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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1919. S EATERS GEf KIDNEY TROUBLE ike a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. The American men and women must lard constantly against Kidney trouble, ; (cause we eat too much and all our food I rich. Our blood is filled with urio rid which the kidneys strive to filter 1 it. they weaken from overwork, become Uggish; the eliminative tissues clog and ■ K result is kidney trouble, bladder and a general decline in health. I V hen your kidneys feel like lumps of ad: your back hurts or the urine is pudy, full of sediment or you are | iliged to seek relief twq or three times • iring the night; if you suffer with sick • jadache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid omach, or you have rheumatism when ' te weather is bad, get from your phar acist about four ounces of Jad Salts; I •ke a tablespoonful in a glass of ater before breakfast for a few days ; id your kidneys will then act fine. ■ his famous salts is made from the acid ' grapes and lemon juice, combined with thia, and has been used for generations i flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; i neutralize the acids in the urine so it > longer is a source of irritation, thus iding bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in ire, makes g delightful effervescent thia-water beverage, and belongs in ery home, because nobody can make mistake by having a good kidney flush g any time. TAX NOTICE. The state and county books open 3b. 1 and close May 1. Take notice , id govern yourselves accordingly. GEO. D. JONES, Tax Received. Sumter County. Americus. Ca„ Feb. 1, 1919. 2-ts j TERRIBLYSWOLLEN iffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Oa.—Mrs. Kfete Lee Able, ot is place, writes: “My husband is an j tgineer, and once while lifting, he 'r I red himself with a piece of heavy ma linery, across the abdomen. He was j sore he could not bear to press on I mself at all, on chest or abdomen. He eighed IGS lbs., and fell off until he eighed 110 lbs , in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked ; te he would die.‘We had three different i >ctors, yet with all their medicine, his >wels failed to act. He would turn up ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink two or three days in succession. .He d this yet without result. We became isperate, he suffered so. He was swol n terribly. He told me his suffering >uld only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- ■: taught. 1 made him take a big dose, id when it began to act he fainted, he as in such misery, but he got relief and egan to mend at once. He got well, id we both feel he owes his life to Bedford’s Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you > keep fit, ready for the day’s work, rv it! NC-131 j! I /j* SHm IIIE hI9 «■ Ml Iwljjw IN THE NEW BOULE Is always pure and un adulterated. When you drink Coca-Cola from a bot tie >ou get a drink of uniform flavor and abso lute goodness. 5 C | AGAIN ' AMER K i Bottlim J T WAKHi' im r> _ _ 00 VOOKNOW WHY - Rlcli Lis Hare Sa Much Pontile Enjoying Tltemselres ? c a .. t b» fan I -Hl h.HTS X <«Lw««H4 _ l ’ ifi" BEtiS frUCTMt i Er 1 (BwttMßnieWK I OOP 1 tn j \ C'itRTIME. ViHEff I HAVE A j //d %OME. WILL. I\ <’ TOOTHPICK HURR-(.' ' THE BWIK BOOK- 1 DONT J IVE ON LN «5V 1 "‘W-K . COU<IHIN« F (T, WALL STREET I J 6t> AR A nLI-v I LOSE A MILLION I S ,I S-L ANS FRIENPS IM f <IOO. $W>37 I . IBP * I v..:moles ‘—— . J A * £v I Collars Evmiwril T tken’O oouble S k left y- J -7. • oj. s— X there's so MUCHJ Sc -T X —— -j et « ■— 'I. I . MMiM j Classified Ads LOST and FOUND. | STRAYED OR STOLEN—One bay horse, 12 years old; lame in left hind leg. Finder notify L. G. Council and receive reward. 16-ts FOUND —One automobile crank, owner can get same by paying for this ad. Times-Recorder Office. 9-ts FOR SALE - ~ - -- - ■ FOR SALE —Must sell my 4-cylin der roadster at once; make me an of fer; owner leaving for California; self- Istarter; run less than 1800 miles; all lin first class condition. Apply Louis Kemp, Master Mechanic, Souther Field, or 114 E. Church St. f 16-23 j FOR SALE—Nice bunch pigs and 1 shoats. 3:00 to 8:00. Apply to Craw : ford Wheatley. 2-ts ! FORD ROADSTER—For sa.L Phone I 622. R. E. Black. 13-ts I FOR SALE—2O nice grade Hamp shire Shoats. W. J. Josey. 