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THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919. BOMBER TO TRY TRANS-U.S. TRIP ACROSSROCKIES WASHINGTON, June s.—Plans for a trans-continental flight directed by the Operations Division of the Army air service have been completed. The start will be made from New York City in a U. S. Martin Bomber, within the next few days. The finish will be at San Francisco. The total distance is computed as 2,750 miles, which it is intended will be covered in two suc cessive days. The first and only stop contemplated will be at North Platte, Nebraska, giving a first leg of 1,502 miles and a Inal leg from North Platte of 1,248 miles. The pilots will be Captain Roy N. Francis, air service, and First Lieu tenant Edmund A. Clune, air service, who will be assisted by two or three mechanics. The condition of the territory passed over will be tabulated from the stand point of good and bad terrain for ae rial routes, and valuable information as to meteorological conditions will be gained. The reliability of the Lib erty motors will be tested. The U. S. Martin bomber will be ■ ■ CHURCH WELL’S-95C SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT. LOOK FOR THE STAR 95C VALUES IN THIS AD—CHURCH WELL’S | I ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF THE BIG 95c SALE II 'HRIMIM iMMWIIIIIIMMiHII"h AIii 1 1RIM—'I I'll I I But we are going to make the last two days of this remarkable event the I most interesting of all. We have arranged five special Star 95c values I I for Friday and Saturday; each of these five special values are marked I with a Star in this ad. Look for the and see what is offered. I 115 YARDS FILET LACES 95C I TWO MEN’S WORK SHIRTS MEN’S STRAW HATS 95C FOUR BOYS’ UNION SUITS 5 YARDS VOILE FOR 95C ’ I I ★ ' I FOR 95C A FOR 95C A I I 15 yards of regular 10c quality Filet Special lot men's StrUW ★ I laces, two to three inches wide, pretty hat 4; Worth im tn 00 Big * ot oys ’ P orus ’knit union suits 5 yards of 36-inch real 29c quality designsand very fine for trimming Two SI.OO men’s blue chambrey full ' , that sold regular at 50c garment, to white voile on sale two days, 5 yards I I under-garments. 15 yards for work shirts for tO ClObC Obit at CclCil close out 4 suits for for 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c m ? • ! ’<X yg I NINETY-FIVE DIFFERENT ARTICLES ON SALE AT 95C.-BUY AS MANY AS YOU WISH.-ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF THIS SALE. I INDIAN HEAD 6 YDS. APRON GINGHAMS SEA PEACH CLOTH SWAN LAKE SKIRTING DEMITY CHECKS WHITE SATINE Good heavy 50c quality Indian Head 6 Yds best grade 25c quality Apron $1.25 Yd. quality Sea Beach Cloth 36 inches wide, stripes, blue-black Fine emoothe 25c quality small and Jnc * les Wlde met Hum weight ex- during tllis sale, 3 Yds fol* 3JU Ginghams, in blue, brown for Bathing Suits in white with navy and pink, sells regular at 50c medium size Demity Check nr li.i.ji,- <in<l pe.ti ■■MraMMMMamMMMRMMMMKMMnMMMaiKsaKMBaRWMwmKMMamuaB and black checks for JJU anf l green stripes, udring this during this sale, 3 Ads for 3JU during this sale 5 Yds for J JU coats » at sa -» ? ”Yds for JJU 72 INCH TABLE DAMASK f sale, at per Yd 3dC ' $1.20 quality highly mercerized lable Ua- PLAID AND STRIPE SKIRT- 1,1,1 PRINTED VOILS & MUSLIN SATIN STRIPE VOILE Three pairs of 40c value Ladies Lisle mas k in beautlllil designs, during this CP INGS BOYS’ BLOUSES Beautiful assortment' of Printed - qp „ . n ..,„ CH Hose, in black and white Qre sale, 1 Yd. for wVl* 36 inches wide in black .brown, naw „ , . Vniis v Vmllnrtna mmlvrirw nr <iua •' ' 1,4 and narrow Satin Uhn I . . and green strines and nlaids nr Boys Blouses of good heavy cheviot Veils & Muslins m a good vane fl stripe Voile, during this sale fl r I and green stnpes and pai fl£ solid colors and stripes on sale fl r ty of patterns, 7 Yds for ... OJb 2 Yds for HdL _ MEKCBRiZED POPLIN ™ 35C LAMBS MUSL.N GOWNS I I §sc ' COLORED COTTON CttEPE FANCY BORDER TOWELS ? ee,a. «. 