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’ I L'SDAY OCTOBER 8, 1918. tiff MARSHAL SALES « W ill be sold before the court house doop in the city of Americus, Geor gia, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 1918, between the legal hours of sale the following described prop erty to-wit: One house and lot num ber 412 and situated on south side of Allen street. Bounded, south by property of Miss Ella Mitchell, west by property of Mrs. Geo. Oliver, east by property of J. T. Taylor Size of said lot being 70x150 feet, and levied on as the property of Dr. J. R. Jor dan to satisfy a certain city tax ft fa for the year 1915 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Georgia, vs. Dr. J. R. Jordan. Tenant in possession notified in terms of law. This 28th September, 1918. C. B.’POUNCEY City Marshal. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated on corner of Green and Wash ington streets and in Block 11, lot number 4. Bounded, west by property of Mrs. M. J. Ross, south by lot num ber 5, north by Green street, east by Washington street. Size of said lot being 65x200 feet. This description as per plat recorded in Book X, Page 801. and levied on as the porperty of J. R. Garrett to satisfy certain City tax fl fas for the years 1914-1915-1916- 1917 in favor of the Mayor and and City Council of Americus, Georgia, vs. J. R. Garrett. This 28th day of September, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Marshal Also at the. same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated on south side of Green street. Bounded, west by property of H. C. Mitchell, east by property of E. B. Hornady, south by alley, north by Green street, size of said lot being 65x185 feet, and in Block 6, Lot No. 3, ami described as per plat recorded in Book X. Page 801, and levied on as the property of C. L. Glessner to sat isfy certain City tax fi fas for the years 1914-1915-1916-1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Ameri cus, Georgia vs. C. L. Glessner. This 28th day of September, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Marshal. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit; One vacant lot sit uated in comer Os Elm avenue and Washington street. Bounded west by lot number 8, east by Washington street, south by Elm avenue, north by alley. Size of said lot being 75x185 feet and in Block It, Lot number 7. This description as per plat recorded in Book X. page 801 and levied on as the property of W. B. Collier to sat isfy .certain city tax fi fas for the years 1914-1915-1916-1917, in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Amer icus. Georgia, vs. W. B. Collier. This 28th da of September, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY. City Marshal. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated in corner of Elm avenue and Fulton street. Bounded east by lot number 11, north by alley, south by Elm avenue, west by Fulton street. Size of said lot being 90x185 reet, and in I lock IL Lot No. 12. This de scription as per plat recorded in Book X, Page 801, and levied on as the property of G. B. Colly to satisfy cer tain City tax fi fas for the years 1914- 1915-1916-1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus. Geor gia. vs. G. B. Colby. This 28th day of September, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Mirsha!. _______ ' Also at the same time and place v. ill be sold the following described property, towit: One house and lot number 901 situated on south side Ashby street. Bounded, east by prop erty of John Daniel, south by prop erty of Terris Walker, west by Oak street, north by Ashby street. Size of said lot being 60x90 feet and levied on as the property of Terris Walker to satisfy a certain city tax fi fa for the year 1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Geor gia, vs. Terris Walker. Tenant in possession notified in terms of law’. This 28th day of September 1918. C. B„ POUNCEY. City Marsha!. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property to-wit: One house and tot number 128 situated jn south side Jordan street. Bounded, west bv property of Jim Watts. east by prop erty of Caline south by prop erty of Willie Hill.fnortb by Jordan street. Size of said lot being 42x132 feet and levied on as the property of Mary Gorman to satisfy a certain city tax fi fa for the year 1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Amer icus, Georgia, vs Mary Gorman. Ten ant in possession notified in terms of law. This 28th day of September, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Marshal Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated on north side of Finn street. Bounded north by estate of Mrs. Lucy V. Mathis, west by estate of P. R. Stanfield, east by’ property of Olin L. Dixcn, south by Finn street. Size of r «uid lot being 25 feet front on Finn street. 