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MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1919 MERCHANTS TO I HEAR ADVICE OF EXPERT TONIGHT The three reel feature film, “Trou bles of a Merchant, and How to Stop Them,” will be presented for the first time in Americus tonight at 8 o’clock, In the High School auditorium. In connection with the film, a lecture on retail merchandising will be given. All merchants and salespeople in the city are invited to attend. No chaarge will be made for admission. Joseph Perkins .secretary of the Re tail merchant’s Association has se cured the film and merchandising lec ture through the courtesy of the Na tional Cash Register Company, Dayton Ohio. R. H. Kennedy, expert lecturer of the Dayton Company, will be the speaker. The lecture has been given before commercial organizations and conventions throughout the country, and has been highly commended. Causes for losses and failures in re tail business are shown, and their remedy told to the lecture, which has been prepared from ■ the experience of the National Cash Register Com pany in its thirty-four years of deal ing with merchants in all parts of the world. A prominent place in the lecture is given to the value of newspaper ad vertising. By means of stereopticon slides, Mr. Kennedy will tell how to prepare, newspaper copy, how to se cure best results, and why a mer chant should advertise continually. Window display, efficiency of clerk’s selling methods, credit business, de livery problems, and other topics of interest to merchants will also be dis cussed. The film tells in a vivid manner the story of Mr. White, a merchant who is near failure. As the film progres ses, the reasons for his lack of suc cess becomes plain. Poor arrange ment of goods, an unattractive front, lax business methods, and most of all, out-of-date business methods, all con tributed their quota of loss. Finally a change comes in the ca reer of Mr. White. He cleans up his store, installs a ’modern system, and rapidly rises to success. The film is declared to have a busiiness lesson in every scene. Many merchants and salespeople in this city are expected to welcome the opportunity offered by this lecture, and a large attendance is looked for. BIG EATERS fff. KIDNEY TROUBLE Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with urio acid which the kidneys strive to filter .out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is > cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts: take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys ; ; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus i ending bladder disorders. ' Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- ‘ jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in ; every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flush ing any time. winr HIM TEA If Mixed with Sulphur It Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand mother’s recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which Is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youth ful appearance is of the greatest ad vantage. Nowadays, though, we don’t have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing, at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the addition of other ingredients, called “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound.” It Is very popular because nobody discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what de lights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage and 'hilphur Compound, is that, be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also pro duces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. This ready-to-use preparation is a de lightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. Tt is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of disease. Danger Every Day Knowing the Truth, Will You Heed It? If 70,000 men out of the first million examined under the draft act in Geor gia had a venereal disease, it is time for every woman and child in the state to know what syphilis and gonorrhoea is. If the abpve proposition holds good as to the entire population there are 203,000 cases of syphilis and gon orrhoea distributed among the people. They njeet you on the street, they sit beside you in the theater; they eat from the same dishes and drink from the same glasses at the cases and restaurants that you do eat and drink from. They turn the same door knob, they