25 M„„n I SOFT BLEACHING 50c quality Cotton Underwear Crepe Gowns, to close out during vnq j t Tvvu'r ffin a r sl-25 quality 36 inch Buddy Cloth Full 36 inches wide, soft quality in pink, blue and white, flr pair of beautiful quality fancy thissale at Udb 5 YDS. LINENE LOR 9uC for R kj r t s ; n a n the new effects Bleaching, free from starch Yds for iJJb Bordered Towels, worth 60c each »—i mmm■ No. 1000 white Linene, worth 25c per on sale, special now at per and a regular 25c value, 5 „ full size > as nlan >’ P airs as GCn HUCK TOWELING id. regular, during this sale, o ds for. Yd. Yds for * QTtttnr r rTT , R ctt vc you want for Pr UtJb b IKlrh TUB SILKS 25c quality 18 inch Huck Toweling ■■■■■■! - mxuiaißß ■■mi ihki —MMmw.n-wnMiiw him— Mm, 29c quality Stripe Tub Silks, in a in white and white wth redi flr PILLOW CASES STRIPE VOILES & FLAXONS WHITE & ECRUE CURTAIN good range of patterns, on sale Made of the best quality material in A sure uuft value in P rett y Voils SCRIM at 5 Yds for jilU full sizes, 011 sale per pair iJv’j and Printed Flaxons, worth fJE- . mu —im Tllis ’? an extra good value, Torch- i ■ 35c i’d., on sale, 5 Yds for ... JUU 2 ' c quality white & ecrue Curtain SHEER WHITE LAWN orn ’ Va ' s and Round Thread laces INCH BEACH CLOTH LINEN FINISH CHAMBRY .T'”'.'!. SSC Fine quality smoothe and sheer, a sold regular at 5c Yd., 25 In tan only and a regular 35c Yd g 28 inches wide, extra nice qualify, regular $1.25 UNION SUITS 95c big bargain and actually worth fl' s 01 ’ v'tu'f 7 ’ D ° W ’ 5 35s grade, during this sale, 4 Yds ORn Special lot of $1.25 Mens’ 25c Yd., 5 Yds for Jdb " “ l "“ Gs ° r wuu for bJiJU Union Suits to close out at.. □Jb I GINGHAM EFFECT F. SILKS I I DRESS GINGHAMS | ■■■■■ I ■ ma— u—ammi —i——aiim m ■niiinmmimaßM 36 inches wide in a large assort- 36 INCH PERCALS Amoskt ag, Utility and Red Rose WHITE VOILE KILLENERY SUITING 6 YDS. HEAVY SHEETING 95c nent of colors, sells regular at $1.25 I Best grade 36 inch Percals, regular I Dress Ginghams in plaids worth 35c |27 inch white splash Voile, worth 1 w Full 36 inches wide aDd looks just like 6 yds. best garde 25c quality fl£ n per Yd., but far a few days 35c quality in large assort- Yd., our price during this sale fl 15c yd, but during this sale we fl Linen, in al] colors, 2 Yds for iJUb yd. wide Sheeting for . Odb y°a can buy all you want at JJb ment of patterns, 4 Yds for.. Jb 4 Yds for iJUIi will selllo Y ds for 9UV - - * 95c Sole- Churchwell’s Department Store —9sc Sole IIIIIIIIIIII lllimililtllirtmWMlMßnWlW 1 I equipped with twin Liberty twelve motors aggregating 800 horsepower. The route passes over 13 states in i nearly direct air line from New York to San Franpisco. It passes from New York over the northern part of New Jersey, central Pennsylvania, north ern Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, southern I lowa, central Nebraska, southern Wy oming, northern Utah, Nevada and California. The large cities en route are Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, Des Moines, Omaha, Cheyenne, Salt Lake and Sacramento. The southern end of | Lake Michigan is to be crossed, the Mississippi at Rock Island and Daven port, and the Missouri at Omaha. The i highest land elevation en route is about 8,000 feet crossing the Rocky , mountains of Wyoming. The last trans-continental flight made by the air service was that of Major Thos. C. McCauley, who doub led the southern continental route from San Diego California, to Jack sonville, Fla., between April 12 and 18, a distance of 4,642 miles in 2,655 minutes flying time. He made several stops en route. His eastern flight, with the benefit of the western wind was made in 19 hours and 15 minutes flying time. He used aDe Haviland Four plane with a Liberty motor. Best Government. The proper function of a government is to make it easy for people to dd good and difficult for them to do evil. —Gladstone. Requa Resigns as U. S. Oil Director WASHINGTON, June 5.