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' THUDSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1918. WHO ’ S WHO ■ I WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER ' ■■ I IN SUMTER COUNTY? I COUNTY? |P WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY? HE TIMES-RECORDER’S big special edition, to be published early in September, will tell you. This will be an unique, souvenir edition, richly illustrated, with the history oi Sumter county, all of its spien- 11 » did towns, and its leading citizens interestingly told. ■■ / M II It is proposed to have in this edition a biography oi every citizen of 11 any consequence, together with his likeness. The men who have made Sumter county what it is today will thus be introduced to I I you. You will be made better acquainted with the county yourself. The outside world will also learn all about Sumter county, what we have here, what kind of citizens we I I possess, what resources, advantages, and agricultural, commercial and industrial assets and possibilities are ours. WHO’S WHO II IN SUMTER COUNTY? WHO S WHO | WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER I IN SUMTER COUNTY? [ COUNTY? FOREST FIRE FIGHTERS IN MOVIES A forest fire allowed to burn may mean fewer airplanes to fight the Kun. If you prevent a fire you may save the very tree that Uncle Sam needs to build the air fleet. Forest fire, the great menace of the wooded regions of the country, is the" subject of motios pictures to be ex hibited by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture at the Georgia State Fair. The pictures show how very easy it is to start a fire; quite unintention ally, by throwing aside a burning match, then the discovery fire simultaneously by a forest ranger on patrol and a forest guard at a look cut station on a mountain top. The rsory is completed by the heroic ef fort required to stop the flames, the. provision made by the Forest Service for fighting the fire, the rushing of men from near-by towns and the final conquering of the conflagration, but not until twenty houses are destroy ed in a town bordering the burning forest. 240 POUND PIGS. With corn above 50 cents hogs eat their heads off very quickly. The hog that takes two or three months to get on full feed never brings you a profit. When you are ready to put your shoats on feed, begin with the B. A. Thomas Hog Medicine. Use regularly and watch your shoats round out into fat hogs in nine months—hogs going well over 200 pounds and as high as 240 pounds. Figure the aver age feeding and you will see why the B. A. Thomas medicine is a good in vestment. Try feeding out your hogs on this plan and if you are npt more than pleased, we will refund the cost of the medicine. Sold by G. E. Buch anan, Americus, Ga. (Adv) FIT HOTEL-WIU RtMAIN OPEN INJSEPTEIHBER Sherwood Thaxton, proprietor of the Foy Hotel at Indian Springs, has just announced that he will keep that well known and popular hotel open until about the middle of September. The last of August and first part of September are said to be the most delightful months at Indian Springs and this announce ment will be of pleasure to its many friends. Mr. Thaxton has enlisted in the Naval Reserve but will not be called for some time yet, but af ter the season is over will be lo cated at the Naval Training Camp at Chrleston. ' adv. AMERICUS TIMES-RECC RDER. OFFICIAL FOOD PRICE SCHEDULE AS FIXED BY U. S. ADMINISTRATOR This list of prices Is effective for one week, beginning Monday, AUGUST 26, 1918. | Purchasers are requested that If they are asked to pay more than the prices stated here to report the same to the food administrator. Flour, best grade, 24 lbs $1.90 Flour, second grade, 24 lbs $1.65 "Tour (if sold in bulk) per 1b....7 12c Rice, fancy head, per lb 12c Lard, country, per lb 82c Lard, pure 32c Lard Compound, per pound 27c Grits, per lb 07c Irish Potatoes (old) per lb 05c Onions, per lb 06 l-4c Peas, per lb 14c Lima Beans, per lb 20c Oleomargarine, pound 37c ?hee«e, per lb 37c Eutter (creamery) per lb 65c Eggs No Price Fixed Tomatoes (no. 2 cans) 15c Tomatoes (No. 3 cans) .20c Evaporated Milk, (small cans). .07 l-2o Evaporated Milk (large cans)... 