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SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1919. The ■ Promoter’s 1 Wife By JANE PHELPS. < (Copyright, George Mathew Adams) s NEIL REFUSES TO TELL BAB WHERE HE IS GOING CHAPTER LVII. - That night Neil came ’n to dinner, changed his clothes, and went out without speaking, save when 1 asked him why he was going out. “Because I choose to,” he had said, then deliberately closed the door of his dressing room. I was too proud to go to him and try to coax him to remain with me; too angry still to feel as hurt as I otherwise should. But after he had gone I would have given anything to have called him back, and question ed him. I would now have another long, lonely evening alone. Then came a thought— a clever one, I ima gined: I would assure myself, that Neil was not with Blanche Orton! I would call her up, tell her I was alone and ask her if she didn’t want to go over to Lorraine’s and have a game of bridge. I couldn’t quite make myself ask her to my own home, feeling as I did. “Mrs. Orton is out,” it was a maid who answered. “When do you expect her in?” “Not till late. She’s gone to a din ner party. Who shall I tell her call ed up?’ “Never mind, it doesn’t make any difference. You don't know where she went, do you?" the blood rush ed to my face at the question, put to a servant. “No —I didn’t hear.” I hung up. Fierce jealousy posses sed me. Neil had came home, and gone out dressed for the evening and, because he was angry at me, would tell me nothing of his plans. Blanche Orton was also out for the evening. They were very likely together, hav ing a good time while I was sitting alone twiddling my thumbs. It was unbearable. I must do something to stop it. —But what? Blanche Orton had not loved her invalid husband—at least no one be lieved she did. I knew that not many women, brilliant women of her type, attractive, beautiful, rich went through their lives without finding some man whom they loved. Perhaps she loved Neil, and that was the reason she had nothing to give poor Orton? I had a sudden, almost uncontroll able desire to make trouble for Blanche Orton. I wanted to fight her with some weapon that would hurt and maim her in her tenderest spot. Nothing seemed then to count but that it wasn’t Neil—-even though he were faithless-—whom 1 wanted to hurt, but her, the woman who had tempted him. Women are as a rule cruelly hard toward each other. I was no excep tion. I was delighted when the telephone jangled and Lorraine said that she would run over for a chat. I bathed my swollen eyes, and tried to obviate all traces of the emotion through which I had passed in the last 24 hours. Lorraine was such a keen observer, and so apt to talk, that one had to be very careful what one said, and how one looked when she was around. Yet I liked her immensely. “What do you think Blanche Or ton did to-night?” she asked in her impulsive fashion. “I am sure I don't know.” I had no slightest intention of letting Lor raine know I had telephoned Blanche. “She has gone out with the fun niest looking man. Such a common looking fellow. I drove by her house at just seven o'clock and they came out and got into her car. He looked up for the occasion. I can t see what she finds in such creatures to inter est her, Cave men, I should call them. I should imagine from his appearance and from that maid s de scription that it was the same sort she had at her dinner* party that night. Queer taste, to say Che least.” Lorrraine could not know how' re lieved I was at her gossip. Mrs. Or ton was not with Neil. He had not left the house until half past seven and Lorraine had seen Mrs. Orton go out with some man at seven. The evening passed quickly and Nell came in at eleven o’clock, Lor raine was still there, so he took her home. To-morrow —Bab plans a Social Ca reer for herself and her boy. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE—One Jersey cow with young calf. John Sheffield. 4-2 t FOR SALE—I,SOO pound capacity, four-wheel “Troy” trailer; rubber tires; only run about 300 miles, Fur nished with hitch or rear end of car. Write or phone A. S. McCrea, Plains, Georgia. 26-ts FOR SALE—One Baby Maxwell au tomobile; cheap. Call 155 or 566. 17-ts A FINE INVESTMENT in good farm of 625 acres in Sumter county. The rent of 22 bales of cotton will go with this farm, if sold before May Ist Price $17,500.00. If you want a bar gain in a plantation, it will be to your interest to see this proposition. A. C. Crockett. 30-ts WANTED—Miscellaneous. WANTED—I will buy your fat hogs. See me at once if you have any. J. G. Cow’an, Windsor Hotel. 