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PAGE FOUR The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth DKYIS I JURE* FAINT RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY Lamar Street Americus 3. W. HARRIS. ARTISTIC Picture Framing FOR HOME-FOR OFFICE All of the Current WEEKLY and MONTHLY MAGAZINES Hightower’s Book Store Modern Office Equipment. Phone 246. There uiort ’..'atarrn In this section of the country "han '.!! other diseases put together, and for /ears it wi 3 sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall’s Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hail’s Family Pills tor constipation. ■ The Standard Beautiful White Skirts at $1.98. Os fine White Pique, Gabardine and fancy Striped Pique, all waist meas ures and lengths; value $3 to $3.50, now $1.98. Silk Poplin Skirts at $3.98. Black, Navy, Gray and Purple, of pure silg poplins, made and trimmed in the newest styles; all waist meas ures and lengths; values up to $6.50. Now, choice $3.98. 25c White Lawns at 15c. Fne sheer white lawns, 30 inches wide. Free from dressing. Sheer and pretty. Values up to 25c. Now yd.. 15c $1.50 Organdy Waists at SI.OO Fine sheer, beautiful Waists trim med with fine Swiss Embroidery and Vai Laces; sizes 38 to 44; value $1.50. Our price sl. Ladies’ White Handkerchiefs at 3c. Plain -white Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, full regular size; value sc. Our price now 3c. Fine Smooth Sea Island at 10c. Five thousand yards to be sold at this price; fine, smooth finish, fair weight; selling in good stores now at 15c. Our price, yard 10c. Ready-Made Sheets at $1.63. Made by the Pepperel mills, abso lutely free from dressing; full regular size and bleached snow white; value $1.98. Our price now $1.63. Fruit Loom and Lonsdale Bleaclilng at 25c. We believe that this Bleaching will sell for 40c yard before Xmas, cotton goods are going up again by leaps and bounds. While our present stock lasts we -will sell the above standard brands at yard 25c. Matting Squares at $2.98. Size 6x9 feet, in over twenty pretty patterns. Our regular low price on these has been $3.50. While the lot lasts now $2.98. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ForsjUi St. Next to Bank of Commerce Americus, Ga. Mere Mention About the City New shipment SHEET MUSIC. Bell The Jeweler. 25-ts The Ladies’ Prayer Band of the Presbyterian church will meet Monday afternoon at the church at 5 o’clock. All ladies please be present. Call your grocer for Chero Cola. sc. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brownlee, of Al bany, were in the city visiting friends yesterday. Call you.’ grocer for Chero Cola. sc. 9-ts J. C. Parrott, was a visitor in the city yesterday on a business mission. See Hale Hamilton in "After His Own Heart” at the Strand Monday. 25-lt Seeven-I’assenger Studebaker, in good condition. Hooks Motor Co. 25-lt Dr. Thornton’s Easy-Teether has cured other children of- stomach and bodele diseases. It will not cost any thing if it does not cure yours. Try it. Sold at Murray’s Pharmacy. Mrs. Harriet Hill, of Smithville, was in Americus shopping yesterday. Bargains in USED CARS -all kind*. Hooks Motor Co. 25-lt Dr. H. B. Allen has gone to Macon today on professional business. Ask for Chero Cola at founts. There’s none so good. 9-ts Mr. and Mrs. Lucius McCleskey, Miss Sarah Tower, Robert Hawkins and Walter Page have gone to Douglas for a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Vibbert. Call your grocer for Chero Cola. sc. ■ 9-ts Lieutenant and Mrs. Armstiong let. Saturday for a vsit to their home in Shelby, Ohio. They will be gone about three weeks. Dr. Thornton*'’ Easy-Teether is not a “cure-all.” but a scientific reme dy for children. Sold at Murray’s Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Webb, of Sumter,! were in the city Saturday. See Hale Hamilton in “After His Own Heart” at the Strand Monday. 