Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1918. SERVICE AS BROAD AS THE COMMUNITY Wir Camp Community Service Pre- i vide* Numberless Intimate Com forts For Soldier* Club rooms for soldier*, entertain ments for the boys In khaki, outings for convalescent men back from France, small, but appreciated ser vices to soldiers and their relative* X and friends —these are some of the manifold activities of the War Camp ■Community Service. The War Camp Community Ser vice comes close to the intimate life of the soldier and provides for hi# mental as well as physical comfort 1 by furnishing the facilities which make it possible for him to relax from the strain of military training i and the preparation for overseas lighting. Its symbol is the red circle and its activities are as unending as the cir cumference of its insignia. Thou sands of soldier boys lake advantage of its facilities and other thousands of relatives and friend# of the boys in Uncle Sam’s uniform are dally benefited through its various ave nues of effort. i BUILDING MORALE X OF JEWISH TROOPS Work O'. Jewish Welfare Board Pre ducits Splendid Results In Car?P* and Trenches No more elective work toward maintaining the tighest morale among the American troops has been done by any war organization than by the {Jewish Welfare Board, which is en gaged in its task of eping up the lines of communication between the Jewish men in the trenches and ■training camps and the folks back Home. Believing' that in the struggle of morale against “kultur” the American army has every advantage that will insure success, the Jewish organiza tion is making it* chief issue the stiffening of mental and moral fibre among the soldiers of the Hebrew faith. The call for workers is urgent -and rabbis, professional men, journal ists, social workers and others are -entering the service of the Jewish Welfare Board to make up the 400 workers needed to fill the ranks. AMERICANSOLDIERS ANXIOUS FOR BOOKS American Library Association Pro viding Reading Matter fer Boys On Battle Front* Despite the fact that the ocean transportation facilities are being tax ed to the utmost, the task of provid ing reading matter for the boys in the trenches is being handled with an efficiency and dispatch that is sur prising even to those who are closely tlr touch with the situation. The American library Association, which has shouldered ths responsibil ity of collecting books, magazines and newspapers by the million* in every city and town throughout the country, Is distributing this huge quantity of reading matter to the men In France through the T. M. C. A., the Red Cross, the Knights of Columbus and the Salvation Army. SIX Y. W. C. A. WOMEN ESCAPE FROM RUSSIA Atlanta, Ga. —The six secretaries *ent to Russia a year ago by the Young Women’s Christian Associa tion to organize the work of the as rociation in Petrograd and other large cities, have escaped from Rus sia, is the new* just received. The whereabouts of these six wo men had been unknown for month*. Whether they were aL or dead, had been a mere mattter of goes* work. HUT SERVICE PROVIDED FOR MEN IN BRITAIN Knights of Columbu* Establish Ha vens for Soldiers In England London.—The Knights of Columbu* in Great Britain are making remark able progress in their effort* to pro vide facilities that trill enable men in the United states forces overseas to eajoy such social entertaiament as will help to brighten the routine of military ami naval life. Up to the present writing, they have eetabllsh ed clubs at the following posts: >Cfi Bdgware Road, London; Market Drayton, Littlehampton, and laver ness. Temporary strscturss have been erected In many of the larger camps, which are to be replaced shortly by substantial huts. To date 3,000 secretaries have been called for, and the response Is bring ing splendid men of high principles and ready sympathies Each man Is over thirty five years of age and has placed himself unconditionally at the service es the organisation, to