6-3 t WANTED—Furnished light house keeping rooms in private home by young couple. Phone 841. 6-3 t WANTED. Salesman; marvelous new health, accident insurance. Big opportunity. Act quickly. Box 351, Chicago. 6-lt INTELLIGENT! energetic men to handle our line of high grade trees, shrubs, perennials; commissions pay able weekly. Brown Brothers Com pany. Continental Nurseries, Roches ter, N. Y. 6-lt WANTED—Bauxite property. Write us what you have. Warner Mining Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. 30-5 Sun. FOR THE BEST CLASS of painting see J. H. O’Neal. Interior painting and Decorating Tinting and Paper Hanging. P. O. Box 372, City. Res idence 516 Spring street 22-Sun-ts FOR GOOD SERVICE on all ma chine work, go to Shoemake’s Machine Shop, Cotton Ave. 5-lw FARM AND CITY LOANS— 51-2 7c interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. «-2j-tf l_ Os Korse O’Neal repaints furniture. Regnilds picture frames. Any thing, any where, any time. P. 0. Box 372. 22-Sun.-ts RAILROAD "SCHEDULES Arrival art<? departure of passenger trains, Americus, Ga. Central of Georgia Railway Trains Arrive. From Columbus (Seminole) *12:18 a m From Jacksonville (Seminole) * 8.40 a m From Atlanta-Macon ....* 5:18 a m From Albany * 6:37 a m From Columbus ! 110:00 a m From Columbus 111:45 a m From Atlanta-Macon * 2:17 > m From Montgomery-Albany * 2:17 p m From Columbus ! 7:15 p m From Macon * 7:35 p m From Montgomery-Albany *10:54 p m Trains Depart. For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a ni For Chicago (Seminole) ..* 8:40 a m For Macon-Atlanta * 6:37 a ra For Montgomery-Albany ..♦ 5:18 a m For Columbus I 7:10 a m For Macon and Atlanta * 2:17 p m For Montgomery-Albany . .* 2:17 p m For Columbus 1! 3:00 p m For Columbus ! 2:30 p m For Albany * 7:35 p m For Macon-Atlanta *10:54 p m ♦Daily. I Except Sunday. !!Sunday only. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Passenger Train Schedule. Time Table Effective 10:01 A. M. March 31,1919. Easthound. DEPART— For Cordele. Helena and Savannah, 1:31 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele and Helen , 6:15 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele, Helena and Savannah,, 2:20 A. M. Eastern Time. Westbound. DEPART— For Richland, Columbus and Al bany, 10:00 A M. Central Time. For Columbus and Montgomery, 3:10 P. M. Central Time. G. S. & F. RR. Trains leave Cordale: 2:00 P. M., for Jacksonville, Valdosta, and Palatka. 6:35 P. M. Local for ifton. 3:30 A. M., for Jacksonville, Valdosta and Palatka. 5:40 A. M. for Jacksonville and Val dosta. 2:55 A. M., for Jacksonville, via. Tif ton. 8:50 A. M. Local for Macon connect ing for points North. 2:10 P. M., for Macon connecting for points North. 3:23 A. M., for Macon and points North (Dixie Flyer). 3:25 A. M., for Macon, connecting for points North. 11:55 P. M„ for Macon and points North (The Southland.) Schedule shown as information to the public; not guaranteed. C- B. RHODES, G. P. A., Macon, Ga AMERICUS ' NOTICE—In order to improve oar transfer service we are today moving the transfer office to the office of the Schneider Marble Co., at 225 Furlow' St. Phone 566. All calls will be han dled over Phone 566 in future and will be given careful, prompt attention. Es pecial attention given to moving house hold goods, careful drivers and ex pert packers, etc.; also all kind of heavy hauling requiring special equip ment. We make contracts that are attractive for all of your business by the year. If you W’ant real ..service see us. We are prepared to’ give it. Phone your orders to No. 566 and then forget it; W’e will do the rest Schneider Transfer Co. WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler, 110 Lamar St., directly in front of postoffice. FOR PROMPT and satisfactory truck service phone 303. Clark’s Transfer. Aprl-tf Why sure, O’Neal paints signs. Any thing to be painted from cellar to roof. Inside and out side. No job too small, no job to large. P. O. Box 372. 22-Sun-ts WANTED —Stall-fed cattle on hoof. Will pay fancy price. See W. A. Ayash at Acme Sanitary Market. 