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PAGE EIGHT THOSE WHO MUST REGISTER ON SEPT. TWELFTH INCLUDE ILL IN 45TH LEM CHAIRMAN MAYNARD AND SECRE- TARY NESBIT SAY THE LAW RE- QUIRES ALL BETWEEN AGES OF EIGHTEEN AND FORTY-FIVE, LN ELUSIVE, TO REGISTER FOR MILITARY SERVICE. There is apparently some confusion regarding who must register for mil itary service under the terms of the new 18-45 draft law, and The Times- Recoder today ascertained the exact law pertaining thereto. Secretary Nesbit, of the local board keie, stated this afternoon that the order to register includes all male citizens, without respect to physi cal or mental condition, who have at tained the age of eighteen, and who have not passed their forty-sixth birthday. In a word, al] men in their forty-fifth year must register. The law on this subject has been furnished The Times-Recorder by Chairman Maynard and Secretary Ne-- bit, and reads as follows: 'Persons Who Must Register.—All male persons who shall have attaint 1 their eighteenth year and who shall not have attained their forty-sixth birthday on or before the date set fur registration by the president, must register.” The law, there is plain and there exists no reason for anyone being misinformed thereon. The registration here will be con ducted in separate buildings, all ne groes being registered in the Su perior courtroom in the courthouse, and all whites in the offices of the local exemption board, in the city hall building. WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY! 9T ' Plant Dwarf Essex Rape for forage Fail Crop Planters Seed Co. Americus, Ga. Don’t forget our new place next to Dudley’s Bycycle Shop on Forsyth St. Phone 502 lE £ J TO THE TRADING PUBLIC I Sg Having bought the Allen Drug and Seed Co. Eg gP store we most cordially solicit a portion of your gS Sni drug business. To show you our appreciation FP of your patronage we intend to make your sg money count at‘our store, as we have no charge Eg m accounts, no office expense, and therefore our gS Eg trade will get the benefit of same. We will, as Eg > E? it’s our custom, offer the very best in service gP Eg and merchandise. Eg I E. L BLACK DRUG COMPANY I Eg The place where it pays to pay cash. IMIESWILLBE ASKED TO AID IN PLACING BIG FUG ON WATER TIM I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS DE- (IDED UPON PLAN FOR RAISING NE( ESSARY MONEY, AND YOUNG lady will head soliciting 1 COMMITTEE.—S2SO.OO NEEDED TO INSURE SUCCESS. The movement to place a gigantic flag upon the water tower at the - i city hall is rapidly assuming definite ( shape, and council will be asked at , its next meeting to authorize the erection of the pole and to provide the funds necessary for this feature of . , the work. , The flag to be placed there will be j purchased through the Chamber of Commerce, and will be secured at wholesale cost. The emblem will be ’ < purchased with funds to be provided 1 i . by patriotic citizens here, and the , Americus Lighting Co., will furnish the current necessary to keep it well ' i illuminated at night free of cost tc < any one. In order to keep the flag visible at . all hours, it will be necessary to pro- I I vide three spot-lights, and these, to . gether with the flag will cost about I I ( $250.00. In order to raise this amount, the Chamber of Commerce will ask a committee of young ladies to convass the city for funds, and these young ladies will soon begin their work of solicitation. The chairman of the committee is yet to be named, and she will name the other young ladies who will wora with her in the project. The name of the chairman is to be announced at an early date, accord ing to n stateemnt of Secretary Per- i Lins of the Chamber of Commerce th s | afternoon WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY! AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. NEW TRUSTEES NAMED TOR 3RD DISTRICT AGGIE SGHOOLBYOORSH STEED, OF TAYLOR, AGAIN NAM ED ( HAIRMAN OF BOARD, WITH WHEATLEY, OF SUMTER; HUGHES, OF CRISP, AND GELD ERS, OF BEN HILL, AGAIN NAM ED AS MEMBERS OF BOARD. Walter Steed, of Taylor, chairman; W. E. Vance, of Macon; J. P. Hughes, of Crisp; J. p. Stapleton, of Webster; Crawford Wheatley, of Sumter; E. J. Hart, of Schley, L. C. Slade, of Muscogee; G. P. Monroe, of