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J FRUjAY, NOVEMBER 22, ISIS SEEK WOUNDED GEORGIA KEHOES I f ■ The Georgia Society of the city of New York is seeking the names and of all Georgia soldiers who ybe in*i.lied in the vicinity of York, for the purpose of render .g comfort and other cheer to them, ■cording to a letter addressed by R. Brannon, chairman of the society, the people of Georgia through the tuning of the Times-Recorder. The ter is self explanatory, and fol vs: ‘Editor Times-Recorder; The orgia Society of the City of New rk is exceedingly anxious to render nfort and cheer to wounded or '.valescent Georgia soldiers now in w York, or w’ho may be returned tn over seag during the coming iths. An enthusiastic meeting of the jety a few’ days ago adopted heart- K a comprehensive and workable [ gram and subscribed a liberal [ I to make the work effective, f I great handicap presents itself, ■ fever, due to the difficulty which I when information rel ■ t to soldiers is solicited from the ary authorities. Experience! has ht us that it is impossible to sc- I { any information concerning a fer Invalided here. Therefore to ** ,n touch with our sick or wound lis necessary that we have the eration of the press of Georgia I cquaint the relatives of our ers with our purposes, so that! aay be promptly notified of the * ion of any Georgian assigned to ’ ipital in this district and vicin- 1 I you will be good enough to this matter fully to the attention nr readers and make and com-I or elaboration of the subject 1 on may feel that the undertak istifies, we will bo exceedingly fi tters giving full particulars be addressed to the Chairman 1 Committee, R. M. Brannon, 62 rd Street, New York. f 8 Society thanks you in advance ! > assistance that we believe you leerfully give us in making this < | effective. Very sincerely, R. M. BRANNON. Chairman. I M SAGEJH into jßAY Him ns Beautifully and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre at Once. non garden sage brewed Into a tea, with sulphur and alcohol will turn gray, streaked and >nir beautifully dark and lux- Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul ■ecipe at home, though, is ome. An easier way is to get ly-to-use preparation Improved addition of other ingredients bottle, at little cost, at drug known as ‘‘Wyeth’s Sage and ‘ Compound.” thus avoiding a lusa. gray, faded hair is not sinful, desire to retain our youthful I nee and attractiveness. By • ng your hair with Wyeth's id Sulphur Compound, no one because it does it so natural evenly. You just dampen a er soft brush with it and draw rough your hair, taking one trand at a time; by morning hairs have disappeared. After application or two your hair i beautifully dark, glossy, soft a riant and you appear years . Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur j ad is a delightful toilet requi- te not intended for the cure. 1 >n or prevention of disease. | i f>. & F. RR. Hective Oct. 20th, 1918. 8 leave Cordele: . m., for Jacksonville, Valdos- i and Palatka. eq.. Local for Tifton. . m., for Jacksonville. Valdos i and Palatka. m m., for Jacksonville and Vai- • ’ . jsta. . m. for Jacksonville via. Tif ■M. m . Local for Macon, connect- Ag for points north. . m., for Macon, connecting for oints north. tn., for Macon and points orth, (Dixie Flyer.) m., for Macon, connecting or points north. k m., for Macon and points lorth, (The Southland.) tale shown as information to *lle; not guaranteed. C. B RHODES, G. P. A. Macon, Ge 16 GEORGIANS ON DATS ARMY LISE WASHINGTON. Nov 22. Sixteen Georgia soldiers, among them three lieutenants, are named on the day’s double casuality list from France, as given out today by the committee on public information. The list contains the names of 1,515 men. The Geor gians listed follow: Lieut. Justus Erwin Owens, 117 Cedar St., Carrollton, killed in action. Private Doster Alexander, R. F. D. Box 6, Damascus, killed in action. Private John D. Siddons, R. F. D. 1, Atlanta, killed in action. Private Herman Boone, Columbus, w’ounded, degree undetermined. Lieut. Lenton S. James, S. Sawtell St., Douglassville, wounded slightly. Lieut. Chas. C. Miller, Cussetta, wounded