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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, ISIS. SOCIETY THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN 7 MARRIAGE OF MISS OLIVER AND LIEUT. GRAVES The marriage of Miss Catherine Oliver to Lieutenant Graves, at the Methodist church at Plains last night, was a beautiful event. The church was handsomely dec orated with vines and the altar was banked with fern s and palms and white chrysanthemums. Before the entrance of the bridal party, Miss Margaret Jenkins played the "Baccarolle” from Tales of Hoff man. Miss Agnes Thomas then sang “At Dawning.” The bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelsohn’s Wedding March. The ribbon bearers entered firs|t and were Misses Francis Oliver, Mary Robison, Margerete Hudson, Edith Culpepper, Pearl Tinley, Lillian Price, Mrs. Hap Hall and Mrs. R. Brannen. The bride’s twin sister, Mrs. E. L Spann, was matron of honor and en tered alone, Miss Allee Anderson maid of honor followed. The groom entered with his father who was his best man, and was fol lowed by little Derry Kirk Oliver, the ring bearer. The bride entered on her father’s arm. The Rev. Tinley read the impres sive ceremony to the strains of Tram erie. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents for the members of the family and closest friends. The bride wore a handsome bridal gown of white satin with a flowing veil caught with valley lilies, and carried bride’s roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Spann was wore silver and blue and Miss Anderson wore silver ra - . ■* ” *>• k ■ < Mt.'- " ’£■:*»»&*» i3w ■ ■ ■/ ' .'-> Wi 4tr ' >bß NOW is the time to get those photographs ready to send over-seas. Every day the mails will be growing heavier, with less assurance of delivery in time for Christmas. Make the appointment today. THE M KINSTRY STUDIO 114 Jackson Street Tooth Brushes for Children Don’t overlook the im portant necessity of pro viding your child with a tooth' brush and teaching its daily use. We have a wide assort ment of tooth brushes made especially for little mouths —sufficient styles and shapes to fit all tpyes of mouths and suit ev ery personal fancy. Outfit every child in the borne today’* price? range from 15c up. MHO'S PHARMACY The REXALL Store WHO’S WHO IN SUITES COUNTYV and pink each carried pink rosebuds. The train bearers were little An thony Oliver and Helen Davis and were dressed in white tulle. Derry Oliver wore a white sailor suit. Lieut, and Mrs. Graves motored to Americus and took the Seminole for points in Florida and after a wed ding trip of ten days will make their home in Atlanta. • • • CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB MEETS. The Chrysanthemum club met yes terday afternoon with Mrs. G. R. El lis on Taylor street for the discus sion of plans for the annual fall show. No definite time was decided upon but the show will be held early in November. Those present were Mrs. D. R. Andrews., Mrs. Ida Ross, Mrs. Joe Poole. Mrs. W. C. Wright, Mrs. Ernest Statham, Miss Alice Worthy, Miss Brown, Mrs. H. J. Webb. * • • WOMAN’S LITERARY CLUB. The Woman's Literary club meet ing which was scheduled to be held this afternoon with Mrs. D. W. Bag ley, on Taylor street, has been de ferred until further notice. • » * RED CROSS WORKERS. Red Cross workers on Wednesday were Mrs. Charles -Rodgers, Mrs. Chester Swift, Mrs. A. W. Tyler, Mrs. Ed. Prather, Miss Hazel Prather, Mrs. W. C. Gray, Mrs. J. J. France, Mrs. C. S. Wagner, Mrs. W. B. White, Mrs. Sam Clegg, Miss Helen Vorns, Mrsi Edgar Shipp, Miss Ella Polk, Miss Cordelia Thornton, Miss Mar garet Wheatley, Miss Isabel Wheatley, Miss Nellie Worthy, Mrs. J. D. Hooks, Mrs. Hollis Fort, Mrs. S. H. McKee Miss Sara Cobb, Mrs. C. E. Dunna way. Mrs. .James Fincher, Mrs. T. R McCary, iV>i»s Claude McLaughlin Mrs. J. T. Stukes, Mrs. Joe Poole, Miss Annie McLaughlin, Mrs. J. L. Sutton, Miss Annie Ansley, Mrs. H. B. Allen, Mrs. H. M. Sellars, Mrs. Philo Smith. Mrs. Roy Parker, Miss Ruth Wilder, Miss Verne Johnson, Miss Edith Shy. Miss Foy Mott, Mrs. Edna Battle, Mrs. J. P. Stackhouse, Miss Annie Walker, Mrs. C. Baker, Mrs. C. P. Payne, Mrs. J. W. Oliver. Mrs. J. E. Hightower. • • • WOMAN’S LITERARY CLUB. The Woman’s Literary club will meet this afternoon at three-thirty o’clock with Mrs. D. W. Bagley on Taylor street. Card of Thanks. To those friends who so kindly as sisted during the recent illness and death of Mrs H. C. Ferguson, we de sire to return our heartfelt thinks. May the blessings of the Creator rest on each of them. H. C. FERGUSON. MR. AND MRS. J. M. OLIVER. MR. AND MRS. H. P. LEMON. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by puri fying and enriching the blood. You can soon feel its Strengthening, In vigorating Effect. Price 60c. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucus County, es. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is senior partner of the flrm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said flrm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this tth day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood >n the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. I TOO UrE TO CLASSIFY WANTED,—A cook for the hospital. Good wages for the right person. Ap ply to Mrs. Fred Arthur, 137 College. 17-4 t WILL THE TALL LADY LU pur ple coat suit who took pocket book from Prather-Ansley Drug Store kindly return to Times-Recorder. CONDUCTED -by- Mrs. B. B. Allen Of’ce Phone 99 Res. Phone 466 AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Local News Items our new design in plated flat ware the Jamestown. S. A. Daniels, the Jeweler. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Lewis are now at home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Marshall, on Harrold ave. John W. Shiver manufactures all kinds of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Col umns, Brackets, Spindles, Plain and Cabinet Mantels. Large orders a specialty but small ones are appre ciated and given the same careful and prompt attention. We feature quick service. Write or phone John W. Shiver. Phone 117. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stackhouse, Jr„ are for the present at home with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stackhouse, on Barlow street. Use Mentho-Sav and avoid influenza. Sold by J. I. Giddings, Druggist 16-6 t. Mrs. M. A. Rittenberry, of Macon, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. W. Clarke, on Prince street. Write or phone us your order for brick, lime, cement, sand, rough and dressed lumber. We feature quick service. Jno. W. Shiver. Phone 117. Mrs. W. D. Hildreth, of Live Oak, Fla., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. G. Council, at her home on Church street. We have only recently received received from the big mill of South Georgia and Florida ten carloads of the very finest long leaf yellow pine ’umber and today our stock of ceil ing, flooring, etc., is by far the most complete and of the very best grades you will find south of Macon. Hence we are prepared better than ever to do business with you when you are in the market for high grade lumber. Write cr phone us, we feature quick deliveries. John W. Shiver. Phone 117. t Dr. D. B. Mayes is ill from inflenza at his home on Lee street. These are times when no merchant needs to offer unusual price induce ments to move goods. The demand is too stronfi for that. We could sell every dollars worth of goods in our stock in a lump at a profit, but we expect to stay in business after the war is over and are passing these bargains on to our customers with only a reasonable profit added to some of our earliest purchases which are about 25 to 30 per cent, lower than today’s market. At 35c short lengths of best Out ings, full regular width. At $1.35 full size seamed Sheets made of fair quality sheeting. At $1.98 Sheets made of the best sheeting, full regular sizes. At 20c, 36-inch Curtain Scrim, white and ecrue. At 25c standard quality of linen crash, natural color, 18 inches wide. At 49c, 64-Lnch. mercerized Table Damask, ten pretty patterns to pick from. At 98c, very fine highly mercerized Table Damask, five patterns. At 69c, 81 inch standard make sheet ing, fine smooth