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PAGE FOUR Local News Items ji We sell the L. K. Unbreakable Cuff Button. Call and see them. S. A. Daniels, Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McDaniel, Olin and James McDaniel have returned home from a visit of several days to iriends and relatives in Savannah. Big lot fringes, all sorts; the new est dress trimmings by today’s ex press, at Ansley’s. *4-2t See “Eight Bells’’ at the Alcazar Friday and enjoy a real good laugh. We are prepared io do your pic ture framing on short notice. Allison Furniture Company. ts Miss Edna Haywood, of Reynolds, Ga., is visiting Misses Emmie and Myra Halstead at their home on Brannen avenue. See “Eight Bells’’ at the Alcazar Friday and enjoy a real good laugh. Be sure to see Gladys Leslie. Opera House tomorrow night. Curtain 8:30. We will buy or exchange your school books.. Torn or .mutilated books not, wanted. Hightower Book Store. 3-1 w. Mrs. J. A. Thomas, of Columbus, is visiting Mrs. E. P. Morgan, on Col lege street. George Holston has charge of our Vulcanizing Department. Bring us vour work. G. A. & W G ’’’urpin. 6-8-ts. Be sure to see Gladys Leslie in “The Wooing of Princess Pat.” Opera House Friday and Saturday. Night shows only. Curtain 8:30. Sen. Hardwick will speak at the Opera House Tuesday, September 10th, at 3 P. M. Everybody invited. Hi Standard FRESH, NEW MERCHANDISE STREAMS THROUGH THE STORE AT THE STANDARD. LOOK OVER THE LIST CAREFULLY AND THEN COME EARLY MONDAY OR TUES DAY At $1.67, regular $2 Seamless Sheets, bleached snow white and of Standard Quality. At 50c, genuine Burson Hose, extra large for out sizes. At 25c, Ladies’ lisle finish black Hose, spliced heels and toes, seam dess. At 15<;, Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, tape •neck and shoulders, all sizes. At 25c, genuine Union Linen Huck Towels, size 18x36, last call, limited quantity. At 4c, Cake large bars Laundry Soap, limit 10 bars to one buyer. At 10c, genuine Palm Olive Soap, full, regular size cakes. At sc, genuine Palm Olive Rose Bath Soap, full size cakes. At 25c, choice of one hundred La dies’ and children’s Leather Belts. At $3.98 choice of twenty styles Ladies $5 Boots, high, medium and low heels. At $1.25, choice of two hundred La dies’ Wash Skirts, some of them worth up ot $4. At $4.98, choice of about fifty new style, satin and silk Skirts, all sizes. At 39c choice of almost whole stock of Men’s Underwear, shirts and drawers. At 75c choice of one big lot check Nainsook Union Shits, worth sl. At 10c, choice of over one thousand Corliss Coon Collars, for men. all sizes. At 98c, choice of ten patterns dou ble faced sating table Damask, value $1.25. At $1 choice of five models Miller Corsets of Coutil and Batiste. At 20c. three thousand yards yard wide Sheeting fine smoothe weave. At 79c, genuine Mohawk Sheeting, guaranteed 81 inches wide. At $3, Misses’ higs Boots, of gun metal, low and medium heels, fully guaranteed. THERE ARE THREE HUNDRED OTHERS. COME! STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Next to Bank of Commerce Forsyth St Amerlcuns, Ga Glasses fitted, broken lenses dupli cated. Bell, the Optometrist Master J. W. Livingston, of San dersville, Ga., is visiting his uncle, W. Livingston, on Smithville road. Don’t fail to see the pictures at the Opera House tomorrow night. Mana ger Dudley takes as great care in selecting a picture as you would a gown If you want a taxicab today phone oo H A. Shy 31-ti Big lot fringes, all sorts; the new est dress trimmings, by today’s ex press, at Ansley’s. 4-2 t DeWitt C. Pickett, of Dawson was a visitor here today, returning from Preston, where he delivered a speech in behalf of Hon. Wm. .1. Harris, can didate for senator, A picture has to be good when shown shown at th© Opera House. See Gladys Lesli® in “The Wooing of Princess Pat,” a Vitagraph Special. Opera House Friday. Curtain 8:30. FOR SALE 487 acres located 4-miles from Plains, Ga. 150 acres ready for the plow’, fine for stock raising, lots of good timber. $15.00 per acre. 1,000 acres 11 miles) of Buena Vista, Ga. Fine location. Highlly improved. 6-room house painted, lights and wa ter works, large barn. 5 tenant houses, with 3 other good settlements. 600 acres, taking in 15 miles wire fence. $15.00 per acre. 100 acres well improced, 3-4 miles of Tazenell, Ga. $2,500.00. You can’t put the house on it for that money. I have splendid improved farms in Worth. Tift, Colquitt and Brooks counties. S. E DUKE First National Bank Bldg. Sylvester, Ga. THE WORLD FAMOUS COMEDY SCREAM Byrne Brothers’ “Eight Bells” Is Com ing to the Alcazar Theatre on Friday The world famous comedy scream Byrne Brothers’ “Eight Bells” will be shewn cn Friday at the Alcazar Thea ‘•v. This picturized version of the great comedy success that had everyone in the United States laughing for fifteen years, is even funnier than the stage production. “Eight Bells” is a laugh riot. It is jam-packed with startling situations that are astonishingly funny. It bub bles over with laughs and smiles and snorts and snickers. If you want to know more about it “Ask Dad—He Knows.” Dad went to see “Eight Bells” when the Byrne Brothers were presenting their great attraction on the stage throughout the country and he laughed and yelled with delight at the trick doors remarkable acro batic feats and fun in this big laugh offering. Music SchoeL Miss Elizabeth C. Cobb will open her Music School of Piano and Voice on Monday, September 16th, 1918. Pu pils can register at any time prior to that date at 505 Lee street, South. 