19-ts "professional cards" I DR. M. H. WHEELER DENTAL SURGEON. '■ Bell Building. ; Office Phone 785. Res. Phone 884.; ! fi*******#*#**#wr****#****#<#<*Mp«p<4<***<> C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon i ORTHODONTIA. PYORRHOEA I Res. Phone 316 Office Phone 818 Allison Building. f :: DR. R. P. GLENN 1 Physician and Snrgeon Res. Phone 460. Office Phone 350 ; Office 1101-2 North Jackson St ' Office Hours: 10 to 12 and 3to 5 > MISCELLANEOUS Dr. EL ' . PARSONS W dentist Office: Co m - merci al City Bank Building. Night Service: 7:30 to 9, ex cept Thursday. nilMßXiuiolUsOnANTA™! ![ In The Centre of the Wholesale I and Retail Districts 400 ROOMS. RATES MODERATE L. J. DLNKLER, C. L. DISKLEB, ; ; Proprietor, Manager. ;> : BESSIE WINDSOR AGENCY ! | FOR INSURANCE. | 212 Forgyth Street Phone 280 Americus. B. H. ALLEN METAL WORKER AND AUTO; RADIATOR REPAIRS. With Thirty Years of Practical Experience I challenge my equal from a mechanical standpoint, ser- < vice and price. 122 S. Lee St. ; [ Phono 703. FOR SALE—Miscellaneous. WE WILL’BUY YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, ANY J ISSUE OR DENOMINA TION. Allison Realtv Co. R. E. ALLISON (Office Rear Allison Furniture Co.) Allison Bldg. Phone 258 Jl“ * . FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Four room house; screened, bath and electric lights. See C. A. Chambliss. Phone 451. 4-ts TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping at 320 South Lee. Phone 765. 4-ts For RENT —One four-room house on Prince street H. L. Mize. 4-2 t FARM LANDS FOR RENT 85 ACRES prettiest land In Sumter county; every foot cultivatible; on Bumphead road, 4 1-2 miles from Americus. For particulars see Jos. Perkins at Chamber of Commerce. 21-ts Obstinate Chests-of-Drawers. E. V. Lucas tells of an innkeeper ( who in his will set apart the interest on £3OO for an annual supper to the newsboys of his town; and of another man who left the interest on £I.OOO to pay for “a treat” to certain school children, “to be in the nature of a surprise.” Mr. Lucas himself would like to leave the interest on £I,OOO “to that maker of chests-of-drawers whose drawers presented least resistance to the user”! i TAXI CAB PHONE 49 ii ;> B. C. Vaughn. s ]; Ino longer get my calls at 825. ;; !! Always call 49. 1[ O/ IJ Orange 'CRUSH Healthful, thirst-quenching— Oronge Crush has won admir ers ’mong young and old. Order an ice-cold bottle. Orange Crush is obtainable by the case wherever soft drinks are sold. Our mod ern bottling machinery as sures absolutely the purity of Orange Crush. By the Bottle- Less by the case AMERICUS Coca Cola BOTTLING CO. J. T. WARREN, Manager. FRATERNAL ORDERS? COMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay Commandery, No. 5 Knights Templar, meets every thir Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordial invitation to meet with us. W. F. SMITH, Eminent Commander FRANK J. PAYNE. Recorder. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednes Cu/nTday ni Bht in Fraternal Hall, Lamar Street All visiting Sovereigns in vited to meet with us. C. J. CLARKE, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. ei M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. and A. M. meets every First and Third Friday / \ nights. AJI visiting brothers are invited to attend J. E. SHEPPARD, W. M. NAT LeMASTER. Secretary. F. and A. M. AMERICUS LODGE F. & A. M., meets every second and Fourth Friday night * at 8 o’clock. 8. L. ITDANIEL, W. M. 8. L. HAMMOND, Seo*/. t INFLUENZA RAGING homes whore EI Vigor Tonic TB ‘ et “The Greai Strength and Flesh Builder” \Z IS USED. For 8100J > Liver and Kidney Trou- WlfelPjM b,eS ’ E1 V1 B° rTonic gives Vim, Vigor \ and Vitality to resist the Flu. it is great strength and flesh builder, purifies the blood, relieves kidney, corrects digestions. El Vigor Tonic costs only SI.OO a bottle. You can get EL VIGOR TONIC from Ameri cus Drug Co., Americus, Ga. B. B. KENT GARAGE Lamar Street. (Cross from Churchwell’s) GENERAL REPAIRING TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN AMERICUS A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EX TENDED OUR HUNDREDS OF FRIENDS TO VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION. —— T'l, 'll JWMBBMHIW—K— | MONEY 51% I MHMFY I fIANFfI on iarm * an<^s at ® I*2 per cent ! $ l.aUilLl interest and borrowers have privj ■ * ilege of paying part or all of principal at any interest J * period, stopping interest on amounts paid. We always ! * have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest ser !vice. Save money by seeing or writing us G. R. ELLIS or G C. WEBB J AMERICUS, GEORGIA THE UNIVERSAL CAR I I PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! We can make immediate deliveries. U 11| I Touring Car $556.50, Roadster $571.50 RYLANDER’S Lamar Street Phone 105 S Stop! Look!! Listen!!! • • : All makes of CORD and FABRIC e $ HUES REPAIRED and RE- i: $ » :i TREADED. ii • S AMERICUS STEAM VULCANIZING CO. S • J. W. LOTT, Manager < • Phone 506 ; ® •••••••••••••••••••••••••* PAGE ELEVEN