25-lt Three good FORDS; thoroughly ov erhauled and in good condition. Bar gains. Hooks Motor Co. 25-lt One Maxwell at a bargain. Thor oughly overhauled.' Hooks Motor Co. 25-lt Charles Lanier is spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanier, coming from the University of Georgia. Dr. Thornton’s Easy-Teether is a scientific preparation, which assists nature to perform properly the normal functions of the important organs of the body. For sale at Murray’s Phar macy. . Lieut. John W. Wheatley, of Amer icus, who has been serving overseas during several months, reached New port News Friday and it is expected he will be discharged and return home at an early date. Ask for Chero Coia at founts. There's none so good. 9-ts Mrs. G. W r . C annon has returned home after a few days visit to rela tives in Richland. BARGAIN. ‘•49o’’ Chevrolet. See Hooks Motor Co. 25-lt ALCAZAR THEATRE MONDAY Artcraft Pictures presents Wonderful WILLIAM S. HART IN ? ts "BREED OF MEN" A ? ts Story deals with the fortunes of a brave resourceful Arizona Cowboy who wins love through a series of highly dramatic events. ADMISSION 10c AND 20c TUESDAY WEDNESDAY World Pictures Presents Triangle Pictures Presents KITTY GORDON OLIVE THOMAS in • in "Unveiling Hand” "Love’s Prisoner” 5 Acts 5 Acts and and Drew Comedy Topics of the Day “Once a Mason” NATIONAL Cash Register; three drawer style; in good condition; for sale cheap. Apply to G. T. Cunning ham. Phone 21.7 22-10 t Mid-Summer Hats are now ready for the "sweet girl graduate.” Miss Elea nor Tillman’s Millinery Store. 21-ts In a party at the Tea Room yester day afternoon, motoring over from Montezuma to Souther Field were Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKenzie, Miss Eliz abeth Lewis, Mrs. L. S. Apperson, Mrs. Virgil Brown. Mrs. Charles Lewis, of Macon, and Mrs. Lawrence McKen zie. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Morgan have re turned from Vienna, where they at tended the funeral of Mrs. O. P. ! Swearingen. Joseph Perkins, , secretary of the chamber of commerce, left Saturday for Macon and Atlanta on a trip of several days. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday he will attend the conven tion of the Georgia Commercial Sec retaries association in Atlanta at which he is scheduled to ajjear on the program. The city firemen drew lots Satur day to determine the order in which they will take their 10 days vacation, which is given them every year on full pay. Assistant Chief Murray Dunn was the winner of the first period off and will leave next Wednesday with V. R. Gaines, for Ft. St. Joe, Fla, for a fishing trip. Miss Tehone Webb, who Is a student in the Art department at Brenau, will remain on account of her work in that department, until after the completion of the commencement exercises. The first airplane in the mail service of this section of country, flying from Atlanta to Macon, carrying five hun dred letters bore a letter to an Ameri cus young lady residing on Church street. Miss Lila Webb who has been at tending school at Brenau is expected home today to spend the summer. Alcazar SIRAND Tb ea tr e THEATRE ADMISSION 10c and 20c. ADMISSION 10c and 20c. MONDAY MONDAY ARTCRAFT PICTURE i Thos. H. Ince Presents METRO PICTURES rr Z j , i Presents WII I JAMS HART Wonderful WILLIAM S. HART HALE HAMILTON —IN— _tm— act^ EN ” AFTER HIS OWN HEART Don’t See This. ACTS Don’t Miss It. TUESDAY WORLD PICTURES TUESDAY Presents MUTUAL PICTURES Charming ; Presents KITTY GORDON WILLIAM DESMOND -IN- I -in- HAND” “MINT OF HELL” FIVE ACTS, AND ! FIVE ACTS “TOPICS OF THE DAY” c .. an % , Be Sure To See This. ounshine Comedy “TIGHT SQUEEZE” WEDNESDAY Don’t Fail To See These. TRIANGLE PICTURES J >reß 7; s , WEDNESDAY beautiful goldwyn pictures OLIVE THOMAS Presents — IN ~ Attractive “LOVE’S PRISONER” MAE MARSH FIVE acts and —in— Drew Comedy “RACING STRAIN” “ONCE A MASON” five acts Come and Take a Laugh. Be Sure To See This. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. JAP OFFICIALS | LIKE SAVAGES IN i KOREAN REVOLT PEKING.— (Correspondence of As sociated Press.)