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Image provided by: Digital Library of Georgia, a project of GALILEO located at the University of Georgia Libraries
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT PLANT YOUR GARDENS NOW! ♦ » Conserve the Food Supply And Live Better By Raising Plenty of Vegetables. Plant Early and Plow Often. Fresh Seeds just received atj Allens Drug and Seed Store » Relief At Last I Wish to announce that I will open up my laundry sometimes during the week of June 24th to 31st and to the public will state that I am going to endeavor to do the right thing if you will give me time and not ex pect too much to begin with, as the business being new we are bound to make several mistakes before w e get straightened out. Below is a copy of my laundry list and remember this list covers the regular weekly wash and is no way competative to the usual regular laundry work. It is to be done by hand in the usual way and later 1 will put out a list to cover the items of regular collar, shirt and pressing work. GENTLEMEN’S LIST ' . LADIES’ LIST Shirts. Shop We Collars, Soft 02c Shirts, Flannel 10c Dresses 20c Shirts, Silk -10 c Belta °^ c Shirts, Plain 05c Skirts 15c Shirts, Dress 10c Shirt Waist ..10c Collars, Soft 02c Shirt Waist, Silk 15c Undershirts, Cotton 03c Chemises 10c Drawers, Cotton 03c Drawers, Cotton 05c Union Suits, Cotton 06c Combination Suits 10c Union Suits, Woolen 10e Night Dresses 7 “ c Undershirts, Woolen 05c Corset Covers 05c Drawers, Woolen v .. .05c Undervest, Cotton 2Jc Drawers, Woolen 05c Vndervest, Silk 05c Night Shirts \..04c Drawers. Silk He Pajamas JOc Union Suits l° c Handkerchiefs 01c Union Suits, Silk ”ic Handkerchiefs, Silk -02 c Stockings per pair 03c Socks, per pair 03s Wrappers or Kimonas 15c 4 Bath Robes 15c Dressing Sacques 10c Ties .....02c Aprons ~ ...05c Palm Beach Suits .. 35c Shams 10c Coats 10c Sanitary Napkins 03c Pants 10c CHILDREN’S LIST. FLAT WORK Boy’s Waist 05c Blankets ..15c Dresses 05c Table Covers ....05c Skirts 05c Table Pads 04c Aprons °2c Napkins 01c Underwaist 02c Lunch cloths 04c Underdrawers 03c Sheets 03c Night Dresses 03c Pillow Cases .02c Guimps 02c Towels, Hand 01c Rompers 05c Towefs, Bath 01c Capss 05c Towels, Roller 02c Union Suits 05c Dresser Scarfs 2Jc Boys’ Pants 05c Tray Cloths ..09c Babies’ Diapers 03c 1 Counterpanes 10c MISCELLANEOUS T Quilts 20c Rough Dry, 5c per pound | Aprons, Plain ..02c Overalls, per garment. 10c Curtains, not lace, per pr...25c Sweaters 15c NOTE—A list of articles must accompany the package, oth l erwise no allowance will be made for articles claimed to have been sent, other than those recorded. Every article washed by hand. Not responsible in case of fl T re or for valuables left in clothing. No package accepted for less than 50c if delivered, or 30c if it is delivered here and called for. ALL WORK CASH Hie R. W. Laundry Phone 2*’7 J. L JONES, PROP. I Excess Profits Tax Returns. Idcum Tax Returns. ERNEST CLAYTON, C. P. A. Former Income Tax Agent.. < .Certified Pubb*' Accountant Audits—Examinations—Systems | Hinnfa. Gs. P. O. Box 750. *ll Hurt Bldg. TYPEW RITERS BOUGHT—SOLD—REPAIRED; CLEANED- EXCHANGED C H. DAVIDSON 121 Forsyth Phune 181 AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. TO 8E CALLEU TO COLORS IN JULY WHITES AND NEGROES BOTH IN CLUDED IN COMING CALL—HE CENT REGISTRANTS. MAY BE AMONG THOSE CALLED. ATLANTA, Ga., June 26.—Approx imately ten thousand men, distributed among both white and colored regis trants, will be called into the sendee from Georgia during the month of July. The calls have not yet been tabulat ed and will not be definitely announc ed until tomorrow. Eight thousand Georgia registrants were called dur- ■ ing the month of June, four thousand colored and four thousand whites. The ( negro contingent has already reported ] at Camp Gordon, and the whites will report there this week. The additional July call illustrates , that the government is wasting no time in getting the young men availa ble for service, under the selective service act, into khaki as rapidly as it is practicable to transport and formal ly induct them into the service. Capt. C. A. Hope, from the provost marshal general’s office in Washington was here yesterday in conference with the selective service officers, of Georgia and the representatives of the Georgia district boards. He talked along the lines of the requirements of the boards and the efforts to standard ize the work of the service and ex emption. He will make an inspection of the adjutant general’s office in Ala bama and Florida in addition to his inspection of the Georgia military de partment. Every county in the state is now ready for the assignment of the order and serial numbers of new regis- II trants, so that those who registered on June 5 will be in line for call to service. As the essential and non-essentUi regulations go into on July 1, the state military department has been overwhelmed with inquiries a® to rul ings and interpretations of the new law. War Savers are Life Savers. Buy War Savings Stamps and help the boys who are risking their lives for your protection. