Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR J Local News Items *i We sell the L. K. Unbreakable Cuff Button. Call and see them. S. A. Baniels, Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark announce the marriage of their daughter, Joyce Anne, to Mr. Frank J. Kolcher, of Bos ton, Mass., on September 6th, the Rev. Paul Ellis officiating. Rev. S. E. Jenkins, is spending sev eral days with friends in Macon. “Berlin Via America.'' is a big spe cial feature at the Opera House Wed nesday and Thursday Miss Zellner Parrott will leave next week to enter college in Atlanta. Miss Sue Knowles has returned to her home in Bainbridge, after a pleas ant stay with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Person. We are prepared to do your pic ture f r aming on short notice. Allison Furniture Company. ts Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry, Mr. Bert and Miss Grace have returned to their 1 ome in Funston, after a pleasan. ■visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Person. William S. Hart in “Shark Monroe,” will be shown at the Alcazar Monday. Be n’t miss it. Mr. Mathews has returned to his Lome in Hartsfield, after a visit to Mi and Mrs W. P. Person. “The Man Without a Country,’’ is a big special feature which comes to the Opera House Friday and Saturday. Dr. Clarence Jordan, who has been with the Allen Seed & Drug Co., here during several years, has moved re cently to Leesburg, where he will re side with his family in future. We will buy or exchange your school books.. Torn or .mutilated books not wanted. Hightower Book Store. 3-1 w. Standard OUR STORE, FROM TOP TO BOT- TOM, IS LITERALLY BULGING WITH MERCHANDISE If you weed new Dry Goods to last through the next year or two Just as surely as time is running short to buy merchandise at these prices, so surely are supplies of good goods in the market running short, because all things give way before the government and many mills are now doing government work. You can un derstand what a curtailment of out put nearly always means. Invariably it means a further advance in prices. Apart altogether from any further ailment of output productive costs are rising and rising. Then this is a •ime when a merchant must be very frank and make things aas clear as possible. During the past three or four mor ths, in spite of the diminishing output secured for us, thirty to thirty five thousand dollars worth of the best merchandise to be had in this country for the price, together with out regular stocks in hand, these great new purchases constitute what is reasonably believed to be an as semblage not equaled by any store of our size in the whole state of Georgia All who want to secure some of the best goods in the country for the money in this September sale must wake up at once and take advantage of the goods which are here in great abundance. No prices are quoted here, see large circular, then see the goods. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ] Next to Bank of Commerce Forsyth St Americuas, Ga Glasses fitted, broken lenses dupli- . cated. Bell, the Optometrist. ! Arnold Tipton Cheek, of Camp ] Greenleaf, Chickamauga National ‘ ! Park, is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. E. 1 , ’ Parker, at her home on McGarrah;, ■ street, during a stay of several days ■ in Americus. VOTE for C. C. Hawkins'] for Count j Commissioner. | j Mr. Frank C. Smilie, of was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Law- j son Stapleton at the home on Church j street Saturday. Mrs. B. S. Kassels returned Satur day from New York, where she spent several weeks pleasantly, the guest of relatives. Hear Caruso sing “Over There” first I verse in English, second verse in | Frensh at Dudley’s. A September j record hit. Dr. and Mrs. Prather left yesterday ■ to visit McCord Prather at Camp i ’ Wheeler. George Holston has charge of our ! Zulcauizing Department Bring us ■ vour work. G. A. &W. G. Turpin. , 6-8-ts. Walter Page returned today from a | short stay in Atlanta. ! —! VOTE for C. C. Hawkins ] for County Commissioner. I if you want a taxicab today phone ■ iOO R. A. Shy. 31-tt ' Miss Carrie Speer, who has recent- I ly moved to Atlanta to reside, is ] spending several days with friends ] here .. i ed from a business trip to Macon. A popular Fox Trot is “Bluen The I Blues” hear it at Dudley’s. A Septem ber record hit. Sen. Hardwick will speak at the Opera House Tuesday, September 10th, at 3 P. M Everybody invited. William S. Hart in “Shark Monroe," will be shown at the Alcazar Monday. Do-’ t miss it. Mrs. M. P. Moore and son, John, are the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Livingston at their home here. VOTE for C. C. Hawkins for County Commissioner. ritone ISi—Bragg’s Market Don’t .forget the number. We keep choice fresh meats, fresh fish, vege tables, canned goods, watermelons, etc. Today we have kid, lamb, and brains. Phone 181 for your Saturday and Sunday meats. 