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TUESDAY OUTOBEB 8, 1918. SOCIETY M THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Y D. A. R. MEETING. Council of Safety chapter, D. A. R. held its first fall meeting this morn ing at the Windsor Hotel with a splen did attendance. Th© session was de voted to appointing committees and general reorganization. Mrs. Charles U. Rogers, the chapter's new regent, presided over the meeting. • • • RED CROSS NEWS. Present at the work rooms yester day were Mrs. Allen Potts, Mrs. David Snodgrass, Mrs. E. J. Shean and Mrs. J. R. Crabb. Monday is a bnsy day with the housewives and a much bet ter attendance is expected today. The chapter has packed and shipped two thousand warm garments to the Bel gians, and splendid response to the appeal. ... AFTERNOON TEA. Mrs. James Davenport entertained yesterday at an afternoon tea at her Tooth Brushes for Children Don’t overlook the im portant necessity of pro viding your child with a tooth brush and teaching its daily use. We have a wide assort ment of tooth brushes made especially for little mouths —sufficient styles and shapes to fit all tpyes of mouths and suit ev ery personal fancy. Outfit every child in the home today!* price? range from 15c up. MURRAVS PHARMACY The REX ALL Store 8 TRANT) f heatrelx Tuesday SPECIAL—Pathe Pictures Presents X ♦ (harming FANNIE WARD in “The Yellow Ticket” Matinee 6c and lie;. Night He and 17c. Wednesday • Goldwyn Pictures Presents Pretty MAE MARSH IN “All Woman” Prices 11& 17c PERSHING’S CRUSADERS ' Opera House, Wednesday, Get. 9—One day only / Special Show For Children 11:30 a. in. X'ternoon Show 3, Night, 8:30 o’clock Prices: 10-15-2OC First U. S. Official War Film home on Taylor street. The affair was given, that the members of the Calvary Episcopal church might have an opportunity for meeting the rec tor, the Reverend Percy Jones, who has recently come to the parrish. About twenty guests were present. • • • BRIDGE CLUB. The Young Matrons’ Bridge club will meet on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. D. H. Brinson, at her home on Fielder street. NO MORE ICE DELIVERIES SUNDAY There will be no more ice deliv eries in Americus o n Sunday, accord ing to announcement today by the county food administrator. The orde r prohibiting delivery of ice from wagons and limiting delivery from platform of ice plants or dealers storage houses, except between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock on Sunday is as follows: “In view of the extreme necessity for the conservation of man-power in all lines of industry, and the apparent increasing scarcity of labor among the essential industries of the state, as announced by the state labor de partment, it is obvious to the federal food administration for Georgia that further reasonable co-operation by the public i nthe lines of distribution is a necessity wherever such co-opera tion and conservation may be. applied. It is, therefore, ordered that, effec tive, Sunday, October 13, all manufac. turers of and dealers in ice shall make no deliveries from wagons, trucks or by other commonly employ ed means of local distribution on any Sunday, until further ordered. Pro vided, that deliveries may be made ALC AZ Aft THEATREja Tuesday World Picture Presents 9 Barbara Castleton and John Bowers -IN “Heredity” Five Acts, and HEARST-PATHE NEWS Matinee «c and 11* bight He and 17c Thursday ARTCRAFT PICTURE Jesse L, Laskp Presents Cecil B DeMlHes Production “Old Wives For New” Five Acts. Featuring Elliot Dexter and Other Good Stars. Prices 11c and 17c. WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER COUNTY? CONDUCTED -by- Mrs. H. B. Allen Of’ce Phone 99 Res. Phone 466 AMER ICUS T.MFS-RFCnRPER A METRO STAR HxfY'' c* v>s " s N/''v ' I ' • jjFTk.. i < ' I ‘- -1 X ■ - . t 1 ETHEL BARRYMORE from the platform or manufacturing plants or storage houses of dealers only between the hours of 8 and 10 a. m., on Sunday. Provided further, that in cases of extreme emergency, coun ty food administrators may issue a special permit on proper showing, in individual cases, to cover sickness only upon which delivery in such in dividual cases may be made by the dealer. 