Marion; W. .1. Van Horn, of Chattahoochee; J. J. Gordy, of Stuart; I. I. Gelders, of Ben Hill. , The foregoing gentlement have just been named as members of the board of trustees of the Third District Agri cultural and Mechanical School here by Governor Dorsey, who is now in New’ York. There are five additional trustees t ( > be named, in order to give each of the sixteen counties in the school district representation on the board of trustees, and it is understood these will be appointed immediately upon the governor’s return to Atlan ta. There are twelve other agricultural schools, the terms of the trustees of which, in many instances, have ex pired. and Governor Dorsty has con fided to friends that he will appoint new board members for all of these at the same time he will name thf additional members of th® board for the school here. WILL ORME WOMEN TD AID 111 T DRUE INTHISSECTION MRS. J. A. THOMAS, FORMER AMERICUS WOMAN, IS AT HEAD OF DISTRICT COMMITTEE, AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN WILL BE NAMED.—TO CONSULT WITH MAYNARD FRIDAY. Mrs. J. A. Thomas, of Columbus, and a former resident of Americus, is in the city in the interest of the com ing "Y” drive, in which the ladies wnl have a large and responsible part. While in Americus, Mrs. Thomas is the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. P. Morgan, at her home on College St Mrs. Thomas was recently named district chairman for Y. W. C. A. war work, and will direct the district or gani ation and its work during the coming campaign. She will hold an important conference with R. L. May nard. chairman for Sumter county >n the Y. M. C. A. war work, and after this conference it is anticipated that Mrs Thomas will announce the ap pointment of the various county chair men. The Y. W. C. A. organization in the coming drive for “Y” war work represents the part the ladies will have in providing the funds necessary for carrying on Y. M. C. A. war work in France, and it is expected that the ‘ladies of Americus will assist ma terially in the coming effort. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦!,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ WEATHER FORECAST. ♦ ♦ PARTLY CLOUDY TONIGHT ♦ ♦ ANU TOMORROW. -*• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦L***** + * WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY! OPERA ..OUSE I EHiDAY and SATLIRUAV GLADYS LESLIE IN 'THE WOOING -OF- PRINCESSPAT” A Comedy of a Thousand Smiles 7 REEL SHOW 7 Night Shows Only—Be There On Time, Opens 8:30 PRICES 10c and 15c The EVO L U TIO N“| OF A BUSINESS JUDSON A KENDRICK . KENDRICK & WHEATLEY THORNTON WHEATLEY WHEATLEY & ANSLEY NOW THE HOUSE OF ANSLEY AN EVOLUTION COVERING A PERIOD OF OVER HALF A CENTURY And carrying with it at all times, Judge ment, Justice and Su perior Merchandise. The Houseof Ans ley caters to people of taste and those who demand mer chandise of real mer . it. This house has handled Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear since the beginning of its manufacture in the days when the skirts trailed a yard or so on the ground, and tight, bob-tail busques were the vogue. THE E V O L U TION of the Ready to - Wear business has been wonderful, ■mmh H m M and to see one of the first made, by the side of an up-to-date dress, would make you smile out loud. NOW we show the ladies a department, the largest in this section of Georgia and the most mod ern, brimming full of Fad and Winter garments of all kinds, embodying the uttermost in STYLE and QUALITY those inevitable features of all I ANSLEY Garments 10-DAY SPECIALS Having bought our Fall line early last Spring at very low prices we can afford to sell all our staple goods at lower figures than the manufacturers are selling them for now, therefore we are offering the following for the next , ten days: 100 bolts of 39 inch Sheetings, value 30c, at .22c 50 bolts of 28 inch Sheeting, value 22c, at.. .171-2 100 bolts of Blue Bell Cheviots, value 35c, at. .31c 20 bolts of 10-4 Bleached Pepperel Sheeting, value 90c, at -78 c 100 heavy weight, full size, hemmed Couter panes, value $3.50, at....«-» -. $2.48 Our entire line of other goods will also be sold ac cordingly. I The BEE HIVE, , nc . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1»18.