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PAGE SIX THE TIMES-RECORDER, ESTABLISHED 1879. Published By THE TIMES-RECORDER CO. (Inc.) Arthur Lucas, Presdent. Publshed every afternoon, except Saturday, every Sunday morning and as a Weekly (every Thursday). WM. S. KIRKPATRICK, Editor and Treasurer. LOVELACE EVE, Business Manager and Secretary. Subscription Rates. Daily and Sunday, Six Dollars a year in advance; Sixty-Five Cents a J month. Weekly ?1.50 a Year, payable in Advance only. OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR: City of Americus Sumter County Webster County Waliroad Commission of Georgia For Third Congressional District 0. S. Court. Southern District of Georgia TAFT DECIDES FOR ATLANTA. The mayor and council of the city of Atlanta have now come face to face with an urgent recommendation by the National War Labor Board that street car fares in Atlanta should be increased for the purpose of enabling the Georgia Railway & Power Com pany to pay increased expenses. In a decision announced last week, the War Labor Board raised the wages of street car conductors and motor men. as well as other employees. In i the opinion the board specifically stated the opinion that the power com pany’s revenue ought to be increased to meet the new scale. It is estimat ed by the power company’s account ants that the increase to conductors and motormen will amount to $316,000 a year, and the other inereasev may equal this amount. The company's of ficials assert that it will be impossi ble to pay the new scale unless the company is allowed to charge highv fares. recommendation now comes di rect to the mayor and general council, in a communication addressed to them by William H. Taft ami Randall IL. Manly, comprising the special section that passed on the Atlanta wage award, urging an increase of fares to enable the company to. meet the new scale. “We haie felt,” states the former president of the United States, “that men are entitled to the higher wages awarded to enable them to meet their increased living expenses. We are equally convinced of the necessity and justice of increased income to this company through increased street rail way fares to meet the cost of th service.” This recommendation by the War Board corroborates a recommendation by the Railroad Commission. Some months ago the power company went before that body’ with a petition for increased light and power and gas rates and increased car fares. The commission allowed the former, but on account of a question concerning jurisdiction it did not raise the car fares. It did, however, strongly rec ommend to the mayor and council of Atlanta, who asserted an exclusive jurisdiction over Atlanta car fares, the necessity and advisability of allowing an increase. This recommendation by the Railroad Commission was ignored by the council. Now comes the recommendation from a still higher source. That the council is disposed to give weight to it is indicated by the fact that a spec ial meeting of council has been called for Friday afternoon to consider the communication from the War Labor Board. Augusta, Macon and many other Southern cities already have granted increased car fares. THE NATION’S OPPORTUNITY. That the United States is in a per fectly sound economic condition and is facing the greatest opportunity that ever came to any nation in the world’s history to build up her foreign trade, were among the striking statements made by J. H. Tregoe, secretary of the National Association of Credit Men, addressing a meeting of the credit men of Atlanta at a dinner given in his honor. “The country,” said Mr. Tregoe, ‘‘ s facing one of the great opportunities of history to lead the world in main taining sound commercial principles We have the greatest opportunity that ever came to any nation to establishe a reputation for honest and skillful production that will make our goods accepted and relied upon by foreign markets. Our merchant marine is of the utmost importance in carrying out our program of overseas trade.” Still Hanging Around AN' £(/ERyWIH6 z / STILL- Rt T W W® BW/ / apovnp A fete VM// L v • 'Ji h ' t L- mywi , Announcement We, the undersigned physicians of Cobb, DeSoto and Leslie, Ga„ wish to make the following announcement: It costs the physician SIOOO.OO per year to own and operate an automo bile with an additional drug exDenso of at least «60C.v0. It costs the physician SIOOO.OO per year to feed and clothe himself and family. Other expenses which are demanded of the physician such as church, society and charity (the lat ter referring in part to dead beats and those unable for providential and other reasons to pay their doctor’s bill) will easily amount to another SIOOO.OO Therefore, in view of the above facts, as well as the hardships and exposure incident to the medical profession, we feel that w r e are en titled to a legitimate protit. After careful and impartial consideration for ourselves and for the public, we have a opted the following ruies as per taining to radical fees: Paragraph 1. All country calls be tween the hours and 6 a. m. and 8 p. m. shall be for the first five miles SI.OO per mile and all additional mileage on she same trip at the rate of fifty cents per mile. All drugs furnished shall be extra. All country calls between the hours of 8 p. m. and 6 p. m. (night calls) mileage shall be double. All drugs furnished shall be extra. All calls within the incorporated limits of the above mentioned towns between the hours of 6 a. m. and 8 p. m. shall be $2.00 per visit. Night calls between the