6-2 t German Aviators Bomb Red Cross WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Sept. 7.—German aviators scored two direct hits Wednesday night on the large “Red Cross” be tween the wings of the French-Amer ican hospital southwest of Soissons. There were no casualties as the pa tients had been removed to nearby caves when the bombing began soon after dark AN AMERICUS BOY’S EDUCATION. 1 1 In Letter Writing, Spelling, Bank ing, and in the Rudiments of Business can be advanced by direct business connections. A large eastern publisher offers this j opportunity to one Americus boy. Must I be a school boy about fourteen years ; old and parents must have interest in i the position not only for the profits, ] but for the vocational training as j well. Address N. E. C. care Times- Recorder. 8-lt WHO’S WHO [ ; A IN SUMTER COUNTY! AMERICUS TIMES-RECC RDER. ST > I I KASSEL’S I gfi K 5 The Economy Store I September of 1918 is here. Our line of Ladies Ready-to- a3 h-Fl Now is time to do your bit. Wear and Millinery are equal |yEj [us We would suggest to our friends in style and quality but lower in 33 and customers to shop as early as prices. possible, as goods are getting high- The Government urges us to J er and scarcer every day, how- tave clothes> food stuff? and 33 ever, we are in a position to supply , x Es so do we urge you to save mon- qje your demand. We bought our sQ RS iiii ey. Do your bit and buy now — 33 gni goods early and we have our mer- (UE? g chandise on hand. We must say as early as possible. We promise ® that our well and long experience y° u to save you money in your [Ucj SHR enabled us to buy the right gar- ready-to-wear garments from 25 RS ments at the right prices. to 35 per cent. m || We are showing a splendid col- . Special attention is called to gg lection of the newest models in the out _ of _ town ladies when you g Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, . . . ••. . WR sS come to towi to visit our store gy Skirts and Millinery. ■» . . 33 33 _ . and you will hnd things in our [ye Monday, the 9th, and all the • |ue RS i-n store much cheaper than else- RS 33 week we are going to sell a spe- §3 dP cial number suit at a special price where. S of $25.00. This suit is r new We thank ver * much for f S model and is really worth $35.00, y° ur P ast business and we ho P e J ]_ l: R but as we promise we will sell it that you will continue to do busi- f’-S at $25.00. ness with us to your advantage. I KASSEL’S The Economy Store ® I I SOCEITY MARRIAGE OF MISS CHEEK AND MR. NEUNDORFER. A qu|iet marriage of interest $o many friends was that of Miss Ber nadine Cheek and Mr. Oscar Neun dorfer, jwhich was solemnized last night at the parsonage of First Meth odist church, Rev. Paul W. Ellis of ficiating. The bride is a pretty young girl with a wide circle of friends here, where she has lived during several years, while the groom is connected with the mechanical op eration of the Windsor Hotel and is likewise well known and popular. • » • YOUNG LADIES WHO WILL ATTEND COLLEGE. Many young ladies will go from Americus to the various colleges this fall, and the following list, is of in terest to friends of the popular young people who will soon be resuming their studies in the various institu tions. Those who will attend college, and the institutions to which they will go, are in part, as follows: Wesleyan—Misses Macy Brown. Orlean Ansley. Brenau —Misses Anna Murray. Lois McMath, Geraldine Payne, Elizabeth Harris. Shorter —Misses Margerie Brown- Elmer Bell. Sarah Pool. Bessie Tist —Misses Mary Sue Chambliss. Frances McMath. Emerson School Oratory, Boston — Miss Catherine Smith. Agnes Scott —Misses Jeanette Pearlman. Sarah Hightower. Pauline Broadhurst. Mary Dudley, Alice Mc- Math. Mr. J. W, Livingston, of Sanders- I ville. is the week-end guest of his I brother. Mr F. W. Livingston, on Smithville road. I «•••••••••••••••••••< i WANTS i • • «•••••••••••••••••• SELLERS TALK TO BUYERS ev ery day through Tlmes-Recorder clas sified columns. This page Is the grea market place of the masses. The man who uses the classified column knows that thousands know that he has to sell. If you want to buy anything the service is equally useful. One cent a word, with a minimum charge of a quarter, is cheap enough, too. LOST ana FOUND FOUND—The place to have shoes repaired, promptly, neatly, substan tially. Singlieton & Son, Singleton’s Elgctric Shoe Shope 210 N. Jackson street, next to Bakery. 8-30 days FOR SALE i . FOR SALE —Fiv e room bungalow with modern improvements. Phone 335 29-12 t > FOR PAINT, Koonng Cement, Koo Paint, Creosote for preserving yom Shingles, Phone Shiver, 117. ttti I ' ' Sen. Hardwick will speak at the Opera House Tuesday, September 10th, at 3 P. M. Everybody invited. . Why sure, O’Neal paints signs. Any thing to be painted from cellar tc roof. Inside and out side. No job too small, no job too large. P. O. Box 372. 8-lt FOR SALE —Chickens, 20 hens and ! pullets, about 15 pure bred Black minurcos, very fine layers, cheap. Mrs. M. C, White, 942 Oglethorpe ave 3-st. BRICK, LIMB, Cement piaster an<’ Sand. Phone 11’. Shiver W-» WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY I CAN YOU GET A TRUCK to go out of town? Certainly. H. S. Cchneider moves anything any where at any time. Phone 155. FOR SALE —. Seven-passenger ■ Chandler auto in good condition and appearance. All new tires. Will sell for cash only and at a bargain in price. Apply to Law Rees Garage. FORD CAR FOR SALE. Runabout, 1914 model, 60-inch tread. Just worked over and paint ed. A good car for making truck. Price $400.00. Box 81. Americus, Ga. 6-2 t Os Korse O’Neal repaints furniture. Regilds picture frames. Any thing, any where, any time.. P. 0. Box 372. 8-lt., _— RED CEDAR SHINGLES—No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Shingles. Phone 117. Shiver. 6-10-ts CAR SANITARY LIME for use on your premises; $1.25 per bbl. Phone 117. Shiver. 6-10-ts FARM AND CITY LOANS—S 1-2% Interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykee. 4-20 ti SCHNEIDER’S SERVICE includes | a light truck with one man on it to answer hurry calls. This truck han- : dies trunks, boxes, packages or any thing one man can handle. Phone 155. L WAN TED—Miscellaneous WANTED—Six to eight room house; good section. Apply H. E. Deyo, at Windsor Hotel. 6-2 t IF IT CAN BE MOVED H. S. Schneider will do it Haven't failed | yet Phone 155.. I Miss Sallie Johnson will open her music school September 9th. For par ticulars and registration, phone 376 or 700. 4-5 t ' -- ■ - _ - I. ■ F OR THE BEST CLASS of painting i see J. H. O’Neal. Interior painting and Decorating Tinting and Paper Hanging. P. O. Box 372, City. Res dence 516 Spring street. 8-lt . SOXVAY, SEPTEMBER 8, Uls. WANTED Automobile Insurance, Dwellings, Household Furniture, Surety Bodds. BESSIE WINDSOR, Agent, Old Line Companies. 9-1 1 m WANTED—Second hand Gas Stove. Phone 623. g-it WANTED—TO RENT An attractive furnished house or apartment any time before October Ist. Address reply to Lt. L. E. Wil kerson, Souther Field. S-3t 1 WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., directly in front of poetofflce. 6-lt WANTED—Experienced white clerk in grocery store; some one not sub ject t 0 draft. Apply at Times-Re corder office. 4-t£ TRY SCHNEIDER’S SERVICE. You will like it. Phone 155. * AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer icus Taxi Cab Company. Phone 825; residence Phone 646 L. L. Compt-v> J-ts FOR RENI FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light house keeping, close in. Phone 592. 8-2 t FOR RENT —Six room bungalow furnished. Inquire Lieut Gheen 230 Horne Street. 6-2 t FOR RENT—3 rooms for light housekeeping. 408 Lamar St. 2-ts ON AND APTER SEPT. 10th all city calls will be 50 cents. Americus Taxi Cab Co., Oompton & Vaughn. 8-6 t FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 407. 29-ts FOR RENT—3S acres of good farm land or suitable for truck farming. See G- M Braggs. 29-eod.