—Rev. Edward W., Thwing, oriental secretary of the In ternational Reform bureau, who was in Korea in March and personally wit. nessed some of the disturbances re sulting from the Korean independence movement, declares that the lower laapanese officials and soldiers have acted like lawless savages in dealing with this peculiar situation.” The movement in Korea is described by the Dev. Thwing, who formerly was an American missionary as “a peaceful resolt which should have been handled with the greatest of tact.” “In a remarkable manner,” he said to the Associated Press, “the Korean independence movement has- manifest ed skill, courage and organizaition that has been a great surprise to many. It has shown more than ever before how unreasonable without jus tice, cruel and brutal the military rule of Janpan is in this land. I could hardly believe these things if I had not seen them with my own eyes. “The police and soldiers have ar rested old men and little children and cruelly beat them. Little girls of only ten years of ag e women and school girls have been shamefully treated an and subjected to physical punishment and torture for no other crime than shouting with peaceful enthusiasm for ther own country and crying out for th e independence which Japan had guaranteed by solemn treaties. Jaaps Hiding Truth. “These things have been witnessed not by one or two but by Scores of missionaries and others in many parts of Korea during March. If the world could only know these things they would certainly heed this cry of dis tress from an oppressed people. But the Japanese are doing all they can to keep the world from knowing the truth. A report- has just come that in one city, from which letters have been sent, they ar e making it very hard for the missionaries, eve r hinting at deportation unless they stop telling Hale Hamilton at J Strand Monday j \ > KttiK 7 ' llv' - i .<• - W :; " r- u c,...W w • -aw •*%. *' .mF lb.- : > <> , V"' HALE HAMILTON In “After His Own Heart,” which will Ite Shown at the Strand Theater Mon day. out the truth. “The following are some of the things that I have actually seen with my own eyes: “Small school boys knocked down and cruelly beaten by Japanese sol diers. This was not a question of ar resting them, but savage unjustifiable barbarism. “Soldiers stop and deliberately fire into a crowd composed only of girls and women wh o were simply shouting ‘Mansei.” “A small boy of ten years shot thru the back. An unressting old man of 85 years, pounded kicked and beaten by sev eral Japanese soldiers until he could not walk. “A crowd of about twenty school girls who wer p quietly walking along the public road, not even shouting, chased by soldiers, beaten with guns, knocked down and so shamefully trea ted that it made one’s blood boil. ’’Japanese firemen chasing boys and girls with long iron hooks trying to catch them with them. “A Korean in a hospital paralyized with his head crushed in with one of these hooks. Revolting Scenes. “A man dying shot through the back. “One hundred men with torn and «&t & $ W'-< wfr Vett* Indeitractible Isolator i Ve«?a [mpragßoted Woodrn Mata This apparently simple device adds '’•!>*?>' ?,, 'Xi-hi Wj’’ In this exclusive Vesta u.-h.u e.he cn extra life to every Vesta Storage MMMwSw'T.'-.' ' ',;■. ' / '•': k■-aisisJ woodentnatnare chemicallytrc-.f. Battery. Let us explain fully the i{i..’; •;<■..-< ecl - absolutely preventing 'f.,.. very important part it plays in the >”£■” it also doubles the life of Vesta. Writetoday. toematS - 2>- <■ • ;; i MTMi j • <=■%/J fe iIWiK« ) <jf < w WfinrWi W / * Wil IMWMMMMMMMjfii Among the various oa^es storage ‘batteries there is only / WWwi^wW j one radically different INDESFRUCTIBLE ISOLATOR and SUpeHCr tO tllC reSt. IMPREGNATED Wooden mats The one exceptional battery is the Vesta. The vitals of the Vesta are dif ferent:. Three exclusive improvements give it double life. The Vesta Indestructible Isolators positively lock the plates apart and prevent this form of short circuits. The Vesta Impregnated Wooden Mats eliminate "treeing”—another cause of short circuits. The use of Titanium, a rare mineral, enters into the lead plates, hardening them and adding vastly to the efficiency of the battery. It also precipitates mineralsand impurities in solution. These exclusive, patented features in the vitals of tire Vesta make this wonder ful battery last twice as long. This is a positive proved fact; yet the Vesta costs no more than ordinary batteries. Ask any Vesta Service Station man to explain Vesta superiority. AMERICUS BATTERY CO., Asa Pittman, Manager. 