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MIDAY, JUNE 28. 1918. IIIBH6EIKITS ~ To the voter of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I beg leave to announce my candi dacy for office of Solicitor General, in .September primary. If elected I shall perform, with cour age and fidelity the duties fixed by law upon the holder of this office. My conception la that be such policy of Its that the office will stand as a menace to wrong-doing, and as well, a posi tive aid and encouragement to con structive good and peace to the coun ties of the circuit Every effort will be made to make practical realization of this concep tion. Opportunity for extended service 1* the strongest reason for this decision. Will sincerely appreciate and try hard to justify any confidence an In terest shown in my race. Respectfully, JULE FELTON. To the Voters of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for election to the office of solicitor general of the Southwestern judicial circuit, subject to the Democratic pri mary, to be held on the second Wed nesday in September. I will appreciate your support, and, If elected. I promise to discharge the -duties of this office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. Respectfully, ZACK CHILDERS. "To The Voters of The Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy tor the office of Solicitor General for the remainder of the unexpired term of the late Hon. J. R. Williams, the election to take place in the Septem ber primaries. I have been filling by appointment the first part of said term and am now asking to be permitted to serve the remaining two years there of. If elected I shall give to the office the same conscientious and painstak ing attention that I have heretofore given it, and I shall sincerely appre ciate the endorsement and support of the people of this circuit. Respect fully JOHN A. FORT. Judicial Circuit: 1 respectfully announce myself a •candidate for the office of Solicitor -Genera] of the Southwestern circuit in the coming state primary I prom iiw*. if elected, tofperform the duties o the office, to the best of my ability, anr in strict accord with the obligation* Imposed by law upon the holder of this responsible position. I will greatly appreciate the support of the people of this circuit in the com Ing primary. G. Y. HARRELL. ! !: Legal Advertisements ;■ Petition To Foreclose Mortgi ge. It being represented to the cc irt by the petition of Mrs. Mattie Elbridge, Adnirx. of G. M. Eldridge, deceased, that Matilda Dawson did on Aug. 12th, 1912, execute a mortgage to G. M. Eld ridge, Deed., for the purpose of secur ing the payment of a note executed by the said Matilda. Dawson to said G. M Eldridge dated May 18th, 1912, and ■due May 18th, 1913, for $211.68 princi pal debt with interest on same at 8% per annum from maturity, and that said principal and interest is now due and unpaid. Wherefore, it is ordered that said Matilda Dawson pay into court by the vWf N G*S I L KY* X' "’Pls imply 3il*“- K P»mai« Hij? M ', w ■ h has the effect es stralghtenlnp out W Ufl i, snarly, eurly, matty hair, maklnt J?/ ;>®B entire head es hair soft, glossy. silky, M tk, so you can easily handle your hair lj /VM Io It up in any of the modern styles. Ja wlsPnniifti pomade % HAIRDRESSING Wr? pleasantly aerfumed. It Is an up-to-date 71 flair Dresaing of superior merit It makes M Ait fsrt hair grow long and beautiful; stops Wffl [ : Biblag scalp, dandruff and falling hair. Sent for 25 CENTS by Mail lj 4ILROLIN MEO. CO.. ATLANTA GA. « I, I .. .-enta granted—Write for terms. CHICHESTER S PILLS B" THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Tidiest Aikyrir l'm<r , CALebe»4er o Dtam>»aißra«<iZ/y\ Fills in Red and U-M metalUc\W> boxes, anal rd with titve Ribbon. Take M ether. Baur es yomr * DrmntsS. AskfceCrf-Ctnrs.TEß« DIAMOND BRAND PH.LH, fee M yean known as Best Safest Always Reliable OLS BY DRUGGISTS DERVWMSf I fi rst day of November Term, 1918, of I Sumter Superior court, the principal interest and costs due on said note °r show cause if any she has to the contrary or i n default thereof foreclo -BUre of said mortgage be granted and tfie equity o f redemption of the said Matilda Dawson is said land described in said mortgage be forever barred and it Is further ordered that service b 0 Perfected as required by law. This May 27th, 1918. Z. A. ’ J, S'- C.,' C. in office May’27th 191 8 H. E. ALLEN, Clerk, Superior Court. Citation. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: J. E. Sheppard, having i n proper form, ap plied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Lucy V. Mathews, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Lucy V. Mathews to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. E. Sheppard on said estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 3rd day of June, 1918. JOHN A COBB, Ordinary. •• Administrators’ Sale. GEORGIA, Sumter County. * Pursuant to an order granted by the Hon. John A. Cobb, ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in April, 1918, win be sold before the court house door- in the city of Americus, said county and state on the second of July, the first Tuesday, 1918, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed land, to-wit: The whole of lot of land number one hundred and sixty-seven (167), con taining two hundred two and one-hali (202 1-2) acres, more or less; foui (4) acres in square shape in the southwest corner of lot number on® hundred and seventy-four (174), all in the 16th district of Sumter County, Georgia, and six (6) acres in square shape in the northeast corner of lot number one hundred and sixty-eight (168) in the 16th district of Lee Coun ty, Georgia; all of said land lying and being in one body in said two coun ties, containing in aggregate two hun dred, twelve (2121-j!) and oAfchalf acres'of-hrtrtfnW? or']esS: jPF This land to be sold as the property of the estate of J. M. Pope, late oi Sumter county, deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts of the estate and for distribution among the heirs of said estate. Said land now has a loan of twenty-four hundred dollars with one year’s interest on same, and the purchaser will have the privilege of buying the land subject to the loan, and paying the difference in cash, or paying all cash and the estate will pay off the loan. This June sth, 1918. MRS. A. W. POPE, J. W. PEEL, Administrators estate of J. M. Pope deceased. Citation. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern - Lee Allen, Jr., having in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Admiidstration on the es tate of Lee Allen, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Lee Allen to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any- they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to Lee Allen, Jr., on Lee Al ien’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 4th day of June, 1918. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA; Sumter County: ■Whereas, J R- Logan, co-adminls trator of H. J. Long, has consent of the co-administrator, Mrs. Claude Logan, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on re cord that all debts o f the entate have been paid. This is therefore, to cite all versons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from hjg pion on tie first>»?J’day in J-Wy, 1918. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Americus Compress Company has pe titioned the Railroad Commission of Georgia for such authority to increase its compression rates to the follow ing: Standard or ordinary compression, 12 l-2c per hundred lbs. High density compression, ?0c per hundred lbs. This application has been assigned for hearing before the Railroad Com mission of Georgia at its offices in the State Capitol. Atlanta, beginning at AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. 16:00 o’clock A. M_, July 9th, 1918, at which time all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. This notice is published In accord ance with the requirements of the Railroad Commission of Georgia. AMERICUS COMPRESS COMPANY, By F. P. Harrold, President. Webster County Administratrix Sale. GEORGIA, Webster County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Webster county, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in July, 1918, at the court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale, the following lands in said county, towit: Fifty acres off the east side of lot No. 170, same extending from north to south lines of said lot No. 170. Also twenty acres in lot No. 171, same lying east of the public road leading from Preston to the old Bell Mill, said twenty acres being in a square and bounded south by lands of J. W. A. Hawkins, west by said public road, north and east by other lands belonging to estate of J. W. Wiggins, all of said lands aggregating seventy acres, and being in the ?sth district of said county. Terms cash. This, June 4th, 1918. MRS| MATTIE WIGGINS, Administratrix of J. W. Wiggins’ Es tate Notice of Election For Treasurer so Webster County. GEORGIA, Webster County: Notice is hereby given to the voters of Webster county, that an election is hereby ordered, and will be held at the various voting precincts through out the county, same to be held under the laws governing general elections In Georgia. Said election will be held on the 25th day of June, 1918, for the purpose of electing a Treasurer o* Webster county for the unexpired term caused by the death of the late J. P. Beaty. Given under my hand and official signature this the 7th day of June, 1918. J. R. STAPLETON, Ordinary, Webster County, Ga. Commissioner’s Sale. GEORGIA, Webster County. In re: Jefferson Standard Life In. surance Company vs. Mrs. Lucy C. Alston, Number 18, in Equity. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia, West ern Division. By virtue of an order and final de cree passed by the Honorable W. T. Newman, United States judge, on May 6th, 1918, in the above stated case, the undersigned as Comissioner, will sell before court house door in the city or town of Preston, said state and county, on the first Tuesday In July, 1918, during the legal hours o sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property of Mrs. Lucy C. Alston, the defendant In the above stated case, to-wit: All that tract of land lying and be ing in the county of Webster, and the state of Georgia, known as lot of land number one hundred and twenty-two (122), containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, better known as the old Bell or Alfred C. Bell Big Mill Place, in cluding all land covered by the mill pond up to high water mark; also all necesary dirt privileges off the said land on the west side of said mill pond and said mill dam. Also s h a t tract of land known as lot number one hundred and four (104) containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, lying and being east of said mill pond and dam. Both of said two lots of land are in the 25th district of Wdbster county, Geor gia. The said land is to be sold as afore said, for the purpose of satisfying a decree of the court in the above stat ed case wherein it wa s adjudged and decreed that Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company recover from the proceeds of the sale of the above de scribed property the sum of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars principal, $620.80 interest, $362.08, as attorney's fees, besides future interest costs of court. H. B. TROUTMAN, Commissioner. Bryan, Jordan & Middlebrooks, 1203 1206 Candler building. Atlanta Ga., for Plaintiff. GEORGIA, Webster County. Will be sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tues day in July, 1918, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One Flanderg roadster automobile, number 207469. Said property levied on as the property of M. G. Ltttle, by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from the Superior court of said county, In favor of the Americus Automobile Co Property pointed out by plaintiff’s at torney. This the sth day of June, 1918. C. M. CHRISTIAN. Sheriff Webster Co The Fragrance of Orange Blossoms no more pleasing to the nostrils than the fla vor of the sun-smacked California oranges which makes ORANGE CRUSH at once the most palata ble and ths most whole some of fruit drinks. Risk a nickel on our recommendation. 5c the Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. T. (Manager SALT FISH Fresh caught dry salt fish direct to consumer by prepaid Parcel Post. 20 pounds Blue Runners, $2.00; 20 pounds Mullet, $3.00. Hill FishlCompany Panama City, Fla. / I ’ IJI I SAXON “SIX” g The Practical Car g True automobile economy means, the car giving I the most miles of satisfactory service for the least 1 money. Figuring first cost, cost of operation, de g preciation and the pleasure of driving a Saxon “Six” | It is the cheapest car on the market today. A car | equipped, from radiator to back axle, witn thejvery best material. Fenders, Radiator—They never leak. Gear, Spiral Bevel—Easy of operation. Motor, Continental —35 H. P., Six Cy Bearings, Timken—Guaranteed best. Under. Rear Axle, Semi Floating—Will stand Carbureter, Stromberg—A big gas any strain. saver. , „ _ ~ , Springs Cantilever —Easy riding, easy Ignition, Remy—Trouble proof. Axles, Timken —Guaranteed test. Battery, Exiide —Service Stations ev Tires, Goodyear and other Standard erywhere. Tires —Fully Guaranteed. If you want the best, most durable, and economical, you want a Saxon. Let us convince you by a trial. We ask you to try other cars, then try a Saxon. Your Saxon car is ready, see us today. Plains Auto Company 209 LAMAR STREET DON’T * . . r ■ ■ '■ Don’t sell you old car cheap. Let us build you a truck 'lf If you want a good truck cheap look our our line. Smith Form a Truck units are built to fit any car Smith Form a Truck for Ford cars, $390.00 F. O. 8., Atlanta. Smith Universal Attachment to fit any make car. 11-2 ton Attachment, $450.00; 2 Ton Attachment, $500.00. All Prices F. O. B. ’Atlanta Vim Trucks $995 Del. A light half ton truck built oversize and equipped with pneu matte tires. For » light runabout truck, the Vim is the best batlt and the most economical to operate. HAYNES, LEXINGTON, MITCHEL AND SAXON CARS, VIM AND SMITH TRUCKS We pay cash for Ford Gars. We will buy your Ford ear. Transfer And Taxicab line 206 Lamar Street Plains Auto Co. 209 Lama Street j Commercial City Bank ; il AMERICUS! GA. ? T | i General Banking business I INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS PAGE SEVEN