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. f IDO LIFE TO GLASSIFY - 1 '■■■■'■■ ’’ 1 ■■ ■« I I .Us 111 I • COMBINATION bookkeeper and stenographer desires making a change of position; ha s had several years ex perience. Address Lok Box 156. 26-ts LOST—Pink cameo brooch, sur rouned by pearls, between my house and town or Felder street. Return to Mrs. W. C. Gray, or leave at Times-' Recorder office. 26-3 t FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ■ 539 Jackson Ave. 26-6 t I i WANTED —Furnished house; not less than five rooms. P. O. Box 254 25-3: FOR SALE—One girls’ bicycle; j cheap. Phone 26-3 t FOR SALE—Moving picture outfit complete, for small towns or road ; work; Powers machine; Monarch gas' outfit; screen and everything neces-' sary to show; all in fine condition; at a bargain. H. D. Hiwell, 126 Jackson St. 26-It 1 l , I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges R S t Broadhurst, Jeweler 110 Lamar St. directly in front of po-itoffice. C*’’ t RESULTS TELL. There Can Be No D°ubt About The Results in Americus. Results tell the tale. All doubt is removed. The testimony of an Americus citi zen. Can be easily investigated. > What better proof can be had? Mrs. H. C. Ferguson, 300 Mayo St., gave her experience with Doan’s id ney Pills, May 8, 1911: ”1 have used Doan’s off and on for some time past, with splendid results. I suffered for quite a spell with kidney complaint. My kidneys were weak, I felt gener ally depressed and my back pained me severely at times. My kidneys didn’t act properly and I became all run down After taking different remedies without relief, I was induced to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They proved to be just what I needed and in a short time I felt like a different woman.” On Anri] 2. 1918. Mrs. Ferguson said; *‘l think as much of Doan’s Kid ney Pills now, as when I last recom mended them. I take them occasion ally and they always fix me up fine. Others in the family have also used Doan’s with benefit” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. V. adv E WS I Os a RADICAL CHANGE in fabric styles is al ways interesting, and it is the policy of ANSLEY’S to show these changes FIRST. This news will no doubt stir to QUICK XCTION those who like for their dress to be NEWS in style circles. THE NEW SILK VOILES just received are patterned like Foulard and priced . . $1.75 yd. ~ THE NEW LISLE VOILES are very crisp and sheer. The patterns are PECULIARLY NEW, and are shown on grounds of light grey, dark grey, light green,light tan, and copen; priced . 59c yd THE NEW ROUGH SHANTUNG SILKS are swell, and have NOT been shown here. They are of the plain KHAKI KOOL type, particularly good for skirts. Shown in white, black and tan; priced $2.75 yd. DON’T DELAY SEEING THESE AND OTHER NEW ARRIVALS. I 4 ; I Ladies I L TT T e wish to ca ii th® special attention /| i" VV our Earmer friends to this IVJLd 1 ■ f splendid work suit—the most com- ■ ' sortable, convenient and best garment of its kind ; B \ ever manufactured. It’s all in one piece, a great B 7/x A improvement over the old fashioned overalls and . , rI , TC ■T / 1\ separate jumper—less expensive too; besides, it WON’T SEE THIS ad. B\* H ! looks better, fits better, wears better. No bind- ; ■W ing suspender straps, no double thickness at the THEY ARE HURRYING I /waist, no loose tails to catch in things. Wear Lee Union-Alls- ™ EAT ™ ES THESE II M t ; A I \ " ' ' " DAYS, SO YOU WILL DO 1 14 MU the High YOUR MBK FOLK 3 A LM M Cos* of Living! SERVICE BY DIRECTING ! | 11 Rm K sizes, tool Such perfect play 4 ■ l||/JV V M suits! Every mother will ap-‘ THE GAM ENT SHOWN B rUL’f ft \ preciate the saving made pos- ■ jgRn f IS IBible by *- c ® Union-AUs the LEFT' AND i rtx'i I P I F/ or “kiddies.” ■ niarß I Isl/ I/l Let us fit Father and Son THEN JUST LOOK AT BJ* K<! I I in these fine new garments— I mJ you’ll thank us for SlSryour THE ONE THE I Ma attention to ten Union-Alls. I«BOYS! ISN’T IT GREAT UMsN-AILS / ’ INHINttLS ARE FINE FOR re Last Word in GARAGE ’ ■""" WORK PEOPLE Tllßl, ® e Garments ' 1 J Some Good Values in Boys’ Clothes JS. /i XwOr' Blue Serge, Palm /jnzi-|l 1 r fd m Jim Beach, Kool Cloth t pl and Worsted. p" hkj These we have TTw sizes 6 to 19 years Jl Prices are moderate, giving BL you new Clothing at old prices. $3.00 to sls. ijjjßt The Bee Hive Inc. Your Money’s Worth or Your Money Back. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 191%.