what ever poet of danger or hardship he may be called. OFFICIAL FOOD PRICE SCHEDULE AS FIXED BY U. S. ADMINISTRATOR This list-of prices Is effective for one week, beginning Honda v, OCTOBER 7, 1918. Purchasers are requested that If they are asked to pay more than the prim stated here to report the same to the food administrator. Flour, best grade, 24 lbs $1.90 Flour, second grade, 24 lbs $1.65 Flour (if sold In bulk) per 1b....7 12c Rice, fancy head, per 1b... 12c to 15c’ Jrits, per lb 07c Irish Potatoes (old) per lb 05c Onions, per lb 06 l-4c Peas, per lb 14c Lima Beans, per ib. 20c Oleomargarine, pound 40c Cheese, per pound 40c Butter (creamery) per lb 65c Eggs No Price Fixed Tomatoes (no. 2 cans) 15c Tomatoes (No. 3 cans) 20c Evaporated Milk, (small cans).,.loc Evaporated Milk (large cans)... 18c Bogle Brand Milk 25c Ga. Cane Syrup, No. 10 sl.lO Ga. Cane Syrup, No. 5 60c Bread (per loaf) 10c Dry Salted Rib Bellies Sides, per pound 30c Cuts, per pound 35c Meal (per peck) 60c Sweet Potatoes, per peck sbc Oatmeal, 13c, two far 25c English Peas, can..,. .15c, 25c and 3Cc Baked Beans, can 15c Dried Peas, pound 14c Prunes, pound, 17 l-2c to 20c Macaroni, pkg 12 1-2 to 15c Lard, country, per lb .32c Lard, pure 32c Lard, Compound, per pound ....30 j Lard compound, No. 10...... .. .$2.75 j WANT ADVERTISEMENTS LOST ano FOUND STRAYED —One r°d and white spotted cow. Holder please notify Times-Recorder or phone 709. 8-ts TAKEN UP.—One young Jersey col ored cow. Owner can get same by paying for advertisement and damage. R. M. Deriso, Americus, Ga. FOUND—The place to have shoes repaired, promptly, neatly, substan tially. Singleton & Son, Singleton’s Electric Shoe Shope 210 N. Jackson street, next to Bakery. 8-30 days FOR SALE FOB, SALE—The Alf Bell home on South Forrest street. 5 acres of land. A great big bargain. See us quick. Westbrook & McDonald. 6-3 t FOR SALE—FuII scholarship in Anuneus Business College. Now is good Huie to enter. Terms to respon sible farty. Apply Times-Recorder. 11-eod-tt FOR SALE —At a bargain, quick. New 6 room Bungalow, well located. Hot and sold water, electric lights, screens and all modern conveniences. Dr. N. S. Evans, Dentist. 3-6 t. FOR SALE —Few barrels Keystone lime, barrels not good shape to stand shipping, will close out at half price or SI.OO to $1.25 per barrel. W. W. McNeilE FOR SALE —. Seven-passenger Chandler auto in good condition and appearance. AU new fires. Will sell for cash only and at a bargain in price. Apply to Law Rees Garage. HOME-GROWN SEED OATS FOR SALE.—Fulgham. Rustproof, Appier These are planted from select seed, well cleaned. Apply to R. P. Stack house. Psone 243, Americus. WHY PAY $9.40 per ton for run of mine coal. I will sell what I have for $8.75 delivered. J. L. Jones. Phone your order to H, S. Schneider’s Trans fer HOUSE FOR SALE—On Barlow street. B. C. Vaughn. 21-1 m FOR SERVCE —One Kentucky Jack at my farm on the Friendship road, three miles from Americus. J. T. Bolton. 4-6 t CAN YOU GET A TRUCK to go out of town? Certainly. jTS? "Cchneider moves anything any where at any time. Phone 155. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Lard compound, No. 4 sl.lO Corn (per can( 15c to 25c Bolling meat, per p0und....28 to 3oc Salmon, best C. R., 1b... 40 to 50c Salmon, best C. R., l-21b. 25 to 30c Pink Salmon, lb cans 25c Salad oil, can 45c and 70< Sugar, 2 pounds 20c Sugar, 5 pounds 50c Meat Prices. Steak (any cut) pound 25 to 36c Beef roast 25c to 35c Ground Beef, pound, 25c Stew Beef 20c Soup Bone 12c Sugar Cured Ham, pound 40c Sliced Ham, pound 50c Ham. skinned, whole, pound 35c Boiled Ham (sliced) peund 60c Pork Backbone, pound, 20c Pork Spareribs, pound 30c I erk, pound 40c Frankfurters, pound 28c Beef Liver, pound 20c Shipped Liver 23c Fresh tripe, pound 20c Breakfast Bacon— In cartons (best grade) lb 65c Pork Sausage— Home made, pound, 40c Mixed Sausage, pound 25c Mullet, pound, 15c Trout, pound .20c Spanish Mackerel, (and 20c Perch, jack, etc., 21b for 35c FRANC MANGUM, | Sumter County Food Administrator ONE FINE DUROC MALE HOG, about two years old for sale. H. M. Bird. 4-6 t I• WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED. —To buy a good second hand bicycle. Must be cheap. B. E. : Turner. 