try on the same gloves that you do. They handle the fruit and vege tables that you place on your dining table for your family to eat. The time has come for your family doctor to get down, off of his roost of false modesty and foolishness and tell you that the matter or pus from a syphilitic or gonorrhoeal sore carries the poison and that when it is placed on a cracked lip or scratched hand you are very liable to contract the disease. Your family physician ought to go far ther and tell you that in spite of treat ment the poison of syphilis and gonor rhoea may be retained in the human body and produce paralysis or insanity in old age and that a child born to a mother or father who is infected with a venereal disease if born alive will in more than 80 per cent of the cases be blind, deformed or mentally deficient. These are the diseases of the father that are bequeathed to the third and fourth generations. They are the can cers that are eating z into the physical, mental and moral life of our nation. They are the skeletons that hang in the closets of our most palatial homes as well as the shanties and hovels of our poor. When you ask him: If your .family physician does not tell you how to pro tect your wife and your children from such disease, he has neglected to' per form the highest and most noble duty of his profession. If your family phy sician does not file a complete and ac curate birth certificate for every child within 10 days after it is born, if he does not repoit every communicable disease, if he does not carefully and completely fill out each death certif icate, he has failed to furnish the local and state health officers with the necessary data upon which is based the prevention of all diseases. It is said that 30 per cent of all blindness is due to goncirhoea, but without complete birth segistration no one can tell; for it is into the eyes of the infant that the gono’.rhccal matter is placed and carelessly preventive measures are neglected ihat produce this blindness. If the death certificates are examined, few certificates show syphilis as the cause of death, due to the fact that the physician tried to hide the real cause or was grossly ignorant of the real cause of death. Many certificates show senile demential, locomotor ataxia, pa resis and blood poisoning when such deaths are in truth due to syphilis. The time has come in Georgia when the people must demand of the health officers protection against communica .ble diseases and of the physicians com plete and accurate birth and death registration and the public notification of all preventable disease. VENEREAL DISEASE IS NOT A NECESSARY EVIL IF Men and women would refrain from wrong-doing; Everyone infected remained under treatment until cured; Those infected took care of them selves and thought of the wel fare of others; THEN the great menace to the people of this country COULD BE STAMPED OUT ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? CLEAN UP With the demobilization o f prac tically four million men who have not alone been drilled in the use of arms and modern warfare, but who have been told time after time that clean living was the right life of a soldier, that sanitation around the camp pays and will pay around the home. That most of our ills are due to our own disobedience of recognized health laws, and that regular hours, proper food, as well as clean sexual lite and thought would conserve our strength and give vigor to our every day life. They have been taught in the camp what they should have known from their fathers before they were called to the colors. They have been made better men, cleaner men than when they answered the call of our country. The truth is that five-sixths of venereal diseases were brought to the camps from the home towns and near-by cities, and only one-sixth of the total infection of the men has occurred since their en listment. Can we say that we have cleaned up our home communities ready for the home coming? Is it likely that demob ilization will mean in your commun ity demoralization? Have you gotten rid of questionable characters? Have you put out of existence all places of disrepute in your vicinity? Have you yet places where men and women of questionable character congregate ? Don’t you think it is time to clean up? - - • They Call This Tlw Lacd Os The Free ? frm fa tta w* By Rater J> see rweT \ ?t\ Cava PicLL”; f the we* > I I '-Etj <o ro the / ( 'I ? .J WEUUI __ WS&Z \\ £5 