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PAGE TWO ‘ Famous Soloists Coming For ! Concert Wednesday Evening f # #* r »y *;• liEo t WO WW£ > n <>>•<'. VioteN. JKjnK surt<»A-w * IKbEKF' J jra • ~ ML j fi%KH E’Hgy V jtfiaSs x! .*» 2&»3ik l®liiL’»«il§iiis RSAjjaMEfc *fc WffitWRMM '^^s!v i u Sly * y? '>/ vMHMH^k^ ’ -V- ' " 4ly-' S.. ■ * « <.gt « Ow a Isks-wW j6‘ '-g»;zsrP'-s.; •■■*•• .>;»•• '&M»ggE<& /■fflfigisg£’?|s®fra r ®F'- ’ > 3g» ?{ b Mi MPHw ** wm wif ■■ ■ _. ; zg&L. Ml WT fjd CROUD GAZING AT WONDERFUL I , $13,000 00 VI QLI N ' - The Americus High School is provid ing a treat for Americus people by bringing Skovgaard, the famous Dan- 1 ish Violinist and the comapny of Met ropolitan soloists to this city We. I nesday evening, April 9. The concert will be given in the High School Audi torium. An evening such as these fa mous musicians furnish their audience is well worth the effort and the admis- 1 sion that is charged. “Mr. Skovgaard is a very large man, weighing 300 pounds and measur- ' ing six feet and three inches tall,” i stated the advance agent for Mr.' Skovgaard, who was in the city last week. Quite often this famous musi-j cian is sized up to be a foot ball play-! er. After his concert in Madison, W.s, ! the Students committee remarked that 1 he would make a splendid student,' and when the Danish artist asked for ■ the reason, the answer came back “Any 1 University ball team would be proud l of him.” Skovgaard is a most likable man and makes friends wherever he goes. C ~~ We are distributors for and • now have /jESttiiwwii HR W' '■ i! I i WISH BSJ ' in stock, ready for immediately delivery 5-PASSENGER TOURING CAR CHALMERS 5-Passenger Touring Cars, $1,750 Delivered, And 3-Passenger Roadsters, $1,720 Delivered Chalmers 5-Passenger Touring Car ChalmersS-Passenger Roadster For Years the Chalmers Five-Passenger Touring has been one of America’s most popular The unusua| qua|ities o( the Roadster have made i; one of motor cars. Season after season, beginning with the the famous Chalmers “30” this stand- ard Touring car has increased its circle of friends. the most popular Chalmers models. It is light, roomy, eco- A careful inspection of this model will show the reasons for its popularity. You will find all nomical,comfortable and easy to handle--an ideal car for busi- the qualities which go to make a modern touring car—and when you look under the hood, you will see the first motor to make high power out ol low-grade gasoline. ness or suburban use. * Hooks Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS ' Pumsi Street Phones 16-J-—l6-W 3-passenger roadster ! Mr. Skovgaard owns a genuine Stradivarius for which he paid $13,- ' 000. The violin was purchased from a well known dealer in London in 1902 where Skovgaard was touring during that year. H e carries $50,- 000.00 worth of insurance on his play ing hand, which is worth that much to him. He is making an American and ' Canadian tour just now. j The artists appearing with Skov gaard are all in his class and reports ■ of their work indicate a real treat in I store. A feature of the evening is the ' group of operatic duets sung in cos ! tume by Sofia Stephali and Marie I Kern-Fullen. Although they had ! never met one another before starting i out with Skovgaard this season, they ' sing as if they had sung together for years and the blending of the two i voices is remarkable. Their intona -1 jtion is always accurate and being ’ routined opera singers, their duets are | given in the operatic manner. Alice McClung-Skovgard at the age of three years and a half gave a program be- AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. I fore Theodore Thomas, former Con -1 ductcr of the well-known Thomas or chestra in Chicago. At this age, she played several of Bach's Fugues and was by Thomas considered to be a mu sical wonder and with a great future. She has been on the concert platform more or less ever since. Mrs. Skgv gaard has appeared with orchestras as soloist and has accompanied many of the famous violinists and singers. She is a great ensemble player, soloist and accompanist. The concert program has been prepared with great care. It is a blending of classical as well as mod ern music and is bound to please every listener. Resident Has Awful Experience. "I was twice confined in hospitals in the last one nothing but gruel wa ter was injected into me 4 times a day, as my stomach would not retain any food. I suffered terribly; was reduced to a skeleton. My folks saw an ad of Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy and it has surely saved my life. I weigh 180 lbs. now.” It is a simple, harmless, prep aration that removes the catarrhal mu cus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practi cally all stomach, liver apd intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Howells Pharmacy and druggists ev erywhere. adv BUSY STORE Smart Easter Ap par els A special clearance sale of dresses for Monday only. This Sale Will Begin Monday, April 7,at 9 O’clock Sharp This lot of dresses we previously sold up to $27.50. In this special sale for Monday, only, they will go at $16.95. They consist of Taffetas, Crepe-de-Chine. Foulards and combinations. We assure you they are absolutely the newest styles for Spring and Summer wear. Extra charges for alterations on this lot of dresses at $16.95. MANY OTHER GOOD VALUES WILL BE OFFERED THROUGHOUT OUR STORE ALL THIS WEEK. ALCAZAR THEA PRE MONDAY Artcraft Pictures Presents Wonderful WILLIAM S. HART ' IN Acts Branding Broadway Acts We heartily recommend this splendid picture to you, and hope you will find time see it. Admission 10c and 20c TUESDAY WEDNESDAY World Pictures Presents Crane WilbUT Louise Huff DEVIL McCVRE in 5 Acts THE SEA WAIF Senne(^om ed y 5 Acts NEVER TOO OLD SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1919. ’