118 Jackson St. Americus, Ga. Phone 10. FREE DISTILLED WATER FREE AIR bloody clothes, tied together With ropes taken to jail. "Two Koreans so injured that they could not walk tied down on a spring less cart and brought to jail. “Men standing by having no connec tion with the demonstration and yet knocked about and attacked by sol diers who will attack anyon e without regard to what they are doing. “An American missionary roughly arrested while standing in his own yard and looking on but doing noth ing else. “Women knocked down with guns and kicked into the ditch. “These and many other things I hav p seen with my own eyes. Other foreigners have seen the same and worse. One can little imagine the reign of terror in all parts of this land, at the very time when the Japanese peace delegates are talking of ‘humanity and justice and equality of races.' They don’t know the meaning of these words. And the punishments and tor tures at the police stations and jails make a still more awful story. I have seen men who were beaten between wooden crosses by the Japanese. “And why is all this cruel punish ment given? Not for rioting, or for resisting arrest: 1 have not seen one case of this; not for carrying dan gerous waepons, they hav e none; but just for shouting out the desire of their hearts for the independence of their country. The Rev. Edward W. Thwing is a native of Boston, Mass., and became a Presbyterian missionary t 0 China in Cigars and Cigarettes • There’s as much in the care of cigars and cigarettes as the brand. Any old dry cigar or package of cigar ettes never SATISFIES. To meet your demands we carry a complete line. For Instance 13c, two for 25c. EL ROITAN CORTEZ PORTINA ANTONIO AND CLEOPATRA CUESTA REY LA PREFERENCIA 10c Straight .MR. RAE—LEGION OF HONOR—GARCIA GRANDE.. CUESTA REY—ANTONIO AND CLEOPATRA 7c Three for 20c. STACHELBERG—TAMPA NUGGET—HAVANA TUSKS—KEY WEST TIPS 6c Each. LA NORMA—REX ROY—FRANKLIN C. & R., 4 for 25c. You’ll find just the brand that satisfied—and in proper condition. AMERICUS DRUG COMPANY Phones 75 and 121 SUNDAY, MAY 25. 191</ 1892. He was legislative agent of the International reform bureau at the World Conference of Nations on Opium in China in 1909, and speaks and reads th p Japanese and Chinese languages. He has been active in organizing an ti-opium societies in China at the re quest of the president of the Chinese republic. His headquarters have been at Peking. If an Americus firm can supply your wants, why buy out of town. The money that stays in Americus and “works” is what makes our city pro gress. Southern Printers. Drop in and see if we have what you want. Call your grocer for Chero Cola. sc. 9-ts Mending Knives and Forks. To mend a knife or steel fork which Bas come out of the handle, fill the hole with finely powdered resin and hold the rough end of the knife or fork in the fire until it becomes hot. Insert it in the powdered resin and hold it straight until firmly fixed. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Aak your Drugrrlst for ZA <Tk Ckl-che«-ter • Diamond AdZyOSSL PHU in Red and Gold meullicWz boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. V/ IM Take no other. Buy of your V I / ~ nr AskforCllM'inCN.TESfll I C Jg DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for M ff years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEgf Handy tubes and jars of office paste —always-ready. Southern Printers.