vX'x’J” : j-— j'■" ; A '-v - v "- •• WBMf WW. ‘ •".--i ~Z W K V X - Z. '. :? ...,■, »...C ..• ....... ........ < /■cd ' 1 . ■ ?•■■ H i, ’ » ? / -* - b * *<£kSEl - A . . -_TjTjmin I warm - - '**'*• ~ •**— ■ ■■.■,« _ * ... .. _— Mrs. T. S. Burton, has retu r ned home. Hon. John Allen Fort, of Americus, was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. Kenny Phillips visited Dawson Friday. Mrs. Finch, of Dawson, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Turner. Mr. R. Wfttkins was a Sunday visitor here. Misses Annie Lunsford, Harrell Hill and Winnie Phillips spent Thursday in Dawson. Mr. John Sheffield, pf Americus, was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Randall, Jr., spent Saturday in Albany. Mr. Tom Burton spent Sunday in Americus. Mrs Martin, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. T. C. Edwards. Mrs. Josie Cowart entertained the members of her Sunday schcol class at a picnic at Blue Springs Thursday. All of the ilass are indebted to Mrs. Cow art for a delightful time. Misses Alice and Rose Lee Long en tertained a few couples on last Fri day evening. At a late hour refresh ments were served. PHILEMA. Miss Grace Crumbly has returned t o her home in Georgetown, after a : week’s visit to friends here Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Pope and Mrs. Paul Haynes spent Sunday at Sasser | Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin and Mr. j Gus Martin and Mrs .Frank Crews i went over to Leesburg to attend the ; lecture. I Mr. W. P. Martin heads the com-; mittee on w T ar savings stamps and he . ■ , —. .I>»» ywgi O \ Instead or -jgL- EGGS XT AZO does more than merely take the IVj. place of eggs in baking and cooking. It not only gives the same results for which you g have always used eggs, but it cuts cooking costs, because | Zi 25c Package of M&Z9 B&ss ths Work f cf 3 Bozen Eggs , | In muffins, cakes, puddings, dressings, sauces* desserts, etc., simply use one teaspoon of M.AZO in place of each •< egg required by the recipe. Mazo is easy and convenient to use. T • •j keeps fre-h any length of time, and a!- ■? ?i ways works the. same Guaranteed d pure and wholesome and to comply with all Pure Food Laws. i [ Americus Grocery Company WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS - • ■■■' F—MMIIg | will be assisted by Mrs Majrtin, Mrs. I Crews, Mrs. R. F. Pope, j . R. Davis ■ O. P. Womack and H. H. Laramore, Jr. i The ladies of the Red Cross society l have completed and sent in thirty i four suits of hospital garments in ten ! weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crews had as WEDNESDAY, JCNE - 6 > 1918- their guests S’unday Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. O P. Warwick and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Larimore and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jordan and family. Buy a War Savings Stamp and help 1 like the Kaiser.