slightly. Corporal Beda R. Klienfelter, 623 Walnut St., Macon, wounded slightly. Private la Voiseur L. Johnston, 869 Elm St., Macon, wounded slightly. Private Francis M. Johnston, Bui lard, wounded slightly. Private Wm. M. Kuhnen, Marietta, wounded slightly. Corporal James P. Samples, R_ F. D. 1, lawrenceville, died of wounds. Private B. S. O’Neal, R. F. D. 1, Hel ena, died of disease. Private Green H. Ward, R. F. D. 3, Greensboro, died of disease. Private Robt. P. Cock, 252 Wash ington Ave.. Macon, wounded slightly. Private John Y. Johnston, 768 Sec ond Ave., Macon, wounded slightly. Private Willie S. Jordan, (Mrs. Mary Jordan) Ellaville, slightly wounded. MARRIED BY WIRELESS ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 22.—Married by wireless. This is the unique ex experience of Private Herman Gall adn Miss Margaret Rohl, both of St. Paul. Court records were recently filed which showed the ceremony was per formed by wireless. IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS BOTHER a flwß •/ Mte to fiuh oot Kidn®yr— Drink ptanty water. Urie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, •che, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek re lief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys elog you must help them flush off the body’s urinous waste or you’ll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kid ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach get* sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu matic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. | Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. “A SPLENDID TONIC” Says Hizson Lady Who, On Doc tor’s Advice, Took Cardai Aid Is Now Well Hixson, Tenn. —‘ About 10 years ago t was...” says Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of j this place. “I suffered with a pain in my left side, could not sleep atjnight with this pain, always in ths left side... My doctor told me to us* Cardui. I took one bottle, which helped me and after my baby came, I was stronger and better, but the pain was still there. I st fiv«t let it go, but began to get weak and in a run-down condition, ,<> I decided to try some more Cardui, ••htfh i did. This last Cardui which I took mad* me much better, in fact, cured me. It has been a number of years, still « have ro return of this trouble. I feel It was Cardui that cured me, and I recommend it as a splendid fe male tonic.”. Don’t allow yourself to become weak and run-down from womanly troubles. Take Car lul. It should *ure ty help you, as It has *o many thou sands of other women in the paat 40 years. Headache, backache, aideache, nervousness, sleeplessness, tlr*d-out tert Ing, are all signs of womanly trou ble Other women grt relUf by taking Cardui. Why not ffMT AU KO-122 AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS LOST ana FOUND FOUND in my back yard, a black and white hog. Owner pay for ad vertisement and a reward. Call 302 Mayo St. 22-2 t JOHN CHARLES CARTTER. FOUND—One Jersey cow and two heifers. Same can be had by paying damages to G. M. Bragg, care Bragg’s Market. 21-ts FOR SALE FOR SALE—FuII blooded Jersey cow for sale; young calf. Apply R. P. Stackhouse. 18-ts FOR SALE—Cadillac Car, old style, but good yet. Address D. W., Box 334, Times-Recorder. 17-ts FOR SALE—A number of Edison Phonograph records Address, “Rec ords,” care Times-Recorder. FOR SALE—Early BHse Stem Wheat, $3.00 per bushel f. o- b. Leslie. George T. Deriso, Leslie, Ga. tf-d&w. FOR SALE:—My house on Felder St., 623, 6 rooms, screened and electric lighter throughout, and other modern conveniences. Phone 791. MRS. I. ODUM. Be sure and see our ’Little Red Rid- ’ tnghood children’s shoes. They are guaranteed. W. J. Josey. 3 ■ ■ ■ ■- ■ ——. — t —! , . ,■ - , I H. S. SCHNEIDER’S Transfer ‘moves any thing, any where, any time.” Not a slogan for advertising only but a proven fact. Phone 155. WANTED—M iscellaneuus - 1 «»H ■"■■■« —I I ■ — — ■», .MP - - WANTED TO RENT—Five room house in good neighborhood. WIL LIAM S. KIRKPATRICK, care Times- Recorder. FAHM AND CITY LOANS—SI-2% interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. 4-SOtf WANTED—We have a number of buyers now ready to buy. List your farms with us. W. L. English or J. H. Purvis. 