150 feet more or less runn’.ig north from Finn street, and levied on as ihe estate of P. R. Stanfield to sat.sty certain city tax fi fas for file years 1915-1916-1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Georgia, vs. estate of P. R. Stanfield. Tenant in possession notified in terms c” the law. This 28th day o f Septem ber, 1918. C. B. POUNCEY. City Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: Four (4) vacant lots situated on west side of Madison ave nue in Block “J” and lots numbers 8-9-10 and 11. size of said lots being 4CxIOO feet and each of said lots fronting Madison avenue for a dis tance of 40 feet Bounded, south by lot known as Joe Davis lot west by property of W. M. Crook, north by property of W. M. Crook, east by- Mad ison avenue and levied on as the prop erty of W. M. Crook to satisfy certain city tax fi fas for the years 1913-1914- 1915-1916 and 1917 in fav Or of the Mayor and City- Council of Americus, Georgia, vs. W. M. Crook. Tenant in possession notified interms of the law. This 28th day of September. 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Mars'. <il. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot number 516, situated on east side of New- street. Bounded, east by prop erty of Allen Stephens, south by prop erty of N. S. Broadhurst, north by property of Mary Fields, west by New street. Size of said lot being 63x102 feet and levied on as the property of Cora Terr y to satisfy a certain city tax fi fa for the year 1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Amer icus, Georgia, vsfl Cora Terry. Ten ant in possession notified in terms of the law. This 28th day of September. 1918. C. B. POUNCEY, City Marshal. Also ate the same time and placet will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated on west side of Central of Georgia jaii’-oad and on south side of Howard street. Bounded, west by property of W. M. Crook, south by property of W. M. Crook, east by Cen tral ol Georgia rail road, north by said, street and property of James M. Waller Size of said lot being 40x100 feet Levied on as the property of Rosa White to satisfy a certain city tax fi fa for the year 1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Ameri cus. Georgia vs. Rosa White. Tenant in possession notified in terms of law. Ibis 28th day of September. '9lB. C. B. POUNCEY. City Marsha) Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One vacant lot sit uated on north side of Dodson street. Bounded, west by property of W. O. Easterlin, north by property of J. R Duckworth, east by property of P- B Williford, south by Dodson street. Size of said lot being 78x207 feet more or less, and levied on as the property of S. T. Carter to satisfy certain city tax fi fas for the years 1914-1915-1916- 1917 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Georgia, vs. S. T. Carter. Tenant in possession noei fied in terms of law This 28th day of September. 1918. C B. POUNCEY, City Marshal. J. LEWIS ELLIS Affnmev at Law Planters Bank Building Amettvus, Ga. r. P. DAVIS Dental Snrgeoa Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Residence Phone 316, Office Phone 818 Allison Building. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. • r 'e*************»**e«>e4ieo#*»##**< *• ■ | Legal Advertisements i Administrator's Sale of Valuable Land By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of Stewart county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in November, 1918, at the courthouse door in the said county, between th e legal hours of sale, the follow-ing rescribed land, to-wit: 27 1-2 acres of land in the northwest cor ner of lot number 47, bounded on the east by lands of Alex Daniel, bounded on the south by lands of Mrs. M. E. Sullivan; also, 100 acres off west half of lot number 50, bounded on the east by lands of B. F. Holleman and Alex Daniel, aggregating 127 1-2 acres, more or less, in the 19th Dis trict of Webste r county known as the William C. Daniel Home Place, also, 323 1-2 acres, more or less all of lot number 25, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, 50 acres of uniform width, off south side of lot number 26; west half of lot. number 24, con taining 5o acres, more or less, all in the 19th District of Randolph coun ty; also, 20 acres of uniform width, off sputhside of lot number 40; also, 3 acres in the shape of a square in the southwest corner of lot number 41, in the 19th District of Stewart county and known as the William R. Hart Place; also, 280 acres, more or less, off lots number 7 and 8, and be ing all of said lots except 22 1-2 acres of southeast corner of lot num ber 8, cut off by lines well establish ed and known as the Brady Place, ly ing and being in the 19th District of Randolph county, also, 150 acres more or less off the north portion of lot number 26, of uniform width known as the Sandy Place; also, lot number 6, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less', also portion of lot number 5, containing 135 acres, more o r less, being of uniform width across said lot; lands in said lots numbers 5 and 6 known as the Ellen Smith Place, 3 last named tracts lying and being in the 19th District of Randolph county; also, lot number 214, con taining 202 1-2 acres, more or less, known as the Old B. T. Smith Place; also, east half of lot number 244 con