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PAGE EIGHT Failure to VOTE WEDNESDAY Is a VOTE AGAINST BONDS SOMETHING like $20,000,000 in bond issues are now eral aid for Sumter several years, putting Sumter so far be- pending in Georgia counties. Georgia’s share of federal hind the counties participating that shell probably never aid available to 1920 totals about $7,000,000. The first catch up. < .. . . . , . r e -i Here, again, is the map of the proposed roads, and the-pledge of the counties to qualify will participate in this fund. Ihe tail- e ,. . ‘ ~1 Z jr r . Sumter commissioners outhng the program, as asked by the Campaign ure of Sumter county to vote bonds now will postpone fed- Advisory committee: CALL MEETING OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 9. The road leading from Americus to Vienna and to a point . » OF ROADS AND REVENUES OF SUMTER on said road two and one-half miles this side of the line dividing Dooly COUNTY, GEORGIA. and Sumter counties at the new Flint river bridge; SfJMTFR mi INTV » field al The Courthouse, Saturday, March 22nd, 1919. lU. The Lee Street road to a point two and one-half miles < - .5 CFORCIA cl • ’ WHEREAS: This body has heretofore called an election to this side of the Lee county line, if it should be found that funds are t ,v p , . ’ owing authorize, by vote of the people, the issuance of Five Hundred Thous- available; otherwise this road not to be included in this pledge. //' Oil Koads Upon Which Ap- and ($500,000.00) Dollars of bonds, the proceeds of which to be (b) In so far as we may have authority, to build and con- 'Vo. SC/YY-tC Y Co b r plication Has Been uused, as stated, to build permanent highways in Sumter County; struct said roads at least eighteen ( 18) feet wide, out of such material kj O Made for Permanent and and in such manner as may be agreed upon by the Georgia Highway \ I i ij . 'G Roacs. WHEREAS: The Federal Government has proposed to do- Commission and the Federal highway authorities; I_|~| | 1 // )) nate, in the building and construction of permanent highways, an ( c ) To Jo said work by contract, if possible, and to keep the i | J x/ amount equal to that furnished by the county; and present county road force continuously building and repairing, during N]li 1 i //'' .1 \ WHEREAS: Each voter of the county desiring to vote on £a id per j o d of construction and thereafter, the cross roads and other j Tx 1 /'/"’I \ raid pioposition is entitled to know exactly when, how and upon what public highways of said county; and, as far as practicable, to so pro- ‘ W /, I % roads funds are to be utilized and the policy of this board in v ide and stipulate in contracting for said road building that the same I I \\ handling the same; therefore, will ro t t j n an y manner, interfere with the farm labor in Sumter Ij k> z- ] C>\ BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Commissioners of ,-ounty; G" * (1 £ Roads and Revenues of Sumter County, that said Board, and the ti . u r r-i j 1 li // // I tSA £ • j- i i > -a 111111-1- (<U 1 hat as soon as the extension of any of said name roads xi A /X VI) £ individual members composing tbe same, do hereby declare their policy i„ lo olher counties are built to the Sumter county line, then immediate’ Cy - ' I / with reference to the whole of said subject matter, as follows: ( .- it ,i r. . > . > . t, \ \ / z \ t- c -i i i iii ly, or as soon as practicable thereafter, to complete such permanent I i \\/ (a) To bmld and construct a permanent paved highway on roads in th i s county to said county line; and as to the road to Cordele i r. and over the following roads and portions of roads in said county, ( n c . . .i r- r . • l n l l -u j , , j 1 ; i // 1 J from ucooto to the r lint river shall be built and constructed so soon as j, I>Z ’ I ~ IA i f . . . , , . , _ . Crisp county builds and constructs a like road to Flint river at this A l V 1. The road from Americus to Methvin s Store, in the 28th point> and a suitab l e bridge across this river has been built; // “A V " V\ ? Gistnc' ar.d leading to the Flint river beyond, and to a point thereon / \ -ri. , .l a r h r • i i i ■ i Hi I I \\ two and one-half miles this side of Flint river; , fe / That the constru L c lon of all °f said r ° ad l U a J e simuI ‘ \) 2. The road leading from Americus to Oglethorpe and to a “ P r «““ b ' e - commencing at the City of Americas U , , I point on said road two and one-half miles this side of where the same 7 ‘A 8 Out A' for a dls,ance of , lhte<! m,les ° n , cac ’ of sald ' \\c 4 H crosses the county line dividing Macon and Sumter counties; named toads, and then progressing m the proportion that the aggre- k, | ' \ X\\ v, 3. The road leading from Americus to Ellaville and to a point of ’H Mtd road bear, to the englh of each; so that upon > !J ' A < o AR, two and one-half miles this side of where the same crosses the county ' be comp'el'on of one the ermmus o ail W.H be reached; .A*j/I \ S H line dividing Schley and Sumter counties; And that, in the event the present proposed bona issue, I \ k? £ L 4. The road leading from Americus to Friendship and to a Wl,h lhe Ilke sum donated b y the Federal Government, is not sufficient AT. /7 j T , a /A $ 9 point cn said road two and one-half miles this side of where the same complete the work outlined above, we pledge ourselves to procure, A 1 // I c crosses the county line dividing Marion and Sumter counties; if possible, additional funds with which to complete each of said pro- "G /X ! / ' A 5. The road leading from Americus to Preston and to a point P osed bne or highway; aA Y I cn said road two and one-half miles this side of where the same crosses This Board, as a whole, hereby binds itself, and each individual v- (/ A Z_ O the county line dividing Webster and Sumter counties; member thereof pledges himself, to the voters of Sumter county to v \ b *" 6. The road leading from Americus to Dawson and to a point conform to the foregoing declaration of policy with reference to said n > THE PASSAGE OF THE PROPOSED BONDS FOR SSOO 000 TO BE on said road two and one'half’miles this side of. where the same crosses subject matter, and to promote the same to the best of their ability and <7 MATCHED BY A LIKE AMOUNT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERN the county line dividing Terrell and Sumter counties at the Wilburn judgment, and to the best interest of all concerned. a MENT WILL BUILD THESE PERMANENT HIGHWAYS bridge. This, the 22nd day of March, 1919. / ° G 7. The road leading from Americus to Leesburg and to a point BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR POADS AND REV- jrvv c* on said road two and one-half miles this side of where the same crosses j ENUES OF SUMTER COUNTY, GEORGIA, By— 111 - the county line dividing Lee and Sumter counties; NEILL A. RAY, Chairman. Soto, Georgia, on said road; and, ’ D :R. S. OLIVER. J. Sumter County Bond Campaign Committee of 300 AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1919.