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FRIDAY, JUNE 28. 191 J. 1 —,_ , SOCIETY J |= . _ Mrs.B.B.Allen tetw THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Of’cePhone99 s; fs== Res. Phone 466 •.; |L . ,■ 1 - DANCE AT ARMORY. The script dance at the armory to night is being eagerly anticipated by the dancing crowd, as a number of visitors will lend additional gto*<y ,0 the occasion. An orchestra composed ot musicians from Moultrie and Al bany will play, and dancing will be gin promptly at nine o’clock. * * • DANCE AT BLUE SPRINGS. Motoring down to Spiings las , night to the dance were Mr. and Mrs G. T. Adams, Dr. and Mrs H. B. Allen Mrs. C. O. Niles, Dr. Sam Wise, of Plains. Others present from Ameri cue were Miss Mary Glover and Annie Ivey, who are visiting ia Albany. * * * DINNER AT SOUTHER FIELD. Lieutenant Justus Ingalls enter tained at diner Last n’ght at Souther Field, honoring Mis 3 Elbe Hardee, of Live Oak, Fla., who is visiting Mrs. H ■0 Jones. Others present wefyf Capt and Mrs. Tawney, Mr. ail Mrsli 71. 0 J cues, Miss Ruth Hodges, Lieut Milton Link and Mr. Everett Tawney, of Yokohama, Japan. » » V LA«N PARTY. The members of th* Presbyterian church will entertain a*, a lawn party tomorrow evening from eight to te honoring the members of that church who are stationed at Souther Field. The lawn at the home of the Rev. Le roy G. Henderson will be used for the occasion, appropriately decorate! with flowers and Chinese lanterns. Delicious refreshments will be serv-1 •ed and a cordial welcome given to alt communicants of the Presbyterian •church at Souther Field. • * * RED CROSS NEWS. Materials for making surgical sup will be open on Monday of .T ' On account of the scarcity of % .A. JL' no work was done in June, and it i j • earnestly urged that members may volunteer in sufficient numbers to as sure a speedy finish of the allotment. * * 4 Miss Ruth Hodges is spending the week-end with Mrs. Frank Lanier. «.««X.SAN »«<««« | The boy “over there” 2 J may have a portrait * of Mother, but he’d g like one of “Dad” too. Send one in the next S letter. * -Make the £ 9 appointment today. 8 8 j ihe iW Studio I Ifoyhotel "MT INDIAN SPRINGS, GA. I I GOOD MEALS HOME COOKING Write for Particulars g SHERWOOD THAXTON, Proprietor I Mr - and Mrs. T. O. Marshall have ■ returned from a visit to relatives in * Quitman f. . • • Wrs. l. H. Browp, MW "George I Duncan and children aXd* Walter Brown have returned from a trip to Warm Springs. • * « Mr. Everett Tawney, of Yokohama Japan. j 3 visiting his brother, Capt Tawney, of Souther Field. LAWN PARK FOR SOLDIERS TO BE SATURDAY EVENT The ladies of the First Presbyterian church will entertain Saturday even ing from eight to ten o’clock at a ■ lawn party at the home of Mrs. Leroy J G. Henderson wife of the pastor, on Dudley street, in honor of the Presby-J terians among the soldiers stationed at Souther Field. Since the establishment of the camp here the men there who are of the Presbyterian faith have been consist ent in their attendance upon the church services, and have shown great interest in the work ot the I church. In appreciation of this, and in order to make the soldier boys feel more at home, the ladies have ar- j ranged this delightful party. SUB RAIDS AFFECT i ! SAV’H LIQUOR PRICES I ATLANTA, Ga., June 28.—Members of the legislature from Chatham a” 1 adjoining counties when ‘ joshingly ’ < j asked by their fellow law-makers cci - | blind tiger liquflr in Sat.Nnah have I I replied with the information that the I supply is plentiful or scarce in direct r | relation to the activity of the subma rines or chasing liquor boats. When the submarine chasers are chasing submarines, it seems the 1 liquor boats manage to run the block ade and furnish a reasonably adequate supply of blind tiger liquor for abso lute necessity in case of sickness, snake bite, etc., but when the subma rine chasers are chasing liquor boats | the supply runs very (low and man finds it very hard to get for any sort of price.) Hence it has been suggested that perhaps the appearance of G-ermai submarines off the American coast which make it necessary for the sub marine chasers to devote their atten tion to submarines exclusively, may bring some relief to the parching Citi zens in Georgia coast towns. TAX RETURN NOTICE City books for tax returns open from April Ist to July Ist. E. J. ELDRIDGE, 4-16 to 7-1. Clerk