Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. Here is where you save I Americus’ Greatest Sale m A Sale You Will Like “7 Churchwell’s II KO Churchwell’s SATURDAY, MM 31ST Ninety-Five Cents Sale |1 QL Nine" f7v" Cents Sale S.yds. of pretty 35c quality A Sa ,™ 1 g „2?, P °f.‘™ it <. Lasts 9 Days - voiles and panted Basons NIKETY-FIVE DIFFERENT LOTS 95c ARTICLES for Buy as Many Items of Each Lot as Yon Wish ftfn A grouping of many good things. A get-together of great bargains, specially ar- A/alt. ranged for a special occasion. Many of these items are 1-2 price and less. Come you are invited, for this is going to be the time to buy. Shopping will be made easy—save 5 times 35c is $1.75. See what you cash join the happy crowds. A Sale Un-U-Usual. save on the above special 95c value. ...., ’ M — lß ,|, I , l n KARO RRAZIFRS Special lot of $1.25 Mens’ f|E B qUidity ’ co ' or€ d bordered i ,ap- I Beautiful lot of mens 75c silk ties, SCRIM I an only and a regular 35c Yd KABO B..AZIERS Union Suits to close out at Mhp | eries ln whlte and ecrue wish QF | take two of them during this AC 25 duality white & ecrue Curtain g nt . r One lot of Kabo Braziers in [link and QRa g Union Suits to close out at Uuu g floral border, on sale Yds JjQ I sa le for JUL I Scrim on sale, special at nr g vT- n °"’ " OR" I white to close out, special, each for _. JUb —— s Yds for JUb I ' h ° r 3Ub ■MKawiTMiiii—iiiii mllll^■—mi i i hb— ■ <IBzwaMBBBBBBBnnnBMBBBMMaBBMMMNaMM ——DRESSEs' STRAW HATS AT 95c UTILITY STANDS 2 SUITS MEN S U WEAR 95c C. M. C. THREAD f HUCK TOWELING Special lot Os $1 25 quality children’s Gin- Big 10t of bOyS ’ nlce 6traw HatS ’ An unusual piece of furniture, makes b,g lot of 100 " uds of Highly mercerized C. M. C. Thread 2 5c quality 18 inch Huck Toweling ham Dresses in plaids and str nes on nr wortb UP t 0 s2 °° t 0 cl ° se OR" a good magazine stand ' worlh GRn Gnderw s ear ’ ™ h 100 eacb suit >" a » auaranteed colors that q Ka in whlte and white wth redi ml I ecial ’neb ’ j3C ° Ut at eaCh ? 2 60 ’ on sale each at Nb f"" 116 ° Ut OR" Se " B regular at 15c Bal1 ’ B ™b stripe, 5 Yds for . Rfib JUb | balls for g "" wwv I 6 YDS. NAINSOOK 95c PALM BEACH HATS LADIES’ & MEN’S PARASOLS MEN’S SUITS FOR 95c STRIPE VOILES & FLAXONS COLORED COTTON CREPE b sds fine, Soft sheer 19c quality Nain- JJfvn 1 d * ld ‘ I J Q|^ A Good quality Ladies or Men's One-half dozen men’s imitation A sure nuff value in pretty Voils 50c quality Cotton Underwear Crepe SOOk, during this sale for JUb Hats, worth 75c, to close oik JUb Parasols, worth $1.25, on sale Palm Beach suits to close QU A and Printed Flaxons, worth QU * n P>nk, blue and white, 2la QU A «■■■“■■mmmimmmm■■—— “ f<>l ‘ at Jdb out eac h for JUb 35c Yd., on sale, 5 Yds for JUb ds for JUb INDIAN HEAD —> » .MB.— mm-bm-—m_m___ - Good heavy 50c quality Indian Head SUN HATS FRENCH GINGHAMS $1.25 SHIRTS FOR 95c FILCH LACES STRIPE TUB SILKS during this sale, 3 Yds for JUb Mens’ and Boys, good quality QF A big new lot of French Ginghams 1% to g inches wWe the mogt 29<j & Sun Hats, on sale, 3 for JUb 1 P “ or without collar, on sale fir able lace you can buy, worth 10c good range of patterns, on sale nr MEN’S SILK TIES had tins season, worth 59c QP QKa Yd ., but will sen during this Q r at 5 Yds for§3C Special good assortment of men’s 50c QU rt ,J - regulai, on sale . Ads for JJb - sale, 12 Yds for JJb quality Neck Ties, during this sale, 3 OJb TWO CAPS FOR 95c MEN’S UNDERWEAR SILK AND COTTON CREPE riNrHAM FrrrrT F qnKq PLAID SUITING tor .