7-ts I ; I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St. directly in front of postofflce. WANTED. —Two light house-keep ing rooms for wife and two children. Mrs. Perry McWhocter. Phone 392. 6-3 t. HOUSES WANTED.—We have ap i plicants for 4 to 6 room houses. List your rent property with us. West brook & McDonald. 6-3 t WANTED —To buy a first class milch cow fresh. C. J. Clark. 6-3 t WANTED.—In our plant, two men who are familiar with simple bindry work. Particularly cutting and han dling paper stock. First class wages. Write or wire particulars. Braid & Hutton, Inc., Savannah, Ga. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amr icus Taxi Cab Company. Phone Wt residence Phone 646 L. L Comyi l-ts IF IT CAN BE MOVED H. S Schneider will do it Haven’t failed yet. Phone 155.. COMMERCIAL BODIES for any make Aut o Truck. Top Covers for any make car. Write for prices. Wil t Hams Wagon Works. Macon, Ga. 15-30 t TRY SCHNEIDER’S SERVICE. You will like it. Phone 155. FOR RENI FOR RENT.—Apartment for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 736. 6-ts FOR RENT.—3 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 250. 408 Lamar St. J. H. Chafin. 6-6 t. FOR RENT. —Two nice furnished front rooms. Apply 603 S. Lee St Phone 178. 3-ts Tl ’■ ■ r FOR RENT —35 acres of good farm land or suitable for truck farmin? ; See G. M. Braggs. 2Wod FOR RENT—My home, 724 S. Lee ’ street, furnished complete. Possession ’ October Ist. Phone 451. Mrs. C. P- Payne. . 26-ts j “A KISS FOR CINDERELLA.” . .1. M. Barrie Wriltes Maude Adams’ New Play, It will be very interesting from 'he play goer’s standpoint to see Maude Adams in M. Barrie’s comedy, ’ A Kiss tor Cinderella." at the Audi torium. Albany, Ga., Monday. August 14, f<?r two very excellent reasons. One of these is to see how the Scot tish dramatist has handled the story : of the kitchen maid an dthe glass slippers in modern surroundings, and : the other is to see the most popular , of accesses in the first new role she has had in some time. Os course. Miss Adams is always welcome in anything, but as the new role is said to be one in which she is particularly fascinating, she will surely be doubly welcome at this time. Barrie’s new play, which, by the way, he calls a ‘ fancy” is described as a delectable retelling of the old, old fairy story, with a little of the war in it, a little of joy, a little of love and a little of charm. It is fairy and high-roinan tical, dream-like and actual, iimagi native and matter-of-fact, remote and intimate, and it closes with a love scene in which the sentimental dram atist is delightfully human and hu morous. Cinderella is an imaginative slavey who longs for the ball of her dreams. The whole play leads up to her dream of the ball where she cap- , tivates her prince and its reproduc- ■ tion in all its details. It is a most , fantastic scene in which sport is t made of kings, queens and princes t and where fun is even poked at the [ power of the press. When Cinderella [ awakes she is in a hospital recover- | ing from cebility, but the awakening S is not a sad one fo r there comes to ‘ tier the big policeman, who is her . real prince, and who was the prince ■ of her dreams, to make as sweet a [ proposal as one could imagine. The [ play is in three acts. Miss Adams, [ of course, essays the role of Cinde- [ rella. j (ITY TAX NOTICE. < ltj tax for 1918 are now due and < payable between October Ist and De comber Ist, 1918. f E. J. ELDRIDGE, f 4-ts Clerk and Treas. , “A SPLENDID TONIC ” Says Hixson Lady Who, On Doc- ' tor’s Advice, Took Cardui And Is Now WeU. r Hixson, Tenn.