'WHO’S WHO IN SUMTER FOUNT!I STRAND Way,'a Oct. 10 h li’s a Goldwyn Picture DI I 1 \Aw OiMm ■ i pu«al i WO ttp I I /fMdIDVK I Whim Giri. A I AllWoman| The rtory of a tfiri whose ri#M eoucwratK I triumphed ‘ over corruption x The romance of a for love/ £y E Lloyd Sheldon, - II \ D:\flS and Mu hill and 17c ll Legal Aoverosemeuls Notice Sale of Land and Personalty. GEORGIA, Suinter County. By virtue of an order of John A. Cobb, ordinary cf said county, passed at October Term. 1118. of saiid court. There will be sold before the court house door at Dawson, Terrell coun ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in No bember, 1918. Five hundred acres of land, more or less, located in 3rd District of Terrell county. Ga., be longing to the estate of J. I. Howell, deceased, late of said county. Also two mules. Terms stated on day of sale. ANNIE L. HOWEbb. Administratorix of Estate of J. 1. Howell. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Notice is hereby given that Mary E. Williams has applied to the ordi nary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of J. S. Williams, late of said county, deceas ed, for the payment of debts, and for I the purpose of distribution among ‘ the heirs at law of said deceased, and I that said application wlil be heard at i the regular term of said Court of I Ordinary for said county, to be held ion the first Monday in November, ■l9lß. This the 7th day of October. 1918. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary for Sumtei County, Ga. i GEORGIA. Sumter County. Pursuant to the authority vested in me by written Power of Attorney, ; dated August 28th, 1918, by the chil j dren and heirs at law of A. J. Rob | erts. late of Sumter county, deceased, I will sell before the court house door in the city of Americus, Sumter county. Georgia, on Tuesday, the sth day of November. 1918, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed land, to-wit: | The whole of lots of land numbers two hundred and twenty-three (223) and two hundred and twenty-four (2'.') etch containing two hundred and two and one-half (202 1-2) acres more or less, and twenty-six (26) acres more or less off of lots of land numbers fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), all of said land lying and being in one body in the 14th, District of Lee county, Georgia, and containing in the aggregate four hundred and A Touch of Distinction The narrowde l .• / sign of perfora- l M lions following I M the foxing in I H this pretty boot J 4 give it i hat little / different which t ‘X many well- V. pl , dressed women pL seek in every- thing they buy. \ Wehavenamed it “ The Plaza.” THU I*l. AZA OUT Cousins Shoes Made in New York. For Women have not only these dainty refinements of style but the good materials and quality shoemaking so important in the present season when merchandise of real excellence is much plentiful than usual. “It pays to buy the best.” Tillman & Brown » Fitters of Feet thirty one (431) acres of land, more o r less, and known as the Red Hill Place. , This sale being as provided in said Power of Attorney for the purpose of distributing the proceeds thereof between said heirs at law. This 4th day of October, 1918. E. A. LUKE, Attorney in Fact. Citation. a GEORGIA, Sumter County. To all Whom it May Concern: Mrs. Alice J. Barrow, havinig in proper form applied to me for per manent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. C. A. Hand, late of saidi county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kini of said Mrs. C. A. Hand, to be and appear at my. Court o n the first Monday in November, and show cause, ifi any they can, why permanent Ad ministration should not be granted to said Mrs. Alice J. Barrow of said Mrs. C. A. Hands estate. Witness my hand and official eigna '.ure, this October 7th, 1918. JOHN A COBB. Crdiniary, Sumter County, Ga. GEORGIA. Sumter County. W. B. Heys, as guardian of prop erty of Robt. L. Heys and Samuel H. Heys, has applied to me fo r a dis charge from his guardianship of said Robt I. Leys and Samuel H. Heys, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned, tc file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in November, 1918, next, else said'W. B. Heys will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. JOHN A. COBB, ) Ordinary Sumter County. Notice for Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Notice is herdby given that H. E. Allen, Administrator of Nels Henry, late of said county, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, located in Sumter county, Georgia, and if no objections are filed, leave to sell will be grant ed at the November Term, 191$, of this court. JOHN A. COBB, Ordiniary, Sumter County, Ga. > •&. I / Dm •!' 11 < ' 'i'TM *\e~ THERE is sentiment in every soldier’s heart. It stirs at sight of his flag - at the thought of home and as he looks again and again at the precious pictures of the home folks he carries in his pocket. Send Your Pictures To-day! THE M’KINSTRY STUDIO PAGE FIVE