—M. L. Re- I qua has resigned as general director of the oil division of the United States Fuel administration and is to become associated with the Sinclair petroleum interests. Dr. H. A. Garfield, United States Fuel administrator, in accept- I ing Mr. Requa’s resignation, said: “I appreciate that your work has now reached a stage at which it is : reasonable for you to ask, as you have done, that I accept your resig nation presented some months ago. “I do so with regret, and yet with pleasure, for while it marks the con clusion of our joint services in con nection with the fuel administration I am glad to believe that it is the beginning only of an acquaintance which I trust may extend usefully over many years. ‘ln accepting your resignation per mit me not only to express my appre ciation of the devotion and ability you have brought to the task and the achievements which are fairly yours but also to say what I know is in your own mind, that the administra : tion of the oil division owes much to i the hearty and efficient co-operation rendered by the National Petroleum War Service Committee •,organized as AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. I a result of your activities in the of- I fice. [• “In your new association with the j Sinclair petroleum interests I hope I you will find time to continue your I advocacy of the necessity for co-op eration in the petroleum industry be tween capital and labor and the gov ernment along the lines frequently discussed by us. With warmest re i gards and best wishes, I remain, Sin- I cerely yours, H. A. Garfield, United States Fuel Administrator.” Mr. Requa is a mining enginerr of wide experience, is a consulting engi neer to the Bureau of Mines and petro i leum, is a vice-president of the Am erican Institute of Mining and Metal- ■ lurgical Engineers and was chairman of the Valuation committee of the I Independent Oil Producers’ Agency of California. Without Hindrance. The real democratic American idea Ils, not that every man shall be on a level with every other, but that every- I one shall have liberty, without hind rance, to be what God made him.— I Beecher. 'THE WAR IS OVER But the soldiers and sailors will never stop talk ing about the comfort they got from the ADen*a Foot— Ease, the antiaeptlc powder to be shaken Into the shoes, which their sweethearts, mothers or sisters sent them. Until it is tried no one knows what a quick and wonderful relief Allen’s is to painful, aching, swollen, tender feet. Corns, Bunions and Callouses. It makes walking a delight. Sold everywhere. My Style Diary BY DOROTHY CLARK. I Y / I (I 1 ® kUv I I V I I ® yz\l LIEAVENS! What a terrible * Lhock I had when I entered my living room and saw the color of green that the walls had been painted. It was no w’here near the shade of the sample that they gave me. I ordered a soft grey green and this color is pea-greep. Mrs. Thomas stopped in to see whether she could be of any assit ance—the very last woman that I should choose to have seen those walls. Os course I tried to explain to her that they would have to be changed. She looked annoying ly smart, too, in a suit of beige color heavy linen, lined with red and white checked gingham. The collar and lapels in one, were also of gingham; the cuffs were band ed with it, the pockets lined, and the hem of the skirt bound with a fold of it. An extremely nar row belt of black patent leather added just the right touch to the costume. BfICKMESBIJVDERTkOUBLES, - Stops Bed Wetting, • Helps WeaW Kidneys. « PRICE sO<t A BOX " AMERICUS IIRITG CO. TERRIBLKWOLLEN Suffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.—Mrs. Kate Lee Able, at this place, writes: “My husband is aa engineer, and once while lifting, be ie> jured himself with a piece of heavy auk chinery, across the abdomen. Hewaa to sore he could not bear to press ea himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. He became constipated and it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with all their medicine, hit Dowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of castor oil, and drink it two or three days in succession. He did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suffered so. He was swol len terribly. He told me his suffering could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford’s Black- Draught. I made him take a big dose, and when it began to act he fainted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford’s Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day’s work. Try It I NC-131 PAGE THREE