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PAGE TWO MOTHER’S CABIN PROVES TRAP TO CRAWLEY BOYS ATLANTA. Feb. 13. —It was love for | their mother —their old sick mother. ! lying in a cabin at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains in East Ten nessee —that led to the capture of George and Decatur Crawley, the Un ion county boys who are scon to face trial in the United States court on a charge of murdering U. S. Deputy Mar shal Ben F. Dixon when he went to arrest them about a month ago. In Atlanta yesterday the story was told by S. Glenn Young, a most re markable and efficient special agent of the department of justice, who has trailed and captured 500 deserters in the last two years, and who captured the Crawley boys after a posse of sol diers from Camp Gordon had followed them 150 miles and given up the chase. Young found out that the mother of the boys lived in the mountains about 40 miles east of Knoxville. He found out she was old,and sick and badly in need of help. So he figured that the boys who were known to have gone into East Tennessee, would make their way to the cabin where she lived, and would stay around there until there was danger of capture. So Young went straight to Mrs. Crawley’s house, and found that the boys were living in a nearby cabin with their sister. Rose Crawley, who had followed them on foot across the mountains in their flight from the posse of soldiers. Alone and single handed he walked in on the boys at daylight Tuesday morning, and though they were armed with rifles and re volvers he got the drop on them and handcuffed them without a struggle, along with their cousin. Blaine Stew art, who was also wanted by the gov ernment, and who fled with them. New Station Site Will be Inspected SAVANNAH, Feb. 13. —Aat the meet ing here yesterday to receive bids for the coastal plain experiment station, authorized by an act of the last Geor gia legislature, it was decided to in spect the various sites offered before reaching a decision. This inspection trip will be made by the board at once, it is understood. Bids were submitted by delegations from Thomas, Tift, Ware. Appling, Wayne and Chatham counties. Besides offers of farm sites for the station, cash was an item of the bids made, the offers showing a greater interest in the station that had been antici pated. Tifton sent a large delegation to make the Tift county offer, bearing the endorsement of various counties not submitting bids for the station, including Sumter county. Governor Dorsey was present at the meeting. Hardwick Scores Cotton Embargo WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-(By Asso ciated Press.) —Aemoval <,f all-restric tions against the free exportation of cotton to enemy and neutral ccuntries was demanded in the senate today by Sneator Hardwick, of Georgia, whs declared the .present embargo on re strictions was unjust and indefensible. ACID IN STOMACH SOME FOOD Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and indigestion are near ly always due to acidity—acid stomach —and not, as most folks believe, from a lack of digestive juices. He states tjlat an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach retards digestion and starts food fermentation, then our meals sour like garbage in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling in the chest, we eructate sour food, belch gas, or have heartburn, flatulence, water brash, or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast while it is effervescing, and furthermore, to continue this for one week. While relief follows the first dose, it is important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure ; digestive juices. V Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made ' from the acid of grapes and lemon* 1 juice, combined with lithia and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. j MERE MENTION ABOUT TOWN j Just received a shipment of China Dinner Sets. Bell, the Jeweler. 2-ts Fresh Mullet and Trout. Acme San ‘tary Market. 13-lt For FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIR ING PHONE 25. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. Fresh Mullet and Trout. Acme San itary Market. 13-lt New Spring Suite and Skirts now ready for inspection. Ansley’s. 12-2 t Fresh Mullet and-Trout. Acme San itary Market. 13-lt New Silks and New Trimmings to Match. Ansley’s. 12-2 t IF YOU WANT YOUR SHOES RE PAIRED RIGHT PHONE 25. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. Fresh Mullet and Trout. Acme San itary Market. 13-lt S. L. Hammond, who resides on South Lee street, is very ill uit will undergo an operation tomorrow at the city hospital here. See the Beautiful New Laces at Ansley’s. 12-2 t Mrs. Ida Sargeant Wednesday re ceived a telegram from Savannah stat ing that Miss Mattie Sergeant, her daughter, was married there Tuesday night to M. C. McClure, of Chicago. Mr. and Frs. Lawsou Stapleton re ceived a telegram this morning from their son. Lawson, Jr., who has been in the naval signal service, saying he had just received his discharge. He has been stationed at a camp near New York since his return from France in December. He did not in dicate whether he would return to Americus soon or not. SHOES REPAIRED BY WHITE SHOE MAKERS WHILE YOU WAIT AT BARNETT’S SHOE SHOP. PHONE 25. Through an error the name of the new assistant K. of C. secretary here was printed yesterday as A. M. Sheri dan, instead of Wm. P. Reiner. Mr. Reiner has been located at Cam;» Wheeler. He will be assistant to Sec retary' Arthur J. Kelley in the work here. He accompanied Mr. Kelley and a party of other army workers here from Jacksonville, Fla., byway of Lake City, Fla., early this week, each bringing an automobile from Camp Joseph E. Johnston which will be us ed in the service here. Convict Gets Drunk Fails to Get ‘Home’ ATLANTA. February 13. —After bringing twenty-six DeKalb county convicts from Decatur to Atlanta and turning them over to the Fulton coun ty authorities, who have leased De- Kalb county’s convict force, J. S. Plyant,, the head convict guard of DeKalb county, failed in his efforts to pilot himself back home, and wound up in police station yesterday after noon on a charge of imbibing too free ly of a brand of “bust head’’ liquor which can. be purchased in this city for $5.50 a pint. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Says we can’t look or feel right with the system full * of poisons. Millions of folks bathe Internally now instead of loading their system with drugs. “What’s an inside bathT" you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per form miracles if you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a tea Spoonful of lime stone phosphate In it. This is a very excellent health measure. It is in tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid neys and the thirty feet of Intestines of the previous day’s waste, sour bile and indigestible material left over in the body which if not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, the quick result is poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, im pure blood and all sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of internal sanitation. Just as soap and hot water act cn : the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and I hot water act on the stomach, liver, ) kidneys and bowels. It is vastly more important to bathe on the inside than on the outside, because the skin pores do*not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. * AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. SOUTHEAST TO GET TOUCH OF WINTERSTORM The most severe storm of the win i ter is raging over the middle west to day, and it is scheduled to be felt in Georgia Friday, according to the gov ernment weather forecast today which read: “Rain tonight; Friday colder and probably fair, with strong south to west winds. A Chicago press dispatch to The Times-Reeorder today said a heavy snow, accompanied by extremely high winds, had demoralized telegraph and telephone service from Chicago to the Pacific coast, and that railroad traffic also was delayed. Warnings For Southeast. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—(8y Asso ciated Press.) —The most severe storm of the winter was central this morn ing over northwest Missouri, the weather bureau announced. Storm warnings were ordered displayed on the Atlantic coast from Virginia to Jupiter, Fla., and on the Gulf coast from Bay St. Louis to Key West. Forgives Three Times But Sues on Fourth ATLANTA, Feb. 13. —Not once but three times her husband told her that he had transferred his affections to another woman, and three times he left her and. stayed away several months, and three*times he came back and begged her forgiveness and asked her to reinstate him, and three times she fell for his persuasive [pleadings —but the fourth time she lost her pa tience and decided to have no more to do with him—according to the divorce pietition of Mrs. Lepna M. Walter against her husband Arch F. Walker. She avers that she was willing to go the limit with him to get along sue-, cessfully and happily, but every time he saw some woman whose looks ap pealed to him he frankly and brutally informed her. she claims, that he did not love her any longer, and took his departure. * Don’t trifle with a cola —it’s dangerous. You can’t afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a ; box of CASCARA© QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet form—safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold tn 24 hours —relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. Nervousness and Headaches Caused by Acid-Stomach There is a much closer connection between the stomach and brain than most people imagine. It is because of this close connection that indigestion, belching, sour, gassy stomach and other stomach miseries—all of which are sure signs of acid stomach—are so often followed by severe attacks of blinding, splitting headaches. Nervousness, sleeplessness, irritabil ity,mentaldepression,melancholia and many other disorders which affect the brain can also nearly always be traced to the same source—acid-stomach. So often you hear people say “lam bo nervous I think I’ll fly to pieces;” or“ltßeems I never get a good night’s sleep any more, my nerves are all on edge.” Little do they dream that acid stomach is the direct cause of their troubles because very often there are no pains in the stomach at all. So you see, you can’t always judge an acid stomach condition by the way yoqr stomach, itself, feels. If yon are weak, nervous, unfit—if you are not up to your old time form —if you lack your accustomed enthu siasm, energy and pep—make this test and see if it isn’t acid-stomach that is holding you back robbing you of your health, strength and vigor. Get a big box of EATONIC—the wonder ful modern medicine that so quickly puts an acid stomach to rights. It is in the form of pleasant tasting tablets that you eat like a bit of candy. EATONIC rids the stomach of excess FATONIC: EWBCTOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH )Y THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Bitro-Phosphate to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force. Judging from the countless prepa rations and treatments which are con tinually being advertised for the pur pose of making thin people fleshy, de veloping arms, neck and bust, and re placing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their ex cessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained In modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well as the organic phos phate known among druggists as bltro phosphate, which is inexpensive and is sold by Americus Drug Co. and most all druggists under a guarantee of sat isfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying he body cells with the necessary phos phoric food elements, bitro-phosphate quickly produces a welcome trans formation in the appearance; the in crease in weight frequently being astonishing. This increase in weight also carries with it a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly al ways accompany excessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes become bright, and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: —Although bitro-phos phate is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and gen eral weakness, it should not, owing to its remarkable flesh-growing prop erties, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. adv THE HEN THAT LAYS is the hen that pays. If she does not lay. kill her, but before you kill her give her B. A. Thomas’ Poultry Remedy twice a day for a week, and then you will not kill her