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PAGE TWO Local News Items ji >ew line Pickard’s hand painted 'kina at S. A. Daniels. ad' Mrs. John Statham is the guest ol her mother, Mrs. York, at her home in Dawson, where she will spend some time. Mrs. John Cato is spending several days with friends in Atlanta. Fhe Opera House has been thor oughly overhauled for the coming theatrical season. Tonight William S. will be shown in "The Hell- Hound ci Alaska. Don’t miss it John Davis, of the Albany Herald, was a prominent visitor in Americus today, coming over on a business mission. See Elsie Ferguson in "The Lie.” at the Alcagar Thursday. Admission 11 and 17 cents Dr J. T. Stukes will return tomor-; row from a visit of two days in At lanta, where he went on a business m'ssion. If you want a taxicab today phone 100. R A Shy 31-ts Standard ONE THOUSAND GARMENTS MEN’S UNDERWEAR AT 39c. Os good quality checked nainsook Shirts and knee Drawers, all sizes at garment, 39c. ->(M) I.Ai'.’i S FINE RIBBED UNDEKVESTS AT 15c. Very elastic tape nect and shoul ders, bleached perfectly white, each, 15 cents. ONE TABLE REMNANTS Not every piece is priced at exactly half price, but on an average they are about one half their worth, good desirable lengths. USKVEN BARS FINE LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 25c. Guaranteed to be as good as any soap made, full size cakes, sold only with other purchases of $1 or more seven bars for 25c. • ■ ■ » FIVE HUNDRED WASH SKIRTS AT $1.25. Some of these skirts are worth more than double our price, the ma terial alone is worth almost twice as much as we ask for the ready made ■garment, choice of big lot at $1.25. REMN ANTS O> THE FAMOUS HOPE BLEACH 29c. None better made, full yard wide and worth 35c off the full bolt, full yard wide and absolutely free from dressing at, yard, 29c. MEN’S WASH TROUSERS AT Pin dotted weave cotton worsted effect, good quality, guaranteed fast colors, value $2.50. our price for the present stock, only per pair, $1.98. FAMOUS UTICA AND MOHAWK SHEETING AT 79c. Guaranteed to measure 72 inches wide and the nicest, smoothest sheet ing you ever saw. absolutely free from anv dressing and worth sl, our price for the present stock only at, yard. 79c. FORTY INCH WHITE LAWNS AT 19c. Actual value 25c and selling for that price in every good store. Just for an August flyer, the price is 19c per yard- STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ".erf tn ..3'’' r Forcvth St. Americus. Ga a—M«i—— . 5 OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT, AUGUST 7th William S. Hart ** The Hell Hound ol Alaska ” One ol Han’s Best. Prices 10c and 15c Night Shows Only—Begins 8 O’clock. Last Show Begins 9:15 Glasses fitted, broken lenses dupli cated. Bell, the Optometrist Mlns Lillie Rogers, of Sumter, Ga, 1 is the pretty guest of Mrs. George Boatwright, at her home here. Don’i fail to see William S Hart in "The Hell-Hound of Alaska,” prob ably the best picture he has ever made. It's at the Opera House. A. A. Beavers, F. G. Beavers and Miss Mance Beavers constituted a party leaving Americus today for a cross country trip to Norfolk. Va., where they go to attend a family re union at the home of K. C. Beavers. They will be joined there by Mrs. j George B. Martin and Miss Lois Ueavers, of Birmingham, after their arrival at Norfolk. George Holston has charge of our Vulcanizing Department. Bring us your work G. A. & W. G. Turpin. 18-8-ts. Friends of John Statham, one of Americus’ oldest citizens will learn with regret that while visiting friends in Friendship community a day or two ago he became critically ill and for a few hours it was thought his con dition was dangerous. He is now con siderably improved, however. See Elsie Ferguson in "The Lie,” at the Alcagar Thursday Admission 11 and 17 cents October cotton options were quoted at the opening teday at 29.30 and at the close had declined to 28.11-13 This was the most active month dur ing the day and the one in which most Americus people are interested. William S. Hart is here today in “The Hell-Hound of Alaska.” Opera House. Night Shows only. 8 and 9:15. Prices 10c and 15c. W. G. Crapps is among other Amer icus soldiers at the front who have recently heard from by relatives here. He states that he is doing fine in France and when the letter was writ ten had just returned from a stay of some time in the trenches. Eggs for Cooking and , taking at BV> Cants Par that’s 315*° I w I I A 25c Package Replaces 3 Dozen Egg* 1 Guaranteed to satisfy. j Try the reclue below. M Mazo Rice Pudding 1 rnp cooked r! <?. 