quality. At sc, full size spools Silkatine Cro chet Cotton, all colors. At 5c doz., over five thousand dozen pure white pearl buttons, all sizes. At 3c, children's white and colored border handkerchiefs, full sizes. At 10c, Men’s full size Handkerchiefs of fair quality, white lawn. At 15c, men’s very fine bleached hemstitched handkerchiefs, full size. At 15c, ladies’ guaranteed, all linen Handkerchiefs, full size. At 25c, men’s guaranteed, all linen Handkerchiefs, full size. At 19c y ird over three bales yard w'de Sheeting, in short lengths. At $1.45 guaranteed yard wide taffeta Sfifr. actual value about $2. At $1.98 beautiful quality 36 inch Satins, white, black and colors At 50c, new styles Collar and Cuff Sets, just received by express. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Next to Bank of Commerce Forsyth St. Americans, G* Glasses fitted, broken lenses dupli cated. Bell, the Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rittenberry, who were married last week in Americus, are now in Washington on their bridal trip. Friends of Mrs. Joseph Mize will learn with regret that she is critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Aguldo, in Mobile, Ala. f Red cedar shingles are everlasting, i Try them. We feature quick ser vice. Jno. W. Shiver. Phone 117. Robert Boyd Stackhouse has arriv ed safely overseas, to the delight of his many Americus friends. Dr. and Mrs. E. L Murray receiv ed a cablegram today announcing the safe arrival over seas of their son, Lieutenant Edwin Murray, of the 31st Dixie Division. Four car loads No. 1 and No. 2 pine shingles. Write or phone us your order. We feature quick service. Jno. W. Shiver, phone 117. Mr. Tracy Cunningham is ill from influenza at his home on College street. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Buchanan will learn with regret that they are ill at their home on College street. Mrs. Crawford Wheatley will leave tonight for a month’s stay with rela tives in Charleston and New York. The remains of Nisbet Beck, who was wounded in a shooting affray j near Warwick and died after being brought to Americus for surgical at tention, were shipped yesterday to Rydeal, Ga., near Cartersville. The affair is being investigated by the sheriff of Crisp county, but as yet no arrests have been made. Miss Myrtle Rushin, of Americus, 1 spent the week-end with relatives nl Buena Vista. THE NETTLETON Military Footwear Extraordinary Meets the requirements of all branches of the service and pos sesses those extraordinary qualities of workmanship, fit and durability which have been for forty years so characteristic of footwear bearing the name NETTLETON. The Nettleton Short I 'A Strap or Spring • t /X vK Front Puttee* Extra- feffd \ L ordinary. In Cordo- van » Calfskin, Pig A J Smooth Grain, x The Nettleton Field I . "The Nettleton March- Shoe Extraordinary. j / ing Shce Extraordin- Made of Soft, Grained > l\ ary ' Made of Soft, Long-wearing Calf- 1 \ VJ Grained, Long-wear- skin, Plain Toe with / \ y ing Calfskin, No Box, Two Full Soles. J \ with Plump Sole and U „ a Raw Hide Middle • lXj Soie ' We have in stock for your at once and service needs The Nettleton Offi cers* Dress and Field Boots; Field and Marching Shoes; Cordovan, Calf skin, Pig and Smooth Grain Puttees. Also a complete line of this season’s civilian footwear of this celebrated make. Pinkston Company p r -4 . * - ■ I '• 3'• t" *«'•**■’ • AGENT FOR NETTLETON MEN’S SHOES—THE WORLD’S FINEST e A Touch of Distinction The narrow de- 1 sign of perfora- l V ,‘B tions following I ;j the foxing in j 4 this pretty boot / 14 i give it that little f 41 differen’ewhich ff A \ many wel 1- \ dressed women \ see k i n every ;2u \ X thing they buy. V \ We have named it “The Plaza.” THE PLAZA Cousins Shoes Made in New York. For Women have cot only these dainty refinements of style but the good materials and quality shoemaking so important in the present season when merchandise of real excellence is much less plentiful than usual. “It pays to buy the best.” Tillman & Brown Fitters of Feet READ THE T.-R. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE FIVE