30-d&wlm WANTED —Girl to nurse 2 year old baby. Apply M. C. Johnson, Church well’s Store. WANTED— TO RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with modern conveniences. Address 1., care Times-Recorder. 21-2 t A NEW , BROOM ALWAYS sweeps clean. This business has passed the ‘‘new broom” period and is still sweeping clean. A trial will make you a customer. H 8. Schneider’s Transfer. C. P. DAVIS Dental Svrgeon Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Beafdeaoa Phone 316, Office Phone 818 Allison Building. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING Interior Decorating Get My Estimates JOE FITZGERALD 190 E. Lamar St. J. LEWIS £LLIS Attorney at Law Planters Bank Building Ameticus, Go, FOR SALE A very attractive little farm which consists of 100 acres of land located 2 miles from Plains, on a good graded road. 94 acres in cultiva tion Already rented so that it will pay a handsome cash dividend on in vestment next year. One four-room dwelling, three good tenant houses, plenty of barns and out-buildings. Price: $7,500.00. A tract of 647 acres in Webster County, 6 miles from Preston, the county-seat, located on th* Preston Buena Vista road. On this propertp F. L. ALLISON & CO. Room No. 7, Allison Bldg., Phone 209 I AMERICUS, GEORGIA. WANTED BOARDERS—I have one bright, attractive room. Can also take several table boarders. Mrs Wellborn Clarke, 406 E. Church St. SCHNEIDER’S —Safe and rapid transportation. Truck service as near 100 per cent efficient as war condi tions permit. Phone 155. WANTED—To rent three rooms for light housekeeping, must be In good section Address LOVELACE EVE, care Tim«u-Recorder. 6-ts. FOR RENI FOR RENT—Apartments with all modern conveniences; close in; pos session Dec. 1. 123 East Lamar St. Phone 216 or 99. FOR RENT—Nice office on Windsor Ave. Mrs. R. E. Cato. 22-3 t FOR RENT.—Tw o unfurnished rooms; close in, to couple without children. Phone 684. 21-ts I A LITTLE HIGHER IN PRICE, per-1 haps, but that much more satisfactory., Promises promptly filled. H. S. Schneider’s Transfer. • —■■■ THREE UNFURNISHER ROOMS, for light house keeping. Phone 465. 25-tt FOR RENT Five room house; j East Church street; possession Nov. ] Ist. Dr. C. P. Davis. 38-ts ; The Fragrance of Orange Blossoms no more pleasing to the nostrils than the fla vor of the sun-smacked California oranges which makes ORANGE CRUSH at once the most palata ble and ths most whole some of fruit drinks. Risk a nickel on our recommendation. 5c the Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J T. f ABREU, Manager there are 5 tenant houses and three barns. Abont one-half of this place i« I cleared and in cultivation, balance in J swamp and second-growth timber. The soil is gray and pebble with clay subsoil, land slightly rolling, good tummunity, near schools and church es. Price SIO.OO P«r acre. If you want to buy, it will pay you to see us If you have something to i sell, we can always find you a buyer, i We alway B have something to match » your wants. Better Get in Your Supply of Coal We have just received four or five car loads choice all lump coal. Owing to the scarcity of lump coal and our in ability to secure anything like sufficient amount to supply our local demand, we advise consumers to get in their supply before bad weather. HARROLD BROTHERS Phone No. 2 uks oks Hcfj Uofj Ucfj S Car Load of New Model i I Maxwell I I Autos | H . Just Received || ffi The only high - class car on | ffi which the price of which has 1 i S not advanced materially h | BUYNOW! I I CHAPPELL I I MACHINERY CO. | S LAMARSTREET S Commercial City Bank AMERICUS’ GA, General Banking Business INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS FOR SALE 15 h.-p. Boiler $ 250.00 (At Americus) 40 Ironing Stoves, gas, each 2.00 (Harris H-) 1 Dry Cleaning Apparatus 40.00 (At Leslie) 2 Electric Fans, each 20.00 (At McNeil’s) 1 Ford Laundry Truck 600.00 1 Gas Stove for cooking 15.00 (At Hanis H) 1 Saxon Sedan Car 1,250.00 1 Brick Garage, at Leslie. .. 4,000.00 1 Bungalow Dwelling, at Leslie.... 2,000.00 4 Tailor,s Ironing Boards, eachl.oo J. L. JONES Route 3, SMITHVILLE, GA. PAGE THREE