hours of 8 p. m. and 6 a. m. shall be $4.00 per visit. All drugs furnish ed shall be extra. All calls out of one town into another, shall be desig nated as country calls and charges made as outlined above. Paragraph 2 Office fees between the hours of 6 a. m. and S p. m. shall be $2.00, and between the hours of 8 p. ni. and 6 a. m., $4.00. All drugs and other material shah be extra. Paragraph 3. The fee for obstetrics, including the treatment of abortions, shall be $20.00, plus mileage as fixed in Paragraph 1. AH consultations shall be $15.00, plus mileage as fixed in Paragraph 1. Telephone consulta tions which necessitate prescribing, shall be SI.OO. Fee for administering anesthetic shall be SIO.OO, plus mile age as fixed in paragraph 1. A maxi mum discount of ten per cent, will be allowed on plantation practice, other wise the above rules as pertaining to medical fees shall be stroctly net. Signed: DR. ALVA BOGGS, Cobb,. Ga. Signed: DR. ALVA BAGLEY. De- Soto, Ga. Signed: DR. K. WOOD, Leslie, Ga. Signed: DR. L. M. HAWKINS, Leslie, Ga. Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARA j? QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet form —safe, sure, no opiates —breaks up a cold in 24 hours —relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine bos has a Red top wxUa 1~. I. Ill’s picture. At AU Drug stores. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Arrival and departure of passenger trains. Americus, Ga. i Central of Georgia Railway. Trains Arrive. From Columbus (Seminole) *12:10 « m From Jacksonville (Seminole) * 3.40 a m From Atlanta-Macon * 5:22 a m From Albany * 6:40 a m From Columbus ! 110:00 a m From Columbus 111:45 a in From Atlanta-Macon * 2:17 p m [From Montgomery-Albany * 2:17 p m I From Columbus I 7:15 p in From Macon * 7:35 p m From Montgomery-Albany *10:52 p m Trains Depart. For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a m For Chicago (Seminole) ..* 3:40 a ni For Macon-Atlanta * 6:40 a m For Montgomery-Albany ..* 5:22 a m For Columbus !" 7:10 a ni For Macon and Atlanta ♦ 2:17 pni For Montgomery-Albany ..* 2:17 p m For Columbus 1! 3:00 p ni For Columbus 1 2:30 p ni For Albany --..* 7:35 p m For Macon-Atlanta *10:52 p m ♦Daily. !Except Sunday. ilS'unday only. I Seaboard Air Line. Leave Americus for Savannah and intermediate stations and points east 12:31 p. in 1:20 a. m. Leave Americus for Helena and in termediate points 5:15 p. m. Leave Americus for Columbus, Montgomery and points West 3:08 p. m. U P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Residence Phone 316, Office Phone 818 Alliaen Building. ;e**r*******<*'*«*******<**********4 AMERICUS Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE and RETAIL. John Nita & Co., Proprietors. Fresh Spansh Mackerel, Fresh Water and Salt Water Trout, Red Snap pers, Red Bass, Sheep-head and all kinds of Bottom Fish, Shrimps, Crabs and Oysters and Fish Rolls. QUICK DELIVERY. TELEPHONE 778: 216 West Forsyth Street. MONEY 51% . MfIMFY I on farm ,ands at 512 cent nlUliL! LUr»»»LU interest and borrowershave privi ilege of paying part or all of principal at any interest period, stopping interest on amounts paid. We always have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest ser vice. Save money by seeing or writing us. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB AMERICUS, GEORGIA I B. H. ALLEN Sheet Metal Worker. Auto Radiators Repaired and Rebuilt j; 122 S. Lee St.. Phone 703 I HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING Interior Decorating Get My Estimates JOE FITZGERALD 190 E. Lamar St. The Fragrance of Orange Blossoms no more pleasing to the nostrils than the fla vor of the sun smacked California oranges which makes ORANGE CRUSH at once the most palata ble and ths most whole some of fruit drinks. Risk a nickel on our recommendation. 5c the Bottle AMERICUS Coca-Cola Bottling Co. J T. WARREN, Manager L G COUNCIL, Pre«. T. R B>'LT-»N. Al Cashier C. M COUNCIL, V-P & CaatJ* •* M. BRYaN. Asst Casb'r INOORPCLATED 1891 THE PLANTERS BANK OF AMERICUS Resources over one and quarter million dollars ■* Wth a quarter of a century < bankng experience, ample resources and close personal attention to all details, we respectfully solicit your bus iness, both commercial and F savings. PROMPT, CONSERVATIVE, ACCOMMODATING No Account Too Large, None Too Small JOIN THE RED CROSS All you need is a heart and a dollar. Answer the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call December 16-23 THIS SPACE DONATED BY Americus Lighting Co. i i , Commercial City Bank AMERICUS’ GA. i General Banking Business ’ t I INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS ' WI ■ »■«. w>w'Wr.ww>i» m WWW ■ w ir»w» wwwvNSUK' Eureka Pressing Club DOUGLAS FREEMAN, Proprietor SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NO CREDIT BUSINESS YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 208 North Jackson St. AMERICUS, GA. J. W. SHEFFIELD, Pres. FRANK SHEFFIELD, V.-P. E. D. SHEFFIELD, Cashier LEE HUDSON, Asst Cashier. Bank of Commerce You are inviteed to call or corres- pond with us in regard to your bank- ing arrangements or investments in high-grade bonds and securities. ORGANIZED DECEMBER 1891 A General Banking Business Americus Undertaking Company Funeral Directors and Embalmers Nat LeMaster, Manager Day Phones 88 an 231 Night 661 and 13, ALLISON UNDf RIA KING CO. i ESTABLISHED 1908 funeral Directors and 1 mbalmers • Auto and Horse Drawn Funeral Cars OLIN BUCHANAN, Diiector 1 Day Phone 253, Night Phones 381-J, 106,657 j THURSDAY, ILSCESiiER 12. 191 S