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PAGE TWO 59 GEORGIANS LISTED IN 4,995 U. S. CASUALTIES WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.—Fi'.y-Une Georgians’ names appear on the latest double army casualty lim. which total 4995 names, the longest 'ist yet issued for a single day. They are - Killed in Action—Mechanic Wm. A. Herren. Atlanta; Privates Gaines A. Boydston. R. F. R. 1, Suphur Springs; Aulton K. Brittain. R. F D. 3. Do ;g --lasville; Roy W. Conno It F. 0. 1, Ringgold; John F. Thompson, R. F. D. 2, Somerville; Roy O. Kilbaugh, At lanta; Carlton S. Lee h. Newnan, luc) Collins. Reidsville; Andrew v c;<ng, Sumner; Capt. Macon C. Overton (Ma rine), Union Point. Died From Accident or Ather Cause. —Sergeant Willie £. i mes. Augesta, Privates John L. To la. Hogansville. Died From Wounds.--Privates Knot 1. Thompson. LaG-angc Pied of Disease—P.'.votes Davd B Camp Dtblin; John Johnson. R F. D. 1. Lyerly; Alexander l-lack'hear, Erick; Benjamin A. Dy>. StellaviUe; Robt. Ray. R. F. D. 1. Plainfield; Jesse ( H. Sanders. R. F. D. 6, Cochron; Moses L Williamson R. F. J I, Cash ington; Alvertis Smito R. C. D 9, < Griffin; Chas. S. Rjvnc’.n To. ms boro; John H. Roland. Gresston. Wound-?! Severely impair. Mo hutzl Fuller. Atlanta; Corp > l-Mcar Freeland. Lincolnton, Th as •” I’iRJ er. R. F. p. 1. Lorraine; Earl W aVniste*: Thomas ■<> Sts. R F. D. 3, llocKing ham; Wm. T. Eades. Ayers/.ke; Sid ney C. Daniel. R. F. D. I Lastman; Paul H. Hudson. Canton, Robt F Floyd. Chipley. Wounded. Degree Undetermined. Privates Wm. M. Folsom. Morven; Walter Howard. Route “B,” Griffin; Longie Roberts, Towns; Ben Robert son. Danburg; Corporal Robt. Owens, Ellaville; Privates Roy Messer Reece, Holly Springs; Charlie Thornhill. Chipley; Aubrey McClain, Social Cir cle; David 0. Wilson. Grayson; Thos West, Lindale; Jesse Atkins, La- Grange; Albert Ealy, Shellman; Julius McDonald, Dublin; Will urnett, West Point. Wounded Slightly.—Privates Ca'eb L. Stevens, Atlanta; Floyd Brown. Al pharetta; Earl E. Holmes, R. F. D. 1 Moultrie; John W. Cobb, R. F. D. 2, 1 Bogart; Sergeant James E. Wright. Carlisle; Privates Noah B. Butt. ’ Buena Vista; Geo. E. Mock, Rossville; I Seaborn T. Kitchens. Gibson; Walter L. Jeckson, Trion; Luther H. Smith, Chipley. Missing in Action.—Sergeant Jake H. Maddox, Brewton; Privates John O. ( Holt. Climax; John A. Sirmans. . Sirmans. I r % < COMMANDERY MEETING. VeMolay, Commandery, No. 5, > Knights Templar, meets every third Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All t v’fiting Sir Knlghtg have a cordial Invitation to meet with us. ( W F. Sfnith. Eminent Commander ; FRANK J. PAYNE, Recorder 20 ♦♦ , AMERICUS CAMP, 202. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Wednesday night in Fraternal Hall, street. All vis iting Sovereigns invited to meet with us. C. J. CLARKE, C. C. NAT LeMASTER. Clerk M R CO UNCI-. LODGE F and A M t every First and X .<• Third Friday nights. Visiting brothers are tr-rited to attend. DR J R. STATHAM W M NAT LeMASTER. Secretary. F. aad A. M. AMERICUS LODGE , ' F At A. M , meet* -AG . 1 every aecond ano t fourth Friday nigin at 8 o’clock. B B. SCHNEIOHR, W. M. • L HAMMOND, Secy Is your HAIR K| Nappy" Stubborn " H Unruly? Juy a box of , EXELENTO 'made I wkici ii ipiruted H«trCrew«. Removes dandruff. Cleans the scalp. Feeds the roots of the hair. Stope falling hair. w "ISBSW'UiSS® Write for peiUt Mere FYFIHtTfI MEDK3NE CO.. ATLANTA. GA. . f *7 SUGAR SHOWED OUR BACKBONE American Willingness to Give Up Luxury Demonstrated Na tion’s War Conscience. STAND WITH THE ALLIES. By Reducing Consumption People of the United States Averted a Famine at Home in Spite of Low Supplies. The fact that the people of the United States were able to reduce by more than one-half million tons their July, August, September and October consumption of sugar proves conclu sively that their war conscience was thoroughly’ awakened and that the country as a whole stood ready to fol low the injunctions of the Government Our normal consumption of sugar in the four-month period beginning with July has been 400,000 tons per month, a total of 1,600,000 for the quarter year. In July, when our sugar