1 cup sweet milk, cup sugar 1 rounded teaspoon jiAZC 4 n 1 tablcspooDful tepid V’atv, 1 teaspoon vanilla Vi teaspoon salt. 1 egg. This recipe ' rmerly required • Mix all together except EAZ-5. Seat MAZO in tepid uuter till foamy i-,i -it. r„nr Into ‘ buttered pan nud bake 30 mlncie in moderate i V'. en 'i vup sc<? ded raisins may be added if ' like! or 1 square chocolate melted and added a.»o niukes a Lice change. Prepared ly MRS. S. R. DTTLL. (4» ; AMERICUS GROCERY CO- Wholesale Distributors Americus Ga. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. i Miss Louise Jones and little sister, Vivian, are visiting their brother, A. A. Jones, at his home in Athens, and j will spend some time there. AFTER ILLNESS ~ ZIRON IRON TONIC When Your System Needs Strength, After a Sick Spell, Try Ziron Your blood must have iron to give your body strength. Lack of iron makes many people pale, weak and I languid. To put iron into your blood, i take Ziron Iron Tonic. Especially as- ! ter a severe Illness do you need Ziron ; to bring back appetite and build up weakened vitality. J. E. Clifton, of R. F. D. 3, Lyons. Ga., writes: “Last summer I had ty phoid fever and had hemorrhages of the bowels and my health was wretch ed. I seemed to be unable to get my strength back. I had no appetite, I j had no energy, I didn’t think I was I ever going to get well. My knees were weak, my flesh felt clammy’ I was in a pretty bad condition. I heard of Ziron and what a good tonic and strengthener it was. and I sent for It at once. It helped me. I began to improve and soon felt much better and t stronger." All druggists sell or can get Ziron for you. Get a bottle today. It is guaranteed. zn 2 \bur Blood Needs PINKSTON COMPANY Announce the arrival of new Fall Merchandise in big quantities, beautiful' selections,and prices far below what they will be in a few weeks from now. If you are getting ready for boarding school; if you are planning a trip, or if you simply want to freshen up your wardrobe with a new garment Jor two, a visit to our department will pay you ten fold. 4 But, more important still, if you are going to need clothes for the coming fall and winter, and want to save I twenty-five per cent, now is • the time to make your selec tions, and also have twice as i long to get your money’s j worth. PINKSTON CO. ! 1 '■ i II ALWAYS RELIABLE. Americus Experiences Going Back For Ten Years. Kidney weakness can be cured. But what caused it once will cause it again. Here’s an Americus man who has had several attacks. Several times in ten years Mr. Rigs by has used Doan’s Kidney Pills. He says that Doan’s have never, fail ed him Ten years ago, Mr. Rigsby publicly j endorsed Doan’s. He now r confirms his statement. | What better proof of merit? Proved by years of experiet c» Told by Americus people This is convincing testimony: W. W. Rigsby, butcher, 205 Prince ■St., says: 'I consider Doans Kidney Pills a fine remedy for backache and kidney trouble I suffered from kidney •■complaint, my back ached a good deal and my kidneys were out of order. I got a supply of Doan’s Kidney Pills and they greatly relieved me.” The above 1 statement was given March 28, 1908, and on April 24, 1918, Mr. Rigsby said: "I have the same faith in Doan’s Kidney Pills now as when I endorsed them before. I use them occasionally as a preventive and they keep me in good condition.’ 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Miibuin Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. adv rWANTsI 0 • «,•••••••• •••••••••• SELLERS TALK TO BUYERS ev , ery day through Times-Recorder clas sified columns. This page is the great . market place of the masses. The man who uses the classified column knows . that thousands know that he has to sell. If you want to buy anything the service is equally useful. One cent a word, with a minimum charge of a quarter, is cheap enough, too. - "■• *■" LOST and FOUND DROPPED TUESDAY afternoon be tween Myrtle Springs and Americus, Buick lamp rim. Please leave at Americus Battery Co. 7-21 MULE FOUND—On July 28th, lasts, ' I took up a fine horse-mule straying over my premises. Owner will apply at once and pay charges and take pos t session. A. B. Holloway, Anderson ville. Ga, R. F. D. A. 8-d2-wl » * —.