HOWMJS. J BE FREE AS THE } I INTO | /, t-fCz- I (• z \ natures I yA ( rCj j'jSffiSK -p, -r. ' vJo ■ Wu MB • . Cni« OH 'HA’ ■B ■■ . - C you mu sth r ) x-\ \ z —bouttsr / A the ( (A 1I ViecfGees /V /AJR | I . I W IT ! \ <<. ajte™ \V 111 Intowa , <on al Cartoon Co. h. yJ '■* '’' | Classified Ads LOST and FOUND. TAKEN UP —Bay horse. Owner ' t. ey have same by paying for this ad and feed. J. W. Holley, 601 Felder St Hit FOR SALE FOR SALE. —A few choice chry- s; nthemums. Mrs. R. E. Cato. 12-3 t FOR SALE Pure Barred Rock Eggs; ?1.50 a setting. Ethel Nichol son, Plains, Ga. 10-lw FOR SALE —One pair iron gsey mare mules; 5 years old; will sell at a bargain. W. J. Hill, Cobb, Ga. 11-7 t A FINE INVESTMENT in good farm of 625 acres in Sumter county. The rent of 22 bales of cotton will go with this farm, if sold before May Ist. Price $17,500.00. If you want a bar gain in a plantation, it will be to your interest to see this proposition. A. C. Crockett. 30-ts FOR SALE —One Baby Maxwell au tomobile; cheap. Call 155 or 566. 17-ts FOR SALE.—SMALL ADD ING MACHINE IN GOOD CONDITION. FIRST CHECK FOR $7.50 GETS IT. TIMES RECORDER. PHONE 93. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival and departure of passenger trains, Americus, Ga. Central of Georgia Railway Trains Arrive. From Columbus (Seminole) *l2:l# a m From Jacksonville (Seminole) * $.lO a m From Atlanta-Macon ....* 5:18 a m From Albany * 6:37 a m From Columbus !! 10:00 a m From Columbus 111:45 a m From Atlanta-Macon * 2:17 > m From Montgomery-Albany ♦ 2:1" p m From Columbus ! 7:15 p m From Macon * 7:35 p m From Montgomery-Albany *10:54 p m Trains Depart. For Jacksonville (Seminole) *12:10 a in For Chicago (Seminole) ..* 3:40 a m ' For Macon-Atlanta * 6:37 a m For Montgomery-Albany 5:18 a m ■ For Columbus ! 7:10 a n> For Macon and Atlanta ♦ 2:17 p w For Montgomery-Albany 2:17 p n> For Columbus 1! 3:00 p m For Columbus ! 2:80 p m For Albany * 7:35 p m For Macon-Atlanta *10:54 p m *Daily. I Except Sunday. !! Sunday only. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Passenger Train Schedule. Time Table Effective 10:01 A. M. March 31,1919. Eastbound. DEPART— For Cordele. Helena and Savannah, 11:31 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele and Helen , 6:15 P. M. Eastern Time. For Cordele, Helena and Savannah, 2:20 A. M. Eastern Time. Westbound. DEPART— For Richland, Columbus and Al bany, 10:00 AM. Central Time. For Columbus and Montgomery, 3:10 P. M. Central Time. G. S. & F. RR. Trains leave CorJele: (2:00 P. M., for Jacksonville, Valdosta, I and Palatka. I 6:35 P. M. Local for Ifton. 3:30 A. M., for Jacksonville, Valdosta and Palatka. 5:40 A. M. for Jacksonville and Val dosta. 12:55 A. M., for Jacksonville, via. Tif ton. 8:50 A. M. Local for Macon connect ing for points North. 2:10 P. M.. for Macon connecting for points North. 3:23 A. M., for Macon and points North (Dixie Flyer). 3:25 A. M„ for Macon, connecting for points North. 11:55 P. M„ for Macon and points North (The Southland.) Schedule, shown as information to the public; not guaranteed. C. B. RHODES, G. P. A., Macon, Ga. AMERICUS TTMES-RECORDER. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE CHEAP GOOR FOR WRAPPING BUNDLES PACKING. ETC. TIMES- RECORDER. 14-ts FOR SALE—I6-Ft. Benthall peanut Picker and 6 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse engine, with belt, run about thirty days, $6.50. S. M. JONES, Jr., Smithville, Ga. 8-6 t WANTED —Miscellaneous. SHUMAKE’S Machine Shop repairs all kinds of machinery. Cotton Ave. 14-ts WANTED—StaII-fed cattle on hoof. Will pay fancy price. See W. A. Ayash at Acme Sanitary Market. 19-ts WANT to rent 5 or 6 room house in nice residental section at once. Phone A Cohen. 596 10-14 t LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS—The Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York, wants live, permanent agent for Americus territory; high commissions and renewals. Address Manager, 815 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta. 10-7 t "professional cards J DR. M. H. WHEELER :: dental surgeon. Bell Building. ;; Office Phone 785. Res. Phone 884.; C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon | ;; ORTHODONTIA, PYORRHOEA ? ;; Res. Phone 316 Office Phone 818 ? Allison Building. ) >***«♦*****»*♦#**♦♦*♦#♦* DR. R. P GLENN Physician and Surgeon ; Res. Phon 460. Office Phone 350 I Office 1101-2 North Jackson St. Office Hours: 10 to 12 and 8 to 5 MISCELLANEOUS ■ ~" < HAND MADE AIRTIGHT » | GARBAGE CANS. 1 The Best That Money Can Bay. I $3.50 DELIVERED. | B. 11. ALLEN, Metal Worker. ! 