13-5 t | FOR SALE—IO fine Registered : Shorthorn Calves. Come and select. Sheddon Farms, Raymond. Ga. 13-7 t — FOR SALE—Forty goats. W. J. Josey. 11-5 t IF YOU WANT to be sure. Phone 1155. H. S Schneider's Transfer. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival ar.J departure of passenger trains, Americus, Ga. < ritriii of Georgia Railway Trains Arrive. From Columbus (Seminol-) *12:19 a ni I From Jacksonville (Seminole) * 3.10 a m From Atlanta-Macon ....* S:IS a m From Albany * 6:37 a m From Columbus ! 110:00 a m From Columbus 111:45 a ni j From Atlantzi-Macon * 2:17 p ni 1 From Montgomery-Albany * 2-: 17 p m i From Columbus 1 7:15 p m From Macon.. * 7:35 p m From Montgomery-Albany *10:54 p m Tiains Depart. I For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a m For Chicago (Seminole) ..* 3:4(f a in For Macon-Atlanta * 6:37 a ni For Montgomery-Albany ..* 5:18 a in For Columbus 7:10 a ni For Macon and Atlanta * 2:17 p m For Montgomery-Albany ..* 2:17 p ni For Columbus 1! 3:00 p in For Columbus ! 2:30 p in For Albany • -..* 7:35 p m For Macon-Atlanta .' *10:54 p in “Daily. I Except Sunday. '.'.Sunday only. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Passenger Train Schedule. Effective 2:00 A M-. January 1. 191'J. Eastbound Departs for Cordele. Helena an Savannah 1:31 P. M Eastern Time. Departs for Cordele and HeMiF.a fi:lf P M. Eastern Time. Departs for Cordele. Helena an Savannah. 2:20 A M Eastern Time Westbound Departs for Richland. Columbus ar-d Montgomery. 3.10 P M CENTRAI G. S. & F. Effective Oct 20th. 1918 Trains leave Cordele 200 o m f>>< Jacksonville Valdo» I 'a and Palatka 0 35 p m local for Tifton 1 30 a ni fro Jacksonville Valdos ta and Pa laika 5 4p a rn for lacksonvllle erd vai dost a 2 55 a m laeksodville via Tlf .‘on « 50 a m l • for Macon connect in s fr” n"""- nnril ■ ■ ni rr>> >n connecting for point- north ■•■ i „ „ f.., 'i n-oil and pointe north ‘ ■ >. Fiver > ■ 25 a m 'o’ "neon cotjne;.<mu for noin'- north ' 1 55 p rn f»- Macon and pointe north ‘The -southland ) 1 -Schednlp .Howt, < - Information to ir - nnnllc no’ viarnnreed r n RHODES GPA „ Macon Ga AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. i FOR SALE —One Baby Maxwell au- i I lomobile; cheap. Call 155 or 566. ’ 17-ts — 9 FOR SALE —Old papers; good for wrapping and packing. Times- ' Recorder. 9-ts i: | FOR SALE Overland roadster I $350; must be seen to be appreciated; I owner leaving Souther Field; will take Liberty bonds or part cash and ' balance secured note. 521 Barlow St. Utf WAN 1 ED—Miscellaneous. WANTED —To plow your garden. I will do it. Phone 165. E. D. McDan iel. 12tf FARM AND CITY LOANS— 51-2,1, .ntere-d. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. t-2u-tf WILL FIT KEYS, repair locks and Ford cars. Phone 30. Enloe Wallis. 2-13 t FOR SALE —Miscellaneous. LOOK! FOR SALE OR RENT: 100 acres one mile of Americus, running water, 75 acres cleared. 3 room house, barn, crib. NICE 8 room house, finished through out, large lot. would exchange for farm. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, new. screened, lights, etc., $350.00 cash, balance easy terms. P. B. Williford Office Windsor Hotel. 376 ACRES land close in, crossed fence for cattle, some hog fencing; 15 acres in two-year-old pecan trees, ten to twelve thousand trees budding this year For quick sale owner will make low price and terms to purchaser. Allison Realty Co. R. E. ALLISON (Office Rear Allison Furniture Co.) Allison Bldg Phone 253 FRATERNAL ORDERS. COMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay Commandery, No. 5 Knights Templar, meets every thir Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. Ail visiting Sil Knights have a cordial invitation to meet with us. W. F. SMITH, Eminent Commander. FILxNK J. PAYNE. Recorder. ’ AMERICUS CAMP. 202 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednes (la y ,light in Paternal Dall. Lamar Street. Ail visiting Sovereigns in- VI <G iu meet with US. C J. CLARKE. C. C. NAT LeMASTER. Clerk. « M. B. COUNCIL /\\ LOIXIE, F. and A. M. meets evt ry First and Thirl Friday * NuZ ' nights. All visiting brothers are invited to attend J. E. SHEPPARI . W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretaiy. F. and A. M. ® AMERICUS LODGE F & A M. meet- //'AX TV every second and Fourth Friday night i * '\/ ' at 7 o'clock S. L. M'DANIEL. W. M. I. HAMMOND. Sec'y i TO LEND—I have $12,000 to $15,000 local money to Jend on real estate. See H. O. Jones. 