stringency began to reach Its height, consumption was reduced to 200,000 tons. In Au gust only 325,000 tons went Into dis tribution and in September only 279,- 000 tons. In October the distribution fell to 230,000 tons. If the general public had failed to observe the injunctions of the Food Administration this country would have been in the throes of a sugar famine before the end of August Our visible supplies were so low as to bring great anxiety to those familiar with the sugar situation. They feared that it would be absolutely Impossible to reduce consumption to a point wffiere sugar would no longer be a mere lux ury In the American diet Few accomplishments of the Food Administration will stand forth so pre dominantly as this reduced consump tion of sugar. By it we have been able to bridge over the period of stringency until the new beet and Louisiana cane sugar crops were In sight. Now the nation is in a position so that if we choose we may return to our normal home use of sugar, and Europe, with the release of ships to go far afield, can maintain its recent re stricted rations. If, however, those nations are to increase their use of sugar very considerably it must be by our continued sharing with them through limiting our own consump tion. STEEL PRICES TO END. WASHINGTON. Dec. 11.—The pres ent fixed prices on steel will be al lowed to expire by reason of limita tion on January 1, the war industries board announced Wednesday. REGISTRATION NOTICE. The regular election for Mayor. Clerk and Treasurer; three Aidermen and two Police Commissioners, will be held in Americus on the 18th day of December, 1918. Registration books for this election will be finally and absolutely closed at 5 o’clock p. m. on Saturday the 14th day of December, 1918 All taxes due the city, including 1918. must be paid and either a personal or written request made to the Clerk and Treasurer to register the person desiring to qualify for said election and for the year 1919: Americus, Ga, Dec. 5, 1918. E. J. ELDRIDGE. sto lid Clerk and. Treasurer. ■x. AT AUCTION Valuable Farm for Sale on Dec. 19, 1918 At the premises in Sumter County. Georgia, whereon G. Willis now re sides, said place known as the John Finch Place, 10 miles Northeast of Americus, and five (5) miles Southeast of Andersonville. 581 acres of land. The land is well improved and is in a high state of cultivation; at the same time will be sold al stock, farming implements and farm products; also hogs and cows. There is a larg ivantity of timber on the place som? 500,000 or a 1,000,000 feet. There is about 250 acres open land, besides a well improved farm, it is ideal for raising stcck, having a wire fence now o . the place which takes ia the ereek which traverses same. A beautifu dwelling, together with six (6) tenant W. P. WILLIS Care G. Willis ANDERSOVNILLE, GA. BESSIE WINDSOR AGENCY Forsyth Street Americus. Phone 2sf “Consider for a moment this hue of very busy and very careless people. Without citv protection we might bum Ourselves out every few months, for fire is the natural by-product of American habits. This is bad enough where one family lives by itself, but when 12,000 people are brought ‘ogether withi n comparatively narrovrf onfines. you multiply hazard enormously because the carelessness of any in dividual imperils an indefinite number of his neighbors. Are you insured? AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh i > Says a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps Illness away. ■ This excellent, common-sense health measure being adopted by millions. I Physicians the world over recom mend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more importance than out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, causing ill health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do | Men and women are urged to dnnl | each morning, before breakfast a glass of hot water with a teaspoonfui . of limestone phosphate in it, as a J harmless means of helping to wash ■ from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day’s indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins thus cleansing, sweetening and purl