122 S. Lee St. Phone 703 | FOR SALE —Miscellaneous. —.—_ WE WILL BUY YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, ANY ISSUE OR DENOMINA TION. Allison Realty Co. R. E. ALLISON (Office Rear Allison Furniture Co.) AHlson Bldg. Phon. 353 1 • I _ RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS for sale. Phone 503. Marvin Giddings. 10-t5 FOR PROMPT and satisfactory truck service phone 303. Clark’s Transfer Aprl-tf FARM AND CITY LOANS— 51-2,1 interest. Terms easy. Quick service W. W. Dykes. 4-2u-tf WANTED—A Ford roadster. State price and where to be seen. P. O. Box 356, lltf WANTED —Four or five room house; must have city water. Address P. O. Box 325. 9-ts WILL FIT KEYS, repair locks, door bells and Ford Cars. Phone 30. En loe Wallie. 8-6 t FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Furnished apartment. 404 W. Lamar St. Phone 430. 14-ts FOR RENT—Four-room house. Ap ply Miss Ella Mitchell. 13-3 t FOR RENT —Four room house; screened, bath and electric lights. See C. A. Chambliss Phone 451. 4-ts KIMBALL HOUSE, ATIANTA Iln The Centre of the Wholesale I and Retail Districts 400 ROOMS. RATES MODERATE. |' L. .1. DINKLER, C. L. DINKLEB, ; Proprietor, Manager. nervouTwrecF From Three Year*’ Suffering. Saya Car4ui Made her WclL Texas City, Tex.—ln an interesting statement, Mrs. C. H. Schill, of this town, : says: "For three years I suffered untold I agony with my head. I was unable to i do any of my work. I just wanted to sleep all the time, for, that was the only ease 1 could get, when i I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck : just from the awful suffering with m/ i I Nead. 1 was so nervous that the least noise ; would make me jump out of my bed. I ; had no energy, and was unable to do anything. My sen, a young boy, had to do all my household duties. I was not able to do anything until I took Cardui. I took three bottles in all. and it surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ago, and I know the cure ia permanent, ■for I have never had any headache since taking Cardui. .. Nothing relieved me until 1 took Cardui. I It did wonders for me.” Try Cardui for your troubles—made from medicinal ingredients recommended in medical books as being of benefit In female troubles, and 40 yean of use has proven that the books are right Begin taking Cardui today. NC-134 FRATERNAL ORDERS. COMMANDERY MEETING. DeMolay Commandery, No. 5 Knights Templar, meets every thlr I Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordial invitation to meet with us. W. F. SMITH, Eminent Commander FRANK J. PAYNE, Recorder. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. » Meets every Wednes da y night in Fraternal Hall, Lamar Street. All visiting Sovereigns in vited to meet with us. C. J. CLARKE, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. M. B. COUNCIL jrV. LODGE, F. and A. M. meets every First and Thlr ’ 4 Frld& y » nights. AH visiting brothers are Invited to attend J. E. SHEPPARD, W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretory. F. aud A. JL • AMERICUS LODGE F. & A. M., meets avery second and Fourth Friday night < \ a t g o’clock. 8. L. M’DANIEL, W M. 8, L. HAXMOND, Bee >. Dr. E E PARSONS DENTIST Office: Com mercial City Bank Building. Night Service: 7:30 to 9, ex cept Thursday. Jfi S] —u Gold Fish < Just received a beautiful lot I of medium size Gold Fish. Prices range from 15c to 30c. Fish Globes from 35c to $1.50. Planters Seed Co. 209 Forsyth St. Phone 502. ffi ~~ NOW IS THE TIME 1 TO HAYE YOUR HOUSE SCREENED | get busy | Phone 784 and let us call and make you an estimate | AMERICUS SCREEN & MEG. CG. j ■ .lll. ! . I Irm Il|IWr K —* I - —■ ■. INSIST ON Universal Heating Appliances BECAUSE: —They are the very best. —Your Grandmother used Universalware—which shows there is years of experience behind the manufacture of Universalware Appliances. —They are backed by a liberal guarantee. —You owe it to yourself to use none but the best. IRONS. TOASTERS. GRILLS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC CURLERS. PERCULATORS . COME SEE THEM Americus Lighting Company THE UNIVERSAL CAH I PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! We can make[imrr.ediate deliveries. ft k I II Touring Car $59€.50, Roadster $571.50 II RYLANDER’S I 1 Uli Phone 105 I^* l " -SgSEEggjgWilege. A 111 11 I ‘ MB ' ''■■ lllllll 1 ■ii.JJiw. PAGE SEVEN