and Treasurer. ( ' Relief from Eczema j Don’t worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a dear, healthy skin by using a little zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at SI.OO. Zemo generally removes pimples, black heads. blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin dear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E.W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. ===== ■ ■ - I 1 " LADIES! Some new arrivals in at tractive Pumps will please you we White ‘ind Gray Kid On the newest lasts—well made—beautifully finished. Your New Gown . Needs a pair of these Pumps to complete its attractivess. WON’T YOU COME IN, PLEASE! > ■ MILITARY IrlU Cl fTI Cl P/l */) - CIVILIAN OUTFITTERS £>] 1 OUTFITTERS ■ J ■ 11» fJ | I Uli J'|W I I w ™ ■■HITIfiM I llli|*|||£ - JUST SAY “ MEET ME AT RYLANDERS ” I ■ I I II HI- ROUSCH INJORED~| mJi ■ fIIr \z- * i \V * 11 v • W<,> Eddie Rousch, the Red's star out fielder, is out of the game with. an in jury to his leg. How long he will be laid up has not been determined. His absence would seriously cripple the Red’s team. HEARING ON PETITION FOR HIGHER RATES IS STARTED IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga., June 28.—The Rail road Commission yesterday began its final hearing of arguments in the pe titi'. n of the Georgia Railway & Power Company of this city for increased rates. It wa s expected that the argu ments would consume two days. After this both sides will be allowed five days in which to file reply briefs. The power company has submitted facts and to the Railroad Com mirsion showing that the tremend- ously increased cost of labor, materials and equivment and all other things en-1 tering into public service have made it absolutely necessary to increase rates in order to pay the cost of opera- • ion. The company's petition is or posed by a committee of Atlantians styling themselves as the people's committee. A good deal of speculation is going r.e rounds concerning Profess *" S W Bemis, a rate expert and auditor employed by the people’s committee. Although his fee is said to be slob per day, and although he stayed here ten days, the committee did not put him up t o testify, which has given rise to the question whether he found that the company’s petition was justi fied or whether he failed to get his fee. I With Fingers! ! Corns Lift Off { Doesn't hurt a bit to lift any t corn or callus right off. Try it! | l. '«'■«, ».».«„. « , . . .—l z- —For a few cents you can ! a sma ’tie of the > A I magic drug frtezone re- l I cently discovered by a \—J Cincinanti man. Just ask at any drug store for a small bottle II of freezone. Apply a few J drops upon a tender, ach- Q ing corn or callus, and .—A—instantly al’ soreness dis- I "I appears and shortly yon N Ji I will find the corn or cal- X lus so loose that you I ' '*>.<■'> Hf t it O ff w |th the fingers 1 Aj Just thiak? Not one 1 i 1 . bit of pain before apoly- ’J ing or afterwards. It ! $ doesn’t ev°n irritate the I ! j surrounding skin - 1/ Hard corns, soft coma or corns between the toes. also hardened calluses on bottom of feet, shrivel up and fall off without hurting a particle. It is a’most mag ical! Ladies! Keep a tiny bottle on the, dresser and never let a corn or callus ‘ ache twice. a I OUR NEW LINE OF IDEAL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Has Just Arrived They are ideal in all that the name implies, Leather backs and loose leaves with white pencils for writing on black surfaces. Come and see them. MURRAY’S PHARMACY to I ‘‘Toe Beet tn Dru, Store Merchandise} mo t iuest m Drug Store Sendee’- HOUSE AND SIGN PAUNTING Interior Decorating. Get My Estimates. JOE FITZGERALD. 19* E. Lamar St. i STRANn Tiieatrelx Thursday Harry Carey “Thieves of Gold” Matinee 6c and 11c Night 11c and 17c Friday William Fox Presents THEDA BARA, in “Camelle” Matinee 6c and lie;. Night He and 17c. Saturday Pretty Margarita Fisher “A Square Deal” ChapteC Seven of “The Fighting Trail” Matinee leaM Uo Night lie and 17e C J. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316 Office Phone 81* Allison Building. A~LCAZAn'[ theatreA I 1 hursday I Beautiful Elsie Ferguson. “The Song of SoogS” I Friday k Presents France Nelson ¥ I “Almighty Dollar” I And Chapter Eleven ||J “The House of Hate” I Saturday I ,«v« j. Barney Sherry » in “Her Decision” I Matinee 8c and lie | Night He and lie I PAGE FIVE