18c Bagle Brand Milk 25c Ga Cane Syrup (gallon) sl.lO Ga. Cane Syrup (half gallon) 60c Bread (per loaf) 10c Dry Salted Rib Bellies Sides, per pound 30c Cuts, per pound 32c Meal (per peck) .' 60c Sweet Potatoes, per pack 65c Oatmeal, 13c, two far 25c ‘Cnglish Peas, can 15c, 25c and 30c Baked Beans, can 15c Cried Peas, pound 14c Prunes, pound, 17 l-2c to 20c Macaroni, pkg 12 1-2 to 15c Lard compound, No. 10 $2.75 Lard compound. No. 4 .sl.lO Sorn (per can( 15c to 25c Boiling meat, per p0und....28 to 30c Salmon, best Columbia river, lb . 40c Salmon, best Columbia rlvA, l-21b.25c Pink Salmon, lb cans 25c Salad oil. can 45c and 70c Sugar, 2 pounds 20c Sugar, 5 pounds 50c Meat Prices. Steak (any cut) pound 25 to 35c Beef roast 25c to 35c Ground Beef, pound, 25c Stew Beef 20a Soup Bone 12c Sugar Cured Ham, pound 40c Sliced Ham, pound 50c Ham. skinned, whole, pound 35c Boiled Ham (sliced) pound 60c Pork Backbone, pound 20c Pork Spareribs, pound 30c lork, pound 40c Frankfurters, pound, 28c Beef Liver, pound 20c Shipped Liver 23c Fresh tripe, pound 20c Breakfast Bacon— In cartons (best grade) lb 65c Pork Sausage— Home made, pound, 40c Mixed Sausage, pound 25c Mullet, pound, 15c Trout, pound 20c Spanish Mackerel, pand 20c Perch, jack, etc., 21b for 35c FRANC MANGUM, Sumter County Food Administrator TERRIBLY JWOLLEN Suffering Described As Tortnr* Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.—Mrs. Kate Lee Able, oi this place, writes: “My husband is an engineer, and once while lifting, he to jured himself with a piece cf heavy ma chinery, across the 1 ' abdomen. He was so sore he could not bear to pres* on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with all their medicine, his bowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink it two or three days in succession. He did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suflered so. He was swol len terribly. He told me his suffering could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- Draught. 1 made him take a big dose, and when it began to act he fainted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and oegan to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford’s Black-Draught.’’ Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you to keep fit. ready for the day’s work. Trv it! NC-131 MERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. every Wednesday night la -ut invited to meet with ' reierOHi Hall, Lanu street All vl»- >rs welc« r_e. C. J. CLARKE. C C ..’AT LeMASTER, Clerk. a M. B. COUNCIL Sg LODGE F. and A. M w meets every First and i x- Third Friday nights. Visiting brothers are anted to attead. DR J R. STATHAM, W M x’AT (.("MASTER, Secretary. F. aad A. M. * AMERICUS LODGB F * A. M., meets every second and fourth Friday night at 8 o'clock. E E. SCHNEIDER. W. M. ■ L. HAMMOND. Secy WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY! £ GASH BUSINESS ONLY | K ■ ffi S Beginning Monday, August HR J 19, my automobile repair shop 31 31 will be operated on a cash Ifi $ basis, strictly. No exceptions Jfi Jfj will be made. ifj rfi I’ll give you prompt, high- ® J class work—guarantee every S 31 job—and I will expect yon to S pay for it when it is finished. I LAW REES I Lamar Street, near Lee. S ass ssyiyitfHi saw PAGE THREE COMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay, Commandery, No. 5, Knights Tempellar, meets every third Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordial Invitation to meet with us. W. F. Smith, Eminent Commander. FRANK J. PAYNE, Recorder. 20 ts AMERICUS Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE and RETAIL Job* Nfta A Co w Proprietors. Spanish Mackerel, Freeh Vater and Salt Water Trout, Red Snap •era. Red Him. Sheep-head and all illoi ut Bottom Fish. Shrimps, Crabs ■nd Oysters and Flab Ron* QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 778 ♦i« "'erevta