38-ts. The next time you buy calomel ask for The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening and sali vating < ffects. Medicinal irtuei vastly improved. Gaaraateec by your druggist. Sold ■aly in sea jpackagu. ."rice 31k, WHO’S WHO I, IN SUMTER COUNT!! AMERICUS TIMES-RECC RDER. j | A METRO STAR | Mr IBS’ ’ ’3O M I 1 ■•¥ * I Mr i*'/ J. id ETHEL BARRYMORE. Moro Pictures Corporation, by spe cial arrangement with Arthur Sawyer and Herbert Lubin has engaged Ralph W. ince to direct Ethel Barrymore in “Our Mrs McChesney,” a picturiza > n of the star’s stage success of a season ago The play was written by George V. Hobart, adopted from Edna Ferber s famous short stories with the traveling saleswoman, Emma McChes ney as the leading character. Luther A Reed is making the screen version, work upon which will be begun at once at the Me ro studio. mirshE wants BOiS INFOANIID AS TO LATEST MIUTARI HULING UPON THEM COUNTY FARM DEMONSTRATION AGENT HERE GIVES INTERVIEW IN WHICH HE SETS FORTH AD VANTAGES TO BE DERIVED BY BOYS OF EIGHTEEN WHO WILL ATTEND COLLEGE. George O. Marshall, county farm demonstration agent here who is in terested in the boys of the county and their educational progress today told the Times-Recorder that he is in receipt of certain information regard ing the status of boys of eighteen, w«k will attend college this year. “I wish to submit,” said Mr. Mar shall, “the latest military information received by me for the benefit of the boys of Sumter county, between the ages of 18 and 21. Young men who ! have graduated from standard hige i schools may enter the regular fresh ■ man classes, and those who have only completed part of high school work may enter the special one year course, offered by the Georgia State College of Agriculture at Athens, and share the same privileges of the regular student. “Below is copy of information re ceived by me up to date: “Young men of the Students’ Army Training Corps between 18 and 21 will be on active service and will receive ’subsistence, quarters, clothing, tui tion and the pay’ of privates in the army.” They will be under strict military discipline in special train ing units. “Young men should register on September 12th, and come to college on the first day of college registra tion, September 16th. They will be ‘mobilized in the Students’ Army Training Corps on October Ist. The War Department advises all students ready for college entrance to adhere to their plans and obtain voluntary induction into the corps. "The Training Corps will be filled wither by voluntary induction or through the draft. It will be a pre- WHO’S WHO IN BUHTKR COUNTY! "a >■ I HF v * GLADYS LESLIE in scene from Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature - “THE WOOING OF PRINCESS PAT;? 18-A-23 • Opera House, Friday and Saturday Night Shows Only, Curtain 8:30 liminary training camp to determine what line of service a young man wi.T be best fitted for. He may go into any branch of the service which he desires. It is the surest road to an Officers Training Camp and a commis sion. Everything is to be gained an< nothing is to be lost. “No speciaj privileges will be given to college men. They will be called STAND BY SOUTH GEORGIA VOTE FOR VOLNEY WILLIAMS OF WARE COUNTY FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Several years ago the Commission was increased from 3 to 5 to give all sections of the state representation, but today not a single one of the five live south of Macon. Of* IA | _J i —”“ == “v4Fot!xv=7 <4a\ '®r asa=i T3 s w 7 Just Recived a Car Load of Briscoe Cars The Car With a Half Million Dollar Motor A light, four cylinder car—econom ical car to buy and operate. If interested, see us at once. $965.00 Delivered at Americus. BIG STOCK USED CARS ON HAND Plains Auto Co. J. W. OLIVER, Manager Lamar Street Americus, Ga. as the needs of the service demand. This does not mean, however, that they wil be called any earlier than they would through the draft, for their cases are not considered until their numbers are called. “The War Department may make some minor changes in its plans.” WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY? THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1318. I 100 LAIE TO GLISSIFT I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R 8. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., directly in front of postofflee. 6-11 The Fragrance of Orange Blossoms no more pleasing to the nostrils than the fla vor of the sun-smacked California oranges which makes ORANGE CRUSH at once the most palata ble and ths most whole some of fruit drinks. Risk a nickel on our recommendation. 5c the Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola | Bottling Co. J T. WARREN, ’Manager