taining 101 1-4 acres, more or less, known as the Grier Place; also west half o f lot 243, containing 101 1-4 acres more or less, lands in said lots numbers 214, 244, 243, lying and be ing in the 10th District of Randolph county; also, 1 acre off lot number 3, in the 19th District of Randolph county, being the part between the residence and the public road, and known as the Harden place; also, lot number 237, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, and last half of lot num ber 238, containing 101 1-4 acres, more or less, aggregating 303 3-4 acres, more or less known as the Wil liam Bell Place, in the 10th District of Randolph county; also, Home Place of the late R T. Dozier, being lot numbe r 212. containing 194 acres, more or less and 32 acres off lot num ber 211 on east side of same and on east side of Benevolence and Weston Public road, and aggregating 226 acres, more or less, in the 10th Dis trict of Randolph county ; also, lot number 2 in the 19th District of Ran dolph county, except 50 acres off south side of said lot and 15 acres off west side of said lot cut off by lines well defined; also, 80 acres in southwest corner of lot number 3, in the 19th Distict of Randolph coun ty, cut off from balance of said lot by lines well defined and aggregating 217 1-2 acres, more or less, known as the Henry Callow-ay Place; also 2 small lots numbers 236 and 245, ag gregating 300 acres, more or less, in the 10th District of Randolph coun ty All lands herein described ag gregating 2661 3-4 acres more or less. Terms to purchasers will be given if desired. J T. GOARE. R. T. GOARE. Administrators of A. F. Goare October 2. 1918. Application to Sell Realty. GEORGIA, W’ebster County. Notice is hereby given, that 1 will as guardian of Lonie Wiggins, make application to the Honorable Z. A. Littlejohn. Judge of the Superior Court of Webster ' County, on the nineteenth day of October, at Ameri cus, Georgia, for an order to sell for reinvestment in other property that will yield a larger income; five acres of land off the northeast corner of lot No. 230, n the eighteenth district of Terrell County, Georgia, same be ing deeded by Henrv N Webb to Ixmie Wiggins on September 20th. 1901. and recorded in Deed Book P, page 719. Clerk Superior Court office Terrel} county. This September 24th, 1918. GEO. P. BRIGHTWELL. Guardian of Louie W’iggins. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary of Dooly county, Georgia, at the regu lar August Term, 1918, of said Court, l will sell before the courthouse door in Americus, Sumter County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November, 1918, between the legal hours of sale io the highest bidder for cash all of tlie leal estate belonging to the es» tate of J. J. Murray, late of Dooly county, deceased, consisting of Lots of Land Numbers 47 and 48 in the 28th District of Sumter County, Geor gia, containing 405 acres, more or less, according to original survey. Said property sold as the property of J. J. Murray, deceased, for the fmrpose of paying the debts of said deceased and for distribution between the helrs-at-law of said deceased. This October Ist, 1918, S. E. STATHAM, Administrator of Estate of J. J. Murray. Libel for Divorce. Mamie Washington, vs. W. H. Washington, Libel for Divtorce, Sum ter Superior Courut, November Term, 1918. To W. H. Washington: You are hereb' required perscnal- U or by a.iorney to be and appear at the Svper'or Court to be holden for the county of Sumter on the 4th Mon day in November, 1918, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s complaint, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Z. A. Little john, judge of said Court, this the 19 day of September, 1918. S. P. HEYS, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Libel for Divorce. GEORGiA, Sumter County. W. E. Rumney vs. Mrs. Emma Rvm ney. Lible for divorce in Sumter Su perior Court. T Mrs. Emma Rumney, non-resi dent, present address is Fort Deposit. Alabama The defendant, Mrs. Emma Rumney is hereby, required personally or b' attorney to be and appear at the Su pe’icr Court to be held in and fa: said county on the 4th Monday In November, next, then and there t<- answer the plaintiff’s) lible for di vorce, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Honorable Z. A. Little john, Judge of said court this the 19th day of September, 1918. H, E. ALLEN, Clerk Superior Court Application for Charter. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of R L. Walker, of said State and County of Bibb, and A. W Chase, of said State and county of Colquitt, and Franc Mangum, of said State and County, respectfully shows: I. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and as signs, to become incorporated under the name and style of THE WALKER COMPANY. 11. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is 20 years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 111. The capital stock of the cor poration is to be Fifty Thousand (.