2-ts MR. FARMER Why pull your mules to death when Schneider's trucks will do your heavy hauling? Phone 155. HELP WANTED. MA N U FA C T U RER WANTS i salesmen to sell motor trucks on excellent commission basis. Ex- , perience not absolutely necessary > but desirable. In replying please give details as to yourself and I full information will be forward ed you. It is desirable to know i your age. training, ability and ref erences. Please reply to< “Trucks,” care Times-Recorder. 1,6-6 t WANTED—TO RENT. WANTED —Three or four or five housekeeping rooms; or an apartment, or a five or six-room house. Lovelace Eve, Times-Recorder. Phone 99. FOR RENT. FOR RENT -Three unfurnished rooms; suitable for light housekeep ing. Phone 343. 16-4 t FOR RENT—Fine 400-aCre farm; ready for crop; unusual 'bpportunity; modern houses, barns, mules, machin ery. tools, etc. H. N. Alexaflder, Ray mond, Ga. 13-7 t PROFESSIONAL CARDS i: DR. M. H. U HEELER !: I; DENTAL SURGEON. I; Bell Building. Phone 785. V*^****^* s ***'**^ s *** s * s *^*^ r * #s *** sr^**> *“ DR. C. P. DAVIS p Dental Surgeon. I Ortliordontla, Pyorrhoea. Res. Phone 316 Office Phone 818 ? II Allison Building. 4 j DR. TAYLOR LEWIS | J Physician and Surgeon. | ■ * Office Phone 363. Res. Phone 145 * » (Not 12 as shown in Directory.) I ID/?. /?. P CLENN Physician and Surgeon Office Over Howell Pharmacy. <1 Phones 11, 33, 287 !| EMMETT S. HORSLEY CIVIL ENGINEER and | l| LAND SURVEYOR | I; Dawson, Georgia I; Bate $12.50 per Day and Expenses il DENTAL NOTICE : Dr. E. E. Parson I lI; A Dentist With Years of Experi- J II; ence, Has Opened Offices in The > ;l Commercial B ink Bklcr. g l[ Service Rendered to Suit His i I; Patients. 2 ;l Di NTISTRY * i; A Specially. ‘I Bring Him Your Work is your HAIR K IniV/ « n Kvi Stubborn “ Unruly? Du a box of ® H EXELENTO po N ADE I which i> a gnarantewl Hair Grower. Removes Q 1 1 dandruff. Cleans tho Bea p. Feeds the H ■ roots of the hair. Stops falling hair. Writs for particulars M fyfifnto m::::ic::.e co., atianta, ga. mimtnnwii! 1 i MISCELLANEOUS B TTER HAU YOUR STORAGE BITTEKY EXAMINED It May Need Watt r We have an expert bat tery ma,n who will be glad to do this fr e e of charge. AMEKI OS AUTOMOBILE CO. Phone 105 Cotton Insurance I can insure your cotton any where for any amount. J. A. DAVENPORT, Agent. BESSIE WiND'Ol AGENCY FOR INSI RANCE. 212 Forsyth Street. Phone 2SO z Americus. j MONEY 51 % E ! MONEY I fIiNEB on ,arm k n s ” 5 '■ 2 l> pe ' cen - * sSjsJ interest and borrowers nave pnv« X ilege oi paying part or all of principal at ary interest * period, stopping fftiefest <in amounts paid We always * have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest ser J vice. Save mbney by seeing or writing us j G 11. ELLIS or G (!. WEBB S AMERICUS, GEORGIA 5 ' ' a tfl Butter Milk Starting Food For your Baby Chicks. There is nothing that equals it. Price 10c per pound. Happy Hen-Laying Mash Will make your hens lay or bust. You are losing money and eggs if you are not feed ing Mash. Price 5c per pound; 100 pounds $4.75. Prompt Delivery Planters Seed Co. 210 Forsyth St. Phone 502. * " 'ffi STOVES S HANSES BICKIE i AUIO 1 IRIS Williams-Niles Company H A R D WARE B. F. AVERY & SONS, PLOWS, PLANTERS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIR PARTS T E L E f 11 <>NF. 7i-6 'A J nsure your car NOW -it may BACK hIRE, have a disastrous short circu ' < r be burnt up in a vara e. Our AUIO FIRE INSURANCE prot* cts fully . Rates vladlv quoted. xllW® HERBERT HAWKINS Americus, Georgia I NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that Central of Georgia Railroad has made applica tion to the Railroad Commission of Georgia for authority to discontinue stopping its trains Nos. 11 and 12 at Sumter, Georgia. This application will be heard by the Rail road Commission of Georgia at meeting beginning at 10:00 o'clock a. m., February 26, 1919. All parties desiring to be heard in connection With this application should commun icate with the commission on or be fore the date above mentioned. I This notice is given by direction of the Railroad Commission. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILROAD H. D. POLLARD, General Manager. ■ >****»*v»**v»*'*^»«.»»» »- - jl; An AUTO RADIATOR water-11 T tight is very essential to all parts H I; of your car. Hare me work them II I; over for you. |; I; B. H. ALIEN I: Phone 703. 122 So. Lee St. PAGE THREE