for she will be paying you a profit. It not only makes hens lay but it is a rem edy for Cholera, Roup, and Gapes. We guarantee it to cure or we re fund your money. dvt wlr Let us make your portrait in your own home with all the charm of its surroundings. Make An Appointment To-Day. THE M’KINSTRY STUDIO. Quality Portraits. Consistent Prices acid. Brings instant relief from indi gestion, heartburn, sour belching, food repeating, bloat and gas and makes the stomach cool, pure, sweet and comfortable. Dentists warn us against the bad effects of acid mouth, pointing out that the acid eats through the enamel of the teeth, causing them to decay. Yon can easily imagine then the amount of damage excess acid will cause to the delicate organization of the stomacbl Thousands of people are using EATONIC and the results obtained are so remarkable as to be almost unbe lievable. Yet their letters of gratitude, many of which are received daily, prove absolutely that EATONIC does all and even more than we claim. The medical profession, too, recognizes the srest5 rest value of this wonderful remedy. . learned Michigan doctor wrote re cently: “I have had such wonderful success with EATONIC that I want every one to know how quickly it wili neutralize the acidity of the the stom ach (acid-stomach) and the stomach will soon be sweet and normal again, and the sick man well and happy once more.” So ba sure to get a big box of EATONIC from your druggist today. If it fails in any way to give you the kind of satisfaction you want, take it back—he will refund your money. He doesn’t want one penny of your money unless EATONIC helps you. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. is to inform you that the Hu guenin Ferry on the Flint river is again in operation after having been washed away about ten days ago. Mrs. J. J. Cock. 13-3 t Miller’s Antiseptic Oil Known As Snake Oil Will Positively Believe in a Few Minutes. Try ’*■ right now for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen joints, pains in the head, back and limbs,-00X118, bunions, etc. After' one application- pains usually disap pear as if by magic. A new' remedy used • internally and*i externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup.' Sore Throat. Diphtheria and Tonsilitis.! This oil is conceded to be the most' penetrating remedy known. Its’ prompt and immediate effect in reliev- I ing pain is due to the fact that it pen- j etrates to the effected parts at once. As an illustration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and it will penetrate this substance through tn three minutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil I is golden red color only. Every bottle guaranteed—3oc. 60c and SI.OO a bot tle—or money refunded at E. L. Black Drug Co.. Americus, Ga. adv i CONSTIPATION And Sour Stomach Caused Thia Lady Much Suffering. Black* Draught Relieved. Meadorsvllle, Ky.—Mra. Pearl Pat rick, of this place, writes: “I was very constipated. I had sour stomach and was so uncomfortable. I went to the doctor. He gave me some pills. They weakened me and seemed to tear up my digestion. They would gripe me and afterwards It seemed I was more constipated than before. I heard of Black-Draught and de cided to try It I found It just what I needed. It was an easy laxative, and not bad to swallow. My digestion soon Improved. I got well of the sour stom ach, my bowels soon seemed normal, no more griping, and I would take a dose now and then, and was In good shape. I cannot say too much for Black- Draught for It is the finest laxative one can use.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has for many years been found of great value In the treatment of st mach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable in Its action, leaving no bad after-effects, it has "won the praise of thousands of people who have used It NC-186 FOR SALE Nine Mules, One Horse At AUCTION To Highest Bidder SATURDAY, FEB 15, AT NOON IN FRONT OF COURTHOUSE Because of the shortage of convicts, Sumter county has purchased an Automobile Truck and is reducing the number of mules and horses. HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PICK UP SOME GOOD STOCK AT YOUR OWN PRICE. By order of the COMMISSIONERS OF SUMTER COUNTY N. A. RAY, Chairman. MONEY 51% WFYI fIAIUPn on ,arm lands at 512 per cent ■j I awvriaivLU interest and borrowers have priv; ilege of paying part or al! of principal at any interest period, stopping interest on amounts paid. We always have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest ser vice. Save money by seeing or writing us. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB AMERICUS, GEORGIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Is, 1919. Standard Real Linen Cluny Laces at 12 l-2c. In about fifty hand-mide patterns, edgings, insertions and headings, there are just as low in price as they were quoted in 1915, so there is no danger of them going lower, but now wh'le the assortment is large and complete, all per yard, 12 l-2c. 500 New Voile and ( Organdy Waists $1.50. •j I New spring 1919 styles just reoeiv -1 ed, mostly large sizes, 42, 44 and 48; , actual value about $2 00. Our opening I j price, each $1.50. j Genuine Indian Head 29c. Alsolutely the best goods made, ev cry p-.ece has the Indian Head ticket. Free f rom dressing. Yard 29c. Cabot. Hill and Hope Bleachings at 29c. Tin. best Bleachings, full yard wide, ; se'ling in the best stores everywhere for 35c; our special sale price, yard | 29c. I I Blankets at Half Price. We have on hand eighty-six pairs nice, clean, warm blankets to sell at half price, every pair is in perfect condition and are worth the full price, but we do not want to carrv them over to another season so we cut the price in half. $15.00 Blankets now $7.50 $12.50 Blankets now $6.25 SIO.OO Blankets now $5.00 $ 8.50 Blankets now $4.25 , $ 7.50 Blankets now $3.75 $ 6.50 Blankets now $3.25 $ 5.00 Blankets now $3.25 $ 5.00 Blankets now $2.50 25c and 35c Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs 18c. One thousand pretty Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs in over two hundred pretty designs, no store has ever sold these for less than 25c; some have sold them for 35c; our price now, each 18c. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Forsyth St Next to Bank of Commerce Americus, Ga.