• Big lot of men’s and boys’ Caps, Mens’ good quality Underwear in Beautiful 59c quality silk and cotton m unnni mtLUI r. atLita worth 75c to close out two f|C - separate garments worth S’oo ner Crepe, in ail colors suitable nr 36 inches wide in a large assort- 69c Ad. quality new plaid Suits in MEN’S BELTS 95C Z » .t e. Or . >« 2 va. §SC T” “-’I 25 ‘ri “S?” OK. Unn f or per Yd., but far a few days nr mg this sale, 2 Yds for JUb Good /5c \alne mens leather Belts in o^ n black only, 2 for JUb MEN'S KHAKI OVERALLS STT K pnpim m Rpip „ PT nrpu - Special lot men’s good quality khaki PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS * FUPLL WHITE SATINE jn 25 vh r/ « ni 72 INCH TABLE DAMASK Specia lot men s good qualit. khakj $1.25 quality Silk Poplin in popular t H-25 Yd. quality Sea Beach Cloth $1 xnialitv highly mercerized Table Da- SIZeS '° D flßf Tw ° PairS ° f beSt QUa ’ lty OR" shades, full 36 inches wide nr t 27 incbea med ’ um 7 eiEbt J x ‘ Suits in white with navy X ok. 22ZZLLL—_ s “ pe,,aer ' su ‘' 22222 1 — Ssc . ™X" 95c “ ;’T• uarl " g “ 95 c sale, 1 Id. for 1. JUb i i- wvv e YDS BED TICK 95c 6 YDS. APRON GINGHAMS BUDDY CLOTH EMBROIDERY BATH TOWEL PILLOW CASES $ 1,25 duality 36 inch Buddy Cloth Extra large size embroidered Bath g SWAN LAKE SKIRTING ■ xr 1 rn 6 Yds. of Jack Rabbit Bed Qj; 6 Yds best grade 25c quality Apron for skirts its all the new effects Towels in pink blue lavender nr 36 inches wide, stripes, blue-black Made Os the best quality material in QKp Tick, worth 25c yd. for only JUb Ginghams, in blue, brown QU n on sale, special now at per nr and vellow ’ ™ lar ‘ sl , 5 and plnk ’ sells regular at 50c full sizes, on sale per pair JUb and black checks for JUb Yd. JUb values’on sale e!mhl at UU ” Yd -’ during thls sale ’ 3 Yds for Wb 1- LINEN TOWELING TW r 0 BOYS U. SUITS 95c 36 INCH PERCALS FANCY BORDER TOWELS PRINTED VOILS & MUSLIN SHEER WHITE LAWN ternTsold remilar at 00c Yd saW 'fit Big lot boys’ Union Suits, worth Best grade 36 inch Percals, regular A pair of beautiful quality fancy Beautiful assortment of Printed Fine quality smoothe and sheer, a .. JUb 65c each, on sale, special two. Q Crt 35c quality in large assort- QP Bordered Towels, worth 60c each V oils & Muslins in a goodvarie nr . big bargain and actually worth n E suits for JUb ment of patterns, 4 Yds for.. JUb full Slze ’ as ™ any pairS aS ORn ty of patterns, 7 Yds for ... JUb 25c Yd - 5 Yds for JUb MM—MM yOU WaDt fOrPr JUb MERCERIZED POPLIN ■ ■ 59c Yd. highly mercerized Poplin, in all ORn 8 PRS. LADIES’HOSE 95c PLAID AND STRIPE SKIRT- 25 YDS LACE FOR 95c CROCHET COTTON SEWING THREAD Colors, on sale, special, 2 Yds for JUb Ladies’ 20c quality Hose in white, QC . , IN , GS , , This is an extra good value, Torch- 2 1 spools of Elgin Maid Crochet 20 qnnnls T p f 36 inches wide in black .brown, navy nrn Vais and Round Thread laces spools J. &P. Coats sewing Black a.,! T.v, »n qr dXXsX 25 „r or 2! paper, a! SaWy Thread, wk,te or Mack. aU O C. MEN’S SILK SOX s pre. tor.. JJL 2 va , f „ _ MjC ««ld e Wla r .1 5e Id. 25 gr p las . yo »r choice !or ... a dl( nTObe „ “jg 3 pairs, men's good quality black and OKn - brown Silk Sox for JUb 1 DOZ HANDKERCHIEFS 95c LARGE MIDDIE TIES MEN S HANDKERCHEIFS LADIES’LISLE HOSE CHILDREN’S ROMPERS aBMBMBBMnBBBBMMBMMMBBBBBBBBMBMCTCBMBMMBM SpCClal lot Childrens’ ROmpCI’S In KNOX-KNIT SOX R€ dozen nice wb ite, soft Hand- Extra large, quality Middie One Dozen good quality Three pairs of 40c value Ladies Lisle good patterns and worth up to SLS«O 3 pairs Os men’s well known Knox-Knit OR kerchiefs for ladies, a regular QU a Ties in all colors while they Handkerchiefs, during thisJjjC Hose, in black and white Q£ n - take your choice of the lot nr Sox in all colors for JUb 10c value ’ ° n sale ’ 1 dOZ ' f r at JUb sale for for ilJb during this sale for JjQ MEN’S WORK SHIRTS 6 YDS. HEAVY SHEETING 95c CHILDREN MIDDY BLOUSES WASH TIES LADIES MUSLIN GOWNS BOYS’ BLOUSES Men’s good heavy quality blue work _QK a . , v , One lot children's Middies, sizes up Special lot of $1.25 Ladies’ Muslin Bovs’Riouses of ?oo<l heaw rhevint Shirts, in all sizes, each UUb ys ' eSt ga p e ~'.’ C QUa lty t 0 18 ’ WOrtb °” to ' day ’ S market 65c ‘ Four good 50c qualitY men8 ’ QRn Gowns, to close out during Qr solid colors and stripes on sale nr yd ' Wlde bheeting fOr to close out during this QU A and boys’ Wash Ties for .... JUb thissale at JUb special ai .. CANVASS MARY JANE PUMPS mmm__mm_ sale - 3 for .... JUb Pumps ’’sLw JUb SOFT LONG CLOTH 10 PRS. CAMBRIC DRAWERS SOFT COLLARS W. MUSLIN PETTICOATS LADIES’ MIDDIE BLOUSES non mir nnlv ” r- ■ Glory Long Cloth, free nr Good 15e quality children s ( ambric Made of fine quality Muslin and well Big lot ladies’ Middie Blouses, white starch and very soft, 5 yds for JUb DraWer8 ’ during this sale 10 QRn sl ' 2s ' °" 0K « with red and blue ‘At for Jdb ln good styles for JUb at JUb close out at M Sq TWO PAIRS BOYS’ PANTS 95c i < ■ ■■■ —mmmm—mmm—m 75c quality boys’wash Pants, during RR n 42 INCH PILLOW TUBING DEMITY CHECKS WHITE VOILE 5 LADIES’VESTS 95c CURTAIN DRAPERIES Good heavy duality Pillow Tubing Fine smoothe 25c quality small and 27 inch white splash Voile, worth 25c quality Vests, cumfy cut, style In a good range of patterns, worth IVAQW QViRTa rnn oKa 42 inches wide, special, 2 QU medium size Demity Check fir. 15c yd, but during this sale we QU A in best grade yarns, five QC A up to 65c per Yd., on sale nu„ WASH SKIRTS FOR 95C yds for ...i JJ b during this sale 5 Yds for ... JUC will sell 10 yds for JUb for JJ b now 2 Yls. for S3C One big lot of ladies White wash Skirts in ' __—mmmmm— assorted good materials, worth up to OC_ ' mmmmmm—mm dress ginghaivts $3.50, each, your choice of the lot for. .JUb ART LINEN SATIN STRIPE VOILE 40 INCH WHITE VOILE LADIES’GLOVES x,.,,, .. rtil t * anilJ]T Heavy brow “ Art Linen > 22 inches 59c quality wide and narrow Satin About L OOO Yds - of fine duality 40 $1.25 quality Ladies’cloth Gloves, in nXsl Gthams'in plaids wlrth 35c CHILDREN'S SLIP OVERS wide for table runners, on QU A stripe Voile, during this sale QU» inch white Voile that sold at QU A black, white and brown and QU A Yd our price during this sale nr One lot Os Children’s slip overs, fine for the sale, special at Yd. JJ b 2 Yds for JUb 29c Yd. togoat 4 Yds f0r.... JUb grey, on sale, special at JUb 4 Yds for .... JUb children to play in and worth 50c fIR A -mmm—m——mm—m—m. _____m«—mmmmm—■> “-mmmmmm——mmhh—m—- I^— mmm—m m—m—mm—mm—mmmm— each on sale now, 3 pairs for JUb c;ttk 40 INCH BATISTE 9 pp wu AVT nvr D *tt cm, SOFT BLEACHING SILK SHIRTINGS 5 YDS. PAJAMA CKS. 95c — lll 2 PR- KHAKI OVERALLS 95c 36 inches wJde> soft quality 5 YDS. LINENE FOR 95c Highly mercerized 40 inch Batiste Bleaching, free from starch QU n 5 ° C Yd Quality ’ full 36 inches wlde 25c quality good heavy grade Paja- I No. 1000 white Linene. worth 25c per OF, o in white and pink, during this QU A Two Prs. good quality boys’ Q|; a - and a regular 25c value, 5 JUb Silk Shirtings, in a good range QU a ma Checks, during this sale QE I Yd. regular, during this sale, 5 Yds for. JUb sale 2 Yds f°-'’ JUb khaki Overalls, sizes Bto 15, JUb Yds for °f colors, 3 Yds for JUb 5 Yds for JJb I-*" mi, I 2 LINEN FINISH CHAMBRY NINETY-FIVE DIFFERENT LOTS OF 95c ITEMS KILLENERY SUITING BUY AS MANY AS YOU WISH | Read Carefully Every One of These 95c Articles. There are Many Wonderful Values Mixed All Through this Ad. Come and see AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. PAGE THREE