$50,000.00) Dollars, divided into shares of .SIOO.OO each. Petitioners, however ask the privilege of increas ing said capital stock from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate One Hundred Thousand i$100,000.00) Dollars. IV. Petitioners show that 10 per cent, of said capital stock has already been paid in, V. The object of the proposed cor pora’iou is pecuniary profit and gain to it* stcifcholder, V! I ei.tioners propose to c-irry o n the growing. <’e-. iing*in and hin pin-; a farm <r ducts; buying, h.ijr raising uno exchange of live stock; buying, selling, exchanging and owning real estate; buying, sel ling, exchanging and trading of ve hicles and farm machinery of all kinds and description; the buying, selling or exchanging of farm pro ducts of every kind and character in cluding the cleaning and shelling of peanuts, and all general agricultural products and merchandise; the oper ating of a central warehouse, and the establishment of branch warehouses and offices at such other points in this State, and out of this State as they may deem necessary and proper, to the conduct of such business; to act as general or special agents for other persons or companies *in the selling or handling of any article or thing pertaining to or connected with the business for which said company is organized; and to act as agents for others in the selling of such articles or things as are above specified, or connected with such business for profit; to make contracts to act as ■uch agents, to execute ’contracts in its own name for the securing of ncney, either by bonds, mortgages, debentures. c.r otherwise, to have and use a common seal; to sue and be sued; co plead and be impleaded; to establ sh a constitution and by-laws and a Board of Directors for the pur pose of governing said business; and to exercise the usual powers, and to do all usual and necessary and prop er acts which may pertain to,or be connected with the business, contem plated and to be carried on in the articles named. Also the privilege of operating a bureau of markets and buyers of farm products. VII. The principal office a«d place of business of the proposed corpora tion will be in the City of Americus, Sumter County, Georgia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be made a body politic under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. WALLIS & FORT, Petitioners’ Attorneys Filed in office October 7th, 1918. S. P. HEYS. Deputy Clerk. Superior Court. Sumter County, Ga. GEORGIA, Sumter County. I. S. P. Heys, Clerk of the Superior Court ni and for the county of Sum ter, hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original application for a char ter of The Walker Company, filed in this office October 7th, 1918, Witness my official signature and seal of saidCourf, this the 7th of Oc tober, 1918. S. P. HEYS, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Sumter County, Ga. DlhnulblJod Notice. J. W Mosteller, having this day bought the interests of W. C and Ira C. England in the Georgia Motor Co., the two last named gentlemen are no longer connected with same. All cred itors are a«ked to render their bills within the time allowed by law, and all debtors w’ill make payment to said J. W. Mostello, who also assumes all liabilities. * Americus, Ga., Sept, 25, 1918. W. C. & IRA C. ENGLAND. 25-1 Os J. W. MOSTELLER, U. S. Food Administration. ’Sides savin’ fats en wheat, we got ter save sugar. De bes’ way ter save sugar is ter use syrups en honey. A nice 11’1 pitcher full er ’lasses convoyed by a fleet er buckwheat cakes is one er de bes’ ways to "get crost" wid de sugar projick,— en it sayjes wheat flour too, ’’’ |j Coal. Coal. Coal. •! Loyalty, Co-Operation aW Being unable to get enough of all lump Coal •Hi affiw to supply the demand, we have, after a good • deal of trouble succeeded in buying a few car- • BJE’* loade of RUN-OF-MINE BLUE JEM JELLI COE.COAL. Xffi pgX This is not an inferior coal, but a very high Jbcy grade coal which comes about two-thirds lump arfl® and one-third dust coal. ®gn' The Fuel Administration desires the u«e of this coal and we urge the public to get their a supply in before winter, as it is very hard to * get coal of any kind. Jani PRESENT PRICE $9 40 PER TON. Harrold Brothers. • Commercial City Bank | AMERICUS GA I I ' Banking Business ; t .. ; INI EKESr PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AMERICUS Fish & Oyster Market W HOLESALE ui RETAIL Johk Nite A Proprietor*. Fresti Spanish Mackerel, Froak Water and Salt Water Trout. Red Snap pera, Red Baaa, Sheep-head and all kinds of Bottom Fish. Shrimps, Crate and Oysters and Fish Rolla. QUICK DELIVERY TELEPHONE 77t »• West Forsyte Ntree* HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING Interior Decorating Get My Estimates JOE FITZGERALD 190 E. La mar St. I The Fragrance of Orange Blossoms no more pleasing to the nostrils than the fla vor of the sun smacked California oranges which makes ORANGE CRUSH at once the most palata ble and ths most whole some of fruit drinks. Risk a nickel on our recommendation. 5c the Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J T. tAURIN, Manager WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY! PAGE THREE