fying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the atom ach. Just as soap and hot water cleans i and freshen the skin, so hot water ant limestone phosphate act on the elim inative organs. Those who wake up with bad breath coated tongue, nasty taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion acid stomach; others who are subject j to bilious attacks or constipation. I should obtain a quarter pound of lime ■ stone phosphate at the drug store This will cost very little but is suffi cient to demonstrate the value of in side bathing. Those who continue it each morning are assured of pro nounced results, both in regard tr j health and appearance. f/- ■■ . || » When Itching Stops ." - ■ i There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irri tation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of zemo and apply it as directed- Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. • A little zemo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. “A SPLENDID TONIC ” • Says Hixson Lady Who, On Doc tor’s Advice, Took Cardai And Is Now Well. 1 Hixson, Tenn. —"About 10 years ago I was...” says Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of this place. “I suffered with a pain in my left side, could hot sleep at night i with this pain, always in the left i side... My doctor told me to use Cardui. I j took one bottle, which helped me and • after my baby came, I was stronger and better, but the pain was still i there. I at first let it go, but began to get weak and in a run-down condition, so I decided to try some more Cardui, j which I did. i This last Cardui which I took made me much better, in fact, cured me. Jr has been a number of years, still have r.o return of this trouble. i I feel it was Cardui that cured me. and I recommend it as a sp’endid fe male tonic.” Don’t allow yourself to become i weak and run-down from womanly ! troubles. Take Cardui. It should sure ly help you, as it has so many thou sands of other women in the past 40 years. Headache, backache, sideache, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired-out feeling, are all nigns of womanly trou ble. Other women git relief by taking Cardui. Why not v>u? AH druggists . NC-132 houses; one large barn and two small ones and other outhouses. The land is of a red pebbly nature. At present there is sufficient labor to run the place another year and the labor de sires to remain on the premises. There is a loan of SBOOO.OO on -a d land which will not be due in throe (3) years, rate of interest 6%. T.e land will be sold subject to the loan. The terms of the sale will be an nounced at the auction. The physical condition of the present occupant de mands the sale. Sale will begin promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. on tho premises, December 19th. 1918. Come and get a bargain. For any information relative to this farm communicate with | I 1 I DIAMONDS | y? ifi As a Gift They Take First Rank As An Investment They Are Gilt-Edge Rings Lavalliers Brooches Bar Pins Stick Pins Cuff Buttons The Government has lifted the ban on PLATINUM and its purchase is advised. Thos. L. Bell gi The Jeweler ® LE LE jj- 210 Lamar St. 1,1 °" rwe are 210 Lsmar St. S fry 1 ! ped to fulfiill you every demand. w Ifi If Si yfi | NOTICE! I We have opened a garage on Jackson |J JJ street, and are prepared to give first-class serv g® ice. When your car needs work we ask you igft to give us a trial. We will give you honest Hi |g work and will try our best to give you per- JH || feet satisfaction. pg S|| Rush work is our specialty. We are al- || || ways glad to work nights or Sundays, when jfiffi |S you wish your work done quickly. g It Open Sundays 7A.M.t06 P. M. |l g| If you break down Sunday, phone us, we gB aS we will fix you up. iSS Ri ‘ We sell is Sg3| National SaSi Lexington SsSS Briscoe Cars. II We sell |J gj Gas, Oil, Tires and Accessories. ffiga H® Big stock of used cars on hand. |gij Call in and see W. R. Hubbard, manager |||| fife repair department, when you want a job S® sfS estimated. sS Sk Agents Dixie Trailers. ||| g| PLAINS AUTO COMPANY || I® Phone 32 Jackson Street 1 igpi^l.l i•; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1»1S.