—-“About 10 years ago [ I was...” says Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of j this place. “I suffered with a pain In • my left side, could not sleep at night , with this pain, always In the left ■ side... t My doctor told me to use Cardui. I r took one bottle, which helped me and f after my baby came, I was stronger ; and better, but the pain was still ( there. r I at first let it go, but began to get , weak and In a run-down condition, [ so I decided to try some more Cardui, f which I did. < This last Cardui which I took made [ me much better, in fact, cured me. It 1 has been a number of years, still _ , have ro return of this trouble. I feel It was Cardui that cured me, 5 and I recommend It as a sp’endid fe- , male tonic.” Don’t allow yourself to become f weak and *run-down from womanly , troubles. Take Cardui. It should sure- I 1y help you, as it has so many thou- f sands of other women in the past 40 ; tears. Headache, backache, sideache, [ nervousness, sleeplessness, tired-out f feeling, aie all •dgns of woman I - tfou- , ble. Other womea git relief by taking ( Cardui. Why not y>u? AU druggists f NC-132 YOUR OPPOHFUNiTY IO BUf | ' HOME ON EASY TERMS i |! We are pleased to announce that we I have about twenty houses, at prices [ ranging from SBOO.OO to $3,500, khich [ we osier for salle, one-third cash;l| payments to suit the investor on bal-Ji ance, eithe r monthly o’* yearly pay- j« ments accepted, tl is not often we : have such desirable property on such ’ ‘ liberal terms. We believe we can con- J vince you that all the property offered I is well worth the money. It is our ■ opinion that city property is going j much blghe r and that now is the time ' to buy a home. If Interested, see us immediately and , get the pick of these choice residences. ALLISON REALTY COMPANY , By Rfi E. Allison. Office Rear Allison. Furniture Co. Allison Bldg. Phone 253 CORKS-BOTTLES GLASS AND STONE JUGS KEGS AND BARRELS ' FOR SYRUP WRITE FOR PRICES FRANK REASON, ATLANTA You’ll Never Know How Good This Coffee Is Until YouTrylt- X X TORDS cannot adequately describe ® V V the fine flavor of Luzianne Coffee. You’ve got to taste it yourself. Won’t you _'i* try Luzianne next time? IIJXIAHHF Luzianne is packed in sanitary, air- • tight, full-measure tins —impurities can’t get ,n an< i the flavor can’t leak out. It has been made very easy for you to get acquainted. You take no chances. If Wr Luzianne doesn’t taste better than any other coffee you ever tried, your grocer w Q* u^aw> will refund your money. So, buy that first can today. IiJZIANNE €o ff ee e “ When It Pours, It Reigns” ISIIL. . .11 ,„ll j - ’. U FOR SALE AT | ONCE AT 1 | R.W. LAUNDRY | 15 h.-p. Boiler $ 250 00 1,000 feet 1 inch Pipe, per foot - .. .10 30 1-2 inch Glove Valves 12 price 30 3 4 Plain Water Bibbs 1-2 price Iri 2 Barrels Laundry Soap, pound... .14 dej 20 8 Bushel Baskets, each 3.00 20 3 Bushel Baskets, each 1.50 Hn} 3 Barrels Washing Soda, pound.. . .03 40 Sad Irons, pound .05 40 Ironing Stoves, gas, each 2.00 1 Desk 5.00 10 Tons Steam Coal, per ton 6 00 Dalton Adding Machine 200.00 -n 100 Rolls Gummed Tape, 1 in , .. .10 1 Tape Machine 4.00 1 Dry Cleaning Apparatus 40.00 2 Electric Fans, each 20.00 1 Ford Laundry Truck. 600.00 15 Zinc Tubs, each 1.50 1 Saxon Sedan Car 1,250.00 jul 1 Brick Garage, at Leslie 4,000.00 bi 1 Bungalow Dwelling, at Leslie.... 2 000.00 1 Good Iron Wheel Barrow 5.00 10 Long Tables, each 5.00 1 Lavatory 20.00 1 Toilet Outfit . . 35.00 1 Harris Typewriter 35.00 m 3 Office Chairs, each 2.00 3 18-ft. Troughs, each 15.00 hfj 2 12-ft. Troughs, each 10.00 4 Tailor,s Ironing Boards, each.... LOO an) R. W. Laundry building for rent at $50.00 [up per month. R 3 I am going to shut down my laundry business, and lam in the market for a job. I can do a bnl little of anything. I J. L. JONES I s I I s Ji* AZflETFAZlßiiii' - ~ READ HE T.-R. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS i : ... | „TGTTTn DON,T TAKE THE CHANCE aJden^ ,er '° “ ag,i, ” , ACCIDENT INSURANCE Placed in the strongest and best com j rTjpanies-—’et’s give you |full details and HERBERT HAWKINS j PAGE SEVEN