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FRIDAY, JUNE 28. wj- IWAR TIME POLICY 1 ' IN ROAD BUILDING I WASHINGTON, D. C, June 28.- Governmental agencies dea’iu.; wvh highway prcblem s fully recognize the vital military and economic impor tance of the country’s roads, accord ing to a letter from Secretary of Agri culture Houston to Arthur H. Fleming, Chief of the State Councils Section, Council of* National The secretary, whose department administers the Federal Aid Road Act, state also that the government recog nizes that it is necessary to construct, reconstruct or maintain roads essen tial for military and vital economic purposes and to defer action on roads not of this class; and that it is de sirable, wherever possible, to use local materials for road building and main tenance in order to relieve railroad traffic. Important highways, as described in the secretary’s letter, include only* those utilized, or to be utilized, by the military establishment, those which carry a considerable volume of mate rials and supplies essential to war industries, and those which have a bearing on the production and distri bution of food supplies, connecting population and shipping centers witl surrounding agriculturel areas. Attention is called to the formation ~i the United States Highways Ccr. cil. This body was suggested by th secretary to the co-ordinate federa . U,— ■ - I 111 ago* “ Who Will Win TMsßattle?" Your kidneys are the filters of the body. If they become' inactive and fail to elim inate the waste matter, they are apt to throw the whole mechanism of the body out of order, thus toxic poisons can ac cumulate in the system and be as deadly as snake venom. Besides causing the minor ailments of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and back ache, neglect of the kidneys is apt to develop into more serious diseases, such as diabetes or stone in the bladder. Rid the body of l£Kic poisons—clean the bladder ’WfcyAand, iwingCS' of rheum Anuric and you win the battle of life. Anuric was first discovered by Dr. Pierce, and has benefited thousands of sufferers as well as appeased and eliminated the ravages of the more serious kidney dis eases. Now procurable at any good drug store for 60c, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce t Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package. Hamford, Ala.—’’When I com- fil l Bound all night. Oh! how much better Ido feel —no one knows but myself. My advice to all sufferers of kidney troubles is to give Anuric a trial ana they will find relief from tneir trouble.” Mrs. B <4 (Toker. ' . < L ,I|mS 60%, <OS wflrHmv Bl" Ik jFgg^m^wwswr/ .wMEEK i -«•' \ Our Shield, and Defender j i <!'“ The famous yellow label on the outside 1 of a bottle of Chero-Cola is your guar- 4 ,*?* antee of uniformity and M ■ 71 > p Ur of th/Hbeverage on the inside. " ‘ I | 1\ Sola only in j 7 jf k Sealed, Sanitary Bottles / y With no bad after effect \ B r ' menced the treatment of Anuric I was in bad shape. My back ached all the time and oh! how my back would ache at night until I would have to get up. I could never sleep all night. But since I have taken the Anuric Tablets m y backache is all gone and I can lie down and sleep good and r THE GREAT AmiAN REVERSE IN ITALY j ** Pf/ma/anp^ AL S 1 • fCenecrtO > < te* nk v , 5c6; 0 * L V 1 / \V?//orha. -* * Tz;-. >| -■< ( f •Trevtymo 1 X \ \ TREVISO > j \ J cU/Vave v. \ ) I -X S X nnsii<e\ / / x \ t—- / - < Av' L j ; X|Z } X 'Venice The Austrians first threw against the Allies on the whole front indicated by the black line on the map. Crossings of the Piave river were made at points indicated by the three lower arrows After a considerable portion of the Austrian army had crossed the stream, the river rose rapidly, washing away their pontoon bridges and the Italians counter attacked vigorously, driving the Austrians back across the river in hasty retreat. The total Austrian losses axe now estimated at 250,000 men, probably 25,000 being drowned in the attempt to re-<jross the swollen Piave. British forces operated in the region within the bracket (a), and French troops fought between the Brenta and Piave rivers, in the region indicated by the bracket (b). The Italians, however, bore the brunt of the heavy fighting, and to them belongs chief credit for the victory won. agencies interested in highway prob lems. The council is made up of a a representative each from the Depart ment of Agriculture, the War Depart ment, the Railroad Administration, the Fuel Administration and (he War in dustries Boards. It will form a uni fled agency for dealing, on behalf of the federal government, with highway construction, maintenance and poll cies. It will, of course, through th office of Public Roads and Rural En i gineering of the Department, continue the close contact already established | both formally by law and informally by practice, with the state highway com mission in each state. The office of Public Roads and Rural t Engineering and I±e Coun consider tafF supply | for highway purposes, of road oils, as-j phalts and other bituminous road ma-, terials controlled by the Fuel Admin-, istration, and the matter of priority 1 production for highway materials con- I trolled by the War Industries Board ! They will also, in contact with th Railroad Administration, aid in secur-J ing, so far as facilites for, j the transportaton of road material! 'I 1 I i and supplies. Furthermore, the of ; flee of Public Road s and Rural Engi>i '• neering will act as the medium for ■ I , ■ furn shing information and assitanca 1 I 1 ! on highway problems, especially ta • state highway authorities in meeting the various difficulties which they en | r l counter When the United State entered th a AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. war the work of planning state high way systems so, as far as necessary and feasible, they would connect with the systems of other states, was well under way. Thi s resulted from th efforts to administer the Federal Road Act, so that the roads of vital impor tance for economic, military and other purposes should first be considered. The Federal Road Act —involving an NOTICE The Americus Transfer and Taxi Company have opened a first class transfer and taxicab business. We will have three taxicabs ready for business Fri day morning at ten d’clock. Open day and night, always 'have cars for hire and trucks to move your furniture, trunks or any thing moveable. We will have a ’careful white driver to look after the moving of furniture and pianos. We want your business and we guarantee prompt and effecient service. Phone us for prices on moving. AMERICUS mi ANO TRANSFER CO. Phone 750 Office 206 Lama Street |i aggregate five-year expenditure, di rectly and from state and local funds, of $160,000,000 in addition to at least $200,000,000 spent independently each year by the states —provides that the states must maintain the roads and that before any money can be expend ed the roads must be selected and ap proved and plans, specifications and contracts submitted. i (A 1 wsl I m Al Jm, jk /Al | b PROMPT SERVICE, COURTEOUS TREATMENT I AND PAINLESS METHODS I In order to take care of an increasing practice, and to be able to serve the public more efficiently, I have engaged the services of Dr. E. E. Pai sons, a dentist of many years experience, who will be with me in the future. DR. N. S. EVANS, DENTIST Established 16 Years JACKSON ST. Near Kress AMERICUS, GA. Ao Better Equipped Offices in the SoutA| The Place Where You Get Results OCEAN BREEZES I By Wire LOOK IN SHOW- WINDOW OF Americus Lightning i Company ilffi s - - ---- " ■ - A fine lot of all variety of Corn, Peas, Mixed June Corn and Whatleys Prolific At Planters Seed Co. Americus, Ga. Don't forget our new place next to Dudley’s By cycle Shop on Forsyth St. Phone 502 ======= I There’s no difference in Fire Insur ance rates ~ P° or good insurance costs alike - YOU OBTAIN SOUND KIND HERE. HERBERT HAWKINS PAGE THREE