—. . ’ FOUND—Bunch of keys. Owner ! pay for this ad and get property. 4-ts I TAKEN UP two pigs at Pines Dairy 1 owner can get same by paying char ges and for advert’-ement. WANTED—To buy second-hand flat-top desk; must be in good con dition. Address L. C-, care Times- Recorder. 29-ts FOR SALE CAR SANITARY LIME tor use on your premises; $1.25 per bbl. Phone 117. Shiver. 6-10-tt PICTURE FRAMES AND ART Goods. J. R. Wall, at Tullis’ Grocery. 26t-d. FOR SALE —Ever wear Hosiery. La dies Silk Hose, SI.OO. Men’s Silk Sox 75c . They are guaranteed. W. J. Josey. 31-ts FOR SALE —Splendid Jersey 2 1-2 to 3 gal milk cow and calf three months old for sale. P. O. box 315 2tf PICTURE FRAMES OF ALL Kinds. Can save you from 50' to 100 per cent. IJ. R. Wall, at Tullis Grocery. 26t-d FOR SALE}—One Ford touring car in good shape, splendid tires. See E. E. Schreider, phone 566. Wed-Fri Sun. FOR SALE —Eighty-five acres farm land just outside city Hits; on graded road; all under cultivation; four roon residence; new three room tenant i house; other improvements; in good repaid. Bargain at $3500.00. One thousand cash; balance easy. Apply to Geo. D. Wheatley, Real Estate. BRICK, LIME, Cement Plaster mix’ Sand. Phone 11’ Shiver JS-W PICTURE FRAMES AT Tullis Gro cery. J. R. Wall. 26t-d. WANTED— M iscellaneous WANTED—Colored Janitor for First Baptist Church. Apply to Chas. Lingo. 121 FORSYTH STREET—Up-town offic e Schneider’s Transfer. Phone 155. Haul anything anytime. WANTED Gentleman roomers, i Have all modern conveniences. Phone ! 171. Mrs. W. R. Booker, 307 N. Jack son street. 5-3 t STENOGRAPHER desires position; capable, accurate, efficient. First class recommendations. Address A. K. care Times-Recorder. 5-ts. I « WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 19ig. | FREE BATTERY SERVICE, by I competent service man. Hooks Mo- I tor Co. 5-st. I AUTO LIVERY—Ring B. C. Vaughn. Day phone 825, home phone 628. 19-ts t WANTED—Experienc- i ed fertilizer foreman to 1 handle shipping machines # and who has mechanical k experience. Salary $125 ‘ per month. Address Acid Works, 481 Spring St., Atlanta, Ga. 2-eod-4t FARM AND CITY LOANS—S interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W W. Dvkes. 4-20t1 WANTED TO LEASE residence for occupancy on or before Sept. Ist. Ad- > dress P. O. Box 441. IF YOU NEED Battery service call ' at Hooks Motor Co. 5-st. RED CEDAR SHINGLES—No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Shingles. Phone 117. . Shiver. 6-10-ts I ' IL..— " —■ ' - .1 WE HAUL everything and any , time. Phone 155. H. S. Schneider. . 124 Forsyth street. WANTED: 4 CUMBERS AND SHEET METAL ’ WORKERS. Permanent Job, Good Pay on Gove'n- ment Work. MASON AND HANGER CONTRACT- ING COMPANY Charleston South Carolina. ♦ t FOR YOUR CANVENIENCE—WiII maintain city office at 124 Forsyth Street. Phone 155. Schneiders s Transfer FOR PAINT, Kuonng Cement, Roof Paint, Creosote for preserving your Shingles, Phone Shiver. 117. B>ti PHONE 155 —When you want haul ing quick. Up-town office 124 For- 1 syth Street. H. S. Schneider. LET US LOOK AFTER your Start ing Battery. Our battery department 1 is thoroughly equipped. Hooks Mo- 1 tor Co. 5-5 t ■ AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer I leus Taxi Cab Company. Phone 825; * residence Phone 646 L. L Compt—t ’ 8-ts FOR RENI r FOR RENT—One five room house j with modern conveniences. A. J. Ea- I som, or ring 793. 2-ts FOR RENT—My bungalow on La mar street. Apply to Mrs. M. E. < Josey, or phone 430. Also one large ' * 1 furnished front room. 6-ts. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished i rooms; possession August 15, to par- ,■ ties without children only. Apply Phone 755. g-3t FOR RENT—Tw 0 ft rnished rooms for light house keeping—phone 497 2tf MOUBE AND SIGN PAINTING, later’er Decoratla<. Get Mv Estimate*. JGI FTTZGIRALR,